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Europe Gaf: at what price would you pick up a XB1 over PS4?


I'm not in the market for new consoles in a long time; I have enough PC and console games to last at least a year or two. Price isn't the issue so much as functionality and content.

I'd like to see Microsoft offer cross-platform game buying between PC and Xbone, cross-platform multiplayer where reasonable, PC SDK able to read Kinect while the Kinect is still attached to the Xbone, low-latency full-desktop video/audio sharing from PC to Xbone, etc. Basically, make the Xbone a great, convenient PC extender and I'll bite.


I would do what I did this gen which was to buy an Xbox 360 in 2013 knowing no more killer exclusives were coming out for it and then bought all the exclusives I'd missed for the past 7 years. I think it cost me ~£300 with 15 exclusive titles. And no I will not be getting TitanFall on it or anywhere else.


£425 for the XBO in isolation might not be bad value especially when lined up against the PS3/360.

Against the PS4 however however its worth no more than £250-300 based on its capabilites and exclusives.

Considering most people will probably own only one console for multiplats, that being the PS4 then the value proposition drops even further for XBO. It may actually need to get down to £199 with a decent library (or £250 ex Kinnect + 1 or 2 games) before it starts gaining traction especially if Wii U sticks around and comes in at £99 (let's assume without the gamepad).

Right now, I own a PS4 that I bought for around £325 which represents good value to me. My next console will probably be the Wii U when it hits £150. Unless Xbox One is able to deliver some must have exclusives (and at least 3+ to compell me) I'm looking at skipping the system or picking it up much later in the gen at a much lower price.

The longer MS take to get their act together in the face of PC/WiiU/PS4 the lower the price I'd be willing to pay as it continues to lose 'value' thus price I'd be willing to pay.


Oh, lets have a look on Sony: they've been rated as 'Junk' and rubbish at stock exchange, they have no money, they are selling PC division and excluding TV, selling company buildings etc. pp.

And what about Nintendo: Even though they still have good cash on the banks, they're screwing up massively with Wii U and 3DS isn't as promising as they wish to be plus their foray into health business? Rly?

Why I'm writing this down? Because I'm f*cking SICK of the constanteous bash of Microsoft and the Xbox One. In fact Windows Phone and Surface are gorgeous products if you spent more than 5 minutes with the devices and their distinct features. Same counts for XOne even though I admit that it has some flaws and really bad PR (at least during last years E3), but I can't hear nor read anymore shit about resolutiongate, PR and how Microsoft is fucking up with their products because that is clearly not the case. Just look at the competitors and then you see who is really fucking up. Sony, beside PlayStation, is a ship already nearly sunken and Nintendo is driving itself into oblivion while Iwata gives a FUCK about it but instead is creating 'health business'.

Just to be clear: Personally I'm fine with Nintendo and Sony, I'm not a fanboy. I was a Wii U owner from Day 1 the same as with XOne and when the right games are there I'll go for a PS4. Both systems have substantial flaws as well as Xbox, but that don't makes me throwing a shitload of disrespect on them.

Seriously guys, think about it.

Way to go off-topic about something that has not a single iota of a fuck to do with why people want a PS4 over a X1.

Stock exchange as your argument, are you high? Go peddle your wares on some other board, maybe they'll fall for it.


Junior Member
I would never pick the Xbox One over the PS4 for several reasons.

1. I already have a PS4.
2. I am not going to pay for XBL
3. It's weaker than the PS4
4. I don't like Microsoft's policies, including their willingness to help NSA decrypt Outlook and Skydrive data. They do not care about consumer privacy and instead are happy to bend over backwards for the US Government.


I have no interest in xbox one and even if it were given to me for free I would still prefer to play my PS3/PS4.


Gold Member
Honestly, most of you guys are just insane. It's just embarassing. Even without Kinect the Xbox One is worth the same price as the PS4. The workmanship of the console and the controller is amazing and in terms of performance we are not speaking of a difference like Wii -> PS360 so how could you dare to say 199/249 Euro?!? The One delivers more possibilities, has the far better software line-up on shelve and announced for the coming months. I've bought it for 499 and still confident with the price. I see that most people don't care about Kinect, so for those 399, but not one cent less than that.
I disagree with this completely. The value proposition is not there, certainly when it's main competitor is the PS4 which it's cheaper. You say the controller is better, that's subjective, I prefer the DS4 this time around. I don't see what future "possibilities" you are talking about and the software lineup is similar enough for me not to care. 399 without kinect would make it the same price as PS4, sans it's USP and significantly less powerful. No offense mate but I think you're the one who's insane ;)

OT - I was planning on picking one up after a couple of price drops, so around £300. Tbh though their exclusives will have to be pretty spectacular in the next couple of years for me to do that. I have my hands full with the PC/PS4/WiiU.

