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Facebook election meltdowns and tasty, salty tears |OT|

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Woman Blames Husband for Obama’s Reelection, Runs Him Over with Her Jeep

Shockingly, neither alcohol nor drugs were listed as contributing factors.
Fox News and talk radio, just like most drugs, and their dangerous mind altering effects like paranoia and illusions mainly manifest in people that are a bit on the mental side.



This guy is the very definition of brainwashed. I'm not even trying to make a joke. Shit like this unnerves me to no end. The current democratic party is "the most transparently, nakedly corrupt political party ever known"? This guy seems to genuinely believe that. The fact there are people like him out there pro-creating is a terrifying thought.

Also, there's his whole "95% of black people are fucking idiots"....philosophy. That sort of goes back to the article that was posted on the last page where the author was criticizing right-wingers for acting like complete and utter fucking assholes to everyone who voted for Obama; as if that sort of behavior will help further their cause or gain them any sympathy from independents or liberals.
This guy is very definition of brainwashed. I'm not even trying to make a joke. Shit like this unnerves me to no end. The current democratic party is "the most transparently, nakedly corrupt political party ever known"? This guy seems to genuinely believe that. The fact there are people like him out there pro-creating is a terrifying thought.

Also, there's his whole "95% of black people are fucking idiots"....philosophy. That sort of goes back to the article that posted on the last page where the author was criticizing right-wingers for acting like complete and utter fucking assholes to everyone who voted for Obama; as if that sort of behavior will help further their cause or gain them any sympathy from independents or liberals.

"I'm not racist, I'm not addressing the black race, I'm just saying that 95% of you black people are fucking idiots and your daddyless welfare thug culture is bad."

These people have been so trained by dog whistles and rhetoric that they honestly believe that anything short of a KKK lynching doesn't count as "racist."


From the comments...lol. That would actually be an awesome idea for them to do this.
They didn't think that through, did they? If the people who are pissed at the result (ie. Republican voters) didn't turn up to vote, then the Democratic party would have 100% of the vote.

Unless I'm missing something. I'm not 100% up to speed with the US political/voting system.

"For whatever reasons, the conservative bloggers have latched onto Orca as the reason it all fell apart," Moffatt added. Those bloggers have suggested that developers with Democratic sympathies somehow acted as a fifth column within the Romney camp. Targeted Victory was singled out by some bloggers because a few of its developers worked for Al Gore in the past.

"Why do they have Al Gore's dev working on Romney's social media development?!" blogger Catherine Ann Fitzpatrick asked. "Truly, how can they expect dedication?" She also singled out another developer who is African-American and "who has a 96 percent chance of being an Obama voter… I will be accused of 'racism' for even flagging. But it's the truth."
What's up with this tendency for white conservatives to "checkout" when things aren't going their way? (going Galt?)
I've seen it in the past with black owned businesses being silently boycotted and white flight out of the inner city.
This is a phenomenon I just don't see with other groups of people.

Rich, white conservatives can usually afford to pick up their toys and leave.

The rest of us are stuck where we're at, for better or worse. We try to make the best of it.


The Everyman
Here's a Facebook status thread from one of my more conservative friends; thought it was interesting.

The first two pics are pretty typical:

At least that last guy was quick to apologize. Good on him.

if that dudes surgeon father was in it for the money and is appalled at the idea of affordable healthcare for all then he got into that job for all the wrong reasons, and without a doubt theyll still be a mad rich family.


if that dudes surgeon father was in it for the money and is appalled at the idea of affordable healthcare for all then he got into that job for all the wrong reasons, and without a doubt theyll still be a mad rich family.

Indeed, one wonders how he squares that mentally with the Hippocratic Oath.

Another interesting thing about that Buzzhill blog was the numerous references to avoiding "fear porn". That's what they call news they don't want to hear. Several described advanced techniques for sticking one's head in the sand.



Haha at those comments:

Jim says:
2012/11/06 at 10:50 pm (Quote)
Okay, we lost. Now, where do we go from here? Clearly the demographics don’t favor us, but here’s something to consider: whites are still 72%. So is the problem that we don’t get any minority votes, or is the problem actually that we still have 40% of whites that have no clue what’s going on? We need to inform whites of what is actually going on in the country.

