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ESPN NFL 2005 is coming... in 4 weeks!


credit goes to opsports for finding this. i would say this is an "error" but wtf its just a little too coincedental for two different sites to post july release dates... remember ebgames.com posted the $19.99 espn price a few weeks ago, everyone thought it was a mistake. 2 weeks later it turns out they had just jumped the gun a bit. lets hope this holds true, cause i need some PRO football 2005 action asap!


Damn only one week after NCAA!

Madden iz teh d00m333d!

I hope this is true! I'm eager to lead Rex and the Bears to the championship in our league!


Drunky McMurder
Oh shit, they can actually put a semi-dent in Madden sales if they release it first along with the 20$ price-point.


Oh crap...If they release this then I'm going to have an even bigger problem in terms of actually PLAYING the games. NCAA's dynasty won't hold my interest if people are playing this online. Crikey.


This late-July date keeps popping up, so the Gamefly date fits the pattern.

It could be a good move on VC's part. Not only is the $20 price point going to pull in sales, but so is being first.

Also, I don't think EA could really respond to that date. Two years ago EA and VC played footsie with release dates, Madden eventually releasing a day earlier than ESPN.But if EA were to try and match this date, I think they'd eat into NCAA sales. I think they want to allow a few weeks for NCAA to sell before releasing Madden.

It makes sense to me. I'd just like to hear some confirmation.


Damn... Sega wants market share and they're not afraid to aim at the Madden crotch to do it. Question is, how good is Madden's cup?

I don't think there's much doubt that Madden will still destroy this year, but it seems like a lot of work has gone into stealing a piece of that pie back.

I don't know how a $20 price affects a developer's bottom line, but if the buzz extends beyond the net (and it's been very positive here), I think it's conservative to expect that they could double sales. I know they've got one new sale right here...



Well Take Two is co-publishing the ESPN titles, and I know for a fact that the date and price ideas were not from Sega side ;)

<Sega> What do you mean push UP the release date?! Make it cheaper too? Damn it I knew this was a bad idea to let you guys in on our Quest to Destroy VC Sports!


If so, this would be one hell of a coup for Sega to pull. Gamestop and EB still show 8/24, though. Hope it's true, that would really put Madden in a pickle this year.


DMczaf said:
Well Take Two is co-publishing the ESPN titles, and I know for a fact that the date and price ideas were not from Sega side ;)

Why's that? Sega wouldn't have decided to co-publish with TT's value label if they weren't thinking about doing a price drop. They wouldn't even be co-publishing in the first place if they weren't going to do that.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I'm starting to get nostalgic for the glory days of the Madden-Gameday battles of the mid to late 90s. Good times.


Please god let the running game be fixed. If you get an xbox leauge going i call the Eagles. :) Hopefully it doesnt fall apart after i beat everyone, like last time. The same thing happened with NFL Street come to think of it.
Please god let the running game be fixed. If you get an xbox leauge going i call the Eagles. Hopefully it doesnt fall apart after i beat everyone, like last time. The same thing happened with NFL Street come to think of it.

the difference being that there were no OFFICIAL tourneys in street. last years GA ESPN league survived
if you saw the ps2 version in motion next to the xbox version you would glady do that.

p.s. if you have a wherehouse or FYE by you, you can get a new xbox for $120 after rebate


I saw some PS2 pics in the new Gamepro and it really does look like trash compared to the Xbox version,amazing difference...

thank god they toned down the running game this year

Musashi Wins!

I filled in at a huge Gamestop a few nights recently and the place is football fucking nuts. Everyone that comes in that place reserves Madden. If they come in and see this months ahead of time for $20 every single one of them will buy this game. This might be a real brilliant move on Sega's part.

That last sentence felt funny.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
yes, there have been sports games that let you adjust sliders online. don't worry though guys, i'm pretty sure VC WONT let this stand in the final version
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