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Edge: Sony trumps Microsoft again with a confident comprehensive showcase at Gamescom

Ugh, Edge is so biased. All Sony did was show a bunch of shitty indie games that could have been made on the PS2! I don't even think they showed a single dude getting shot in the face in 90 whole minutes. Then they lost all semblance of honor and chivalry (high values in the capitalist fight for market share) by obliquely and briefly mentioning their competitor. What a desperate, sad showing.


So all you needed was no firm release date and Fable Legends?

As far as I'm concerned, seeing more of Kinect Sports and Project Spark, learning about the low price of Killer Instinct and getting a free game were enough to comfort me in that choice. Heck, even the (probably mediocre) Ubi Soft kinect fighting game was good news for me.
Almost got me.

Edit: Oh man, the post history confuses me. Maybe this isn't a joke and an actual real post.

It is real. I'm getting both consoles like I did last gen but I honestly thought all the Sony announcements were just 'meh' to me personally and my gaming style.


extra source of jiggaflops
It is real. I'm getting both consoles like I did last gen but I honestly thought all the Sony announcements were just 'meh' to me personally and my gaming style.
That's all fine and everything... But Microsoft had no press conference. Sony's must have been shit if it was trumped by something that didn't take place.

If Sony hadn't done anything would they have been at parity?


Ugh, Edge is so biased. All Sony did was show a bunch of shitty indie games that could have been made on the PS2! I don't even think they showed a single dude getting shot in the face in 90 whole minutes. Then they lost all semblance of honor and chivalry (high values in the capitalist fight for market share) by obliquely and briefly mentioning their competitor. What a desperate, sad showing.

Is this sarcasm?
Ugh, Edge is so biased. All Sony did was show a bunch of shitty indie games that could have been made on the PS2! I don't even think they showed a single dude getting shot in the face in 90 whole minutes. Then they lost all semblance of honor and chivalry (high values in the capitalist fight for market share) by obliquely and briefly mentioning their competitor. What a desperate, sad showing.

That's all fine and everything... But Microsoft had no press conference. Sony's must have been shit if it was trumped by something that didn't take place.

If Sony hadn't done anything would they have been at parity?

I see what you are saying. Microsoft did not technically have a conference but they did have a showcase. Based on what announcements were shown between the two I thought Microsoft did a pretty good job. I guess I'm just weird/crazy.


Microsoft did a good job. But those indie announcements from Sony, plus Vita price drop and date, just trumped MS to the post.


I agree with Edge and i think it is right to continue giving Sony credit for making PS4 the games machine, like never before - which they having been doing well consistent and steady. MS really fucked up this time and they thought they could almost get away scotch free. Publications show carry on putting the pressure on X180 team.

While me and most gaf would love to see Sony demo MGSV instead of Asscreed, i am fine putting Indies in the limelight for Gamescom. Of course if their next big show (TGS?) does the Indie thingie, i will scold Yosep/Cerny for you guys.


Ugh, Edge is so biased. All Sony did was show a bunch of shitty indie games that could have been made on the PS2! I don't even think they showed a single dude getting shot in the face in 90 whole minutes. Then they lost all semblance of honor and chivalry (high values in the capitalist fight for market share) by obliquely and briefly mentioning their competitor. What a desperate, sad showing.

LOL Well played! You almost got me. Also, it's quite hilarious to see people trying to poo-poo Edge of all magazines because they strongly believe PS4 is the next gen console, but forget that they were also there making fun of Sony fans for such incidents like the Uncharted 3 review score and other events. If OP's title read "Microsoft trumps Sony with a confident comprehensive showcase at Gamescom", I'm sure the thread would have a lot less posts. ;)


Seriously don't understand the negativity surrounding Sony's press conference. Several intriguing new games were announced (Rime, Helldiver, Big Fest, Murasaki Baby, etc.), the Vita got a lot of love (a significant price cut, and the announcement of games like Borderlands 2), the PS4's release date was announced, and then there were a number of small but nice things like the Twitch and LittleBigPlanet Hub announcements.

I was more than satisfied, personally. By the time the press conference ended, the Vita looked incredibly tempting.

What was so great about the Microsoft showcase that it clearly outshone the above? For me, the one thing at Gamescon that stood out to make me more excited for the X1 was the new TitanFall trailer, and I believe that was part of EA's press conference. Did I miss some amazing announcement?
Sony has done nothing but emphasize games, game and more games every event. We know the first party stuff is coming, I don't understand why anybody would even care to worry about that. To think about the great position they're in when we haven't even begun to talk Uncharted, God of War, TLOU, Gran Turismo, ect is amazing to me. They still have their biggest guns that WE KNOW they will use. Some of you guys are so impatient it's hilarious, Sony isn't going to just reveal every plan thy have for the ps4 to appease your appetite for never ending excitement.


