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Facebook election meltdowns and tasty, salty tears |OT|

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I think their idea of "pussy" is "not a boot-wearin' shotgun totin' sumbitch". I don't think silly things like anything that happened in that last four years factored into their assessment.

Remember, it was the president that killed our foe, unless it is the one we don't like.

It sickens me how we demonize the response of either killing our enemy or helping a national disaster area.


I refuse to believe anyone believes that Colbert is just joking about joking and really means all the things he says. That just seems unreasonably impossible. I could see maybe older people not getting it. And by older I mean 70s and up. But even then, that really seems hard to believe that they couldn't see the blatant, vulgar, visceral sarcasm that the Colbert Report drips with.

Let's say for the sake of argument that he DOES mean the things he says and say he is a conservative pretending to be a liberal who is pretending to be a conservative. If that were the case, why does he make conservative politicians and policies look so awful so consistently and brutally? How would that make any sense? These people would have to believe that Stephen Colbert is some kind of triple agent mastermind who is getting one over on the Lame Stream Media. I refuse to believe those people exist. Even with all the crazy shit in this thread, I have a hard time believing that people think Colbert is a secret true conservative who uses the character of Stephen Colbert to push the conservative agenda. I'd be more worried about those people than the crazy fucks having meltdowns over the past week.


I refuse to believe anyone believes that Colbert is just joking about joking and really means all the things he says. That just seems unreasonably impossible. I could see maybe older people not getting it. And by older I mean 70s and up. But even then, that really seems hard to believe that they couldn't see the blatant, vulgar, visceral sarcasm that the Colbert Report drips with.

Let's say for the sake of argument that he DOES mean the things he says and say he is a conservative pretending to be a liberal who is pretending to be a conservative. If that were the case, why does he make conservative politicians and policies look so awful so consistently and brutally? How would that make any sense? These people would have to believe that Stephen Colbert is some kind of triple agent mastermind who is getting one over on the Lame Stream Media. I refuse to believe those people exist. Even with all the crazy shit in this thread, I have a hard time believing that people think Colbert is a secret true conservative who uses the character of Stephen Colbert to push the conservative agenda. I'd be more worried about those people than the crazy fucks having meltdowns over the past week.

There are those people, but generally speaking they're probably living in bubbles and probably aren't online, either.

You can't survive online if you don't quickly learn how to spot irony and sarcasm and understand trolling.

So yeah, basically 70+ types.

Thank you for this. I have been so nourished by salty tears.

Some flavorful salt:

1. Nate Silver is a prophet and if you do not agree with his projection that Obama has a 90% chance to win then you are a witch who must be burned!

It’s the dumbest stuff I have ever heard, but I can see why the members of the Ministry of Truth believe all this.

The reason he screws with you on nights like tonight is because he can. Drudge is gay, and is a prankster.

I can’t stand John McCain and everyone from his campaign. The only good thing John McCain ever did in his life was to elevate Governor Palin to the national scene.
Jesus. The guy is a fucking war hero and you think Palin is the good he did? WTF?

MSNBC is filling time until Virginia’s polls close. When Romney wins it, Maddow, and Matthews, and Alex Wagner and those people are going to FLIP OUT.
How many ways can I describe these people looking sick?

650pm CST — Romney wins Georgia. NOTE: Nate Silver said Obama would win Georgia.
Really dude? You couldn't bother to check before typing something so stupid?
942pm CST — Arizona goes Romney. Nate Silver said that would be an Obama pickup.
WTF? Try reality for a change. Type 538 into your search engine and get a dose of it.

Am I bad for enjoying reading that and laughing at him? Weird the way it just ends so abruptly. I guess he didn't want to talk after losing.

The funny thing is that I did the opposite of this guy. I made sure to watch Fox News so I could see some meltdowns. And I got to watch Karl Rove flail on live TV.

Gay conservatives are strange. I sometimes wonder if they are just conservative so that way they can crap on other minorities and feel better about themselves for being gay. And what is up with all his praying & God? Doesn't he realize that god hates him and that he should not get equal rights as all his conservative leaders say?


The Autumn Wind
The funny thing is that I did the opposite of this guy. I made sure to watch Fox News so I could see some meltdowns. And I got to watch Karl Rove flail on live TV.
I was flipping to Fox News to see reactions as the night went on as well, but it was like being at a wake. They were all still in shock and hadn't gotten angry and started coming up with excuses yet. And then Karl Rove happened. And it was glorious.


TGay conservatives are strange. I sometimes wonder if they are just conservative so that way they can crap on other minorities and feel better about themselves for being gay. And what is up with all his praying & God? Doesn't he realize that god hates him and that he should not get equal rights as all his conservative leaders say?

I don't play armchair psychologist very often, but most gay conservatives I've ever met either:
- were deeply closeted (and unnecessarily so), or
- were unabashedly racist, or
- were wealthy and supportive of that "fuck-you-I've-got-mine" mindset, or
- were dealing with serious "daddy" issues.

