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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Gundam: G no Reconguista 1

First half of the episode moved at a crazy fast pace that I was largely able to follow what was going on but it felt like someone was cutting out every other scene. Pretty enjoyable show not as good as Build Fighters Try but certainly entertaining.


Log Horizon Episode 7:


Glasses must truly be frightening lol. So Log Horizon turned into Mcdonalds to save up money for one of Shiroe's plans. What this plan is going to be, I have no clue, but they are nowhere near 5 million gold. Really interesting to see them focusing on many other aspects of MMO's like economy, professions and stuff besides the usual battles. Makes this very enjoyable.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Amagi Brilliant Park:

Lots of nice animation, though that lewd bit at the end wasn't necessary. Semi-okay premise, will likely watch for the visuals only.


Grisaia no Kajitsu 1
I appreciate the fact that the opening part scene and the ending scene showed that this is my much more than it seems otherwise the heavy shift in tone would've been very off putting based on the events of this one episode. That being said, I enjoyed this quite a bit... For what it currently is. The cast is pretty likable and diverse.
Michiru is best girl.
MC isn't so bad himself. He's extremely careful and actually has a brain. I really hope this doesn't turn into something like Akuma no Riddle...


It is now


Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru 1-3

This is alright so far. The eyes portrait puzzle part in particular was weird, funny and unsettling. Arashiyama's voice is grating but I think I'm getting used to it now.

I don't know where does Japanese fascination with maids come from. Those outfits are terribad.
I will attack you with crude, makeshift weapons.
The Seven Deadly Molesters - Episode 1

It's a pretty colorful show, it's fast paced, and we seem to be getting a ton of swords and sorcery fantasy shows this season. Unfortunately it's also filled with the shounen action trope of "innocent sexual harassment" which is a bane on the genre. I think the show is interesting enough to appeal to an audience looking for fun action and adventure without needing this sort of crap. There's nothing funny or interesting about watching a young guy molest someone he doesn't know over and over just to "confirm" that she's indeed female. It's just gross.

Putting that aside (and it's pretty hard to put aside honestly), the show seems to be on the ridiculous end of the fantasy power spectrum, which could make for some fun fights if they escalate it further. The first episode already has a guy who could destroy an entire forest with a single sword swipe, and it seems like he's just a scrub in this world. Lol. There's also a talking pig, and a giant CG pig which acts as a mobile fortress. Yeah, I dunno.

Will keep watching if the molest stops. Will drop if the molest continues.

It stops when it goes into full serious/drama mode. Problem is that's not for a while.
Love, Election and Chocolate 12

Love for all in the end.

Drama didn't work, comedy didn't work, boring election stuff and no real interesting characters. Well... Mifuyu was ok, but then there's that annoying Non-chan. Didn't like that kind of character in Pani Poni Dash, Nichijou and not here either.

Only the stuff about figuring out what happened to Kana saves it from a total disaster, and there's the 5th episode that was slightly funny. I guess people who said they chose the wrong route wanted the

The music sounded like they'd just taken it from the VN at times.

At least it wasn't the most boring thing I've ever seen? Eh, 1.5/5 pieces of chocolate:
All I really want to see by the end of Build Fighters TRY is
Sekai and Fumina doing a Love Love Tenkyoken finisher. They can add any variance to the name if they want (like, add knuckle to it or something), I just hope they pay homage to it one way or another. If they're going to go full-on G Gundam, they might as well also pay homage to its most pivotal scene.
Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girl - 01

Well this sure was stupid, enough to be actually entertaining. Will definitely keep this one on my list.

...and there better be a fucking NiGHTS episode!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girl - 01

Well this sure was stupid, enough to be actually entertaining. Will definitely keep this one on my list.

...and there better be a fucking NiGHTS episode!
Doubt there will be a Nights episode going off what was in the ED.


Garo -Seal of Flames- 01

Now that the first episode is actually out.

This is missing one thing to be a Garo series.

"Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns. Yet by the blade of knights, mankind was given hope."

That needs to be spoken at least once (in English) during the series' run. If it isn't, that won't make it any less a part of the franchise. There are some people I shall not name who are baffled by a group of European knights having a series set in Europe, but they're nobody of importance. I remember reading before the series began that this was written to do things that a toku series could not. And the setting and some of the action are already suggesting that.

I will admit that without the franchise name attached, I may not have checked this out, and am largely watching this to get some background lore for when I start the toku series. I liked what I saw in the first episode. The action's pretty good, and Leon's a good hero, from what I've seen of him so far. I have yet to actually see Garo, so this distant prequel is as good an entry point as any.

It's not the first toku-based anime, either. Ultraman got an animated series, and there's that SD Kamen Rider OVA, too.

One more update for the simulcast list:

Daitoshokan goes live on Funi's website Wednesdays at 1:30... nearly the exact same time as Chaika.

Andrew J.

Gundam Build Fighters Try 01

Blue-haired guy, redhead guy, blonde girl...reminds me of Star Driver.

I wonder if she'll be in love with both of them at the same time.
Ugh, I can already tell I'm not going to enjoy this season as much as the first. MC comes off as the atypical genki girl that so many female MCs in anime end of being. They couldn't even wait one episode before they made it obvious her and Reiji2 are going to be a couple by the end of it by going for the tropey "Ahh I fell on you and now we're both blushing!" Oh look Reiji2 just did at least 4 asspulls on his very first battle. Oh look Yuuma is the cold blue haired rival character!

Gundam designs shown thus far are pretty damn lackluster as well.

