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Even if Marvel gets the rights to Fantastic Four back...

Uzumaki Goku

Junior Member
Would they even be able to make a film out of them? I mean, the last movie bombing did some serious damage to the brand (and yet, Fox STILL doesn't seem to want to give the rights back) see, Marvel getting the rights back has created a Catch-22, usually it's because those movie studios don't want to make films out of the property anymore, that's why despite the rights for Blade, Ghost Rider and Daredevil reverting, they haven't been able to make films out of them and why Ghost Rider, Daredevil and Punisher have been relegated to Netflix and TV shows rather than films.

So... even if Marvel gets the rights back, would they be able to make a Fantastic Four movie? Probably not for a good long while.


Just use the villians, honestly, that's all they can do at this point. Maybe introduce them later or just have them kinda be there but without their own movie


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
If Marvel got the rights back to Spider-Man would they be able to make a movie after the utter shitstorm that was The Amazing Spider-Man 2?

Of course they could make a bitching F4 movie, don't be silly.
They could make a TV show and start from there

The X-Men are long gone though, getting them back from Fox will be nigh impossible


They don't need to make a F4 movie right away, just make use of Doom and Galactus for the infinity war and work backwards from there.

Uzumaki Goku

Junior Member
If Marvel got the rights back to Spider-Man would they be able to make a movie after the utter shitstorm that was The Amazing Spider-Man 2?

Of course they could make a bitching F4 movie, don't be silly.

Well, Sony and Marvel basically made a deal, because if Sony continued with Spider-Man, they might've done some serious damage to the Spider-Man brand and considering that he's Marvel icon... that wouldn't have been good for Marvel.


You're ignoring the fact that they could put Tony Stark in a trailer to sell the movie, or more like Tom Holland's Spider-Man given the comic book origins of that character.
Nobody's ever made a good Spiderman, but people will keep trying. Same with F4




If Marvel got the rights back to Spider-Man would they be able to make a movie after the utter shitstorm that was The Amazing Spider-Man 2?

Of course they could make a bitching F4 movie, don't be silly.

Sony will never give it up, especially after the deal they made for Spider-man homecoming.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder

Film it. Make mega bank.

Well, Sony and Marvel basically made a deal, because if Sony continued with Spider-Man, they might've done some serious damage to the Spider-Man brand and considering that he's Marvel icon... that wouldn't have been good for Marvel.

Sony will never give it up, especially after the deal they made for Spider-man homecoming.

My point was the Homecoming exists despite AS2 being a dumpster fire.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I doubt it would be a top priority for them. Honestly, I think the same thing for the X-Men. Marvel isn't going to release 6 comic movies a year. At a certain point it would eat into itself. I think if they got the F4 back, they'd just get cameos in other movies. People going to consult Reed, shit like that


Sony will never give it up, especially after the deal they made for Spider-man homecoming.

I think it was just a reference to the looming Homecoming success (after the Initial good Reviews) and that it shows how Marvel's involvement instantly made a good Spiderman movie.

Beaten by sinastar himself.


currently reading through Cosmic Marvel (and Hickman FF/F4) stuff and.. fuck, it makes me sad Marvel doesn't have the film rights to a lot of these characters. Let's hope they can reach an agreement with Fox for them so they can use 'em after Avengers 4.
Make Doctor Doom the major post-Thanos villain over several movies. And have Johnny Storm team-up with Spidey in Homecoming 2. Once audiences are familiar with the all-new FF, Marvel can drop the movie we've all been waiting for.

Too bad it's not gonna happen though.


Un Rama
They probably wouldn't care now because they have their family of misfits going on galactic adventures with Guardians. Fantastic Four isn't in the same league as getting Spidey back and making him good again.

It's a shame that Galactus, Dr Doom and the like are locked away.
They just need to fully embrace their 1950/60's kitche and classic movie feel, and make a genre film out of that concept. It's no different than what Marvel has done with GOTG or Thor: Ragnarok.


Homecoming exists only because it is a chance for Sony Pictures to salvage Spider-Man after their horrendous flop and reboot. Fox is not Sony and does not need a successful Fantastic Four while they sti have X-Men etc. The licensing and rights are different as well. Notice how no MCU movie can or has mentioned 'mutants'. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in Avengers are enhanced humans by Hydra lol.

Spider-Man 1 and 2 were blockbusters that broke records. The first Fantastic Four and sequel with Silver Surfer never even came close. Sony wants to go back to making Spider-Man relevant again. No one in their right mind would have told you in 2004 Iron Man would be the face of Marvel and more kids would dress up as Thor than Spider-Man at Halloween in 2016.
What I would love with FF in Marvel if they get the rights is to flashback to the 50's and a test rocket launch that hits an anomaly then it gets to present day and the rocket comes crashing out of the sky.
The FF are more of a fun throwback and that would help preserve that quality in them as they integrate like Cap had to.
Or get the Norm Macdonald version of the FF led by Mister Fantastic because he has fantastic powers.


Bitches love smiley faces
If Feige got it back, yeah he can make a good FF film, but I feel like the greater assets at this point are cosmic characters to use with GotG and a "Loki caliber" villain.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Disney has The Incredibles already. They don't need two identical properties.
I don't think it would be an issue. Firstly, I think in an abstract sense audiences are rather fickle and have a short memory. Time and time again there have been movies which have either flopped critically, commercially or both, and film goers still show up for a new instalment. For instance:

Batman & Robin to Batman Begins
X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine to X-Men: First Class
Star Wars Prequels to The Force Awakens
Die Another Day to Casino Royale
Planet of the Apes to Rise and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Secondly whilst it might seem the F4 simply aren't suited to being adapted, I really don't see it being anymore difficult than Marvel's other films. If they can make Doctor Strange, GotG and Ant-Man work, I am sure they can make the F4 work.
Fantastic Four doesn't have to go back to Marvel to be good.
Fantastic Four won't go back to Marvel anyway.

Fox already hit on the right idea for Fantastic Four once, they just didn't go through with it.

Let Peyton Reed make the movie he was pitching about a decade ago.

El Topo

You need to worry about Constantin *and* Fox. The former has no reason to give up their rights. It's basically free money.


Skrull are tied to F4 aren't they? This and villians (Doom) would be probably more important to MArvel then the F4 themself.


Fantastic Four doesn't have to go back to Marvel to be good.
Fantastic Four won't go back to Marvel anyway.

Fox already hit on the right idea for Fantastic Four once, they just didn't go through with it.

Let Peyton Reed make the movie he was pitching about a decade ago.
Yeah, i want F4 to go back to Marvel, but i have a feeling Fox is going to get it right their next try.

Blue Griffin

Neo Member
When are the rights due to expire with Fox ??? When do the have to make another FF4 movie by? Could they give them back to marvel sooner or when doesn't marvel make an offer ???


Aside from the core cast itself, Fantastic Four allows the introduction of villains that are very important to other franchises too, like Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers. Most of them could work even without the FF, but there's also Doom who pretty much needs Reed to work.


I honestly think that there are great scriptwriters and directors out there that could make a great treatment of the FF within the MCU.

But beyond the core heroes, it's about the vilains.

Imagine if DC had 1 property locked away which included the Joker, Harley Quinn, Lex Luthor, Brainiac and a few other big ones, leaving only Darkseid and a few minor ones to play with?
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