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Edge #288 Hitman

via @edgeonline

Hitman [Angus Morrison]
A look at the Apple TV, Shield TV and Steam Link [Nathan Brown]
How the Whitehouse's reluctant video game tsar helped steer the government's policy on violence [Simon Parkin]
Collected Works: Gearbox Software [Ben Maxwell]
The making of... Until Dawn [Chris Schilling]
Studio Profile: Paradox [Angus Morrison]
Time Extend: Mirror's Edge [Nathan Ditum]

The Witness

Just Cause 3 [7] / PC
Fallout 4 [8]
Star Wars Battlefront [7]
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 [7] / PS4
Xenoblade Chronicles X [7] / Wii U
Game of Thrones: Season 1 [5] / PC
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns [8] / PC
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros [7] / 3DS
Persona 4: Dancing all Night [6] / Vita

#289 on sale January 14
subscription info / scores archive

do you like/care to know the authors for each article? would you prefer to know which version the game was tested on?
Not as impressed with X as they were with Xenoblade Chronicles (which netted a 9, IIRC) then? Be interested to see what they had to say.
I wonder is the digital edition going to be interactive or static (like last month)? I will probably try to cancel my subscription if future have cut cost by dropping interactive issues without warning.
Next month is Street Fighter V by the way
I wonder is the digital edition going to be interactive or static (like last month)? I will probably try to cancel my subscription if future have cut cost by dropping interactive issues without warning.
The subscription page only mentioned animated covers. I hope so too because it would make me way hesitant to keep my subscription if and when they axe print.
I wonder is the digital edition going to be interactive or static (like last month)? I will probably try to cancel my subscription if future have cut cost by dropping interactive issues without warning.

Really hope it's interactive as well - was a great way to read it, but the PDF style magazine isn't really large enough on my iPad Mini.


Witcher and Fallout getting the same score - lol. Yeah, things like this remind me why I never read this magazine.


Gold Member
Those covers are stylish as hell. Love how cool everything regarding the new Hitman looks, really excited for this game.


Witcher and Fallout getting the same score - lol. Yeah, things like this remind me why I never read this magazine.

Because their opinion of two games differs from yours. You're special.

Anyway, curious to see what their complaints were for Xenoblade Chronicles X. I'm really enjoying it myself. Also love the last few subscribers covers, shame subscribing here in Singapore would get me the magazines weeks late.
different people, different opinion?

Quite possibly, but as the original XC review was under the traditional Edge model and - despite the introduction of bylines on features - I believe all reviews are still presented without reviewer names, reviews have to be treated as "Edge's opinion".


Because their opinion of two games differs from yours. You're special.

Anyway, curious to see what their complaints were for Xenoblade Chronicles X. I'm really enjoying it myself. Also love the last few subscribers covers, shame subscribing here in Singapore would get me the magazines weeks late.

Of course it's my opinion. I'm not saying that they're wrong for having a different opinion, it's just our taste in games (and what's good about them) is very very differtent.


Of course it's my opinion. I'm not saying that they're wrong for having a different opinion, it's just our taste in games (and what's good about them) is very very differtent.

Yes that's fine, clearly my opinion on Xenoblade is different as well. But to flippantly dismiss a well-written review (presumably, because their reviews are usually among the best in the business) and a generally excellent magazine because their opinion differs is bordering on stupidity.
Those covers are stylish as hell. Love how cool everything regarding the new Hitman looks, really excited for this game.
The Hitman series always has this interesting art direction. It's sterile but not in a lazy manner. There is always a sense that it is grounded in photo realism. The lighting in particular really shines in some of the PC screenshots. Perhaps it is because there are so few well known Danish studios their decisions are more weighty but I really feel like there's a lot of Danish style in the Hitman series. Could be way off there?
What's wrong with Game of Thrones: Season 1?

The game actively shits on choices at every turn, and it feels like it is telling you what to do rather than guiding you in a direction. It is a wholly frustrating game. Compared to the likes of Tales from the Borderlands, Life is Strange, and Until Dawn it feels very messy. It is a lackluster effort compared to the license it uses, and feels more and more unexciting the longer it goes on. It loses any steam it had midway through Episode 2, and peters out comes the finale. Edge were kind with the score IMO.


Yes that's fine, clearly my opinion on Xenoblade is different as well. But to flippantly dismiss a well-written review (presumably, because their reviews are usually among the best in the business) and a generally excellent magazine because their opinion differs is bordering on stupidity.

