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Facebook election meltdowns and tasty, salty tears |OT|

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This may be a dumb question... but why are these people only concerned about "my tax money" going to security nets/healthcare etc. but seemingly don't seem to give a fuck about two extremely costly wars and a wildly inflated defense budget?
I dont have quotes, but there is one guy in particular on my Facebook that constantly spammed anti Obama propaganda. Normally I ignored him, but towards the end I would get into heated arguments.

The worst was a story linked about people leaving an Obama rally early. It described Bill Clinton as a liar, womanizer, and alleged rapist.

TLDR: Very vocal Romney supporters now posting. "Who's president doesn't matter God matters" Its like damn, then why did you spam Facebook with propaganda for the last 4 months.


The salt at my job is glorious. We have crazy republicans here (propaganda type). They thought it was going to a be a land slide victory for Romney.

I would have came in today even if it was my day off :D

Tis glorious at my work too. I almost need waders because of all the tears. I've been telling people that the GOP needs to nominate more moderate candidates and move away from the ledge, but most of the ignoratti think Mitt's problem was that he was too moderate and didn't "fight for our values". Ugh. Good luck with that.


From my feed:


Another one that popped up on my fb, massive wall text.

"I'm surprised at how quiet my facebook is in reference to the events of last night... So I'm gonna say my piece right here then accept it and move on... Does America really understand what they voted in last night? Right now each child in the US is already in debt 218,000 dollars with the spending Obama did in his first term. Where is this number going to be in 4 more years? It's sickening to me. Do we just not care anymore about the future of this nation, about our children? Is it the social issues that are more important to us? Are you prepared to pay even more and more for food, gas the simple necessities of life? Then be prepared to have less and less in your paycheck I hope you are because that is what you have now voted in! And now we are all going to be affected by it. How can you vote someone in who left 4 Americans behind in Libya and then blatantly lied about it and tried to blame it on a YouTube video? I don't know, I don't know anymore what this America is about? It's def not the America I grew up in and that my friends is a very very sad thing."


HOLY SH*** enough salt to go into competition with this:


LULZ! And to think a good chunk of conservatives think democrats are far/fringe left.
Man, if my Photoshop skills were any good I'd whip up a Republican Salt can in no time. "Best Before date 2008". "47% extra free". So many possibilities...


Im in Northern Kentucky and while these people are on my friends list, alot of them are work friends and not people I hang out with.

Its glorious, should have done this last night, noticed some good ones were deleted this morning.

Someone actually bothered to whip out a Revenge of the Sith quote? A bit ironic since the film is supposedly a giant criticism of the Bush administration.

I don't usually bother with TV at all, but my wife seems to want to get her news from Fox for reasons beyond me. We have a home theater system, and invited our neighbors over tonight to watch the election returns on Fox with us.

We were appalled by the process through which the Fox morons cheerfully dismissed state after state before the facts were even in, a pattern epitomized when some babe strutted in smarmy fashion down to their "Decision Room" to humor Carl Rove's contention that Ohio had been called far too prematurely for Obama.

It was an amazingly amateurish, overly glitzy production throughout, and one where every single Fox News person seemed more than glad, titillated in fact, that Obama had won. I found it disgusting beyond words.

I left Fox long ago, but I think my wife finally saw the light tonight. We're done with the. May they rot in whatever hell they go to.
At this point, I’d buy whatever you can on the cheap and put your money towards a secret room to hide them in before the regime can grab them. The quality of the weapon might not be as important has hiding the weapon.

4 posted on Tuesday, November 06, 2012 11:33:53 PM by Behind Liberal Lines
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“Very happy about the reelection of President Obama,” Van Rompuy wrote in Dutch on his Twitter account.

YOU are a f^cking commie POS, Herman. I sincerely hope fascist nationalists do overthrow European governments just so I can watch you being dragged into the streets.

Cameron and Gillars. Cut from the same cloth. Traitors to the growing Islamic caliphate.

