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Facebook election meltdowns and tasty, salty tears |OT|

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150 years and nothing's fucking changed:



Why does everyone talk about "kool-aid"? I don't get it (not from the US, only thing I know about kool-aid is the pitcher in family guy).


this is all I have... not too many weird conservative brainwashed friends;

Okay Facebook people... All I'm going to say is this about the election.

Dear Mitt,

Guess it must suck to even have God not want you in office.. Maybe you should be a part of a real religion, and you might've had a chance. That, or maybe it's the way you couldn't remember what lies you were spouting to which group that doomed you. The first rule of presidential campaigns is, you don't mess with the private sector. They can kill your chances with facts (take a look at the lies about Jeep in Ohio)

Dear Barak,

I hope that you can get those who have said "How is never for you (when Republicans are talking about working with him)?" to not be such pricks and stop hurting the people that put them in office. Plus, I hope you can keep the promises you made.

To everyone else... Regardless of anything else, how could you vote for someone who literally said, "I don't care about about anyone who won't vote for me?" That's the same opinion as the crusades, Spanish Inquisition, or any jihad (only the thought was kill anyone who isn't with us)! It's time to get over the BS and work together to move the country forward. Welcome to the 21st century, it's time to get rid of the antiquated 1950s ideals and progress the thinking into the 21st century.

It was said best after the Rodney King riots, "Why can't we all just get along??"


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
This thread makes me sad that I'm not facebook friends with extreme right-wing lunatics or just generally fucking stupid people.
And when you buy movies, buy them at the Dollar Tree for $1 or at Big Lots for $3. Usually, you're buying overflow inventory and not adding significantly to Hollywood's profits.
I'm dying over here. When you have to buy movies, buy discount, not MSRP! That'll show them!
This is all totally crazy, but its also just as crazy as stuff people said when Bush won his second term. I don't have concrete examples, but the craziness people spewed on the Internet was just as crazy then, just from the other side.

Separately though, what do these people really think is going to happen in the next four years? Do you think they really believe things are going to be that different? Do people really think the President has that much of an impact on the economy and employment? Do they also believe this shit about people just getting new free handouts for doing nothing under Obama? Do they understand the history of welfare in this country?

Dead Man

Why does everyone talk about "kool-aid"? I don't get it (not from the US, only thing I know about kool-aid is the pitcher in family guy).

Drinking the kool-aid refers to the Jonestown massacre where a bunch of people drank poison on the demand of the cult leader they were following.

If you are drinking the kool-aid, you are accepting what a person has told you, often to your detriment.



Comics, serious business!
I don't get the "less freedom" thing. Under Obama, people are more "free" to do whatever the hell they want... smoke pot, marry a same sex partner, women are free to have abortions, etc. Under Obama, what couldn't Americans do that they could do 5 years ago? 10 years ago? 20 years ago?
when an incumbent wins re-election it just shines a brighter light on how crazy these end of the world posts are.

take all the people going on about 'lock up your guns!' because obviously Obama was going to wait until he got elected a second time before taking them. because that makes sense. we've had four years of slow progress, but now because we re-elected the same guy, the shits going to hit the fan.

I wonder how disappointed in Romney these people would have been when the world didn't instantly get better overnight.


The best part of all the meltdowns is for everyone who lied through their fucking teeth and pretended this wasn't a racist, fear mongering ass campaign.

Most of these people's fears are literally just Fox News Fear Mongering points. The rest, well the rest just hate the poor it seems, and minorities.

God the tears


A friend of mine on her feed told someone to stop "FACEBITCHING." and move out. It is glorious.

And to me those wars were pointless


That's a GodPost

Pointless, its literally been a lie. And I too love people complaining about their taxes yet the military budget is insane.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I don't get the "less freedom" thing. Under Obama, people are more "free" to do whatever the hell they want... smoke pot, marry a same sex partner, women are free to have abortions, etc. Under Obama, what couldn't Americans do that they could do 5 years ago? 10 years ago? 20 years ago?
you're slightly less free to fuck over your customers if you work for a credit card or health insurance company


Not all salty tears are coming from republicans. Here in Michigan, I've seen a lot of salty tears coming from public employees crying about the fact that the proposition to amend our constitution with regard to collective bargaining was shot down. None of them were prepared to acknowledge that if it had passed, even more jobs would leave our downtrodden state.
Man, all the salt is hilarious. But it is very sad. So much ignorance and outright hate and spite and racism hidden behind so called Christian morals and values. It's pretty disgusting.
"I'd rather be around people that don't think it's a right to have health care"

Maybe it's because I'm Canadian, but what the fuck did I just read...

