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Europe Gaf: at what price would you pick up a XB1 over PS4?


It's not a matter of price honestly, Microsoft is a bad company supported by other bad companies trying to lower consumer's power... and even if you remove that they surely don't aim at my tastes with that push on dudebro games.

They should try to gift me an XOne with a couple of games if they want to change my mind.


If they remove Kinect, the Bluray, the HDD and circuit board, then fill it with concrete so I can use it as a breeze block- £3.

I don't like their policies, and I'm not keen on companies trying to take over bits of my house.


Well I hope for Microsoft's sake the replies in this thread aren't representative of how the average consumer is feeling.
Judging from the Xbone's figures, I suspect opinions of the average consumer aren't too dissimilar - though they may be a little more tempered. Australian here, and I can't recall the last time I spoke to anyone who was interested in the Xbone.


Honestly, most of you guys are just insane. It's just embarassing. Even without Kinect the Xbox One is worth the same price as the PS4. The workmanship of the console and the controller is amazing and in terms of performance we are not speaking of a difference like Wii -> PS360 so how could you dare to say 199/249 Euro?!? The One delivers more possibilities, has the far better software line-up on shelve and announced for the coming months. I've bought it for 499 and still confident with the price. I see that most people don't care about Kinect, so for those 399, but not one cent less than that.

What exactly are those possibilities the XB1 platform delivers for Europeans, that the PS4 cannot? I personally don't think its software line-up beats what the PS4 currently offers, let alone what's in the cards for the foreseeable future. What is there besides Titanfall, PvZ, Halo 2 Anniversary, D4, and Quantum Break for the rest of the year?


Unconfirmed Member
I'd never pick the xbox one over the PS4 but i'd pick one up for £250 or so to into my collection. I plan on getting on eventually, just no rush yet.


Can Australians post here? If so, probably about $300 AUD once more games are out.

Oh wait OVER PS4? I wouldn't, unless MS somehow bought ND and all its talent.

Daamn, you're right. I thought there was no way I would ever see myself interested in buying One (lol) over the other, but yep, that -in theory- could tide me over.
Thank god this will never happen.
There is no price which would get me to buy it instead of a PS4. I already own a PS4 now so as a second console i would pay..... £150.

Things would be very different if a PGR game got announced, however.


If they remove Kinect, the Bluray, the HDD and circuit board, then fill it with concrete so I can use it as a breeze block- £3.

I don't like their policies, and I'm not keen on companies trying to take over bits of my house.
Kinda the same here.

But I don't think it's the Xbox I have a problem with but Microsoft. I haven't really cared about them since ME. Then that changed into strong dislike when work forced it upon me and since Vista, even though the company are great in some aspects (Lgbtq) they can be so fucked up. Hell I'll go and say it.

They are totally irrelevant in the office space. Only reason they are still around is because the majority of people have the attention span of a retarded sliced up carrot. Or just giant scaredy cats that are afraid of the unknown.
"oooh noooooes mah computer television box looks different. Please help me <insert diety of choice>"

Seriously! Only reason I have, paid for even, Windows are for a few games.
Yeah I'm a bitter old man that can't be reasoned with when it comes to bloat on wheel.


Thinking about I realize that I'm actually more interested in the Wii U than the XBone. Right now there is really no price that would make me want to own a Xbone in addition to my PS4, as even the time required to go to a store to purchase a Xbone and installing it wouldn't be worth it. That of course might change in the future with an exclusive I'd want, but nothing's on the horizon.
If people at the Microsoft Xbox division read this thread, they probably would want to kill themselves. If this thread is examplary for how the majority of gamers feel about the Xbone right now, there just seems little to no hope left for MS as a console-manufacturer.

Honestly, and i know i'm probably way to early in saying this, but i think this is the last Xbox we'll ever see.


Right now I'd say £50 less up than the PS4 but that might change since Sony is not exciting me with their exclusives as of yet and I do think Titanfall looks really good. In all honesty though if I do decide not to go with a PS4 it would probably be better for to just get a good pc.


Thinking about I realize that I'm actually more interested in the Wii U than the XBone. Right now there is really no price that would make me want to own a Xbone in addition to my PS4, as even the time required to go to a store to purchase a Xbone and installing it wouldn't be worth it. That of course might change in the future with an exclusive I'd want, but nothing's on the horizon.