Well it's your opinion that their reviews are well-written. It's not like I didn't read any of
them. I have and they didn't blow me away (in one case the review made me laugh... well that's something). And by the way they're usually the ones having a different opinion (and score) from most magazines and gaming sites. :)


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Those covers are stylish as hell. Love how cool everything regarding the new Hitman looks, really excited for this game.

Edge covers are usually stylish. If I was collecting mag covers, Edge would be the one.


The game actively shits on choices at every turn, and it feels like it is telling you what to do rather than guiding you in a direction. It is a wholly frustrating game. Compared to the likes of Tales from the Borderlands, Life is Strange, and Until Dawn it feels very messy. It is a lackluster effort compared to the license it uses, and feels more and more unexciting the longer it goes on. It loses any steam it had midway through Episode 2, and peters out comes the finale. Edge were kind with the score IMO.

This is a brilliant summary of everything wrong with Telltale's Game of Thrones. Totally agree.
The game actively shits on choices at every turn, and it feels like it is telling you what to do rather than guiding you in a direction. It is a wholly frustrating game. Compared to the likes of Tales from the Borderlands, Life is Strange, and Until Dawn it feels very messy. It is a lackluster effort compared to the license it uses, and feels more and more unexciting the longer it goes on. It loses any steam it had midway through Episode 2, and peters out comes the finale. Edge were kind with the score IMO.

Almost bought it yesterday while it was still on sale, glad I didn't.
The Hitman series always has this interesting art direction. It's sterile but not in a lazy manner. There is always a sense that it is grounded in photo realism. The lighting in particular really shines in some of the PC screenshots. Perhaps it is because there are so few well known Danish studios their decisions are more weighty but I really feel like there's a lot of Danish style in the Hitman series. Could be way off there?

No, I would agree with you here. The best examples of this kind of style in the series came from Contracts, although that was a much darker game than this one is looking to be.

It feels like Absolution wanted to copy Silent Assassin in plotting and Contracts in tone, where the new one looks to copy Contracts or Blood Money in plotting and Silent Assassin in tone.
It lives!!!

Great cover, I'm excited for Hitman again after a very long time.
Their last preview from.. PAX I think was like Jon Blow will tell you too much about the game if you let him. This preview is a little bit of an interview with Blow really. It concludes "to devle deeper into the island's construction or its puzzles would be to rob The Witness of the flow it seeks to harness. [...] its world can match the expectations built up over the past six-and-a-half years."

If Blow wants to continue making games that are good, and solve a problem I'm actually okay with him spending several years making a game. I think people might look at the Witness and learn a few obvious things because he has taken the time to do it so well.
I mean, the comments are right that they would have had to develop it in order for it to be a part of their collected works.

Kinda ballsy to remind people of their hand in DNF, though!

But they probably had as much involvement in Colonial Marines as they did in DNF? They certainly were developing A:CM initially before farming it out, while they did the multiplayer in its entirety. Whereas with DNF didn't they take what 3D Realms had been working on, finish off a few rough edges and polish it up?


I really can't wait for Hitman! It's going to be marvelous. A return to the freedom of Blood Money would make it the greatest.


Not as impressed with X as they were with Xenoblade Chronicles (which netted a 9, IIRC) then? Be interested to see what they had to say.

No one is impressed with X as they were with the first game or is there? the first game is on of the GOATs for me and I don't have the desire to finish X.
Is this about piloting drones with Playstation controllers?
No, it's about having representatives (Constance Steinkuehler, in 2011 was White House's first policy advisor for videogames, then followed by Mark DeLoura) for the medium who used to have to convince the White House after the Sandy Hook massacre that games "are not merely violent and misogynistic". Debating with Biden, Steinkuehler also has to convince the games industry leaders to be adult and offer solutions like Hollywood did rather than just deflect responsibility:


"I began by presenting research and facts. Then one of the VP's staffers stood up out of her chair, put her finger in my face and said: 'I don't care what the research says'. Then she launched into a tirade about her son's behaviour, essentially trying to advise on policy off a story about her 14-year-old."

Steinkuehler bristled ("I was like, game on,girl, game on"), since this response triggered memories of the typical irate parent who would show up at one of her public lectures and try to start an argument about what their child is or isn't doing because of videogames. "Their concerns are genuine and not to be dismissed," Steinkueler says, "but sometimes the parent can't even tell you what their child plays. Have you ever thought that just maybe you need to know about this stuff?"