3 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 12:31:33 AM by Viennacon
Well, we lost big tonight so what are we going to do about it? I think we need to adopt the other side's tactics. Why is it that conservatives don't boycott firms that advertise on the msm to force fair coverage? Why is there no truly conservative media outlet? We don't need fair and balanced, we need conservative! Why do conservatives go to movies that fund stars that in turn fund our enemies? We need to fight with our pocketbooks! Boycott movies or buy bootlegs. The moochers don't have the funds to support the dims. OUR money is what is being spent for the dims... We cannot keep doing this. We need a real conservative party with real conservative candidates that are willing to stick it to the press. The biggest applause in any debate was when Newt attacked the press. Take away their legitimacy and mock them... That's my rant for the evening
What’s next is realistic, organized exodus from the Republican party to our own movement DEMANDING that we Americans who love the constitution be given the right to rule ourselves as we see fit, in a new republic.

We need to become the Spanish Catalonian movement. This house cannot stand divided, and so it must fall into two. It is time conservatives and liberals went their separate ways. We put up with each other for a hell of a long time, but now that we have become simply a large minority, we need our own homeland.

7 posted on November 7, 2012 3:24:44 AM EST by Viennacon
Why do conservatives go to movies that fund stars that in turn fund our enemies? We need to fight with our pocketbooks! Boycott movies or buy bootlegs.
Well, don't buy bootlegs. Just keep a boycott list either on paper or in your mind. Boycott Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Cher, Streisand, Hanoi Jane, etc. And when you buy movies, buy them at the Dollar Tree for $1 or at Big Lots for $3. Usually, you're buying overflow inventory and not adding significantly to Hollywood's profits.

By the way, anyone who buys a Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Bruce Springsteen or JayZ CD cannot seriously be considered a conservative. If you absolutely must have their music (and I have no idea why you would) just tape them off the radio or tape their free appearances off TV. Hall and Oates joined the boycott of Arizona, so I no longer go out and buy any of their new products. In fact, I haven't had any desire to listen to their stuff for quite some time now. Their cowardly cave-in to the liberal elites in the music industry has soured me on their music probably forever.

12 posted on November 7, 2012 3:29:29 AM EST by billclintonwillrotinhell
To: Tailgunner Joe
This election could possibly be the last reflecting Caucasians in any type of power position in this country, and do not think for one instant that the south of the border types and Negroes will be one tenth as nice to Caucasians as we were to them for during the existence of our Country.

In less than a decade we will lose our Constitution, our rights, our liberties, and we will be a third world hellhole like Mexico City of Mogadishu.
53 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 12:38:30 AM by OldMissileer
To this day, I still don't understand how or why Romney got to be the nominee in the first place.
The gun-grabbing architect of the blueprint for Obamacare, who lost to the guy who lost to Obama the last time? Are you kidding me?!

I'm sorry, the Republican Party, and this entire country, is hopelessly lost. We're officially at the "brace for impact" stage of things now, and nothing is going to stop it.

11 posted on Wed Nov 07 2012 20:36:31 GMT+0900 (Tokyo Standard Time) by Zeddicus
Attacking each other isn’t going to help.

I really do think it was voter fraud.

I can see how the morons would vote for O (though don’t agree) but the Senate races? And some House seats?

16 posted on Wed Nov 07 2012 20:38:45 GMT+0900 (Tokyo Standard Time) by FUBO
Time to turn back the clock when it comes to voting rights.

Yes, I’m perfectly serious.

6 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 9:00:49 AM by RightOnline (I am Andrew Breitbart!)
Women, blacks and foreigners will line their death nest with the remnants of a great civilization. They can have it. Better dead than red.

11 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 9:02:54 AM by MarineBrat (Better dead than red!)
Free condoms and abortions for the “lady parts” voting block from Barry the First Timer. Sluts. Wait until they find out Barry their love now owns their “lady parts” under ObamaCare. The joke is on them.

2 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 8:35:15 AM by FlingWingFlyer (REVENGE wins.)
A litigation attorney, my wife is a logical, critical thinker; and yet, when she talks about Obama, it’s about how handsome and charming he is.

