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Eiji Aonuma thinks that he can top Breath of the Wild. How?!?

It'd take me 5 minutes to make a large list of negative things about the game, starting with the weapon durability bullshit.

Anything can be improved on. I'm enjoying the game a lot but it has obvious flaws too.


I mean they were toying with an Alien invasion based in Zelda...

Zelda w/ space exploration. Book It.


Cathing up with Sony or MS in terms of art and technical graphics would be a start. I kid....but I also don't kid.

Big Nikus

At the very least let Zelda(or Sheik) hang with Link the entire game with either a AI character swap or co-op feature.

A full Zelda game with Link and Zelda interacting somewhat like


would be amazing.

Well that's exactly what they did in Spirit Tracks. But soundtack aside, it's not a very good Zelda imo, so I would love to see them do that again in a main entry.
Damn I love PoP 2008.
Well that's exactly what they did in Spirit Tracks. But soundtack aside, it's not a very good Zelda imo, so I would love to see them do that again in a main entry.
Damn I love PoP 2008.
Highfive. Was actually one of my favorites of that generation.

Yeah its what I loved about Spirit Tracks but i'd like to see it done in a full main Zelda game.
The next AAA Zelda is going to be really interesting. Makes me wonder if open world will be a trend now, but curious to see what he will add back from previous Zelda games, as well as new stuff.


I have no idea where they go from here. Is open world here to stay? Would it just be Hyrule again? So many questions, but moot for now, I've barely scratched the surface of BOTW.
I have no idea where they go from here. Is open world here to stay? Would it just be Hyrule again? So many questions, but moot for now, I've barely scratched the surface of BOTW.

I think open world stays for the simple fact that Zelda always pretended it was either an open world or hub world.

Honestly mainline I don't think can revert to straight OOT, Majora, TP design.
However a hub in similar style to Wind Waker and Skyward Sword could still work(depending on the sub areas of the hub).

For example a Spirit Tracks "sequel" thats in a much smaller Hyrule but also potentially added the ocean of WW to it.
Of course they can top it. There is ALWAYS room for improvement. I would pay big $ for a quickly made Zelda game using the assets from BoTW to create a much different, tighter and moodier world with a heavy emphasis on a drearier story ala Majora's Mask's development.
All he has to do, is make a tighter, more compact, and more story-driven game based largely off assets from its predecessor, kinda like another game he did.


Fail out bailed
I really like the open world and survival elements they added to BOTW, but I don't want that to be a mainline thing in every Zelda going forward. I think BOTW can be topped, but I DON'T think it's gonna happen on the Switch necessarily.

I like the smaller game using this engine idea people are tossing around. I think that could be great, but I don't know that they will give it the love it would need to top this one.


Make Zelda playable, one day she'll be able to star in her own series.

Link is about the least interesting protagonist in gaming at this point, especially when they try to layer narrative on top of him. He can't be an interesting character because they've never committed to anything with him, he's as generic as they can possibly make him. Hell, at this point they can't even decide whether he's male/female/child/adult, so they just reference it with in-game jokes rather than addressing it more definitively. I would be far more intrigued by Zelda as a protagonist; she's had more narrative depth in the couple games they've explored that than Link has for the last 25 years.
Wtf? While it's a truly wonderful game and clearly this decades 'Oot', It could be easily be 'topped' (as in, improved further) by patching the game and getting a more stable frame rate for starters lol


there is always room for improvement. BOTW is awesome - no doubt about it, but it is far from a perfect RPG. I would want more Witcher like side quests, more lively world, and Link to speak (that's not happening though)
I love Aonuma. Ideally the next big 3D Zelda game would keep him as producer, embrace a futuristic setting for the game, make use of HD rumble and push the graphics since it will be a Switch exclusive rather than Wii U/Switch
there is always room for improvement. BOTW is awesome - no doubt about it, but it is far from a perfect RPG. I would want more Witcher like side quests, more lively world, and Link to speak (that's not happening though)

Although it embraces some elements of character progression, it has never really been intended to be an RPG, with the exception of Zelda 2. BOTW does feel like the extension of some ideas already present in the series along with a harkening back to the original game. But it doesn't really feel like any other contemporary action/RPG game.