TheotherMarie says:
2012/11/06 at 11:34 pm (Quote)
Glad I live in Japan. My country is finished. I guess my indoctrinated generation just wanted socialism that badly. How sad.
Israel is finished. Obama’s campaign is going to be out for revenge. And Benghazi? We’ll never know. With the senate gone, that scandal will be buried. He’ll have survived all of this. My generation just doesn’t care.
We projected for the US we knew, but the US is now a socialist country. :/

Willow says:
2012/11/06 at 11:56 pm (Quote)
Romney is ahead in OH and Fox still has it in Obama’s column.
This is fear porn to keep us refreshing all night.

Steve says:
2012/11/07 at 12:09 am (Quote)
Now that my shock is less I’m starting to get really suspicious. This doesn’t feel right, it doesn’t smell right…

sleemOK says:
2012/11/07 at 1:50 am (Quote)
Exactly. Probably just me but something felt weird tonight. Surreal in a way. I watched the results on Fox News…but it just didn’t seem to me like I was watching a real presidential election like in past years.
I’m shaking my head now…and feeling like I just returned from a journey to the twilight zone. LOL

Audrey says:
2012/11/07 at 12:11 am (Quote)
I am sick to my stomach. America is dead.

Leslie says:
2012/11/07 at 12:19 am (Quote)
I don’t understand how they can be calling states when less than half of the votes are in. Yes, they know what trends there have been in the past, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that things won’t change. I know the chances of, say, California going red are minimal; but I will pray and pray and pray that God, in His mercy, will spare this country from four more years of attacks on the Church, on religious liberty, on life.

Erin says:
2012/11/07 at 12:23 am (Quote)
I hate ALL media and that now includes Fox News.

zmama says:
2012/11/07 at 12:24 am (Quote)
If you’ve never seen Idiocracy go watch it this weekend. We are now living it.
If we can’t laugh-we are only going to cry.

Jeff Eldred says:
2012/11/07 at 12:33 am (Quote)
I’m done with Levin, Hannity, Rush, Beck, etc. There’s nothing worth saving. Nothing. I’m going to join the lefties and take as much as I can while it’s still there for the taking. We can tell our children, we were witness to the match which burned our Republic from within. The End.

Justbreathe says:
2012/11/07 at 12:33 am (Quote)
Dewey Defeats Truman?? Stranger things have happened….I’m keeping the faith and I’m putting this in God’s hands. He is ultimately in control and as much as I dislike it….there is a reason for this, if it is truly the outcome. I’m with Steve, however, something doesn’t feel right about this whole thing…..I’m just going to pray. It’s all I can do at this point.
Thank you, Kevin DuJan, for keeping me sane thru this whole process.

flyegirl says:
2012/11/07 at 12:34 am (Quote)
I agree Kevin, this is stunning. Maybe the polling was off all along? Maybe we don’t understand the American person any more? I don’t know. We came close, much closer than last time. But close is not good enough for next time.

Aussie says:
2012/11/07 at 2:36 am (Quote)
somehow or other the vote in Ohio has a difference of roughly 100,000. It happened in the last part of the count. Ballot stuffing anyone?
With everything I heard about the voting machines flipping to Obama when people voted Romney, anything is possible.
On top of that I saw people in Florida reporting that they were not allowed to vote, or their votes went in the provisional box.
Florida, Ohio, Michigan, and Virginia were all close until towards the end of the night, then suddenly the difference became something like a few hundred thousand votes when the differences had been minimal.
It is all very suspicious, especially with the stories that came out of Philadelphia and PA.
Some States, such as Indiana and North Carolina flipped, but there were others that were expected to flip. How did the sudden vote surge happen? Were there votes found in car boots again?

JC says:
2012/11/07 at 2:08 am (Quote)
Your post hit a nerve with me. I too feel something is awfully wrong, everything pointed to a strong Romney win, everything lined up. I fear this election was stolen. My DH said this a long time ago that it didn’t matter who was running against Barky, because the fix was in to keep him in office no matter what. I thought he was being paranoid, but now he may have been right all along. We are in for a world of hurt these next four years, better buckle up and be prepared for anything. Our economy, energy costs everything will continue to decline. We had a real chance to turn things around with Romney & Ryan, it’s all gone now. Lord have mercy on all of us and our country, that’s all we can do now is pray.