Like college kids, women are emotional voters and thinkers; as a result, they are unable to make wise decisions for the benefit of the nation(Yes, there are exceptions). The Founding Fathers knew this, and that’s why women were denied the vote until the 1920s and children weren’t allowed to vote until the 1970s.

6 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 8:39:59 AM by MikeyB806
Not surprising. My female coworker (should I say former now that I got laid off) stated that Romney wants to take away Abortion right away from Women, but OMG but if she caught her daughter smoking she would be livid. This is how retarded these Obama females are. Smoking is evil but Abortion nah.

Looks like the Democrap are all about vaginas, anal sex, drugs. You never hear from them about Freedom except for those 3 things.

9 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 8:53:30 AM by Patriot Babe
Ditto. Only sluts vote with their overused lady parts.

11 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 9:02:17 AM by alphadoggie
“These high levels of minority and young voter participation are here to stay”...Yes, for the Left. America is over.

2 posted on Mittwoch, 7. November 2012 16:05:24 by AngelesCrestHighway
Higher turnout from the plantation population. Lower turnout overall. Plantation Party wins.

7 posted on Mittwoch, 7. November 2012 16:09:00 by USNBandit (sarcasm engaged at all times)
“I got me a Obamaphone! He gonna pay my electik bill!” The country teeters close to the point where >50% of the voters vote for a living, outnumbering those who actually work for a living. When that threshold is crossed (and it might have happened last night) there is no going back; no one in the future can win who promises to give away fewer freebies and gimmes than the other guy promises.

This will continue until The Collapse stops it dead in its tracks. The Collapse is coming, and optimistically, might occur on Obama’s watch. What things will look like after The Collapse is anyone’s guess. Maybe it will look like lower Manhattan looks right now - people left to fend for themselves, with none of the promised gimmes they were not only expecting, they were utterly depending upon.

8 posted on Mittwoch, 7. November 2012 16:10:04 by coloradan (The US has become a banana republic, except without the bananas - or the republic.)
Obama won because he took 5.1 million more votes in the under 30 demographic.

That’s obviously where we need to focus. The good news that in 2016 they will be 4 years older, paying taxes (if they can find jobs) and see what their health coverage looks like. People tend to become more conservative as they get older.

11 posted on Mittwoch, 7. November 2012 16:11:12 by Raebie (WS)
Posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 8:10:12 AM by dps.inspect

Revenge is theirs, they have control, they are in charge... they have wrested America away from us like a bully yanking a child's belongings out of his hands. We are the new minority but without minority status. They will remake America into their own liking, make constitutionalism a relic of the past. Our only power is to stand in resistance and thwart their aims, we will not give them an inch. We are Republican no more, we side with no party... we go underground now.

We are the new minority, let us now become the New Resistance... we don't reach across the isle to "get things done" we throw a wrench into their scheme. We don't merrily accept gay marriage, we stand up to it and say NEVER. We spit whenever we hear the name 0bama. We do not accept your world view... we are the new minority... we are the New Resistance... God damn 0bama's new America and God Bless the New Resistance.
Civil War 2 is here, and I predict IT WILL HAPPEN.

4 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 8:18:59 AM by Biggirl ("Jesus talked to us as individuals"-Jim Vicevich/Thanks JimV!)
Why do I have a vague sense that I've been "played" once again?- As was the case in 2008-when McCain "didn't quite" make it to the winners circle.

Romney was much better than McCain at campaigning-but to be honest- the whole time- it just always felt like "something was missing" from their (Romney/Ryan) efortts- Like they were holding back for some reason.

Add to this the bizzare coverage of Fox news (calling state after state for O before even 1% of the vote was recorded exc..), and it looked like "the fix was in".

The question is: Why?
Maybe to collapse our dollar so Soros and Co. can make another 18 billion? Who knows.

All I know is that I'm done with the republican party. If conservatives are smart-they will be done with it too. No conservative will ever be "allowed" to run in an election.

