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Edge: Sony trumps Microsoft again with a confident comprehensive showcase at Gamescom

The exact same reason why people/Edge think that Sony won E3 (No DRM, Lower Price) is the exact same reason why Microsoft won Gamescom. (FIFA, Call of Duty, Fable); Business Decisions.

Sony didn't win E3 because of Games, they won it because the business decisions they revealed in the last 5 minutes of not having any DRM and the console being $400 cheaper changed the game. If it was "just about the games", then people would be disingenuous as say that Microsoft didn't have an equal or better showing than Sony.

As for this Gamescom, Microsoft threw major punches with a Call of Duty Bundle, FIFA 14 free, and announcing their 2nd biggest franchise, Fable which has always had huge success in European markets. Compared to that, Sony's plethora of 2-10 people Indie games, the vast majority of which are coming to PC and will eventually come to Xbox One as well didn't really turn much heads.

Edge keeps talking about how great PS4 is going in to the next-gen compared to the Xbox One, but lets see them do a piece on the launch titles. Because Microsoft has brought the games, and they've brought them hard.
Nope, what's happening with gaming is akin to Hollywood. There's an ever-growing schism between the huge blockbusters and the indies. Budgets will rise and sales will be even more important for AAAs. Indies made from a small group of people/a single person will largely be limited to simple mechanics and have to rely on aesthetics for their games to find an audience.* The middleground is disappearing.

One example of a middle game would be the $20 version of Killer Instinct. We need more new games in the $20-$40 range.

*This is not to imply that the term indie actually has anything to do with budget, but let's be realistic, a company that publishes their own $100000000 game will be quite rare.

The future is going to be vr stuff.
Indie games do not rely on simple mechanics or solely aesthetics. They're the ones pushing the boundaries that have been established and by 'safe' AAA games.

Games like Amnesia, Minecraft, Routine, Kerbal Space Program all expose AAA gameplay as derivative and uninspired.
In terms of stuff that's actually business relevant I think MS won.

I fully expect Sony to have a dominate TGS showing though. Will be super disappointed if we don't see some solid exclusives there.
It's funny to see this odd backlash or indifference of indies. I've been thinking about since the conference and I guess it boils down to people love them but they only like them when they come out.

Like Indy games can't feed the hype fix people clamor for with these pressers. Which has nothin to do with the quality of games. Just look at the GOTY list last year and the number of Indy/download games that dominated the list.

I imagine if MS/Sony rolled out a showing of Fez, walking dead, FTL, Journey, & miami hotline last year in a press conf people would have raged. Or how for all the launch fan fare on PS3/Xbox it was stardust HD and geometry wars that became the launch window darlings
The exact same reason why people/Edge think that Sony won E3 (No DRM, Lower Price) is the exact same reason why Microsoft won Gamescom. (FIFA, Call of Duty, Fable); Business Decisions.

Sony didn't win E3 because of Games, they won it because the business decisions they revealed in the last 5 minutes of not having any DRM and the console being $400 cheaper changed the game. If it was "just about the games", then people would be disingenuous as say that Microsoft didn't have an equal or better showing than Sony.

As for this Gamescom, Microsoft threw major punches with a Call of Duty Bundle, FIFA 14 free, and announcing their 2nd biggest franchise, Fable which has always had huge success in European markets. Compared to that, Sony's plethora of 2-10 people Indie games, the vast majority of which are coming to PC and will eventually come to Xbox One as well didn't really turn much heads.

Edge keeps talking about how great PS4 is going in to the next-gen compared to the Xbox One, but lets see them do a piece on the launch titles. Because Microsoft has brought the games, and they've brought them hard.
There's a consensus MS won GC?
The exact same reason why people/Edge think that Sony won E3 (No DRM, Lower Price) is the exact same reason why Microsoft won Gamescom. (FIFA, Call of Duty, Fable); Business Decisions.

Sony didn't win E3 because of Games, they won it because the business decisions they revealed in the last 5 minutes of not having any DRM and the console being $400 cheaper changed the game. If it was "just about the games", then people would be disingenuous as say that Microsoft didn't have an equal or better showing than Sony.