The dedicated servers for Call of Duty was more interesting to me than anything Sony showed, and I haven't played one of those games since MW2. Sony shouldn't have streamed their show either. They didn't have anything to talk about, and their presentation didn't do any of the games they showed any favors. They also failed to drive the stake home with their release date which a lot of people expected them to do.

It was a pretty lackluster show for both, but Microsoft had some big news that a lot of people will take notice of if nothing else. EA won gamescom easily.


I've been hoping that MS and/or Sony would try to convince me to come back as a customer and buy a PS4 or XBO, but post-E3 and now post-GamesCom, they haven't done that. At least... not yet.

Microsoft doesn't have a strategy except to tear down everything it revealed in May and desperately try to rebuild before launch. I don't have a lot of confidence in the company-- not enough to drop $500 anytime soon. I'll admit that the games shown at both conferences are more in line with ones that I enjoy playing, but the price is a non-starter.

Indie games have done nothing for me, so having Sony spend so much time on them at GamesCom was an instant turnoff. There simply wasn't enough to appeal to my personal preferences. That's not to say that many other core consumers won't appreciate the indie movement, of course, and those announcements probably helped to keep Sony out in front for those people. If PS4 and Vita are, as presented at GamesCom, indie machines... I have zero interest.

Further, Vita's price cut isn't so great when you tack on the necessary memory card prices. Those lower prices for memory aren't really that impressive, either. It's still an expensive purchase, and with digital strategy being pushed so hard, it becomes that much more expensive when you're pushed towards a 16GB or 32GB card.

If I took anything from GamesCom, it's that I'll continue to stay the course and wait some time after the consoles release before re-evaluating whether I'll buy in at all.


A shame because EA's conference was a lot more interesting than Sony's

Opinions and all that but we saw the user interface for the PS4. I'd say that alone trumps the interest level in The Sims, PvZ, Titanfall, Peggle 2, etc for me.


Didn't catch Microsoft's but I didn't see any interesting announcements from them and Sony's was shitty too. Speaking of which, whoever in charge of the camera work on that should be shot.


yeah..i mean..
we saw the conferences ourselves, why do we need edge to tell us what to think about MS and Sony showing ?

That's how I feel about this. The gaming press is not reporting no more everyone is given they opinions on things. Everything not a review. Smh


It was good an all, but who was in charge of the camera stream? Lets just show you the audience for a good portion of it. Want to see gameplay? Tough shit, we will only show you 2 seconds of it before showing the room again. How about leaving it fullscreen? Was pretty rage inducing.


Showing games I care about is more interesting to me than announcing games I don't care about.


If we're evaluating based on our own personal preferences and how the events affect our confidence in or propensity towards preordering PS4 or XBO, it's going to be seeing what you as an individual like (or don't like).

If we're taking a stab at an evaluation for a wider audience, we have to put our own preferences aside and try to interpret what others like.

That is why I think Sony did well overall, but the company pushed me further away with its showing.
Honestly? I suspect AAA gaming is dying (due to budgets being too large for the userbase to fund), and that indie games will be the new meat and potatoes. Hence, if you didn't like Sony's conference, then I suspect you won't be gaming for much longer.


Honestly? I suspect AAA gaming is dying (due to budgets being too large for the userbase to fund), and that indie games will be the new meat and potatoes. Hence, if you didn't like Sony's conference, then I suspect you won't be gaming for much longer.

You might be right. I keep hoping that I'll find an intersection between what I prefer and what this new generation will be offering, but maybe it just won't happen. Indie games aren't my preference, so if that's what the industry is going to focus on, I can spend my time elsewhere.

I have other ways to play video games than PS4, XBO, or WiiU.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Honestly? I suspect AAA gaming is dying (due to budgets being too large for the userbase to fund), and that indie games will be the new meat and potatoes. Hence, if you didn't like Sony's conference, then I suspect you won't be gaming for much longer.

Nope, what's happening with gaming is akin to Hollywood. There's an ever-growing schism between the huge blockbusters and the indies. Budgets will rise and sales will be even more important for AAAs. Indies made from a small group of people/a single person will largely be limited to simple mechanics and have to rely on aesthetics for their games to find an audience.* The middleground is disappearing.

One example of a middle game would be the $20 version of Killer Instinct. We need more new games in the $20-$40 range.

*This is not to imply that the term indie actually has anything to do with budget, but let's be realistic, a company that publishes their own $100000000 game will be quite rare.

The future is going to be vr stuff.


Considering MS didn't even have a Conference you could hardly say they won anything.

Sony had too many Indies and not enough AAA titles, but you know they're coming in 2014 and beyond so it hardly matters.
Gamescom in general has been disappointing, but it's hard to deny that Sony had the stronger showing. even if it was too heavily focused on third party exclusives (timed or otherwise) again.

Sony really need to pull the finger out and start debuting some of the games from their big name studios. Don't follow the Nintendo route of only showing what's coming in the next few months.
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