Seriously, buy the U. I really like the exclusives and for the same reason buy a Vita <Swedishprincessdoit.png>


Seriously, buy the U. I really like the exclusives and for the same reason buy a Vita <Swedishprincessdoit.png>

I should have added that I have almost zero interest in the Wii U either (at least until they get rid of the gamepad), but at least there would be at be one or two games I might purchase for that system. If someone gifted me an X1 I would't know what to do with it, as there are no exclusive games for it that are worth 60$ to me.


After MS constantly lowering the bar and mucking me around with 360 I can confidently say there is almost no price they could put XB1 at and get me to choose it over PS4

This - if it came down to one or the other I'd pick the PS4 at £500 even if the XB1 was free. It's not about the price.


Whelp - I'm not too interested but assuming the console gains enough true exclusives (i.e. they are only on XB1 and literally nowhere else) I'd maybe consider one if around £ 200.

I have zero interest in Kinect so that would be a dead-weight I'm not willing to purchase and given it's already obvious I'll be getting most games on my PC or PS4 this gen it would literally only be for exclusives.

So far though there are zero exclusives available I'm interested in so any purchase would be quite a way off by the looks of it (given stuff like Remedy's new game I'd wait a while to see if it hit PC like Alan Wake did plus anything else I thought might hit PC after a 6 to 12 month exclusive period).
I'm in for $300 or so once there is a solid backlog of halo and forza titles for me to catch up on. So I'm guessing 2016 at the earliest.


299€ is the only price at which they have a chance to be competitive in Europe.
500€ for inferior hardware is just a joke. If X1 sold 140k in the US the european numbers must be nightmarish for Microsoft.


It is not just the price. I wouldn't get a One over a PS4 because I prefer the exclusives, that they make more new IPs, the value of the digital subscription shared with this and the other PS devices, remote play, possibly Gaikai, horsepower, indie support and more.
Have a ps4 bought an xbox one today. Because ?!? I don't know! My finance wanted one? She likes the Kinect interface. Target $50 dollars giftcard. So besides Titanfall, what else would I play over my ps4? I don't know I mean there is Ryse and Dead Rising. At least I've gotten it out of the way. There bound to be more good exclusives down the road.


Banstick Emeritus
Oh, lets have a look on Sony: they've been rated as 'Junk' and rubbish at stock exchange, they have no money, they are selling PC division and excluding TV, selling company buildings etc. pp.

And what about Nintendo: Even though they still have good cash on the banks, they're screwing up massively with Wii U and 3DS isn't as promising as they wish to be plus their foray into health business? Rly?

Why I'm writing this down? Because I'm f*cking SICK of the constanteous bash of Microsoft and the Xbox One. In fact Windows Phone and Surface are gorgeous products if you spent more than 5 minutes with the devices and their distinct features. Same counts for XOne even though I admit that it has some flaws and really bad PR (at least during last years E3), but I can't hear nor read anymore shit about resolutiongate, PR and how Microsoft is fucking up with their products because that is clearly not the case. Just look at the competitors and then you see who is really fucking up. Sony, beside PlayStation, is a ship already nearly sunken and Nintendo is driving itself into oblivion while Iwata gives a FUCK about it but instead is creating 'health business'.

Just to be clear: Personally I'm fine with Nintendo and Sony, I'm not a fanboy. I was a Wii U owner from Day 1 the same as with XOne and when the right games are there I'll go for a PS4. Both systems have substantial flaws as well as Xbox, but that don't makes me throwing a shitload of disrespect on them.

Seriously guys, think about it.
Oh please Gary Bettman grant me the strength to endure

Read forum Post #1 - here.
Read forum Post #2 - here.
Read forum Post #3 - here...a near carbon copy of Forum Post #2, mind.

Google Search poster by nick. Find poster's Kickstarter page.

Google the RL name on that Kickstarter page. Find Twitter profile with the same photo and a slew of Xbone marketing retweets.

You know, similar to what we discovered late last year.

At the very least, last year's batch of virals and wanna-be's made it interesting. This shit is amateur hour. Stop it. Now.
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