I think we are past the point where elections matter now -we never do anything about corruption at the polls anyway.

The USA has been betrayed by greedy, selfish , power-mad people at the highest levels of our government, and by a lazy, shallow, ignorant, populace out to take everything it can get for itself-no matter what the consequences are. ( I don't think we can turn this around. God Help us.

And while I think great darkness is coming, it doesn't change who we are- for those of us who remember who we are.


I keep reading about how all the minorities voted for Obama.


Do they think he's going to give them stuff?

All O and Company are going to do is turn this once great nation into a poverty stricken third world country-just like the ones they (minorities) came here to escape from.


The long national nightmare continues.
1 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 7:45:01 AM by Pajamajan
I want to see the numbers breakdown.

I wasn’t expecting a landslide.

But by my calculations, Obama Ben Ghazi should have lost most of the independents and a lot of those who were high on the messianic hopium.

If his numbers were anywhere near 2008, massive voter fraud is a certainty.

2 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 7:46:53 AM by Ghost of Philip Marlowe (Prepare for survival.)
Even now, I can’t get my mind around what happened.

We had a candidate with momentum and gobs of money, and huge enthusiastic crowds everywhere he went. The polls favored him, and his internal polling HAD to be good since he never thought he would need a concession speech. So many “experts” assured us Ohio was in the bag, from the governor on down to people like Bill Cunningham, and the talking heads. Independents were supposedly breaking big for Romney. And turnout in Republican areas was huge. I stood in line yesterday for an hour and a half, when normally I just walk in, vote, and leave within five minutes.

So what happened? How could everyone and everything be wrong? It isn’t computing.

19 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 8:41:31 AM by CatherineofAragon (The idiocracy has come home to roost. God help us.)
After last night, I don’t think we can continue believing that America is a center-right country. Not any longer. The truth has slapped us upside the head. The nation is getting browner and will continue to do so, and it’s a fact that blacks and Hispanics will almost always vote Democrat.
Also, the schools have done a good job of brainwashing the young.

20 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 8:49:08 AM by CatherineofAragon (The idiocracy has come home to roost. God help us.)
Anyone who voted democrat is no countryman of mine.

They are willful traitors or stupid animals.

There are 2 Americas.
3 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 7:44:19 AM by Impy (Boehner for President - 2013)
Last night defined who I’ll be going forward. My vote was outnumbered by an ill-informed voter. I shall NEVER again waste my time and vote. We are outnumbered...we have made the ‘turn’ and there is no going back. Minorities are breeding at an alarming rate...we can never outnumber the left. I am officially tuning out...no pride in America...it’s gone.

4 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 7:44:48 AM by maineman (BC EAGLES FAN)
It is truly a DARK DAY in the history of our once GREAT NATION!! My God how we have fallen from your GRACE..God’s judgement upon this country is coming and it is coming soon. This country will not endure another four years of an Obama presidency. We need to travail in prayer over our country because we are a DOOMED nation. God Bless the USA!!

23 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 8:13:51 AM by R AND R IN 2012
Family. Boy.

My aunt and her dying of cancer husband are libs. I don’t know if my mom will want to talk to her now.

My lovely cousin, is tweeting PROBAMA bullshite.

What can you do? Some people don’t get it. That’s what happens when the other side controls the media and the schools. And when good men marry liberal women and let them raise the kids. My tweeting cousin’s pa is our side. His wife is not.

Don’t let them take your family. Just agree not to discuss politics.

And if you have kids, you gotta TCOB and make SURE they know what is up. If they say something liberal, spank them hard. And I say that as someone who is strongly against spanking.

38 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 9:07:27 AM by Impy (Boehner for President - 2013)
Posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 5:41:32 AM by Kukai

White Women Determine the Direction of the Country

The majority of white women broke for Obama in this election – guess it’s true that “Once you go Barack, you don’t go back!” White women in America control who runs the show, just plain and simple.
Women can’t make it on their own. They need the nanny state to provide for them. When the money runs out, there’s always the credit card.