As for this Gamescom, Microsoft threw major punches with a Call of Duty Bundle, FIFA 14 free, and announcing their 2nd biggest franchise, Fable which has always had huge success in European markets. Compared to that, Sony's plethora of 2-10 people Indie games, the vast majority of which are coming to PC and will eventually come to Xbox One as well didn't really turn much heads.

Edge keeps talking about how great PS4 is going in to the next-gen compared to the Xbox One, but lets see them do a piece on the launch titles. Because Microsoft has brought the games, and they've brought them hard.

But Microsoft didn't win Gamescom. FIFA is a limited time bundle for preorders in certain countries only, and even with it packed it, the console is more expensive than buying a PS4 plus FIFA. The Call of Duty deal is a joke since the bundle is like $600 or so. And Fable? Who gives a shit about Fable? The best Fable game was only so-so, and they never live up to the hype.

Meanwhile, Sony came, said "Here's an unbelievable number of games coming up, we got Twitch, we got Minecraft, Vita and its memory cards are getting a price drop, and all of our studios are working on AAA titles that we'll announce when they're ready to be announced."

They killed it in every way. Microsoft, on the other hand, had such a shitty show that they didn't even broadcast it.

And by the way: Sony brought the games hard yesterday. Microsoft just talked about the same old shit. Oh, and Fable. Woohoo.

There's a consensus MS won GC?

Not in any place I've seen. Just the among the diehards.


The exact same reason why people/Edge think that Sony won E3 (No DRM, Lower Price) is the exact same reason why Microsoft won Gamescom. (FIFA, Call of Duty, Fable); Business Decisions..

PS4 is still getting FIFA and COD, too, and an online-only Fable spinoff is neither important nor impressive.
I love the Fable franchise, and even I know that the series gets progressively worse from 1 onward.

I was thrilled with the variety and commitment to games shown by Sony.

MS move to include Fifa with all preorders is smart but also unprecedented, they seem desperate.
I feel like the only North American (outside of some of the Giant Bomb crew) that squealed when they announced a Shadow of the Beast game.

But hey, Microsoft won, right guys?




Ok edge. People don't buy the most technologically advanced next gen console to play indie games. They didn't announce a single new next gen title. MS announced Fable at least.

Fud is insanely strong with this one

I continue find how some don't understand what Sony is doing right now hilarious. They are holding back on showing projects from SSM, ND, MM, GG, QD etc because they don't have to. By showing these games by spreading the reveals out in the upcoming year they will be in a position to surprise people and grab attention with new content. On the other hand MS has shown pretty much almost all of their big titles for the coming year (some games might even be even later than that)...now we will continue to see the same games repeated time after time again. Guess which method will gain more buzz and benefit?

ps: in what world did 'business' choices won MS GC? Sony came out with release dates and more than twice in launch countries. FIFA for pre orders while stocks last is not going to counter that lol
History is written by the victor. We will see in the next 12 months who won what this year.

It's pretty clear hype for the Ps4 is at a much higher level than Xbox One, so it's weird to see anybody championing otherwise. Xbox fans who were going to buy Xbox One even when it had shit like DRM and always on, are the worst of barometers.


There are only retailer bundles, no real bundles. (Like the PS3 GTA5 bundle.)

And the difference for the consumer playing the game is...

Honestly surprised at the focus on third party titles winning for MS here. I certainly thought this was MS's best positioning since launch but the big titles for both consoles are launch are multi-platform and equal.

Both consoles' exclusives at launch are - as usual - a bit mixed and nothing really stands out ans making much difference vs Battlefield, CoD, Fifa, etc. in terms of swinging the current market trends in a different direction.

Sure I get the idea of MS having CoD, Fifa, etc. associated with them but it'l hardly matter in terms of sales at the end of the day.

The bigger exclusives don't start hitting until 2014 so until then I expect the initial sales win will go to PS4 simply because it's clearly been ahead since launch and MS hasn't done anything to reverse that just eat into the lead a little (in my view anyway).

Mind you I think the whole idea of trying to say one or the other "won or lost" is very hard unless it's crushingly obvious as with say E3. MS showed a few more big games but all the main ones will be on PS4 - Sony showed a few more indie's and original IPs but will rely on the multi-platforms for the big stuff just like MS.

