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Europe Gaf: at what price would you pick up a XB1 over PS4?


Over PS4? As in, Xbone only and no PS4? No price. Not even if it was free.

That's hypothetical, of course since I already have a PS4.

Same here, if I'd really have to choose one or the other. The 1st/2nd party offerings just aren't as interesting to me as on the PS4 side.


I don't own either of them. I don't care about either of their first party offerings (with the exception of The Last Guardian...).

So the PS4 has PS+, Remote Play (and cross-buys), and multi-platform games that should run better. With the PS3 I could my Saturn/Neo Geo USB controllers, too, which was nice. I don't know if I can do that with the PS4.

To trade those off I'd need maybe four or five exclusive games on the Xbox that I really want to play. Where I get that number from, I don't know. Maybe one really knock-out game would do it. The extra cost of the Xbox doesn't really factor in. Not trying to be a "baller," but a £100 doesn't really stretch that far in the long run.

edit: Sony doesn't lock services like Netflix behind a paywall either which is a bonus.


Might sound fanboyish, but I feel like this as well. Money isn't really an issue for me, it's what I get out of it. I play multiplats on PC, and I'm not really interested in Microsoft's exclusive titles. And I don't want to pay for XBL Gold because I don't want to support what they're doing with it. So there's little that the system offers for me.

It is, in fact, fanboyish. There is not a single piece of consumer electronics that retails for $500 that I would not take for free. It's kind of annoying that so many people are saying that in this thread. For what it's worth, I own both consoles and a Wii U and a gaming PC, so I'm not really partial to X1 or anything. It's just silliness.

If we're really saying at what price would you get an xbox one and give up your right to a PS4, then that seems like a pretty silly hypothetical discussion.
£430 i.e. I already did.

I prefer the exclusives on MS's side and I like the controller more, not to mention all my friends are on Xbox One. It has it's problems and it has less power, but on balance for me it still wins out.

Sony built a great machine, it just isn't really for me (yet, we'll see how The Order turns out).


It is, in fact, fanboyish. There is not a single piece of consumer electronics that retails for $500 that I would not take for free. It's kind of annoying that so many people are saying that in this thread. For what it's worth, I own both consoles and a Wii U and a gaming PC, so I'm not really partial to X1 or anything. It's just silliness.

If we're really saying at what price would you get an xbox one and give up your right to a PS4, then that seems like a pretty silly hypothetical discussion.

If I refuse to buy BP gas because they dumped tons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico through negligence, does that make me a fanboy?


Well, let's se.. In my country I can't use:

- Netflix
- Amazon Instant Video
- Crackle
- CV
- Fox
- Hulu
- Muzu
- Redbox
- Target
- Univision
- Verizon
- Xbox Music
- Xbox Video

I can't subscribe to Sky or any other UK provider.

So, hm. Okay, 0€ with game.

Because I really can't justify any other price for that box.

Basically this for me.


If I refuse to buy BP gas because they dumped tons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico through negligence, does that make me a fanboy?

If you are insinuating that Microsoft is so anti-consumer in their policies that you would outright refuse a free Xbox One, then good for you - that's your right. I just think it's a lot of hot air that so many people in this thread are so appalled by the thought of having an Xbox One in their house that they wouldn't take one for free.


It is, in fact, fanboyish. There is not a single piece of consumer electronics that retails for $500 that I would not take for free. It's kind of annoying that so many people are saying that in this thread. For what it's worth, I own both consoles and a Wii U and a gaming PC, so I'm not really partial to X1 or anything. It's just silliness.

If we're really saying at what price would you get an xbox one and give up your right to a PS4, then that seems like a pretty silly hypothetical discussion.

For me it comes down to games, limited space around the telly, and not wanting to pay for two subscription services when more games than ever are multiplayer-only.

I don't see the point of having an extra console that I don't have room for, where the exclusives don't interest me and where I'd need to be paying an extra fee to get the most out of it. I just wouldn't use it and would sell it on, so why buy it even if it's heavily discounted? Not everyone wants endless clutter clogging up their space that they won't use, even if it's perfectly capable clutter. You might as well ask me why I don't want a £500 set of golf clubs in my hallway when I play once a year at the most.

We all have different lifestyles, accusing people of fanboyism for not wanting another big electronics box when you have no idea how big their living space is is a bit odd. If you've got room to have more than two consoles under the telly, more power to your elbow, but for me consoles three and four and so on are boxed up for the loft or eBay, and I'd rather have my second console slot taken up by something that doesn't share 90% of the same games.


Gold Member
I already have a PS4 but I've usually owned both consoles at various times of preceding generations. I did like the GeoW franchise and do really like the S controller. I'd probably find a little bit of fun in DR3 etc. but right now the price point and system is way off kilter.