2 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 5:47:45 AM by txrefugee
And when the bottom falls out they will suffer first and the most. You reap what you sow.

And it will be even worse for blacks.
5 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 5:55:23 AM by jjsheridan5
Women should not be able to vote. The country has been moving to socialism since they got that right.

9 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 6:19:44 AM by bmwcyle (Women reelected Obama)
Yes, they a vain selfish creatures.

12 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 6:26:37 AM by bmwcyle (Women reelected Obama)
Most white women are ignorant.

Ignorant of the racial realities of black race hatred of whites,of how the Obama Administration, and the Corrupt Liberal Media and the Fake Feminist turn a blind eye to the horrific rate of interracial, black on white rape.

All rapes are hate crimes. All interracial rapes are interracial hate crimes and black on white rapes are epidemic compared to the reverse.

Here are the facts:

Only 5 percent of all interracial forcible rapes are white on black,95 percent are black on white. This is a hate ratio of 19 to 1.

Only 2 percent of interracial sexual homicides (where the rape victim is also murdered) are white on black,98 percent are black on white. This is a hate ratio of 48 to 1

100 percent of sexual homicides of elderly women in modern times are black on white.This is a hate ratio of 100 to 1.

Yet Obama’s Attorney General,Eric “my people” Holder, has openly stated that white Americans are not protected by federal hate crime laws against racist attacks. Only Holder approved “protected groups” are. Holder sent 10 special FBI agents to Sanford Florida to see if Zimmerman had any racist statements or actions in his background, yet he has ignored thousands violent black hate crimes against whites and Hispanics and the racist hate rape of thousands of white women.

This is an issue that should be compelling and enraging to white women of all political views, yet the Corrupt Liberal Media keeps them ignorant of these facts, instead super sizing controversial statements of Republican politicians about rape while Obama turns a blind eye to rapes motivated by race hatred.

Knowledge is power. Ignorance is bliss. So many Americans are blissfully ignorant of the Obama racist policies on hate crime laws while Holder Youth attack whites in the schools, on the streets and in their homes.

That the Obama Administration has 4 more years to continue this hypocrisy could be a blessing in disguise if it pushes the white voter and some craven Republicans politicians to a tipping point and awakens them from their continued groveling before the Race Card.

We live in interesting times.

15 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 6:59:46 AM by Uncle Lonny
Feminism is going to be the downfall of the west

16 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 7:02:34 AM by Catholic Canadian
This white woman voted against hussein. Every white woman I’ve spoken to about the election voted against hussein.

In your numbers of “white” women, where are the hispanic women? How many of those hispanic women are free loaders? I suspect that’s where those votes came from.

18 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 7:45:25 AM by bgill (We've passed the point of no return. Welcome to Al Amerika.)
You mean white vaginas. That’s all those women are. Nothing but walking, talking crotches who are focused on their next animal rut, and on who will pay for the “remedy” if they end up being “punished” with a baby.

I have absolutely nothing in common with those sluts.

19 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 7:48:09 AM by CatherineofAragon (The idiocracy has come home to roost. God help us.)
Nothing makes sense anymore. So much discontentment and anger. Unemployment and debt and divisiveness. I really thought citizens were speaking with their votes, and we were going to put our country back on track. The momentum was there. I am so stunned. Cynicism is setting in and I am throwing up my hands. All I have to look forward to is that Benghazi will lead to his downfall but then, these robotic short attention span voters have to care first. I’m just babbling now but honestly, I am do stunned.

18 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 5:20:32 AM by Badabing Badablonde (New to the internet? CLICK HERE)
I think O is just one piece in the end time prophecy. In order to get to that happy ending he had to win. The stage is set. Fear not.

29 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 5:37:21 AM by FES0844
Could it be...maybe...perhaps... that the polls were right? Could it be that the 47 million on food stamps actually LIKE being on food stamps?

Every poll on FR was shredded saying there was no way the communists and retards in the electorate outnumbered Republicans. They did.