More of a draw overall if anything or maybe slight edge to Sony mainly down to being able to clearly note pre-order demand with confidence and a launch date.
Pretty sad state when the mainstream press is better grounded in reality than the enthusiast press. Edge is on some Fox News type "journalism" now, opinion as fact.

That's a "Forbes Contributor", which means its just a guy with a blog loosely associated with Forbes. Not really mainstream press at all. I don't think the article is bad In particular, but a lot of Forbes Contributors write the most heinous click bait and people, mistakenly, think the article has the authority of Forbes behind it.

Forbes is really copping the Huffington Post contributor model.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Indie games do not rely on simple mechanics or solely aesthetics. They're the ones pushing the boundaries that have been established and by 'safe' AAA games.

Games like Amnesia, Minecraft, Routine, Kerbal Space Program all expose AAA gameplay as derivative and uninspired.

Amnesia has simple mechanics. We do not know much about Routine. Minecraft and Kerbal Space Program have intricate mechanics but simple production values. None of them fill the same gaps that AAA do.
I really think Sony killed it at Gamescom. Game after game after game, and no they're not any less impactful because they're indie. Some of those games looked truly amazing. Release date announced, Vita games + price drop + mem card price drop, PS3 price drop. EA, Acti, and Ubi discount deals for transitioning from current gen to next gen. Minecraft at launch. Twitch support built in. PS+ promotion. They showed off the slick UI.

And to me it doesn't even seem like MS has fifa and cod in their corner like the article states, since i can still get those two on PS4.


Pretty sad state when the mainstream press is better grounded in reality than the enthusiast press. Edge is on some Fox News type "journalism" now, opinion as fact.

The piece you linked to it just as much an opinion piece as the Edge article. You just happen to like that opinion more.


Besides, I think its Sucker Punch's time to shine now. I love Sly and inFAMOUS, and Second Son will hopefully do for them what Uncharted 2 did for Naughty Dog.

They couldn't do it with inFAMOUS 2 like ND did with Uncharted 2. What makes you think they can make the leap with Second Son?


Edge's bias is just embarassing... no wonder its sidter publication GamesTM is superior is every way.
Edge has been one of the most respected games publications since it's launch 20 years ago.

Edge, Eurogamer, and the European press in general, where the ones who put their head above the parapet, calling out MS's anti-consumer policies, while in large, the US gaming media towed the party line, in many cases actually mocking gamers for standing up for their rights.

Edge don't treat their readers like fools, with "shock horror, Sony didn't show XYZ game" like comments, we are all well aware the AAA's are in development. Likewise, the idea a FIFA pack-in for pre-ordered Xbox One's is going to have "Europeans" flocking to that machine, as proposed by some of the gaming press over the pond, is not a point Edge are silly enough to state.

In short, Edge are a publication who evaluate a system as a whole, and give an honest appraisal, it's why they backed the original Xbox when it was up against the dominant PS2.
But Microsoft didn't win Gamescom. FIFA is a limited time bundle for preorders in certain countries only, and even with it packed it, the console is more expensive than buying a PS4 plus FIFA. The Call of Duty deal is a joke since the bundle is like $600 or so. And Fable? Who gives a shit about Fable? The best Fable game was only so-so, and they never live up to the hype.
Haha, look at them sour grapes. The series does 3-5 million per entry, and is a 85+ average, and is most definitely important in Europe. Quite literally, far less people "give a shit" about the Indie games that Sony announced. The vast majority of which will be on PC and on Xbox One eventually.

Meanwhile, Sony came, said "Here's an unbelievable number of games coming up, we got Twitch, we got Minecraft, Vita and its memory cards are getting a price drop, and all of our studios are working on AAA titles that we'll announce when they're ready to be announced."

They killed it in every way. Microsoft, on the other hand, had such a shitty show that they didn't even broadcast it.
LMAO. Minecraft...the game that Microsoft already had on Xbox and has sold 5+ million and outsold The Last of Us last month? The game that was announced for Xbox One months ago? Twitch streaming that was announced for Xbox One months ago? Price drops for a dead handheld?
And Sony saying their studios are working on games when Microsoft has not only said that already but shown more substantive lineups for the future anyway.