Maybe a blend of both the open world Zelda and traditional. As much as I like the Titan Dungeons, I actually prefer traditional big dungeons here. A more linear approach (maybe like Zelda 1, where you can beat some dungeons right from the start, but can't reach other dungeons without items from earlier dungeons) would make for a nice difficulty curve.
I can't imagine them making huge overworlds every time. Smaller but more dense with puzzles (and BoTW is really filled with that!) could work here.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I can think of a number of things:
- Remove the weapon breaking
- Shrink down the world to about a 16th
- Increase the density of the world (more than 16 fold due to the shrinking)
- Bring back the overworld puzzles from SS
- Rebalance the game by either making the puzzles harder or the fights easier (as it is now, the fights are disproportionately difficult when compared to the puzzles)
- Increase the speed of the game, in particular the slow-ass climbing
- Remove random elements that slow down the player without any significant gameplay gain
- Tone down the upgrading / forging to make for a more approachable game while not taking away anything from the main mechanics
- Bring back proper dungeons
- Increase presentational variety in the shrines
- Improve controls - button mapping is less than ideal

That is, if they want to continue the path set out by BotW.


Well, it's nice he has the motivation, at least.

Actually my one worry with this game is... Where do they go from here? Surely the formula can be improved, but will they really aim to create another huge world like BoTW's every time from now on? Because dropping the open world would be a mistake, this game feels like what 3D Zelda should have always been, and the world is so masterfully designed, filled with stuff to do and see at every corner, that I'm having a hard time believing they can match this... Unless they spent lile 7 years and tons of money with every main entry from now on.

Perhaps they could try making a similar game that's more dungeon-heavy, but I imagine the compromise would be an eithet less detailed or smaller world, which would still feel like a downgrade.

Basically BoTW is so damn good that I worry they can ever even match it, and I never thought I'd say that about a Zelda game. That's definitely impressive. Good luck tho!

Agreed there are some QoL issues that could be addressed, but I don't see how they could go back to the older linear formula after this.

Edit: I think expanding on dungeons again (although I do dig the shrines) and bringing back dungeon equipment would be good. Not equipment that locks the player out of certain areas at the start, but it would be amazing to get a hook shot that allowed just cause 2 scaling of the environment for faster travel.


I can think of a number of things:
- Remove the weapon breaking
- Shrink down the world to about a 16th
- Increase the density of the world (more than 16 fold due to the shrinking)
- Bring back the overworld puzzles from SS
- Rebalance the game by either making the puzzles harder or the fights easier (as it is now, the fights are disproportionately difficult when compared to the puzzles)
- Increase the speed of the game, in particular the slow-ass climbing
- Remove random elements that slow down the player without any significant gameplay gain
- Tone down the upgrading / forging to make for a more approachable game while not taking away anything from the main mechanics
- Bring back proper dungeons
- Increase presentational variety in the shrines
- Improve controls - button mapping is less than ideal

That is, if they want to continue the path set out by BotW.

Wow, that literally nailed everything I wanted changed in this game and then some. But I agree completely.


Spend time on the script, maybe do the sequel to oot in the downfall timeline with the sealing war and do something similar to this link with having the hero of time be resurrected to help seal Ganon, giving a good story to a redemption link could be great and the sealing war is the most important event in the timeline since it also has the mysterious downfall connected to it.


Oh man please no

No. You kid.

Not sure what you're thinking of but I mean things like coop or journey/ soulsesque mechanics where you can effect a shared world state if you opt in. You are being ridiculous if you thinks these would actively hurt a Zelda game.


I have only uncovered 1/5th of the map so far, so this suggestion might be a bit premature. There are lots of mountains in this game but there seems to be a lack of caves. I would like to see more of those in the next game.


More music, the game puts me to sleep as it is. I actually don't like the sound in this game at all

Fix the frame rate

Make cooking not annoying, the 'hold' mechanic is horrible

Way to easy to exploit with the save system, pretty much no death penalty as a result.