35 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 5:46:25 AM by FerociousRabbit
As much as it pains me to say this, the truth is very simple. It has become more and more crystal clear that they have managed to create a super majority of amoral, ill informed greedy peasants that will continue to vote for more handouts, free birth control pills, and sticking it to the “wealthy”.
We can point fingers at the media for covering up and protecting them,the spineless republicans for allowing them to shape the agenda, an endless number of excuses. When it comes down to it, these are all just symptoms of the greater problem. America is stuck on stupid, and unfortunately we just witnessed the greasing of the ramp to oblivion.

40 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 5:51:35 AM by bitterohiogunclinger (Proudly casting a heavy carbon footprint as I clean my guns ---)
This country and political system grew corrupt and now the people are so dumbed down through four decades of satanic and marxist ideology being taught in public schools... and it has ripped the fabric of our republic. This system and country are finished. We must divide and go our seperate way... for we cannot compromise with evil and communism. ALL OF YOU WERE IN DENIAL INCLUDING ME... I woke up... WAKE UP!


64 posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 6:14:49 AM by LibLieSlayer (OUR GOVERNMENT AND PRESS ARE NO LONGER TRUSTWORTHY OR DESERVING OF RESPECT!)



The Cryptarch's Bane
Nothing too bad from my feed. This was the worst:
If people like this actually followed through, the abject misunderstanding of how the electoral college works would actually allow an unprecedented era of progress in this country, under the most hilarious circumstances possible


Davey Cakes

Here's one posted this morning from a friend:

"I just want to applaud all of the incompetent, brainwashed kool-aid-drinkers in the country that helped seal the fate of our country's inevitable destruction over the next four years. I'd also like to extend my thanks to the mainstream media, who all thought it was a genius idea to appoint news anchors that grew up sniffing glue and sipping the same kool-aid to put their brainwashing spin on every story that came out over the last four years."

And the comments came in, laughing at him.

Here's one posted by my father:

"It's a sad day in America. Today we welcome No jobs, higher welfare rates, more foodstamps, higher food prices, higher unemployment, higher gas prices, higher spending, higher debt, a pansie attitude (where's our Reaganesque mindset), reduction of military (this will start the revolution by history), week economy, another four years listening to bullshit, less freedoms, more constitutional/rights modified against us, more government, etc. I thought for sure the American voters would have done the right thing for our future. Guess I over estimated. The voters of this country are fools and have not understood history. We are a doomed to repeat what we tried to oppose. Annie get your guns and don't let them take that right to bear arms away, Obama will try, please oppose and wake up to reality. If we weaken anymore, our foreign friends will walk in, ahem, they are already here, and destroy the country further. It will take a much stronger attitude to recover from this ongoing mess!"


Ultimate salt. My brother and his gf of three years broke up over the election. She told him he can't vote Obama or her dad's business will have to pay more healthcare costs. Granted it was probably more leading up to this but this was final straw.

Shy Fingers

In good news, all of the Michigan ballot proposals are looking to be defeated. Great job on that front, Michigan. Also looking to be a pretty Republican congress. If Obama does win, it's gunna be a great four years of gridlock >:)

Voted a moron like Bush in twice, voted a moron like Obama in twice. Guess I am not terribly surprised. Goodnight, folks.

Same guy


Why do conservatives go to movies that fund stars that in turn fund our enemies? We need to fight with our pocketbooks! Boycott movies or buy bootlegs.
Well, don't buy bootlegs. Just keep a boycott list either on paper or in your mind. Boycott Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Cher, Streisand, Hanoi Jane, etc. And when you buy movies, buy them at the Dollar Tree for $1 or at Big Lots for $3. Usually, you're buying overflow inventory and not adding significantly to Hollywood's profits.

By the way, anyone who buys a Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Bruce Springsteen or JayZ CD cannot seriously be considered a conservative. If you absolutely must have their music (and I have no idea why you would) just tape them off the radio or tape their free appearances off TV. Hall and Oates joined the boycott of Arizona, so I no longer go out and buy any of their new products. In fact, I haven't had any desire to listen to their stuff for quite some time now. Their cowardly cave-in to the liberal elites in the music industry has soured me on their music probably forever.