You're like the master of grasping at straws.


The piece you linked to it just as much an opinion piece as the Edge article. You just happen to like that opinion more.

You could probably measure, with analytics and what not, that Sony clearly "won" E3.

Neither company would have gotten a result from Gamescom so far. But the Edge writer says so anyway. Of course he is entitled to his opinion, but his and his mag's preferences are going to color everything they put out for quite a while, whether it is fair or not.
In before the massive downplaying the role independent developers will play in this upcoming generation.

Honestly, I don't buy powerful videogame consoles to be bombarded with indie games. Sony needs to show and announce more for PS4 first party support. The Third party support is of course fantastic, and my life as a gamer has been more heavily built on third party content rather than first party, but anybody can see that Sony's first party offerings at launch is pretty lacking, which isn't really unexpected, but that so little on the high end first party front has been shown or announced for the PS4 up to this point is a little bit surprising.

I don't care how much Sony wants to bend over backwards to show off indie games. Those aren't the types of games people are buying these high end systems for, even if there will be some gems among the indie titles.

The exact same reason why people/Edge think that Sony won E3 (No DRM, Lower Price) is the exact same reason why Microsoft won Gamescom. (FIFA, Call of Duty, Fable); Business Decisions.

Sony didn't win E3 because of Games, they won it because the business decisions they revealed in the last 5 minutes of not having any DRM and the console being $400 cheaper changed the game. If it was "just about the games", then people would be disingenuous as say that Microsoft didn't have an equal or better showing than Sony.

As for this Gamescom, Microsoft threw major punches with a Call of Duty Bundle, FIFA 14 free, and announcing their 2nd biggest franchise, Fable which has always had huge success in European markets. Compared to that, Sony's plethora of 2-10 people Indie games, the vast majority of which are coming to PC and will eventually come to Xbox One as well didn't really turn much heads.

Edge keeps talking about how great PS4 is going in to the next-gen compared to the Xbox One, but lets see them do a piece on the launch titles. Because Microsoft has brought the games, and they've brought them hard.

Perfectly sums up what I'm thinking, and I'm someone that gave MS the nod at E3 solely based on the games they showed. Although fantastic for my hopes of owning both sooner rather than later, I didn't give Sony a pass for more or less having a terrible E3 presser, and then trying to pander to the hardcores at the very end. Sony's price announcement was a bombshell, but outside of that? It didn't cover up what was an otherwise lackluster E3 press conference. What would've been their biggest showing, FF14 and Kingdom Hearts 3, was destroyed when we were certain both games were also coming to the Xbox One.
Honestly, I don't buy powerful videogame consoles to be bombarded with indie games. Sony needs to show and announce more for PS4 first party support. The Third party support is of course fantastic, and my life as a gamer has been more heavily built on third party content rather than first party, but anybody can see that Sony's first party offerings at launch is pretty lacking, which isn't really unexpected, but that so little on the high end first party front has been shown or announced for the PS4 up to this point is a little bit surprising.

I don't care how much Sony wants to bend over backwards to show off indie games. Those aren't the types of games people are buying these high end systems for, even if there will be some gems among the indie titles.

No see that's the fun part. They don't need to show first party smashes yet, because they are curb-stomping xbone in terms of mindshare, and preorders.

Why bother? Especially when MS is trying to show Fable, a CoD and Fifa deal as a Gamescom showing?

Man, Edge is the only moneyhat sony can afford, times must be tuff.

Please tell me no one actually believes this. smh. Times are tough.
From the other replies, it doesn't sound like they had enough to put one on anyway. Neither did Sony, really, from what they showed at theirs. All I remember was "Indie Game CONSOLE Debuting first on Vita and/or PS4 and/or PS3" about 17 times. Talk about the most over-qualified statement ever.

About all either company seems to have at this point is "This thing isn't really exclusive but we're going to use very specific language to try and trick you into thinking it is."