Barbara says:
2012/11/07 at 12:43 am (Quote)
I guess the only thing we can do now, is sign that petition circulating on the web, to impeach Obama over Benghazi!

Mimi says:
2012/11/07 at 12:47 am (Quote)
During the last presidential debate I became very frightened by Romneys behavior. He look like someone had gotten to him like perhaps the Bilderbergs who may have told him, look, you have been used. You are not going to win so don’t make our guy look bad. It was like Romney was agreeing with all of Obama’s foreign policiy decisions and had no issue with Benghazi and Spring Time for Hitler and the Muslim Brotherhood. I also believe that the Bushes set Romney up for defeat. H. Bush lost re-election because he was not a true conservative. They new if Romney was the nominee he would lose to Obama and their son Jeb could run in 2016. The Bushes are evil progressievs and are the reason we have a Barak Hussein Obama for president. They are global elitist, progressives and destroyed the party from within just like Communists and Free Masons corrupted the Catholic church from within. Sarah Palin is right. The republcan party will go the way of the Wiggs if they don’t find the courage of their convictions.

Jim says:
2012/11/07 at 1:12 am (Quote)
Look, the botton line is that this country is a piece of shit. I’ve spent 24 months in Iraq defending what I thougtht was the country of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. But that counry is gone. We gave it away because of white guilt. We were guilty and ashamed of our success, and this is the result. I’m not here to blow smoke up your ass, but to speak the truth.

anita says:
2012/11/07 at 9:59 am (Quote)
I feel the same way. The roadkill that is now america is not worth fighting for anymore. I hope no more men and women enlist in the military because I would not want them dying for what is no longer a good cause. I was always so proud of my country, and so proud of our soldiers, but now I am ashamed of my country for the first time in my life, I no longer believe in it, and our flag means nothing anymore, and I pray no good men put themselves on the line for the now rotten spoils of this once great nation..What would you be dying for? Freedom of speech? Democracy? What a laugh! Entitlements? That’s more like it.

AnonMom says:
2012/11/07 at 1:39 am (Quote)
Kevin, many, many thanks for all you have given. Your logic through this election has been rock solid. I think what has happened is something beyond our understanding. This cannot be defined by politics. I think this a reflection of man’s spiritual condition and of a battle with powers that are not flesh and blood.

Mimi says:
2012/11/07 at 2:05 am (Quote)
The parasites who voted for free stuff will now quickly suck the host dry. We are not Europe. We never accumulated cemturies worth of imperial wealth that we could use to make are subjects lazy and dependent on governement. America had to build it’s wealth and now it will be destroyed by fat lazy ass socialists who feel intitled to other peoples money. I am pro-life but part of me wants to write a big fat chcek to Planned Parenthood so that they can abort the bastard children of these parasites. But I could never do that because I know that when I am dead I will have to answer for my deeds on this earth; just as the supporters of the party of death and distruction, of persecution of Christians and Jews will burn in hell for all eternity.

luxuryoption says:
2012/11/07 at 3:43 am (Quote)
A thousand excuses will not diminish the fact that ‘true’ america is lost…most of you do not recognize what has happened. The building is imploding – emergency services cannot come to save you..silence. Why is america NOT in bible prophecy?

Sam says:
2012/11/07 at 4:13 am (Quote)
Something is not right about this at all. A few days ago, the left were planning on asking for a recount. Obama had a defeatist look about him.
The democratic convention was moved inside due to “weather” but in reality, it was much smaller. The seats on the higher tiers were empty, and many seats were filled with those large ugly signs.
Their campaign was lackluster all the way around.
The crowds, in some instances were less than one forth as before or compared to Romneys.

Romney had momentum, spirit, a clean and dignified campaign that was filled with hope.
We know there was voter fraud happening and machine manipulation all over and yet, not a word.
We know several thousand military were denied their votes, and nothing but crickets.
If this is how we stand up to wrong without complaining or demanding the truth, we deserved to lose.

