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Elder Scrolls Online gameplay leaked


C'mon guys this is also a video we werent supposed to see played by a guy named Worst You Tube that didnt know how to play and it seemed his purpose was to bash the game and get attention, and thats what he got. Im not saying this game will end up being awesome, but let's give it a chance and play a more polished beta before bashing it... remember DmC, Tomb Raider and so on...

Graphics and visuals will probably improve a lot. It's weird because some previews actually said the visuals were great. One of the things the majority of the press complained, and maybe was showed on this video, is that you dont have a lot of spells and combat options on the first few levels. If he really only had one spell - the small fireball - then this is really a major fault. Anyway I wanted to see a melee class to see how it works and if you actually have to block/dodge.

Give the game some more time and dont jump to conclusions because of one video that shouldn't even exist. Thats why publishers made it a close beta, since there are a lot of problems and hey dont want anyone from the general public commenting on it and getting this kind of negative press that will stick to the game until its released.

Difference with those other games is that they had minimal things to iron out. This just looks about as basic as anything.

The gameplay is built off of a shitty concept. The gameplay is what matters and this looks bad already. There's no immersion. It's the same shit you get in an MMO. You've seen it for years.

There's no reason to defend it. It looks like hot garbage.
Horrifyingly generic and uninteresting. Also does not even take any cues from the Elder Scrolls games in terms of mechanics or world design. There is no reason for this to exist.
Here you go, and this is why it will be F2P after 6 months of suckers and will be shut down in about 2 years.


I don't understand why turning a game series into an MMO always seems to involve reskinning WoW so it looks like that game series. Why can't they just make the game with the same gameplay, but lots of players online... you know, a massively multiplayer online game. I realise it can't be a 1-for-1 replication, but this is an Elder Scrolls game, first-person gameplay should be one of the very first things on the to-do list.


Graphically doesnt look very good thats for sure but even if it showed him playing in 1080p maybe thats not the resolution this beta is in because that sure didnt look like 1080p to me...I am still looking forward to it though,listening to a few french podcast of this and they are liking it so far...but yeah still early etc etc but this video wont help the game hype thats for sure,guessing it will be brought down soon...


Why isnt Bethesda stopping it? They must know what this mmo team is doing.

Maybe that game looks perfectly fine under the budget/timing/direction they were given for the project. I think it looks like shit but maybe their producers/directors think otherwise. If this video is indicative of the game I would have canned the project a while ago.


Please Zenimax, stop the game, change the source engine.
This custom engine fells too much like Hero and, for me, it's bad.
I will spend more time remaking the game, not to only become another swtor.


When I pre-judge MMOs I always make sure its based on Alpha footage of a level 1 character with as little knowledge of the game as possible.

Elder Scrolls Online does have real first person gameplay.

When I pre-judge MMOs I always make sure its based on Alpha footage of a level 1 character with as little knowledge of the game as possible.


The combat is the boring WoW / Bud Spencer fighting style so no thanks.
Just thought about it but there will be no texture mods either given it's an mmo. Please launch with Secret World quality ones ;-;. Budget much be huge so one would hope they would be able to build decent assets. I really don't believe what was shown in the video is true max settings or finished textures. It just looks too bad.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Well, it seems like any other Elder Scrolls game; it looks great until you actually start moving.


Looks generic but doesn't look bad. I got a Vanguard: Saga of Heroes (a MMORPG from SOE and from the original creators of Everquest 1) vibe from the video this morning. I don't see this doing well as I don't think anyone ever desired a Elder Scrolls MMO. The ability to play with others yes but in the regular games. Some co-op play. Not this though.

I'm not seeing anything in the video, granted it is a starting area, that is different from other games. A MMORPG has to established from the jump how it's going to be different. So many are available and much of the audience is experienced MMO players. You don't really need to give a MMO much time anymore as they're a known element. So you have to come out swinging. I think Age of Conan did that very well. Even games like The Secret World and Defiance. However keeping that up is another story.


Sounds interesting in a bad way. Is it going to be 10,000 people fighting for one quest mob, huge-ass massive zones with lots of pointless running, or just everything instanced/channeled off?

Apparently you get "credit" for assist kills a' la GW2 for rewards. But I just fear the downtime/maintenance needed for such a game. Caves and tombs are instanced for the group. Also, zones all scale to your level. And, like I said before, it's going to be a pain for friends as If say myself who will most likely roll a Redguard female first and close friends roll some type of elf and other friend rolls a Nord, None of us will be playing with each other apparently as the three covenants can't co-exist until 50. THAT will be problem I bet.

Also, from one of the interviews on the podcasts with Paul Sage or some other director mentioned Jeremy Soule will be doing some of the soundtrack.

Like any MMO, I will wait and see the true final product. I was one of the fools who loved AoC at launch, still like SWToR, loved EQ and EQOA. And I LOVE the Elder Scrolls world ( even bought the two novels). Needless to say, I will be buying this unless it's a complete disaster. Truly happy that PvP isn't a major point as well.
WoW has lost, according to Activision-Blizzard's conference call 1/4 it's subscribers. I don't have to say anything.