Who cares if the games are "indie"? Seriously why does anyone give a shit.? A game is a game regardless of its budget. I don't want do bring up the "GAF hive mind", but for years all I've heard on this forum is how shit 99% of AAA games are, how they're unsustainable, and how much more fun they're having with "indie" games. Now that Sonys announced a shift in focus onto this games all of a sudden everybody wants those AAA games they loved to hate last gen? Just because its an Indie game doesn't mean it can't look great, have great gameplay or depth.people always bitch that no one is willing to take risks, but then they complain when they don't get a bunch of high budget shoot bang titles. A refocus on smaller budget games will let developers take risks on interesting, different titles.

And the fact that some of these games will also be available on PC is irrelevant. What does it hurt to have these titles available on both PC and consoles?
They couldn't do it with inFAMOUS 2 like ND did with Uncharted 2. What makes you think they can make the leap with Second Son?

To be fair, SS does look pretty fantastic. It could be hot garbage with a pretty veneer for all we know, but its looking like it'll be a pretty cool game from what we've seen so far.
The vast majority of which will be on PC and on Xbox One eventually.
Rime and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture are 100% exclusive co-developed by Sony. They are just as worthy as the third spin-of of Fable that is online only. Resogun, while being a smaller title, is the spiritual successor to Super Stardust HD, a title which many players loved. Co-developed by Sony too. These 3 exclusives alone are just as good as Fable and generated far more excitement, especially since the last big Fable is generally considered mediocre.

LMAO. Minecraft...the game that Microsoft already had on Xbox and has sold 5+ million and outsold The Last of Us last month? The game that was announced for Xbox One months ago? Twitch streaming that was announced for Xbox One months ago?
Yes Minecraft, a game that is going to be huge on next gen consoles as well. It doesn't matter that Sony announced it later, what matters is Sony is taking things away from MS that were considered exclusive (Minecraft, Twitch App).

Your post reads like pure salt. It's ok. Microsoft lost again and that's okay. The XB1 will be a great console regardless. You can have your own opinion on that matter, but please don't fail to see that the majority is thinking differently.
Haha, look at them sour grapes. The series does 3-5 million per entry, and is a 85+ average, and is most definitely important in Europe. Quite literally, far less people "give a shit" about the Indie games that Sony announced. The vast majority of which will be on PC and on Xbox One eventually.

LMAO. Minecraft...the game that Microsoft already had on Xbox and has sold 5+ million and outsold The Last of Us last month? The game that was announced for Xbox One months ago? Twitch streaming that was announced for Xbox One months ago? Price drops for a dead handheld?
And Sony saying their studios are working on games when Microsoft has not only said that already but shown more substantive lineups for the future anyway.

You're like the master of grasping at straws.

Yes minecraft. You know, the multi-million seller that was proclaimed as a major xbox exclusive? Yeah, it's no longer exclusive.

That's a major win for Sony this time around.


History is written by the victor. We will see in the next 12 months who won what this year.

It's pretty clear hype for the Ps4 is at a much higher level than Xbox One, so it's weird to see anybody championing otherwise. Xbox fans who were going to buy Xbox One even when it had shit like DRM and always on, are the worst of barometers.

The exact same reason why people/Edge think that Sony won E3 (No DRM, Lower Price) is the exact same reason why Microsoft won Gamescom. (FIFA, Call of Duty, Fable); Business Decisions.

Sony didn't win E3 because of Games, they won it because the business decisions they revealed in the last 5 minutes of not having any DRM and the console being $400 cheaper changed the game. If it was "just about the games", then people would be disingenuous as say that Microsoft didn't have an equal or better showing than Sony.

As for this Gamescom, Microsoft threw major punches with a Call of Duty Bundle, FIFA 14 free, and announcing their 2nd biggest franchise, Fable which has always had huge success in European markets. Compared to that, Sony's plethora of 2-10 people Indie games, the vast majority of which are coming to PC and will eventually come to Xbox One as well didn't really turn much heads.

Edge keeps talking about how great PS4 is going in to the next-gen compared to the Xbox One, but lets see them do a piece on the launch titles. Because Microsoft has brought the games, and they've brought them hard.