Moe says:
2012/11/07 at 4:41 am (Quote)
Well so ends the night and with it my belief in the American system. I watched this election closely. EVERY SINGLE VARIABLE Mitt Romney needed to win was there. The enthusiasm was completely off the chain!!! Everyone that stood in line for hours knew that was real and palpable. So how the f*ck did this happen? Kevin was in the same boat as everyone else that knew about how campaigns work and by all calculations, Romney was due a landslide. I’m telling you, something went really wrong. I am being asked tonight to ignore my own sense and accept a new “reality”. That we are a country of takers. A country of leeches that wants everything taken care of from cradle to grave. I’m sorry but I just don’t buy it. I was impressed by the crowds Romney drew. All without having to bus anybody in!!! The Republican counties increasing. No one can logically explain this and THIS is why so many of us are stunned. We cannot see anything we can point to that says…”THIS is why”

Gary says:
2012/11/07 at 5:35 am (Quote)
Well we just watched the end of the Republic as our forefathers left us. This is the truth. After the shock of seeing my county that my relatives from the 1600′s to WW2 died for I sat down I thought why this happened. I look at things in Biblical perspective. The New World Order will descend on this world very soon. This election shows the “strong delusion” the Bible speaks of that God will send on the people for rejecting him. Why would people vote for their own destruction? Obama is the worse President in history and he was just reelected.His record is terrible in every way. The only thing that makes sense is a dark spiritual force has descended over this planet and people have gone mad.

Sharon in VA says:
2012/11/07 at 11:09 am (Quote)
Can I attempt to interject a little hope here? Perhaps our LAST and ONLY hope?
One word……Birthers!!!

Before you laugh, and roll your eyes, please do some research, we have held the key all along, the key to not only get Obama out of office, but to have ALL of his policies, appointments etc deemed null and void,
Unfortunately, we have been ignored, ridiculed, etc..on BOTH sides of the aisle.
In 2008, we BEGGED our representatives to question Obama;s eligibility before certifying the electoral votes., we only needed ONE congressman and ONE senator,,and we got back a miriad of excuses, everything from them not knowing about the law, or what defines a “natural born citizen”, to saying they would be laughed out of Congress if they questioned this.
After that, we thought we would try to get remedy in the Courts, only to be toyed with..no standing, couldn’t prove “damages”, etc etc etc..shuck and jive. No Court in the Country has EVER looked at the evidence and deemed Obama eligible….NONE…ZERO. Because Obama has never been ordered to RELEASE any evidence for them to examine.
Here we are 4 years later and thanks to Sheriff Joe, and others,we have enough evidence to question whether “Bathhouse Barry” is even a citizen, let alone a “natural born” one, eligible to be President.
To our shame, we allowed our representatives to tell us to focus on Obama’s policies and work to vote him out, rather than follow the truth. We allowed them to ignore the evidence, to fear the ridicule, to fear losing, we bought into it..so much so that we even “downed” Donald Trump, fearing that if we said anything about….”yea, the Donald, is correct..why AREN’T we questionong why Obama won’t release his college records to get 5 million dollars for a worthwhile charity of HIS choice?..asking Romney to denounce Trump for even bringing it up…for fear that Romney would lose if he persued the TRUTH.
Here is what I have been leading up to..what I am asking.
Don’t the electoral votes need to be certified again by Congress? Let’s get on the ball and write letters and/or call our Republican reps ( at least) and tell them that we demand that every one of them ( senate and house alike) challenge Obama’s eligibility before they “certify” him. Make him prove that he is a citizen even, then we will deal with the natrual born issue. My feeling is that if he could prove that he was a citizen, he would have done so. Shame on all of us for not even demanding that our President prove he is a CITIZEN of this Country!!!
We tried it “their way”..and look where we are!! What do they have to lose now? How could it be any worse?
every time I see the phrase "white america" I mentally replace it with "fear of brown people"
and I replace "socialist nation" with "I live in a bubble and have no idea what anything is other than what Fox news tells me things are"


Black Canada Mafia
I would love to talk to a republican.just sit down and pick their mind.

The closest thing was a co-worker from a few years back talking about why being a conservative (in Canada) was better. SOON as I tried to actually converse with her, she shuts me down with "ohhhhh my God, I really don't want to talk about it right now". At literally my first sentence.

No fun :(
I would love to talk to a republican.just sit down and pick their mind.

The closest thing was a co-worker from a few years back talking about why being a conservative (in Canada) was better. SOON as I tried to actually converse with her, she shuts me down with "ohhhhh my God, I really don't want to talk about it right now". At literally my first sentence.