Sad. But it's a deal-breaker.
I don't play armchair psychologist very often, but most gay conservatives I've ever met either:
- were deeply closeted (and unnecessarily so), or
- were unabashedly racist, or
- were wealthy and supportive of that "fuck-you-I've-got-mine" mindset, or
- were dealing with serious "daddy" issues.

Sad. But it's a deal-breaker.

Yeah, 3 out of 4 of those are just really fucking pathetic and sad.

Actually, they all are. But at least the 'wealthy & fuck you I got mine' has some greedy logic to it. But as I've said before, I find it quite pathetic and said because they basically put a price tag on their own dignity and self-respect. They've sold their civil rights & dignity for a few percent tax cut. And yeah, that really is fucking pathetic and sad too.
Thank you for this. I have been so nourished by salty tears.

Some flavorful salt:

Jesus. The guy is a fucking war hero and you think Palin is the good he did? WTF?

Really dude? You couldn't bother to check before typing something so stupid?
WTF? Try reality for a change. Type 538 into your search engine and get a dose of it.

Am I bad for enjoying reading that and laughing at him? Weird the way it just ends so abruptly. I guess he didn't want to talk after losing.

The funny thing is that I did the opposite of this guy. I made sure to watch Fox News so I could see some meltdowns. And I got to watch Karl Rove flail on live TV.

Gay conservatives are strange. I sometimes wonder if they are just conservative so that way they can crap on other minorities and feel better about themselves for being gay. And what is up with all his praying & God? Doesn't he realize that god hates him and that he should not get equal rights as all his conservative leaders say?
I like his obsession with everyone being gay.

Obama? Oh that guy's gay.

Drudge? GAY.


I am Korean.
You know, any time I think my life is a bit shit I can sit down and look at videos like that and think... some sad wanker actually thought that was a worthwhile thing to make, and even had the spare time to go about doing it.

Makes me feel much better about my life. :D

True. She probably spent the better part of a day or two suffering through Obama speeches, then editing them, then rendering it, then uploading it.


Am I bad for enjoying reading that and laughing at him? Weird the way it just ends so abruptly. I guess he didn't want to talk after losing.

I gotta admit, I was pretty pissed off that they guy just stopped blogging the moment Ohio was called for Obama. I wanted him to stick around so I could witness the stages of grief -- Denial ("There's still a lot of counties that haven't turned in results yet!"), Anger ("Our vote was suppressed -- the machines were rigged!"), Depression ("America is dead"), Bargaining ("We still have the House of Representatives") and finally Acceptance ("Obama is our president").

To cut off the blogs after Ohio is just so totally anti-climactic -- like the end of The Blair Witch Project, where you're expecting some horrifying finale and instead you get some shakycam bullshit, a CLUNK sound, the camera hits the ground and the screen fades to black.....leaving you to wonder what exactly happened before and after those final moments.

At the same time, I do rather enjoy the idea that the guy was just so hopelessly furious that he had to do a complete and total RAGEQUIT and cut himself off completely to go sulk with some whiskey. He sat around all day watching MSNBC waiting for bitter tears, and in the end the only tears he got to taste were his own.


The Conservatives are..

I'm confused, has waiting lists increased dramatically under the new government and is the NHS now refusing treatment and demanding payment?

If not quit with the hyperbole.

Lets have a discussion when the NHS starts to have substantially longer waiting lists and forcing people to pay. Let me tell you it won't happen, because the party that kills the NHS is the party that will never be re-elected as our entire nation depends on it.

Conservatives appear to be the dick head party of most countries...

If our Conservatives were running the US they would be run out of the country as communists..... The American right is so much further right than ours they make the BNP look like socialists.... The Democrats behave more like our Conservatives, although in some ways they appear to be further right than even our conservatives.


Columbus Teacher’s Post-Election Facebook Post Leads To Investigation
An election-related Facebook post by a Columbus City School teacher led to an investigation after parents complained.

The Linden McKinley High School teacher posted, "Congrats to those dependent on government, homosexuals, potheads, JAY-Z fans, non Christians, non taxpayers, illegals, communists, Muslims, planned murder clinics, enemies of America, Satan You WON!" on his personal Facebook page.

Mother Hazel Davis said she received multiple phone calls about the post.

Davis said that she quickly printed a copy of the Facebook page with the post and reported it to the principal. She said that she was shocked a teacher who has a large number of students receiving free and reduced lunches would begin a post isolating those utilizing government assistance.

Columbus City School officials confirmed 95-percent of students at the high school were on the federal program.

“That is someone who you can’t look up to,” Davis said.

Rock Hill teacher apologizes after Facebook post after election
A Rock Hill middle school teacher spent Friday on leave, apologizing to people she offended in a Facebook post.

School district officials said Sharon Aceta, who teaches eighth-grade math at Rawlinson Road Middle School, was not in class.

Following Tuesday’s presidential election, Aceta posted on her personal Facebook page: “Congrats Obama. As one of my students sang down the hallway, 'We get to keep our food stamps' ...which I pay for because they can't budget their money... and really, neither can you."

School spokeswoman Elaine Baker said several people had called to complain about the post.

What are these people thinking? I mean..geezuz. Pick up a phone and share how you feel with other like-minded friends, not fucking Facebook! I'll never understand folks that put all their "genius" thoughts out there for the world to see.