12 posted on November 7, 2012 3:29:29 AM EST by billclintonwillrotinhell

The best part about this post is that there is pretty much a 100% chance it was posted with a computer running a Windows or Apple operating system. Both the creation of democrats.


This may be a dumb question... but why are these people only concerned about "my tax money" going to security nets/healthcare etc. but seemingly don't seem to give a fuck about two extremely costly wars and a wildly inflated defense budget?

Because they don't give a damn about taxes, the debt or the deficit. They just don't want any money going to 'the other'. You can define that any way you want.
I'm equally curious as to what the reaction would have been had Romney been elected. I enjoy meltdowns on either side of the fence.
This may be a dumb question... but why are these people only concerned about "my tax money" going to security nets/healthcare etc. but seemingly don't seem to give a fuck about two extremely costly wars and a wildly inflated defense budget?
Because they get to kill brown people. It's disgusting really. They'd rather kill people which is against Jesus teachings which they claim to follow.
This thread, right here? This is what it's all about. This is the highlight of election season. Who's going to win? That has been a foregone conclusion for weeks for anyone who saw the writing on the wall.

No, it's the tears. It's about seeing people on the wrong side of history bemoan their sorry state and wonder "Why? How could we lose?". I hope they never figure it out. I don't want a moderate Republican party. I want them to push and push and push to the right until they shatter and/or implode. Because they never learn their lesson. They never think, "Maybe we should stop supporting these insane social stances". No, it's "Mitt was too moderate. We need a real conservative next time.

Everyone, if you have any Republican friends or family considering moving to another country or, even better, a red state, please support them in this decision.


This is what I got from my Dad four years ago (also emailed to like 50 family members and friends of family). I can't wait for one I'll probably get today:

Congrats Democrats..you are now in control of the Executive, the Legislative and soon,more than likely the Judicial branches of Government.
That's a lot of power. However....
When 47 million Americans (approx 1/3 illegal) are entered into the government run health care system, and you can't get a doctor's
appointment or surgery for 3 months...don't blame Bush...it's your guy.
When 95% of taxpayers don't get that promised tax cut...don't blame Bush...it's your guy.
When corporations begin laying off workers to off-set their increase in corporate taxes...don't blame Bush..it's your guy.
When gas prices begin to rise again because big oil companies are being punished and pass along this increase to the consumer...don't
blame Bush...it's your guy.
When this economy is plunged further into an abyss...don't blame Bush...it's your guy.
When this country becomes a socialistic society by "spreading the wealth around", don't blame Bush...it's your guy.
When some Americans begin receiving government checks hence taking away any incentive to succeed...don't blame Bush..
it's your guy.
When the Middle East erupts after we leave and genocide takes place...don't blame Bush...it's your guy.
When the federal budget deficit nearly doubles...don't blame Bush..it's your guy.
If you think that the most liberal Senator is going to reach across the aisle for bi-partisanship, I have a bridge to sell you.
I can hear it now..in his first term, he will say he needs another 4 years because it took the first 4 to clean up Bush's mess.
This country is no longer "E Pluribus Unum"..it is no longer the same I fought for in Vietnam...it is no longer the "good 'ol days"..
it is no longer Mom's apple pie and baseball...
If I sound depressed, it's because I am. I truly hope he does well, but I am not confident that he will.
Finally, I refer to the age old adage, "Be careful what you wish for, it may come true"
Oh god, i'm seeing more cognitive dissonance and shitty causation arguments because of the stock market performance this morning.
Ultimate salt. My brother and his gf of three years broke up over the election. She told him he can't vote Obama or her dad's business will have to pay more healthcare costs. Granted it was probably more leading up to this but this was final straw.

Wow. I mean yes, there was something leading up to this, but it sounds to me like your brother is better off.


It's the weird logic that gets me, the ill informed clutching at straws, linking Christian "logic" in with social conservative ideology is just so strange, they are so at odds with each other.

And race? really?