After I get married shortly, I will be getting a gaming PC for around £550 that I'll compliment the PS4 with. Usually this would have been the other console but for an extra £120, a PC is a no brainer. I don't want or need Kinect, the xbox multi platform games are much worse (I'll be using the PC for multi plats anyway going forward), the mod community will be open to me again and I still get couch gaming with the option for the kb/m games like RTS etc.

For me to consider getting the Xbox One now the price point would need to really be no more than £299 and even then if I didn't have a Wii u already then I'd consider that a close run thing.

I actually just started typing and didn't mean to be this harsh but now I have written it, it's more apparent to me just how much trouble MS are in given their gamble. Especially since consumers who have switched are now more aware of content being locked to their platform. Wow.


For me it comes down to games, limited space around the telly, and not wanting to pay for two subscription services when more games than ever are multiplayer-only.

I don't see the point of having an extra console that I don't have room for, where the exclusives don't interest me and where I'd need to be paying an extra fee to get the most out of it. I just wouldn't use it and would sell it on, so why buy it even if it's heavily discounted? Not everyone wants endless clutter clogging up their space that they won't use, even if it's perfectly capable clutter. You might as well ask me why I don't want a £500 set of golf clubs in my hallway when I play once a year at the most.

Well, you're speaking as someone who already owns a PS4. You wouldn't need two subscription fees if you didn't already own a PS4. I envisioned the OPs question to be if you were shopping for a new game console, at what price would you purchase an X1 over a PS4. People are essentially saying if I could have an X1 for free or pay £400 for a PS4 I would pay £400 for a PS4. I think that's silly. I understand that there are reasons why someone wouldn't purchase an X1 if they feel like the PS4 is a better value, but the outright disgust at Microsoft is, in my opinion, unwarranted and disingenuous.


Actually, I don't have a PS4, but I do have a Vita with PS Plus, so yes, it would be an extra subscription. I'll be getting one new console next year when the libraries have rounded out, and I'd rather pay £400 for a PS4 and all the synergies it'll provide with the kit I already have (I'm stocking up on free ps+ games for the ps4) than plug in an Xbox for a much cheaper price.

I'm aware I'm in a tiny minority there though.


Oh, lets have a look on Sony: they've been rated as 'Junk' and rubbish at stock exchange, they have no money, they are selling PC division and excluding TV, selling company buildings etc. pp.

And what about Nintendo: Even though they still have good cash on the banks, they're screwing up massively with Wii U and 3DS isn't as promising as they wish to be plus their foray into health business? Rly?

Why I'm writing this down? Because I'm f*cking SICK of the constanteous bash of Microsoft and the Xbox One. In fact Windows Phone and Surface are gorgeous products if you spent more than 5 minutes with the devices and their distinct features. Same counts for XOne even though I admit that it has some flaws and really bad PR (at least during last years E3), but I can't hear nor read anymore shit about resolutiongate, PR and how Microsoft is fucking up with their products because that is clearly not the case. Just look at the competitors and then you see who is really fucking up. Sony, beside PlayStation, is a ship already nearly sunken and Nintendo is driving itself into oblivion while Iwata gives a FUCK about it but instead is creating 'health business'.

Just to be clear: Personally I'm fine with Nintendo and Sony, I'm not a fanboy. I was a Wii U owner from Day 1 the same as with XOne and when the right games are there I'll go for a PS4. Both systems have substantial flaws as well as Xbox, but that don't makes me throwing a shitload of disrespect on them.

Seriously guys, think about it.

lol, seriously?

They deserve all the hate they get. If they hadn't tried to fuck us all over last year I would have agreed with you somewhat.
But as it stands now, not a chance.


The Detective
That doesn't make them bad games. I haven't seen too much of the games, but at least KI and F5 looked visually pleasing, DR3 didn't look as bad as people had claimed. Pretending - as some have done, though that may not have been your intention - that almost all released exclusive games are shit is hyperbole (or at least a very specific opinion).

I never said that those 3 are shit games (read my post!), just that they have very noticeable flaws and are not better than what came out on the PS4.

Also as a primarily PC gamer,
KI, F5 and DR3 are not visually pleasing.
1280x720 (KI and DR3) is a joke in this day and age, lack of working AA is stupid in light of Post AA (with it's very small performance hit), static lighting in a genre that has a real need for dynamic lighting is not good and 1280x720 + a framerate that drops below 30FPS is just embarrassing.

Having less power is a negative, but I don't see how it's the be-all and end-all unless every game suddenly has gamebreaking problems like Skyrim on PS3 (used to have). I agree on the stuff behind paywalls and personally I have never paid for online (and I doubt I ever will). It's a negative, but - statistically speaking - how significant is this issue at a videogame forum like GAF? Given that you need to pay for online on PS4 as well, it seems like (overall) less of an issue like last gen.