What are these people thinking? I mean..geezuz. Pick up a phone and share how you feel with other like-minded friends, not fucking Facebook! I'll never understand folks that put all their "genius" thoughts out there for the world to see.

Not everyone was born as part of the internet generation like me and (presumably) you were.

So they don't quite realize that everything you put out there can be seen by the entire world and NEVER GOES AWAY.

Older people and facebook prove that there's a lack of understanding there.


Those teachers sort of remind me of my old chemistry teacher from 09. Day after Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Price, he ranted for a good 10-15 minutes about the president, Al Gore, and Alfred Nobel himself.

I wonder how he's holding out these days :)
One of those teacher posts looks far more unpleasant than the other. They're not even in the same league, IMO.
Well one is ridiculously over the top talking about Jay-Z fans and Satan and is essentially just regarded name calling, and the other one is pissed about their tax dollars paying for one of their students' food stamps and inferring that the only reason said student needs them is because their parents are incapable of budgeting. I honestly think that the one about the food stamps is worse.
Not everyone was born as part of the internet generation like me and (presumably) you were.

So they don't quite realize that everything you put out there can be seen by the entire world and NEVER GOES AWAY.

Older people and facebook prove that there's a lack of understanding there.
I've seen relatively young folks posting the same kind of "WTF?" nonsense..really turned me off to the whole social media thing. One of my favorites was a buddy of mine, he's 25 (?) and works in corrections. Wrote "If I ain't drinking, I ain't driving" on his wall..WHO DOES THAT? Instantly put on probation by his supervisor who was told about said post.

It's insanity to me that people don't understand that they're putting everything out there for everyone to see..there are consequences.


Social media almost tempts people to say things that once they would have just kept to a grumble I have a friend who used to rant on FB about his various film clients one time he went too far calling a very well known hollywood producer a bunch of swear words on his FB.

The people he worked for decided to play a trick and say this guy had seen the post and demanded he be fired. My friend almost shit himself but learned a valuable lesson.

Kept your dumb thoughts to yourself
Social media almost tempts people to say things that once they would have just kept to a grumble I have a friend who used to rant on FB about his various film clients one time he went too far calling a very well known hollywood producer a bunch of swear words on his FB.

The people he worked for decided to play a trick and say this guy had seen the post and demanded he be fired. My friend almost shit himself but learned a valuable lesson.

Kept your dumb thoughts to yourself
you know, this is probably the last thing i'd say about the man who ordered the death of osama bin laden.

Anyone can kill Osama. Only a badass can kill an entire family of Pakistani innocents to get to one terrorist who may or may not be there at the time.

Those teachers sort of remind me of my old chemistry teacher from 09. Day after Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Price, he ranted for a good 10-15 minutes about the president, Al Gore, and Alfred Nobel himself.

I wonder how he's holding out these days :)
In all fairness, Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize really was the height of bullshittery, whether you love him or hate him.
A friend of my brother has started a blog:


To sum it up, he lives in Alabama and is insisting that those in the "Red States" boycott things from the "Blue States". This includes companies with their HQs located in a "Blue State". However, he self-admits to typing the blog from a Mac computer. And that's only the beginning...


Anyone can kill Osama. Only a badass can kill an entire family of Pakistani innocents to get to one terrorist who may or may not be there at the time.

In all fairness, Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize really was the height of bullshittery, whether you love him or hate him.

He won the Peace Prize for his work disarming Russia and the USA's nuclear arms. Which he has done an amazing job at and continues to do so.

How is dismantling the cold war era nuclear arms not Peace Prize worthy?

Dude Abides

He won the Peace Prize for his work disarming Russia and the USA's nuclear arms. Which he has done an amazing job at and continues to do so.

How is dismantling the cold war era nuclear arms not Peace Prize worthy?

He did not do that nor is that why he won the prize.
A friend of my brother has started a blog:


To sum it up, he lives in Alabama and is insisting that those in the "Red States" boycott things from the "Blue States". This includes companies with their HQs located in a "Blue State". However, he self-admits to typing the blog from a Mac computer. And that's only the beginning...
Fuck..there goes watching TV! Also, convince him Al Gore invented the internet..that'll screw em.

He won the Peace Prize for his work disarming Russia and the USA's nuclear arms. Which he has done an amazing job at and continues to do so.

How is dismantling the cold war era nuclear arms not Peace Prize worthy?


A friend of my brother has started a blog:


To sum it up, he lives in Alabama and is insisting that those in the "Red States" boycott things from the "Blue States". This includes companies with their HQs located in a "Blue State". However, he self-admits to typing the blog from a Mac computer. And that's only the beginning...

Heh. He's going to have a very tough time finding a computer to use that didn't have some major bit of hardware or software originating in a blue state.

Or, you know, the internet.

edit - I like this part:

Unilevel Holdings-These guys are HUGE and having a hard time finding their corporate office.

That's Unilever, and gee I wonder why he can't find their central office
Posted by a fucking idiot on my Facebook feed (who happens to be my ex-boss' uncle):

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