The meeting devolved, as Steinkuehler puts it, into stereotypes and cliches about games that have no basis in fact. "So I started pushing back and said: 'I'm sorry, madam, but I don't care what your 14-year-old thins - I'm talking about research.' Someone else in the entoruage says: 'Well, we may not have found the relationship between games and violence yet, but we should keep funding research till we do.'" Steinkuehler was livid. "That's not how science works," she said. "You don't claim there's a relationship and study it till you find it."

The debate continued, and continued to escalate, until Biden, mindful of the members of the press who were waiting in the meeting room below ready to take pictures ahead of the summit, moved to end the conversation. Sensing that she had not yet won the argument, Steinkuehler looked at Biden and said: "My vice president, if you go into that room arguing that videogames cause gun violence, you will be on the wrong side of facts. Videogames are not a gun violence problem. But videogames do have a PR problem. The American people do not trust the game idnustry. I think that's where you can get some play: ask them to do some things that will be good for their image as well as good for the country from which they make $25 billion a year."

"I think that stuck with him," Steinkuehler says today, "because it moved the conversation away from sweeping statements and stereotypes, and back into the realm of negotiation."

Downstairs, after CNN and the others had taken their photographs and left, Biden stood to address the room, whose attendees included then-attorney general Eric Holder, former EA CEO John Riccitiello, and Michael Gallagher, chief of the Entertainment Software Association, which represents companies such as EA. He began by saying: "I am familiar enough with the research that I don't believe that videogames cause violence." Steinkuehler recalls hearing an audible sigh of relief from the other attendees. Biden continued, "But you do have a PR problem." It was Steinkuehler's turn to feel relieved.

The feeling was short-lived. After his introduction, Biden allowed each person seated at the table a few minutes to present their thoughts on Sandy Hook, and to propose a response. "For the remaining 2-and-a-half hours, nearly every CEO spoke solely about how videogames are an art form that is protected as free speech by the Supreme Court," Steinkuehler recalls. "They went on and on about how they have no responsibility in this situation whatsoever. Nobody offered any solutions - even those that I'd discussed [with individuals] beforehand. I was disgusted. In that moment, I felt like the industry and its leaders are incredibly immature. They didn't seem to understand that, if you want to remain a multibillion-dollar industry and avoid sanctions that force you to be responsible, you must self-regulate."

The point was made especially clear given what had happened the day before, when Biden had met with representatives from the film industry. Hollywood had also pleaded its innocence, but in stark contrast to the videogame industry had offered up several suggestions for how the movie industry might improve matters by, for example, helping to remove the stigma around those seeking help for mental health issues.

"Hollywood showed up and said, 'We're not part of the problem, but we can be part of the solution,'" Steinkuehler says. "See what what does? The conversation pivots away from the stupidity of whether or not you are to blame. It becomes about, 'What can we do to help the people who love your work, and thrive on our cultural output?' Of course, I don't believe videogames cause gun violence; I believe guns and poverty cause gun violence. But I also know you don't get to be this large an industry without playing adult at the table. You may not have made the mess, but you can help to clean it up."

...To now having convinced them that games are valuable and "significant and can be used for learning and behavioural change". DeLoura when he took over, hosted the White House's inaugural game jam which had game devs and teachers spend 48 hours to help teach the most difficult school subjects. 23 games emerged from it.

btw it's written by Simon Parkin, so worth a read. One of the best gaming journalists.
Those covers are stylish as hell. Love how cool everything regarding the new Hitman looks, really excited for this game.
I think I'm actually more excited for Hitman than I am for Uncharted 4 or the Division, which seems crazy as I type it... yet it's true.
So is the iPad version now a PDF or are we back to the real version?

Not live yet (for me anyway).

I will be back here to complain when/if I see a static PDF.

I am guessing it is going to be a PDF to be honest, as Total Film was also a PDF last month. Both are the same publisher. Future are cutting corners to save money I think!
Not live yet (for me anyway).

I will be back here to complain when/if I see a static PDF.

I am guessing it is going to be a PDF to be honest, as Total Film was also a PDF last month. Both are the same publisher. Future are cutting corners to save money I think!

If it's the case that pdf is permanent, I will be getting the print subscription then.
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