Yes, I saw a placard at some rally on the news saying "Healthcare is NOT a right!"

I'm a Brit, so it's equally as baffling.
Would be awesome if those of you quoting co-workers could note what field you're in. There's a lot of talk about how they work their asses off every day, sweating and toiling until their fingers bleed and cramp up so hard that they can't salute the flag at the end of the day, but they know that god and Uncle Sam will forgive them because they worked all the way to the bone... Yet I'm sure most of those guys are, like, bank tellers, call center phone operators or grocery store cashiers.

I mean, it's one thing to use that argument if you work in a coal mine or construction or something, quite another when you spend 8 hours a day playing Minesweeper.

There were always meltdowns but, I mean, not everyone had a smartphone and twitter and so on back then and voicing every single fucking thought you had wasn't as common either.

I just got a new job in IT at a law firm in Atlanta.
My entire dept is full of college/post-grad educated young guys and older ladies. Mostly progressive, but a few pretty staunch conservatives in the mix.

The talk from one was extraordinarily level-headed:
"Disappointed, but not surprised, thanks to poor messaging and even poorer outreach. Based on the way some of my friends are behaving, I'm seriously considering dissociating from it. The response is disgusting, counter-productive, and is coming from a larger segment of the party than I even realize existed."
how are people STILL saying Obama is a muslim?

Called my grandma last night after i got some food and liquor in me. She voted for romney because
A. He is christian. She is half mormon (Reorganzied latter day saints used to be my church, they are like half crazy).
B. Obama is muslim... she said he celebrated ramadan more than christmas... i dont even know how to respond. I was like G'ma muslim holidays are usually for communal so of course you would see him celebrate with his allies from countries predominately muslim.
C. The Deficit. Is till have to rip into about how would romneys plan (if you could find one) would even make a difference.

My dad went R because he got laid off twice in the past 4 years he is just salty

Rebel Leader

Called my grandma last night after i got some food and liquor in me. She voted for romney because
A. He is christian. She is half mormon (Reorganzied latter day saints used to be my church, they are like half crazy).
B. Obama is muslim... she said he celebrated ramadan more than christmas... i dont even know how to respond. I was like G'ma muslim holidays are usually for communal so of course you would see him celebrate with his allies from countries predominately muslim.
C. The Deficit. Is till have to rip into about how would romneys plan (if you could find one) would even make a difference.

My dad went R because he got laid off twice in the past 4 years he is just salty

I wouldn't vote for R for being laid off. It's the people who just want more money and less workers.

Why hire 10 people do the work of 10 when you can just hire 6?
You know they will do it. If they don't they are expendable.
The crazy is starting to show up on my feed

Well the election results came in. I'm now offering suggestions to becoming self sufficiate. For a small fee i will obtain materials for your survival. For large donations, i will find a place for those people to live while the country crumbles around them. Everyone send me $100 so we can buy a missle base for the coming years.

Oh yes. Let the tears flow

BHZ Mayor

The racial meltdowns are the best. Pure, unfiltered, and not hidden behind the conspiracy Muslim/socialist/terrorist/etc. BS.


I'm amazed how you guys are talking about your "uneducated" brothers, fathers and god knows what. Maybe you should try to explain the words communism, marxism and whatever they are throwing around, instead of posting here.
Coming from someone who didn't vote: "This country is something else." When told they should have voted the person replies. "Food stamps voted we know that much."

This is some funny hipocracy, as I know the person often buys food stamps from someone who gets them so they can get more groceries for cheap.

I'm amazed how you guys are talking about your "uneducated" brothers, fathers and god knows what. Maybe you should try to explain the words communism, marxism and whatever they are throwing around, instead of posting here.

You ever try this? As soon as they get explained into a corner they just change the issue, when whatever that is gets shot down they say you're wrong and that's all there is to it and that's the end of it.

Dead Man

I'm amazed how you guys are talking about your "uneducated" brothers, fathers and god knows what. Maybe you should try to explain the words communism, marxism and whatever they are throwing around, instead of posting here.

You tell 'em! You tell them how to spend all their waking hours interacting with their family.
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