Having less power is kind of the be all and end all when most games are multi platform and not everyone wants to play online on a console.

Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of things wrong with Xbox One, I just think it's a lot more useful to carefully list and explain these issues (when attacking a post like the one you originally quoted), rather than posting something that comes off as "Everything regarding Xbox One is shit". Personally I'd buy a Xbox One at a low enough price (if they fix the issues), at least if they manage to pump out some good exclusives. It's a weaker system with issues, that doesn't mean it can't find success (if the issues are fixed).

I just posted a rebuttal to what that other guy said, if you take that as "Everything regarding Xbox One is shit", then it is on you.

Honestly, most of you guys are just insane. It's just embarassing. Even without Kinect the Xbox One is worth the same price as the PS4. The workmanship of the console and the controller is amazing and in terms of performance we are not speaking of a difference like Wii -> PS360 so how could you dare to say 199/249 Euro?!? The One delivers more possibilities, has the far better software line-up on shelve and announced for the coming months. I've bought it for 499 and still confident with the price. I see that most people don't care about Kinect, so for those 399, but not one cent less than that.

Oh, lets have a look on Sony: they've been rated as 'Junk' and rubbish at stock exchange, they have no money, they are selling PC division and excluding TV, selling company buildings etc.

I'm f*cking SICK of the constanteous bash of Microsoft and the Xbox One. In fact Windows Phone and Surface are gorgeous products if you spent more than 5 minutes with the devices and their distinct features. Same counts for XOne even though I admit that it has some flaws and really bad PR (at least during last years E3), but I can't hear nor read anymore shit about resolutiongate, PR and how Microsoft is fucking up with their products because that is clearly not the case. Just look at the competitors and then you see who is really fucking up. Sony, beside PlayStation, is a ship already nearly sunken and Nintendo is driving itself into oblivion while Iwata gives a FUCK about it but instead is creating 'health business'.
I'm not a fanboy


I love that GIF


I wouldn't get an Americabox even if it were free. I don't even care if this appears fanboyish.

( i like consumer rights yo) Some people seem to have forgotten the shit MS were trying to pull last year.
200 euro for a PS4. It will be many years and one or two new designs, but I can wait.
It's the same price I paid for my PS3 (super slim model)


Doesn't really apply top me as I've got a PS4 already, but an Xbone plus Halo 2 or Halo 5 for £200-250 would be very tempting. The current price is insane, considering what you get for your money.


The price I jumped on the 360 at. Think it was less than £200 with few games. A while to go before I can buy. Wouldn't pick it over the ps4.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
You should ask "at what Price would you be tempted to buy one" not "buy one over a PS4"
There is no price it can drop to be worth buying over t he PS4 at the moment, taking out personal opinion on what exclusive are best(even thats not good enough reason) in light of what we know, you would be a fool to the Xbox One over the PS4.
Buying one as well as a PS4 for a few exclusives worth buying a console just for ( which none exist yet) yes, when it hit below £200, but never as a main platform, thats madness.....then again there are people who never own a PS2,PSX or SNES.....


After MS constantly lowering the bar and mucking me around with 360 I can confidently say there is almost no price they could put XB1 at and get me to choose it over PS4

Yes this. I pretty much decided to jump ship next gen before the PS and XB were even announced, that just sweetened the deal. I got an increasingly sour taste in my mouth by MS putting everything behind their paywall (even basic stuff like Facebook and Youtube), and not putting in any effort with interesting exclusives.

I always go with one main console and a Nintendo console, so right now there's no room left for the XB1, doesn't really matter how cheap they price it. The 360 was one of my favorite consoles ever but yeah MS done goofed. If right off the bat it was 250 euros compared with the 400 of PS4 I would've considered it. Right now... Maybe if they get multiple Naughty Dog degree exclusives and it costs 150... But then I never did buy the PS3 either.


If you are insinuating that Microsoft is so anti-consumer in their policies that you would outright refuse a free Xbox One, then good for you - that's your right. I just think it's a lot of hot air that so many people in this thread are so appalled by the thought of having an Xbox One in their house that they wouldn't take one for free.

Are you surprised that many folks are opposed to MS business practises, especially around their anti-consumer stance in the early days of the Xbone? The only real way for consumers to influence businesses is with their wallet. Not buying products and services from companies who maintain immoral business practises.

Sometime this isn't possible. If you were opposed to a big mining company for their environmental impact or war profiteering, you'd be hard pressed to avoid end product made with their materials. But with an obvious product like a console and its software, you can easily avoid it, knowing no money is going to the company behind it.

Even if you did get a free Xbone, every time you bought game for it you'd be sending money MS's way.


300€, but probably even less if I really had to choose. Most of the services provided by Microsoft don't work in Portugal. And we don't even have the dashboard in the correct form of Portuguese...