EDIT: I wouldn't have ever picked the XBO over PS4, not at any price, not after the shit they tried to pull last year.


As a Xbox fan, I want to say this to European gamers: give Microsoft and Xbox One a chance. Don't completely ignore it. At least, the upcoming lineup of 2014 looks nice: SO, QB, Halo, Below, D4 and Project Spark.

Sorry vriend, maar Nederland is toch echt PS4-land nu, ga je niks aan veranderen.
Xbox One gaat echt geen deuk in die marketshare slaan met zo'n veel te duur US-centric onding.

Die line-up is trouwens compleet bagger. Release dates? Wat weet je überhaupt over Halo? Kom op zeg.
Treurig dat je dubbele XBL kosten betaalt voor een service dat de europese consument compleet de middelvinger geeft.
I gave the 360 a chance, and its by far my least played console, i think i havent turned it on since Gears 3. It doesnt help that to do anything online related you need to have xbox gold, and i dont see myself paying 2 subs. So if i had to pick a sub, PS+ is just the far better value.

Im almost certainly going PS4+PC+WiiU(when X launches) this gen, while last gen i owned all 3 consoles and a gaming pc.


I wonder if they could consider revising the XBox Live pricing structure to distinguish themselves from the PS4. Maybe have a free or nearly free mid tier that simply gives access to multiplayer, and a high tier with extra goodies. Or make the pricing flexible so that you can just start playing and you'll get charged for actual use, up to e.g. 150 yearly hours where the price caps out at former subscription level?

I've owned more than one X360, and they were always connected to the net, but I've never had Live Gold. The barrier posed by Gold means that however great multiplayer some title has, I'm not going to see it and therefore it doesn't sell me on the value of Gold. At the very least, MS should offer an hour or two of free playtime now and then so people would have a chance to get hooked. I also don't get why they don't bundle at least half a year of Gold with every premium console SKU.
are you european? do you know that MS does offer way less here than in the US or even UK?
It is not really hate, it is indifference because MS has failed to offer better value outside of english spoken countries, and pricing was its advantage vs ps3, now they have almost no value above PS4 : more expensive, less powerful, less value gold vs psn+, apps behind paywall plus lack of services. Why should anyone pick an XBO over a PS4 unless XBO's exclusives are the games they want?

Or maybe a lot of the advertised TV features just don't work in Europe.
I think most people here did not read the OP its "over" the PS4 not at what price would you pick it up.

For me i would not pick it over PS4 even if it were free. Not saying i would not take one if they gave it to me but it would end up on Blocket (Swedish Ebay)or something.


Oh yeah, Microsoft: release an indie/hobbyist developer SDK that I can download and which lets me hook up a PC to the XBone, write and run my own apps (that have access to most of the hardware's power, can read the Kinect, can launch other apps).

They'd have a vast amount of goodwill and a massive indie/hacker community almost overnight if they did this. And many games & apps that they could cherrypick for official distribution.


Even if I got Xbox for free, I would have still picked PS4 as my main console. So I wouldn't have picked it "over" PS4 for any price. As it stands, I might pay 100 euros for it, but in my current financial situation even that's a stretch.
I find it a little odd that some people say, "I'll never pick up (brand) console, even for free." Maybe some people are getting a little over zealous but people shouldn't rule out a system, under powered or over powered, simply due to brand loyalty.

Every generation of systems have had their share of amazing games. And to say something like that, you would just be missing out on some great games.

I was a huge Nintendo fan boy during the N64 days and loathed anything Sony, until i was given a Playstation 1 and realized the amazing library of games I was missing simply b/c of my unwarranted commitment to Nintendo.

In the end, it's about the games. And just like last generation, this one will have some killer titles!

EDIT: I know the thread said "over" but I'm speaking n a general context.


I haven't felt a need to buy any of the Xbox systems (after the first Bioshock and Mass Effect series became available on PS3 as well), and XB1 isn't any different, as there's just too few interesting exclusives; D4, Quantum Break, and Below, of which the latter will come to PS4 later. That's just too few games to warrant a purchase of a system. Not to mention, that I can play all the multiplatforms on my PS4 with better visual quality.


Depends on E3 what games they both bring, and if multiplats continue to look better on PS4.

£429 is steep, I dont think its a complete rip off because kinect is included, but £399 with a game aswell would feel very good value, £429 does not feel like good value.


I'd consider it at £200. As it stands, the Xbone compares so unfavourably to the direct competition that the cost would need to be impossible to ignore for me to rethink my decision.


I wouldn't. When it comes to gaming, I'm willing to spend what it takes for the superior experience especially when it's just hundreds, not thousands we are talking about.

Going to get an X1 later though when it gets enough must-have exclusives.


Not even for free. I would never pick the XB1 over my PS4. I might get it as an additional console for XB1 exclusives down the line but I would never pick it over a PS4. Microsoft dun goofed this gen.


