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EVANGELION (PSP): New Info + Screens:

bjork said:
The second half would be good on its own, but not as the ass end of a show that's about robots kicking ass and whatnot. It's like someone mashed two totally different show plots together and forced them to coexist.

The second half of that show is what I'd expect if they ever made an anime about emo bands.

Yeah the whole "monstrously depressed tweens are the only ones who can pilot are robots" logic seemed a bit shoehorned.


All Eva threads seem to devolve, so as much as I dislike the series, I thought the thread needed a little pixelled goodness:



Beezy said:
I'll never have and never will watch Evangelion unless I can get it in japanese with subtitles. The english voices hurt so bad.

Then why not get/watch Eva with Jp voice/English subs? ?_?


Asuka was a great character. Emo inside, and a totally strong front outside, like a glass blade waiting to shatter upon impact.

At the time, I was definetly of age to appreciate Asuka in her cute yellow dress and blue choker get up... but alas people might call me a pedobear for holding onto that like. :p

On a related note, I just downloaded a h-manga that's more story than hentai... although it's really just a setup to get shinji rooting asuka, it's handled really quite well; it actually flashes back in the timeline, after the diamond angel attack, but with Shinji having dreamt of everything upto the end of Evangelion.

He basically sets about trying to correct the missteps from that series, but he just can't win, Asuka is still insanely competitive; he tries to save her ego and her sense of self by dropping his syncrho rating below hers... it works well until the next angel attack, at which point, it becomes blatantly obvious that he's some kinda super boy... and Asuka reacts exactly as she did in the anime when she was bested by Shinji.
As for rei; after having seen her as giant soul devouring goddess form, Shinji can't see rei the same way; whether intentionally or not, he starts to act very coldly towards her; in the canon of the anime, I don't think she would've batted an eyelid, but in this manga, she gets kinda obsessive about the distance that's placed between her and the other two children. She ends up committing suicide, setting the story up for the second volume; where I guess Shinji does the groundhog day thing and tries to stop Rei from killing herself while still managing Asuka.

Intresting, probably the best eva-speculating doujin I've ever seen. Art is quite spot on too (maybe not to the standard of the proper manga, but all the characters look like they do from the source material).
The other eva doujin I've read a bit of, not much though, is one that follows on from Shinji's dream sequence in ep 26, where he's living with his mom and dad and Asuka is the childhood friend that comes along and picks him up. ... But that manga, ended up quickly branching towards a more eva like story, rather than been an actual shoujo type manga (as the initial scenario might suggest).
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