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End of a generation: what is the best looking game of the PS3/360 era?


"What is the best looking game of the PS3/360 era?" is the question, not which game had better tech. If you think GTA V looks better than Max Payne 3 I don't know what to tell you, GTA V at times is the jaggy capital of the world. Some character models have 2D objects plastered on.

What exactly is the difference? It's no matter to what I think personally if I completely ignore the reality of the things, GTA V art & tech assets is superior to Max Payne 3 because it's an evolution of the same engine, it's not that tough to understand. The rest of your opinion is simply subjective, I have seen the game, it's quite good but it's not even a free roaming & it use exactly the same setting of GTA V, how could beat it?


This entire thread seems focused on realistic looking games, which is weird, but from that stand point I would say Beyond.
In terms of my favourite looking games though, OP mentioned Mirror's edge which certainly looked great, especially at it's time. I though Stacking looked really good, I played it on PS3 and was still impressed by it's style. Limbo was a very impressive experimentation with monochrome, it wasn't my cup of tea as a game, but definitely looked nice. Rayman Origins(and presumably legends but I haven't played it yet) looked gorgeous. LBP2 was very charming with it's visuals too. But probably my single favourite game to just look at was Journey, that slide bit, oh boy.
Edit: Oh, and I really liked how Ni No Kuni looked, but I haven't played it yet.


Killzone 2, and yes it looks better than Killzone 3. It's one of the few games to really make good use of a soft focus look. The motion blur, DoF, hit reactions, animations, etc all make it a game that still looks incredible today. Also the art is incredible as well. One of the most hostile and oppressive looking settings I've seen in a game.


I wish I could find better gifs, but here's this video



Neo Member
The last of us was a great combination of technical wizardry and fantastic art direction. But for my money it has to be ....

Skyward Sword





Whilst certainly not my favourite Zelda game is is certainly has my favourite looks of the series. Yes, even more than Wind Waker. Not that I would say Wind Waker isn't stunning, it certainly is. But the pastel colouring and gorgeous environment really got my motor going.

Feel free to shout at me now.


god of war 3, resi 5 - some bits did look really good
halo 4
cod 4 an MW2 did impress at the time

everyone keeps saying Uncharted 3 and yes the boat level and the dessert level looks incredible, but the game did have some poor aliasing issues, I remember the airport level had really bad jaggies, I actually think uncharted 2 was the better looking overall, the better lighting + effects came at a price of worse IQ.


What exactly is the difference? It's no matter to what I think personally, GTA V art & tech assets is superior to Max Payne 3 because it's an evolution of the same engine, it's not that tough to understand.

That's not how it works, revamped and new doesn't equal visuals looking better. I'm convinced you haven't seen direct feed screenshots of Max Payne 3 or GTA V, or even Max Payne 3 in general.


That's not how it works, revamped and new doesn't equal visuals looking better. I'm convinced you haven't seen direct feed screenshots of Max Payne 3 or GTA V, or even Max Payne 3 in general.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say... because you think it's better, it's unopinable? Er sorry but not work in this way. Can you be more specific posting some tech spec of both to be a bit more clear? If you said it's better because it's so for your eyes, ok. But, well, forgive me if I disagree.
HAHA! I get it! Holy crap that was hilarious......god your funny!

your joking of course.....right?

I can honestly say I don't like the direction they took the art in SFIV. There's a special place in my heart for the sprite artwork in Third Strike and it pains me they went with this new style.
I'm surprised only one person has said RE5. Except for the facial animations (which were allright) the game did a lot graphically that kept me guessing if I was actually looking at an FMV.


I'm not sure what you are trying to say... because you think it's better, it's unopinable? Er sorry but not work in this way. Can you be more specific posting some tech spec of both to be a bit more clear? If you said it's better because it's so for your eyes, ok. But, well, forgive me if I disagree.

Do you know what thread you're in? You keep mentioning tech and specs, this isn't the thread for that. You can think whatever you want, I'm going to continue to find it laughable.


Tlou or beyond two souls for sure but when you consider what nintendo was working with mario galaxy1-2 are quite an amazing feat.
On a pure graphical front, Beyond definitely gets the nod. The Condensorlevel for instance looked incredible. More consistant use of high res textures than any ps3/360 era game as well.

Taking the scale and interaction present into account, then I would say TLoUs, Uncharted 3 and GoW3/A are also up there. Uncharted 2 is also very impressive. Halo 4 and KZ 2 also look great, but I would put them somewhat behind the above. GTA V I haven't played.


In a world with no The Last Of Us, GTAV would be king - the visual quality is crazy; driving at night through the city with all the lights and reflections going on is nuts

But yeah, The Last Of Us exists and it's a few notches above GTAV

Those two games would greatly benefit from more powerful hardware though since the aliasing in both games can be atrocious at times


HAHA! I get it! Holy crap that was hilarious......god your funny!

your joking of course.....right?

Your post reads like someone fed you narcotics or something. Why would I be joking? The art style of SFIV is one of the most divisive in recent memory.


Out of mulitplatform efforts, Dead Space 2 and Resident Evil 5 are up there, and Final Fantasy XIII had me stopping and staring about as often as Uncharted 2.


Tech: Uncharted,TLOU

Art: Journey,Mirror's Edge,DMC4,Demon's/Dark Souls,Xenoblade,Valkyria Chronicles,Ni no kuni


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
biggest wow: Uncharted 2, God of War 3, Killzone 2

honorable mention: Gran Turismo. Incredible Lighting.


Overall: The Last Of Us / Uncharted 3. I'd say last of uses just edges for having better art direction.

Highest Peak: God Of War 3 Intro Poseidon fight.

Art Direction: BioShock Infinite.
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