I reaaly, really hate the weapon damage system.

Game desperately needs more controller remap options

Game looks 'muddy' to me on the tv, it may be something I have set wrong or a by product of the art style

Honestly, I can't help but think how much better the game would have been if it was on another platform

As much as I love the game dearly, I agree with all of these criticisms.


I can think of a number of things:
- Remove the weapon breaking
- Shrink down the world to about a 16th
- Increase the density of the world (more than 16 fold due to the shrinking)
- Bring back the overworld puzzles from SS
- Rebalance the game by either making the puzzles harder or the fights easier (as it is now, the fights are disproportionately difficult when compared to the puzzles)
- Increase the speed of the game, in particular the slow-ass climbing
- Remove random elements that slow down the player without any significant gameplay gain
- Tone down the upgrading / forging to make for a more approachable game while not taking away anything from the main mechanics
- Bring back proper dungeons
- Increase presentational variety in the shrines
- Improve controls - button mapping is less than ideal

That is, if they want to continue the path set out by BotW.

I disagree HEAVILY with the bolded. Instead of removing those elements entirely there should be ways to manage them. There should be a way to preform maintenance on weapons when near a fireplace, the climbing problems during rain and slow climbing can be both solved with an optional upgrade (let's call them "claws") that has to be earned.

Combat wise the only things I'd want is to be able to defend with a broadsword: They can let you take chip damage so Shields will still have a use and let you parry without having to put up your broadsword to then grab your shield, and to have link preform his best Captain America impression - to have the ability to throw shields.


Huh? Ken Levine, Cliff Bleszinski, DRUCKMANNNNNNNNN, etc. Plenty of Western developers who are the name behind the project, good or bad.

The only one I ever really hear about is Peter Molyneux, but you're right, it may just be that my attention is usually on JP developers.

But it definitely feels like attributing a name to a BIG project is more of a JP thing. The only time it seems like individual names are a big deal in the west is when we're talking about Indie games.

Metroid Prime is my favorite example because it was such a brilliantly designed game, but there's no single person to circlejerk over because everyone just attributes its success to "Retro Studios". Rare is the same way, it had TONS of gems on the N64.

Maybe this mainly has to do with series that started off small but quickly grew into something massive, and so the names just kind of stuck along for the ride. But i've always hated this trend because it trivializes the fact that these games are a collective project.

I can think of a number of things:
- Remove the weapon breaking
- Shrink down the world to about a 16th
- Increase the density of the world (more than 16 fold due to the shrinking)
- Bring back the overworld puzzles from SS
- Rebalance the game by either making the puzzles harder or the fights easier (as it is now, the fights are disproportionately difficult when compared to the puzzles)
- Increase the speed of the game, in particular the slow-ass climbing
- Remove random elements that slow down the player without any significant gameplay gain
- Tone down the upgrading / forging to make for a more approachable game while not taking away anything from the main mechanics
- Bring back proper dungeons
- Increase presentational variety in the shrines
- Improve controls - button mapping is less than ideal

That is, if they want to continue the path set out by BotW.

So you basically want them to reverse every new feature they added into the game...
I can think of a number of things:
- Remove the weapon breaking
- Shrink down the world to about a 16th
- Increase the density of the world (more than 16 fold due to the shrinking)
- Bring back the overworld puzzles from SS
- Rebalance the game by either making the puzzles harder or the fights easier (as it is now, the fights are disproportionately difficult when compared to the puzzles)
- Increase the speed of the game, in particular the slow-ass climbing
- Remove random elements that slow down the player without any significant gameplay gain
- Tone down the upgrading / forging to make for a more approachable game while not taking away anything from the main mechanics
- Bring back proper dungeons
- Increase presentational variety in the shrines
- Improve controls - button mapping is less than ideal

That is, if they want to continue the path set out by BotW.

Sooo, go back the way we came? That actually sounds like most of the previous games.


Is Aonuma an artist?

Does he draw and ok Wind Waker and BoTW art styles in pre production?

Even the load screens in BoTW are design perfecion
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