Sony is playing things conservatively and they're not showing their full hand. They're focusing on launch titles for now. Microsoft is showing almost everything they have in development in a desperate plea to save face. Sony even admitted yesterday that they have games in development by Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Media Molecule, and other studios but they're choosing not to show those titles right now.

REV 09

Fud is insanely strong with this one

I continue find how some don't understand what Sony is doing right now hilarious. They are holding back on showing projects from SSM, ND, MM, GG, QD etc because they don't have to. By showing these games by spreading the reveals out in the upcoming year they will be in a position to surprise people and grab attention with new content. On the other hand MS has shown pretty much almost all of their big titles for the coming year (some games might even be even later than that)...now we will continue to see the same games repeated time after time again. Guess which method will gain more buzz and benefit?

ps: in what world did 'business' choices won MS GC? Sony came out with release dates and more than twice in launch countries. FIFA for pre orders while stocks last is not going to counter that lol
There is no FUD in my post. I don't give a damn what other people think or what they plan to buy. I don't care how many countries x console is launching in, who won gamescom, or how many consoles or games they sell. I care about 1 purchase decision and that is the one I make. Two days ago I had a ps4 preordered...now i don't. Why? because i don't think Sony has shown me enough interesting big budget exclusive games for year 1 to make me confident in my purchase decision.

So...you can say that Sony will surprise people later when they decide to show their games. I'll happily wait for that surprise.


Edge has been swinging on the sack pretty hard lately, where Sony is concerned.

As far as I can tell, the games on each of these consoles almost completely neutralize each other. It's kinda funny to see.

Froza vs Drive Club
Titan Fall vs Killzone
Dead Rising Vs Infamous:SS

Then a bunch of multi-platform stuff, for the most part. Only fanboys see a clear and easy victory for either one.


How? They didn't even have a real Gamescom showing and what they did show during the event was fairly bland stuff or stuff we've seen before.

Sony showed way more and it looked better.

Just look for Project Spark Gamescom at Youtube and you will see what i´m talking about.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Edge has been swinging on the sack pretty hard lately, where Sony is concerned.

As far as I can tell, the games on each of these consoles almost completely neutralize each other. It's kinda funny to see.

Froza vs Drive Club
Titan Fall vs Killzone
Dead Rising Vs Infamous:SS

Then a bunch of multi-platform stuff, for the most part. Only fanboys see a clear and easy victory for either one.

There's a whole constituency of developer activity that Sony is taking huge advantage of, that MS is not. MS is just starting to turn the ignition key on large swathes of potential content while Sony is kind of on their second lap.

This was a big issue for Edge in their commentary around the consoles after E3, and Gamescom was another huge contrast.

The lineups are really quite different right now beyond the AAA multiplats.
Grimløck;77490157 said:
Fighters Within, son.

What the hell? Is that actual gameplay?

That looks retarded
Who cares if the games are "indie"? Seriously why does anyone give a shit.? A game is a game regardless of its budget. I don't want do bring up the "GAF hive mind", but for years all I've heard on this forum is how shit 99% of AAA games are, how they're unsustainable, and how much more fun they're having with "indie" games. Now that Sonys announced a shift in focus onto this games all of a sudden everybody wants those AAA games they loved to hate last gen?
This is a load of crap. Microsoft has consistently had great and exclusive XBLA lineups for the past few years along with a couple of major AAA titles for the fall. But the atmosphere here was as if Microsoft hadn't done shit because Sony was releasing MORE first party titles from their worldwide studios.

So this is not some conspiracy against Sony. People generally tend to value AAA titles more than small Indies games, especially at the start of a new generation when they're going out of your way to spend $500+ at a new console launch. They want to see games that are a step above the games they could've been playing 5 years ago.
Microsoft did not win with business decisions. First of all, Sony announced a solid release date, they announced over a million pre orders, they continued to solidify their relationship with indie developers by announcing exclusive titles, and Sony is launching in all of Europe this year. It's pretty clear cut who has their head on straight and who is changing policies and scrambling to play catch up by announcing pack in games and such


Can some one please fill me in on what exactly xbone is launching with. I keep hearing they have the better launch titles but I can't recall what they have that's interesting.
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