No fun :(
Believe me it is no fun talking to these kinds of Republicans. I just had one of my republican "friends" cursing me out because I laughed at the idea of the south seceding from the union because of Obama's victory. Apparently if Obama lost I would be saying the same things these people are about white people. (Which makes no sense since I am white. Guess because I have friends who are minorities makes me one of them or something.)


one thing i noticed in 2008 was that the leadup to the election was pretty fucking disgusting. not so, this time around. i think what happened was, two different realities occupied the same space in 2008. the right-wing reality couldn't deal with the rest of everything, so they had tantrums all over the place. there were big tantrums in 2009 and 2010 too, but by then they were wrapping themselves up in their own reality.

the leadup to the 2012 election had everyone sealed off in their own separate realities. one had obama looking pretty good to win: unemployment was bad, but dropping; osama bin laden was dead; and health care reform was sounding a bit better by the day. the other had romney clearly going for the win because obviousy: unemployment was bad; obama is evil incarnate; benghazi benghazi benghazi; and socialist takeover of health care.

i wonder what the right's reaction will be in 2013. the public had a passing fancy with the tea party in 2009, but they fucking hate them now. you can only play the destroying our freedoms card for so long before it loses meaning.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The whole "let's eradicate liberalism as a mental deficiency" thing just screams "kill all liberals".

Mainly because I guess I remember too vividly how people were calling for people without health care to "just die".

I knew someone like that. He got cancer ten years ago and his coverage ran out. Oh, and his daughter had lupus and no insurance because he stopped paying for it just before she was diagnosed... because he was broke from the cancer.


The Autumn Wind
Aussie says:
2012/11/07 at 2:36 am (Quote)
somehow or other the vote in Ohio has a difference of roughly 100,000. It happened in the last part of the count. Ballot stuffing anyone?
With everything I heard about the voting machines flipping to Obama when people voted Romney, anything is possible.
On top of that I saw people in Florida reporting that they were not allowed to vote, or their votes went in the provisional box.
Florida, Ohio, Michigan, and Virginia were all close until towards the end of the night, then suddenly the difference became something like a few hundred thousand votes when the differences had been minimal.
It is all very suspicious, especially with the stories that came out of Philadelphia and PA.
Some States, such as Indiana and North Carolina flipped, but there were others that were expected to flip. How did the sudden vote surge happen? Were there votes found in car boots again?
Looks like someone doesn't understand that heavily populated areas both lean blue and take longer to report all their votes.


Some choice bits:

The ironing is delicious.

This is especially funny if you watch Go On.

Clearly he stole that from Go On. Passed this off to them today, they thought it was funny it was getting traction.

What a weird world. I love that he just STOPS. Amazing.
Looks like someone doesn't understand that heavily populated areas both lean blue and take longer to report all their votes.

This is also why every election, there's someone making the brilliant observation that "the country is mostly red! How can the Democrats have won so many votes?" as if it's a Mario Party minigame where both candidates try to color more area on the map.


Here's a Facebook status thread from one of my more conservative friends; thought it was interesting.

"Maybe I should never have become a surgeon."


Of all the bitter sad bullshit that's been posted, I never wanted to be able to respond to any of it until now.

If your dad was only a surgeon because he wanted to make a shitload of money and not give any back, then fuck yeah maybe he never should have been a surgeon in the first place.

Did your dad cry about the tax rate and question his career choice 13 years ago, when the tax rate was exactly the same as it will be IF the Bush tax cuts expire?

I'm also a little confused about how he can expect to have 50% of his earnings taken by the government. Even if you are making 5 million a year, your effective tax rate is only like 35% (assuming you take no deductions and have no tax shelters). I guess the remaining 15% might be California State income tax, but if you are that butthurt about taxes then why the fuck are you living in California? Florida is pretty much the same in terms of climate and amenities, except there's no income tax at all.


When I read shit like this, I honestly have to wonder if people think Colbert is serious.

They think he's joking about joking and is actually genuine. Ohio State University did a study about it a while back.