It's almost like it's nearing a decade in age and people are getting tired of it. Which would happen no matter what changes Blizzard had made. The argument that the declining population is a result of Blizzard's dumbing down of the game is specious because it seems to assume that it would not have happened if we still had vanilla WoW game rules.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
load video, skip ahead a few minutes and see a wizard battling a lizard then a crab. pretty hilarious seeing such a warlock taking on such epic enemies, especially the crab as it just kept charging the wizard. amazingly funny stuff, is this typical for low level MMOs?


load video, skip ahead a few minutes and see a wizard battling a lizard then a crab. pretty hilarious seeing such a warlock taking on such epic enemies, especially the crab as it just kept charging the wizard. amazingly funny stuff, is this typical for low level MMOs?

Guys, the person playing this video is awful. Stop judging the entire game off this one video of a guy who can't even hold the targeting cursor steady. >_>;


WoW has lost, according to Activision-Blizzard's conference call 1/4 it's subscribers. I don't have to say anything.

An almost 9 year old MMO doesn't have the same lasting appeal any longer and they are down to what, 8.5 - 9 Million subscribers?!



Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Guys, the person playing this video is awful. Stop judging the entire game off this one video of a guy who can't even hold the targeting cursor steady. >_>;

i'm laughing at a wizard battling fierce crabs and lizards. that is funny stuff. doesnt matter if the guy playing is good or bad.


i'm laughing at a wizard battling fierce crabs and lizards. that is funny stuff. doesnt matter if the guy playing is good or bad.

It's about as funny as doing it in Skyrim, or Oblivion, or Morrowind. Which is to say it's not funny at all. He's screwing around with mudcrabs rather than playing the game properly. :\
i'm laughing at a wizard battling fierce crabs and lizards. that is funny stuff. doesnt matter if the guy playing is good or bad.

What's also funny is that it looks like they didn't even increase their size to normal mudcrab levels. Fighting mudcrabs was stupid enough in regular ES games but in the video it looks like he's engaged in an epic struggle with a regular old crab.

Guarantee there will be "Hulking Mudcrabs" and "Mudcrab Behemoths" later in the game.


On the plus side, it looks a hell of a lot better than Oblivion. I'll take a generic fantasy MMO that's competently made over a generic fantasy RPG that's not.


Hmm. Looking at the video more I noticed something. I mentioned Vangaurd: Saga of Heroes. The art assets look like they're right out of that game. The Qalia starting area and areas right outside of the city..


The person didn't do shit in that video. The only part that had me somewhat interested was when he discovered that dwemer ruin and he didn't even go inside. If anything gets me to play this game it will be the exploration, so this video didn't tell me anything. Maybe I'm just not as cynical as the majority of you, but I'll wait for more than a 20-minute alpha video of the starting area before I put a verdict on the whole game ;)


What's also funny is that it looks like they didn't even increase their size to normal mudcrab levels. Fighting mudcrabs was stupid enough in regular ES games but in the video it looks like he's engaged in an epic struggle with a regular old crab.

Guarantee there will be "Hulking Mudcrabs" and "Mudcrab Behemoths" later in the game.

This is the MMO template for mob tiers:

Mudcrab Runt
Mudcrab Adolescent
Mudcrab Undead/Corrupter/Apocathary
Mudcrab Elder/Proven/Elite

Then the named mudcrabs, low level ones would be "Shellshock" and "Clawfear", or "Pincerwrath". There'll be some association to their crustaceon-like features. And then theres the raid target mudcrabs, which will be more epic like "Derakor The Worldburner", or "Shellgleam, Apocathary of Torment", or "Barry".


Oh I've no doubt pops have gone down. This game is nearly a decade old. I find it amazing it still has what 10m subs? No recent mmo has ever gotten close to that number

It has 9 million people playing. They count people playing in Asia as subs even though they don't havwe to sub.

Storm Rage is one of the five large servers along with Tich, Illidan, Kil'jaden and one other.


I would also like to point out, this is exactly why companies have NDA's. If this really is a true beta, then people judging it now are idiots.

I remember back in the day, before Gaf was what it is now, everyone thought WoW was going to be a gigantic piece of dog shit except the people who played MMO's or other similar PC games.

Not saying ESO is going to be good. I think some of their design decisions and business model is pathetic. However everyone cries about NDA's now, then makes threads about this on games that won't be out for almost a year.
I would also like to point out, this is exactly why companies have NDA's. If this really is a true beta, then people judging it now are idiots.

I remember back in the day, before Gaf was what it is now, everyone thought WoW was going to be a gigantic piece of dog shit except the people who played MMO's or other similar PC games.

Not saying ESO is going to be good. I think some of their design decisions and business model is pathetic. However everyone cries about NDA's now, then makes threads about this on games that won't be out for almost a year.

People had already judged this game. SWTOR engine + generic WoWification of an IP that doesn't fit the MMO mold = failure. This is merely a confirmation for most people.
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