Seems a bit worse this time around.

They've been living in a fantasy world for four years fed false and/or misleading information by the right wing media machine and stupid chain emails. On top of that, they were then told, again, by the right wing media machine of Fox News that not only were they right but everyone agreed with them and this would be a landslide.


My facebook is dry.

My family are happy, there are people who voted third party and aren't freaking out including my religious cousins/friends, then there's the people who don't give a shit.


These people are indeed the children of the Confederacy. Speaking of whcih, that Confederacy comment on the Daily Show last night had me rolling for some reason.


Some of you are friends ("friends"?) with some weird people. My feed has been delightfully apolitical.
They've been living in a fantasy world for four years fed false and/or misleading information by the right wing media machine and stupid chain emails. On top of that, they were then told, again, by the right wing media machine of Fox News that not only were they right but everyone agreed with them and this would be a landslide.

You are right, being so close to Ohio and of course being in Northern KY, the Rights presence in my area had me doubting Obama winning. It was sort of hypnotic, could not listen to the radio without being drowned in Romney ads. All the signs and just everything you saw the last few months that Obama had no chance. But it did not stop my wife and I from voting and we are glad and proud we did.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Some Military Washout I Know said:
Dear Mr. President;

Congratulations on your victory. You managed to pull the wool over everyone's eyes again. But let me remind you of one thing. There are those of us who are informed. We are the one's who have actually looked at your past and seen the scum that you are. We know what you are planning, and we will be prepared. We will stand up for our rights, and we will not let you put the shackle around our neck. We believe in the individual. We believe in the constitution. We know how to defend ourselves. We believe that government is for the people and by the people. You will not intimidate us, and you cannot control us.
You will be watched and you will be held accountable by those of us who look at the facts. We will present our facts for all to see, unrelenting, and unwaivering in our search for the truth.
This is not a threat. This is a statement of facts. I know that America will survive, because of people like myself who have not forgotten the price of freedom. Something you never learned.
Oh and one more thing, you keep referring to other presidents like Lincoln as if you are one of them. Lincoln is probably rolling in his grave as he watches America choose to follow a man who would promote reliance on government over the same rugged individualism that he himself practiced. You are nothing like him, because he actually stood for something. He became who he was through the sweat of his own brow, and the work he had done. You give pretty speeches with no meaning. And that's all you really are is a bag of hot air.

“Remember remember the fifth of november,
the gunpowder treason and plot,
I can think of no reason,
the gunpowder treason,
should ever be forgot.”

“People shouldn't be afraid of their government,
government should be afraid of it's people.”

So, yeah. He got kicked out because he couldn't stop eating McDonald's, refused to PT, married and knocked up the first girl he slept with and he went on government assistance and now works as a Wal-Mart greeter.


Really Really Exciting Member!
If I were Obama, i would probably get more security or bodyguards for the next months. I expect some crazies to try some... crazy shit.

Mobius 1

My feed is quiet, because I mercilessly stamped out all zealots. I respect all opinions, except racist ignorant bigots.


I wish everyone was forced to take even just a basic macro economics class so they know 7.9% unemployment (that's been steadily dropping by the way) isn't that bad when the sweet spot is like 5% IIRC. It just boggles my mind that this many people can be ignorant about pretty much everything.


Would be awesome if those of you quoting co-workers could note what field you're in. There's a lot of talk about how they work their asses off every day, sweating and toiling until their fingers bleed and cramp up so hard that they can't salute the flag at the end of the day, but they know that god and Uncle Sam will forgive them because they worked all the way to the bone... Yet I'm sure most of those guys are, like, bank tellers, call center phone operators or grocery store cashiers.

I mean, it's one thing to use that argument if you work in a coal mine or construction or something, quite another when you spend 8 hours a day playing Minesweeper.

I wasn't on Gaf in 08, did this happen then as well? this epic level meltdown shit?
There were always meltdowns but, I mean, not everyone had a smartphone and twitter and so on back then and voicing every single fucking thought you had wasn't as common either.
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