The Abstract:

This study investigated biased message processing of political satire in The Colbert Report and the influence of political ideology on perceptions of Stephen Colbert. Results indicate that political ideology influences biased processing of ambiguous political messages and source in late-night comedy. Using data from an experiment (N = 332), we found that individual-level political ideology significantly predicted perceptions of Colbert's political ideology. Additionally, there was no significant difference between the groups in thinking Colbert was funny, but conservatives were more likely to report that Colbert only pretends to be joking and genuinely meant what he said while liberals were more likely to report that Colbert used satire and was not serious when offering political statements. Conservatism also significantly predicted perceptions that Colbert disliked liberalism. Finally, a post hoc analysis revealed that perceptions of Colbert's political opinions fully mediated the relationship between political ideology and individual-level opinion.



They think he's joking about joking and is actually genuine. Ohio State University did a study about it a while back.


Nothing new. See also: the Archie Bunker effect.

For those too old or too young to remember, Archie Bunker was the lead character and "lovable bigot" of the 70's sitcom All In the Family. He had all kinds of derisive views on blacks, Jews, Irishmen, Italians, etc. He was meant to be a ridiculous caricature of racists, someone who showed how insane and outmoded that model of thinking is.

Studies showed though that when people with racist tendencies watched the program, they found their views validated and reinforced. They didn't see Archie Bunker as a pathetic fossil holding on to the past -- they saw him as a truth-teller and a public voice for their own opinions.

Of course that's the brilliance of both Colbert and All In the Family -- people from both sides of the issues can watch and enjoy.
Some friend on my facebook and his hick friend are seriously contemplating how possible it would be for Texas to secede. Some bullshit about "getting our constitutional freedom back" and how many votes would be required by the branches of the Texas government to make it happen, as well as the possibility of how Obama would react. "He won't bomb us", the hick friend says. "he's a pussy'".

Like, these fucks are seriously talking it like they're planning a vacation. And they end the conversation with them saying "yes, more research must be done".

Not enough facepalms in the world.
Our "centrist" Obama-supporting biz/dev representative, a Canadian citizen, was so pissed at me for voting for Prop 30. He was even more pissed when he found out that it applies retroactively to income already earned this year - he's going to have to pay thousands more and had no chance to plan ahead for it. Now he's talking about moving out of state, canceling a game project he was going to fund, etc.

Those are the salty tears I love the most - the ones that are going to take tens of thousands of tax dollars and investment out of California with them.

My plan to destroy California continues apace.


Won't stop picking the right nation
The election fallout has really exposed just how badly the right has lost all perspective. In just about every sense, in terms of regulations, marginal tax rates, and government interference, you can point to the past and say that it was once worse. Even Obama's signature achievement, with health care, is less ambitious than previous proposals from past presidents. The America they revere never existed, or if it did, then it's not the same place they imagine it to be.
Colbert is what gets me through politics and keeps me engaged enough to learn about what I'm voting for. He brings a light heartedness and wit to an otherwise mind-numbingly ridiculous part of the media.

Some friend on my facebook and his hick friend are seriously contemplating how possible it would be for Texas to secede. Some bullshit about "getting our constitutional freedom back" and how many votes would be required by the branches of the Texas government to make it happen, as well as the possibility of how Obama would react. "He won't bomb us", the hick friend says. "he's a pussy'".

Like, these fucks are seriously talking it like they're planning a vacation. And they end the conversation with them saying "yes, more research must be done".

Not enough facepalms in the world.

Good riddance.


This guy is the very definition of brainwashed. I'm not even trying to make a joke. Shit like this unnerves me to no end. The current democratic party is "the most transparently, nakedly corrupt political party ever known"? This guy seems to genuinely believe that. The fact there are people like him out there pro-creating is a terrifying thought.

Also, there's his whole "95% of black people are fucking idiots"....philosophy. That sort of goes back to the article that was posted on the last page where the author was criticizing right-wingers for acting like complete and utter fucking assholes to everyone who voted for Obama; as if that sort of behavior will help further their cause or gain them any sympathy from independents or liberals.

It is weird that he is also bashing atheists as idiots. Well the vast majority of the elite scientists are atheists. Are they "fuckin' stupid"?


baron alpha said:
Barack Obama = the future of the democratic party IMO.

incognito said:
I highly doubt Barack will be running in 2008. If you think the attacks on John Edwards service record were bad, just wait until the republican machine gets a hold of a 3-4 year junior term senator from "LIBERAL" Illinois. I say give him more time...

ninja scooter said:
Barack Obama in 2008! KEEP HOPE ALIVE!

i just want to go back in time and tell them. tell them everything. but they will never know.
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