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Edge: Sony trumps Microsoft again with a confident comprehensive showcase at Gamescom


Outside of first party games and technical power, if you're talking about each platform holder's business strategy, vision and support, it is undeniable that Sony are way ahead of MS.

Sony have a coherent, unchanging vision for the PS4, backed up with mature support. The pricing model is better. The feature set is well received and consistent. The One is the opposite, with reversals, changes and backtracking still occurring now. Plus its still over priced.

It's just incredible to me how this gen is a repeat of last, but with positions reversed. With the 360, MS produced such a well rounded system, with a comprehensive, well implemented feature set, 3rd party support, and a good pricing model. They had a clear vision for the console, which was apparent from its initial design all they way to sale.

Sony spent billions developing the PS3, with lots of lofty ideas for how it would work, but the reality was a device that lacked the basic features of its rival, and was a pain to work with. The work Sony had to do shape the PS3 into a desirable console that contented on equal footing with the Xbox 360 took years.

At least all the 180s from MS have show they know their original vision for the One was fucked, and if they'd continued with it, the console would have been DOA and in an even worse position then the PS3 at launch.

But rapidly changing what they want from the One, reversing and backtracking on policies and feature, doesn't mean they are making well thought through business decisions. They're in full on panic mode, which so far looks to be shaping the One for the better, but hardly inspires confidence. At this point in time, I don't think MS know how to position the One, and have scrapped the majority of plans they had for it, pre-E3.

The PS4 is a known. Sony have been consistent with what the console is an does since they revealed it. What the final form of the Xbox One will be is still up for debate, as its still in flux. This is key in why Sony can just reel off all the games in the pipe line for the PS4, and can confidentially show off the UI. It's a mature platform, with all the key components in place. MS are still trying to position the 'new and improved' One in the market, by money-hatting bundles and partnerships.


Why do people keep mentioning Titanfall as some deciding factor? It is going to be on both consoles.

**Yes, I understand it will be delayed for the PS4, but why does that matter very much? You are going to select your console for the coming years based on the launch date of one game?
Has anyone seen a ps4 article that details parental controls? I like how I can let my kids play with random strangers but not talk with them on XBL. I also like controlling who is on my kid's friends list. I'd love to learn if these options will be on ps4.
Well ever since the DRM fiasco you showed your true colours but there are still Crimson Dragon, Project Spark, and Zoo Tycoon. They don't get their due from people such as yourself but they are no less great games than something like Knack.

Let me guess, he wasn't a corporate shill that put ms best interest in front of his own as consumer?

So all you needed was no firm release date and Fable Legends?

It's always funny to see people pretend they haven't made up their minds already



How did they win anything when they didn't even have a conference, unlike Sony ?

Last time I checked, they still try to sell us an underpowered console (apparently it's not even close) and they still ask 100$ more.

Their main game Titanfall will still be playable on PC (or PS4 later). Ryse still looks boring as hell.

Live value is still far below PS+ value, and MS 1st party is still far below Sony 1st party.

What do you win by chosing XBone over PS4 ? Kinect games ?


Haha, look at them sour grapes. The series does 3-5 million per entry, and is a 85+ average, and is most definitely important in Europe. Quite literally, far less people "give a shit" about the Indie games that Sony announced. The vast majority of which will be on PC and on Xbox One eventually.

LMAO. Minecraft...the game that Microsoft already had on Xbox and has sold 5+ million and outsold The Last of Us last month? The game that was announced for Xbox One months ago? Twitch streaming that was announced for Xbox One months ago? Price drops for a dead handheld?
And Sony saying their studios are working on games when Microsoft has not only said that already but shown more substantive lineups for the future anyway.

You're like the master of grasping at straws.
A $20 game outselling a $60 game, who would've thunk it?


yeah..i mean..
we saw the conferences ourselves, why do we need edge to tell us what to think about MS and Sony showing ?

So when exactly did edge become Sony PR lol.

What exactly should game journalists write about?

Perhaps TV enthusiast websites should stop recommending any manufacturer's model over the other as well? No matter how much they liked the technology and features the competitors offer, they shouldn't be allowed to downplay the Vizios and Thomsons, just so that they wouldn't hurt the feelings of those who (plan to) have one.

It would be nice to be able to compare what those, who complain about the current situation, thought when the gaming press praised the 360 and mocked the PS3 in 2005/2006, when the latter screwed up monumentally. Was it also PR and bias back then?


How did they win anything when they didn't even have a conference, unlike Sony ?

Last time I checked, they still try to sell us an underpowered console (apparently it's not even close) and they still ask 100$ more.

Their main game Titanfall will still be playable on PC (or PS4 later). Ryse still looks boring as hell.

Live value is still far below PS+ value, and MS 1st party is still far below Sony 1st party.

What do you win by chosing XBone over PS4 ? Kinect games ?
Kinect pushes the console to 500

titanfall will be a system seller if you like it or not.

there is more exclusives then ryse.

Live will always be better then psn imho.

ms first party games seems to be shaping up nicely.
It was a good showing, but lack of any big first party surprise games was a bit disappointing.

First post summed it up perfectly. I really think they should have showed at least one big first party game. I know they're coming, but just throw us a single bone about Uncharted, God of War, or something new.



HOooooooooooooooooooo lawd. I actually slapped my knee while laughing at that GIF.

Boss Man

Microsoft might have touted the industry’s two biggest series alongside its console at Gamescom earlier today, but that offering was, once again, trumped by the sheer volume and integrity of Sony’s announcements. PS4 remains the frontrunner in the next-gen race, a console that boasts the more creative and interesting approach to next gen play, a truly coherent featureset and – throughout it all – vitally, a lower price
I'm fully in Sony's camp at this point, but I'm not sure if that's fair. Assuming Sony has the streaming / joining stuff locked down and MS doesn't, maybe so. That stuff does feel really "new" but I think MS is doing it too right?

I'm not saying Sony's route isn't better, in fact I believe that it is. I'm just saying I don't know if it's more creative and interesting.


EDGE said:
PS4 remains the frontrunner in the next-gen race, a console that boasts the more creative and interesting approach to next gen play

I personally agree with that part.

People say the innovative indie games on PS4 aren't match for XB1's 3rd party AAA titles, that are basically sugarcoated editions of this gen's games. Yet at the same time they say the PS4 is a repetition of the same old, whereas the XB1's all-in-one entertainment approach is a breath of fresh air. So which is it? You can't say that old formula is bad, but the other one isn't.
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