I wouldn't, ever.

I say ever, there is precisely no reason to own one at the minute, and I can't see any reason software wise on the horizon to own one in the near future.

So no, at the moment it doesn't matter what price it was, as just like the Wii U there is no reason to buy one.
Honestly, most of you guys are just insane. It's just embarassing. Even without Kinect the Xbox One is worth the same price as the PS4. The workmanship of the console and the controller is amazing and in terms of performance we are not speaking of a difference like Wii -> PS360 so how could you dare to say 199/249 Euro?!? The One delivers more possibilities, has the far better software line-up on shelve and announced for the coming months. I've bought it for 499 and still confident with the price. I see that most people don't care about Kinect, so for those 399, but not one cent less than that.

Please enlighten us on the "far better lineup on shelves." you refer to because i keep seeing one fans saying this yet it's untrue. Look up any list on google and it's clear this is the same old MS propaganda and brainwashing as usual.


I've already bought a PS4, but let's say we went back in time: probably €299 including Kinect versus a €399 PS4.


I wouldn't get an Americabox even if it were free. I don't even care if this appears fanboyish.

( i like consumer rights yo) Some people seem to have forgotten the shit MS were trying to pull last year.


Microsoft could offer me 500EUR and I still wouldn't want a 'muricabox.

And for PS4 ... we can talk about that, when Sony patches in PS1+PS2 support without any streaming crap attached to it. Even then, I enjoy getting platinums on PS3, but I don't want to pay a monthly fee just to be able to get them. I don't think that this can be solved. 5 years PSN+ would cost me 420EUR, just to be able to get platinums of games, that got multiplayer trophies. Sorry, Sony. No deal.


MS corporate greed and transparent consumer belittlement, casual gamer and lack of 1st party support means I wouldnt have the xbox one anywhere near me.

I was a big x360 user, MS are dead to me, unless they open 1st party studios in mass and change their attitude. I could have an xbox one if I chose to but iv little interest in it, even if I got it for free as it just take up space.


I would pay 399,- if they include a kinect driver for pc that lets me tinker with it aka write own little kinect-enabled programs. Thats would be fun :)


I already did. I have both. I prefer Forza to GT. I bought it primarily for that franchise and Titanfall. I picked up the PS4 for 3rd party cross platform titles since we all know it's more powerful. But that power doesn't mean a thing if the games you love are exclusive to Xbox - even if there are only a few. I'm a racer first, everything else second. I had to have the Xbox. I'm amused that people quibble over the cost - 3 games or thereabouts. Over the life of the console it is meaningless. And those three games, they're near worthless after 6 months.


An XB1 over a PS4? Not even for free. I spent over £1000 on a PC pretty much to make third party games look all nice, I'm not going to sacrifice that for the sake of £425.

Also, i already have a PS4.


I'd never pick the X1 over the Ps4. Even if the X1 were free.

For me it's not about price. It's about games, and Sony has the better multiplatforms and the exclusives that I like more. Giving up PS+ for Live sounds like lunacy as well


Europe is mainly PC Land and Playstation Land, unless MS massively discounts the Xbox One without Sony doing the same, I don't see how it will happen.


If it was kinectless and £200.

With two games.

And a free year of Live.

Then I would consider it.


I already own a PS4

The big problem with getting an Xbone as a second console to just play a handful of exclusives on is you still need to chump up and cash for the Live tax. So the price of the console needs to reflect this. Current console price + Live is really fucking expensive in the scheme of things.


Never. I only buy one console per generation, and the PS4 is so much better than the Xbone that it wasn't even a choice: do you like games? Buy a PS4. And this coming from someone who has never owned a Playstation before, and who has been an Xbox gamer since the OG. After what they tried to pull, I will never buy an Xbone - at any price. Game over Redmond, better luck next generation.


There is no price, I'm just not interested in any more of their games consoles - not just the One. As someone who has been around and interested since the NES launch, Microsoft overstepped the mark with their choice of words so many times last year. They treated their biggest potential customers like complete idiots, whether it be online check ins, no used games, the cloud, family sharing that wouldn't have been what they advertised it being, focusing so much on an HDMI-in slot and generally trying to pull the wool over the public's eyes.

That's not a product or really a company that I want to support, more than I have to.

Of course that weren't the only big scale negative press that Microsoft got last year.


Can Australians post here? If so, probably about $300 AUD once more games are out.

Oh wait OVER PS4? I wouldn't, unless MS somehow bought ND and all its talent.
even at 50 bucks, I would buy it. Simply because so far no games interested me and because I simply refuse to support Microsoft's policies. They'll need a total revamp and turn over of their focus and philosophies for me to consider buying their product and using their service (paying for XBL, plugin Kinect...)
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