Either it needs a great exclusive (like Mass Effect 1 was originally for 360) in addition to Halo, or it needs to be at least as cheap with PS4, or without Kinect (which i won't use anyway) even cheaper.


It would need to be significantly less expensive than the PS4 (at least half the price) for me to consider doing that and that's never going to happen. As much as I want to play Sunset Overdrive, D4, Halo 5 and Quantum Break everything else about the system is completely unappealing.


Since I'm broke as fuck, 0€ would be the price, so that I can play Dead Rising 3 and the P* game.

Then, since it looks like I can have only one, I'd resell/gift it when I have money for a PS4.


I'll never buy an Xbox over a PS4, no matter the price.

The only interesting game on Xbox seems Quantum Break, and as much as I like Remedy, I won't buy a console for that game alone. I'll wait for the PC version (hopefully).


I'm fine with paying 400€ for a PS4 someday. It's great hardware and PS Plus is generating value for me already. The Xbox One on the other hand I can't picture buying for 400€, let alone 500€. All things equal, I'm not even sure I'd pay 300€ for it. However, if the show a game I absolutely want to play, I'll gladly pay the asking price, whatever it may be.

Edit: Uh sorry, just reread the title.
I can't imagine a price. I'm getting the PS4, no matter what. Sony earned my trust over the last years. Whether I get an Xbox One depends on Microsoft's willingness to lower the price dramatically, or up the value proposition.


Honestly, price is not an issue by itself. It is only an issue when stacked by the competition. So the question is, at what price would the Xbone be equal value to the Ps4. The answer is less.

It needs to be less than the PS4 in price, because it cannot match it in hardware. Ps4 is £350 here now, so the Xbone needs to be less. It would need to beat that value and Kinect does not offer it. £350 with a game would put it in a good position I think, because then people would value kinect as part of the console, rather than a mill stone around it's neck that costs the consumer money, and would also have a game for the price.

At what price would I consider it over a Ps4? At a lesser price.
At what price would I consider buying one now I own a PS4? Less still. I would probably get a WiiU first, because it is a complimentary experience to a PS4. Xbone does not offer this.


You know, at the start of last gen, I was a pretty big xbox 360 fan. The console really felt like it could be the new ps2. Now, I can safely say I will never buy a microsoft console again. Ever.


I would say something like 200EUR at most, but then again I 'd rather get a Wii U for that much.
I 'll definitely get a PS4 along the way though when more good games are out, and the price for that one won't matter that much.

So... um yeah... sorry Microsoft you had my full support with the X360 until 2010 or so, but then things started getting bad and now it looks even worse with the X1.


It would have to be cheaper than the PS4 by more than just a token amount (like £50 minimum). It's madness to me that the PS4 is both more powerful and cheaper, the way I see it I would be getting value for the less powerful X1 if I could get it in addition to my PS4 at a cheaper price. That way I could justify it to myself for the exclusive games (such as they are).

Of course the X1 is marketed as an all-in-one device that wouldn't play well as a second console since you'd be losing some of the features that make it unique. Right now there aren't even enough games for the PS4 let alone X1 so spending even more than I already did on PS4 for yet another console feels like a crazy stupid idea especially considering I wouldn't even be getting to use all the features of X1 that they advertise so heavily (eg TV integration).


I said this before and I'll say it again: I wouldn't bring an Xbox One into my home even if Microsoft were giving them away for free.

Might sound fanboyish, but I feel like this as well. Money isn't really an issue for me, it's what I get out of it. I play multiplats on PC, and I'm not really interested in Microsoft's exclusive titles. And I don't want to pay for XBL Gold because I don't want to support what they're doing with it. So there's little that the system offers for me.


The problem here is that i'm a gamer, not a stock holder.

The Sony stock rate doesn't matter to me. XBox One, taking into account my game personal tastes, my lack of interest in Kinect, the services that MS offer in Europe, and a lot of other factors (like having a decent PC), is a much worse investment for me than PS4. And I'm not even entering in the power difference.

And a console is an investment. I prefer to pay 400€ for a PS4 than 200€ for a XBox One, because I prefer to skip the few XBox One full-exclusives than the PS4 exclusives, in the next 4 years. Also, I'm getting games with PSPlus, so I don't really need to invest too much money on PS4. I'll get only the exclusives that interest me more, I'll play PSPlus games and I'll buy most of the multis on sale on Steam or PSN sales.

And don't forget that some of the typical Xbox exclusives are shared with the PC.
I have a PS4, but for me to get an Xbox One I'd want it to be around £279.

So effectively it needs £150 off. Its weaker than the PS4, its TV functionality is largely useless in the UK and I don't want Kinect.


Over PS4? As in, Xbone only and no PS4? No price. Not even if it was free.

That's hypothetical, of course since I already have a PS4.
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