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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Hitsugi no Chaika : Avenging Battle ep 1
Chaika.Return.Very Please.

Glad to see one of the good bones show comes back. If only Noragami have a sequel too.

Claudia is surprisingly nice and normal for one the 8 heroes considering the how screwed up the other heroes were.I can see Chaika is improving in her speech fluently with that explanation of magic.

Hell yeah, Red Chaika makes a return next week!!


I'm not sure what I expected from this, but it did a good job with the body horror calling card with a good amount of intrigue to accompany it.

Side note, I was kind of amused that the first two things the parasite did was block the karate chop hello from the near certain love interest...and then feel her up. Stupid, cliche, lowered my impression of the show slightly...but amusing.

Link Man

Chaika: Avenging Battle 1

Chaika returns! Good action, glad to see magic explanation. Nice, reasonable hero for once, hinting at upgrade for Chaika. Wednesdays saved!


Chaika AB 01

While sort of in the same "dark fantasy" camp as Garo, it was much more comparatively light-hearted, since I saw them back to back. The first season was alright, and I am looking forward to the conclusions in this one. Shortening her spells is something I never really considered.

Daitoshokan 01

Not all visual novels are about "getting the girl". It's more about taking part in their stories. While Grisaia is a tragedy and Waremete is a mystery, this one looks to be the most comedic and lighthearted of the three. The accusations that started off the plot were expected, but that plot point was dashed quickly enough. It involves books and libraries, so I'm almost certain to like it.


Chaika: Avenging Battle - 01

Chaika Return! Still cute! Shocking Truth!

Some small questions were answered from before and entire new ones come to the forefront. Chaika has to change her strategy to fight effectively. She is unbelievably adorable. Her VA is just amazing. Im so glad this show is back, and so soon! Bones I still love you!


[Parasyte] - 1

I was tempted to join the general chorus on this show by saying that the animation was excellent but, considering the subject matter, if the animation was poor the whole thing would be extremely disappointing. As it stands, it basically felt like watching an animated version of The Thing which is high praise considering the stunning quality of the special effects in that movie. Transformation and movement is basically what animation is all about so to see if have free reign here was beautiful.

Still, stepping away from the animation, the entire thing felt extremely well made. It just felt extremely well put together and the writing was actually good. Probably my second favourite pilot episode of the season, right behind Bahamut.

Two things I could do without:

- Bad music.

- Boob grabs.

Oh, and I can't say I'm looking forward to the inevitable flood of screencaps featuring the phrase "Must not fap!".


sealed with a kiss
Parasyte ep 1

So good, loved the little changes they made with the adaption like
Migi using Shinichi's smart phone while Shinichi was asleep
and of the course the animation was great when it needed to be

oh yeah that OP is terrible


When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace ep 1
decent first episode, but I really hope that the screwing around goes away quickly and it just focuses on the powers.

I won't be able to watch Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu until 8pm tonight which makes me sad, but ideally it's good because I still haven't had a new series wow me with it's first episode yet this season :/


[Chaika: The First Avenger] - 1

If you've seen the first season, you know Chaika. It's a fairly average fantasy adventure series with relatively well done action. It doesn't do anything spectacularly well, but neither does it commit any terrible sins.

A pleasant watch.


sealed with a kiss
How's the censorship in Parasyte? Mainly asking those who read the manga, but those who haven't can also answer.

unnoticeable - that is, there's very effective uses of cuts and dim lighting to enhance the horror aspect, and you see the blood and guts when you need to; there's no black shadows or light beams to take you out of the experience.
Moyashimon 02


Mold everywhere.

Lots of information about sake, we get to know more about Kei and a tragic events that happened when Kei and Sawaki were kids. And they make new friends that wants to make some quick money from Sawakis abilities. That professor Itsuki seems to have some plans for Sawaki as well.


How's the censorship in Parasyte? Mainly asking those who read the manga, but those who haven't can also answer.

People are getting munched pretty hard and you can still make out some of the graphic details. It's 'censored' but like a professional would do it, as opposed to just slapping the screen with black.
Parasyte 1:
That was disturbing. I have enough problems sleeping without seeing someone get taken over in their sleep. There was a surprising amount of blood and disturbing images for a modern anime. If there's censorship going on here, it can't be of too much.

There was a good amount of fluidity in the movements of the hand and some other things, as well as some generally catching designs (and pretty disturbing at times). The show definitely lived up to my expectations. The only things I really didn't like were the boob grab (just silly and tonally inconsistent with the rest of the episode) and the terrible, terrible opening.
Parasyte 1

Amazing first episode. The animation is so good, based Madhouse. Believable characters and a story that I know is fantastic.

So far best anime of the season (still haven't seen Bahamut).

Also I'm kind of warming up to the OP. Kind of. Bit weird with the OST having dubstep lol. ED is nice.


All I can say about the boobening in Parasyte is it's only 3/10th's as prevalent and offensive as Seven Deadly Boob Grabs.

There was a nice melancholy to the episode. Everyone seemed happy and content for the most part. The story seemed like it was finally starting to settle in and then we get the curve ball at the end. Come on man!


Parasyte : The Maxim - 01

This is great, all of them sakuga.. at pure animation cut this might deliver the best from this season. great intro.
Parasyte 1

This may not have been the best thing to watch right before I go to sleep, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. Well done horror is so hard to come by in this medium.


Parasyte 01: The other series I was looking forward to this year besides UBW and hot damn did they do a great job with this first episode, looks like this season has a lot to offer.
I'm not sure what I expected from this, but it did a good job with the body horror calling card with a good amount of intrigue to accompany it.

Side note, I was kind of amused that the first two things the parasite did was block the karate chop hello from the near certain love interest...and then feel her up. Stupid, cliche, lowered my impression of the show slightly...but amusing.

From what I remember (which isn't a lot at this point), the manga had a few crass/juvenile jokes here and there, it isn't serious all the time. Maybe someone who has read in the last weeks (I know from the manga thread there are a few people who just read it) can confirm if that moment is adapted or original.


sealed with a kiss
From what I remember (which isn't a lot at this point), the manga had a few crass/juvenile jokes here and there, it isn't serious all the time. Maybe someone who has read in the last weeks (I know from the manga thread there are a few people who just read it) can confirm if that moment is adapted or original.

penis arm


Chaika's still so cute :3. Wish Fredrica got more time but she's still the best. Hope the plot becomes more interesting.


Parasyte 1

That was a really strong opening episode. Great character and effects animation that heightens the horror of what's happening, and really strong designs too(part of the advantage of adapting certain manga is that you can end up with more varied and interesting character designs than is usual in anime, I guess). Adding smartphones and google searches to story from the early '90s are obvious changes, but they entirely make sense in context. And yes, the sense of body horror was palpable.

I do wish I had a right hand that could turn CG cars into 2D cars, though.
Parasyte 1

That was a really strong opening episode. Great character and effects animation that heightens the horror of what's happening, and really strong designs too(part of the advantage of adapting certain manga is that you can end up with more varied and interesting character designs than is usual in anime, I guess).

The anime designs are much better (and to a fair degree different) than the original manga designs.


Garo: The Animation 1

God damn did I enjoy that! From the execution scene, from the trippy opening cinematic to the sudden ambush by royal soldiers and the demon. This was great.

I did not expect there to be scenes where the guards would be portrayed as halfway competent, that witch hunt action scene was really interesting. You can't just Ezio around the city, ya get fucking sniped with throwing knives!

So good
I like the character designs so much
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