Overall a complete misfire of a first episode compared the the first season. Sadly I don't think this will improve much based on the preview. How can both gundam shows this season be so god damn bad?


amagi brilliant park 1

decent first episode, will have to check out a few more episodes to see if it will turn into a fun ride... or fall off some misaligned tracks.


Ugh, I can already tell I'm not going to enjoy this season as much as the first. MC comes off as the atypical genki girl that so many female MCs in anime end of being. They couldn't even wait one episode before they made it obvious her and Reiji2 are going to be a couple by the end of it by going for the tropey "Ahh I fell on you and now we're both blushing!" Oh look Reiji2 just did at least 4 asspulls on his very first battle. Oh look Yuuma is the cold blue haired rival character!

Gundam designs show thus far are pretty damn lackluster as well.

Overall a complete misfire of a first episode compared the the first season. Sadly I don't think this will improve much based on the preview. How can both gundam shows this season be so god damn bad?
I don't see how Build Burning is inferior build than Build Strike.

Not to mention Burning >>>>>>>>> Sttrike
Watchbet with strangedopamine:

Moyashimon 01

Pretty strange.

So, yeah, this Sawaki guy can see cute microbes, and he's starting going to agricultural in... Tokyo? Heh. Well, it's in the outskirts. And there's some rather nasty looking fermented food as well.

Interesting live-action OP, and claymation-looking ED.

Link Man

Parasyte 1

Terrible OP song, otherwise it was pretty great. Could have done without the dubstep, though. And the boob grab.


Chevalier D'Eon End Thoughts

Yup still more depressing than F/Z.

Right, this ending remains quite a mindbender but on the rewatch, I managed to grasp some things better. Not that there aren't problems with it. In particular:

[*]I'm still not quite sure how the age thing gave the whole switch away. This shot of the Psalm of the King clearly gives Louis year of birth as 1710, the proper and historical date. So I really don't get how Lia deduced from that the whole secret. Maximilien's date of birth is given as 1700 which makes little sense given his age in the series but I don't see how that shows he's the real king.
-I have no idea what was the purpose of sudden revival of Saint-Germain. It only brought more confusion to the final confrontation.
-The powers of Poets and of the Psalm of the Kings, as well the connection between them were kept as vague as possible. Where did the latter come from ? Why was the Versailles the supposed source of Psalms ?
-On that note Robespierre survived getting killed by Dashwood but it only took single stab from Broglie to do him in.
-If Louis XV wasn't of the royal blood then how was he able to lift and flip the pages of the Psalm ?
-Why would Louis XV of all people dispatch 3 men with close ties to Lia on a mission to find her murderer ?
-The motivations behind Teillagory's betrayal and Robin's sudden 180 flip are weak. <Rant> Louis XIV left France in worse state than his successor, he conducted more pointless wars and in his youth was as big a womaniser as his great-grandson. So to betray D'Eon just because Louis XV is supposedly bad king makes no sense.</Rant> As for Robin he takes on the name and cause of murderer of Durand after a very short time spend together with him. I get that Marie's death was big shock but it felt completely unbelievable. Especially since he ended up contributing to her son's/grandson's death.
-Belle served no meaningful purpose.
-The palace security still sucks. Seriously.

Overall I'm not quite sure what to make of Chevalier D'Eon. It suffers from severe pacing issues. The whole Russia arc and pursuit after Voronzov serves little purpose and could be written out. The main cast is bland and only gets some depth in the last quarter. The fights are good though bit on the short side most of the time. Thankfully from the episode 15 on, the show really picked itself up and remained entertaining till the end.

In the end D'Eon is an alright show. Give it a try if you like your animu bleak and in historical setting. (More or less. lol)
Shingeki no Bahamut - Genesis 01

Gawd Damn, dat animation. Everything about this show is just utterly beautiful, from the landscapes, to the monster designs, to the action scenes. In some spots the quality reminded me more of an OVA rather than a series for television. Big props to the studion on that front. Even the obviously CG stuff didn't bother me too much. I like these sort of high fantasy stories with roguish heroes so the characters got my attention. There antics are entertaining and exciting to watch. The story seems to be going for something similar to Samurai Champloo, only replace a girl trying to find a person to a girl trying to find a place. The girl in question can turn in to a half dragon thing and whoop all kinds of ass so she's not a helpless as Fuu at least. The music is booming and orchestral just like you expect a high fantasy story to have. So far this is in the top 5 series I'm watching this season. Can't wait for ep 2.
Ugh, I can already tell I'm not going to enjoy this season as much as the first. MC comes off as the atypical genki girl that so many female MCs in anime end of being. They couldn't even wait one episode before they made it obvious her and Reiji2 are going to be a couple by the end of it by going for the tropey "Ahh I fell on you and now we're both blushing!" Oh look Reiji2 just did at least 4 asspulls on his very first battle. Oh look Yuuma is the cold blue haired rival character!

Gundam designs shown thus far are pretty damn lackluster as well.

Overall a complete misfire of a first episode compared the the first season. Sadly I don't think this will improve much based on the preview. How can both gundam shows this season be so god damn bad?

I didn't find the main MC to be "genki" just desperate to keep her club and her hobby afloat.


Log Horizon Episode 8:


Continues on with even more cool stuff dealing with MMO economics, and we see Shiroe's plan at work. Really loved how the negotiations lasted the whole episode and they made it interesting by having there inner thoughts animated and such. Really great episode


Code Geass 02

Something about the music direction feels off.

Everyone is just another piece on the chess board. Until yellow mech comes to wipe the chessboard clean.

Oh man. You have NO idea how crazy this show is going to get.

Shiki 1-10

Wasn't too into the first ep but damn, this show got really good after a few eps.

Whats your favorite hair style in it?

Hi&#9734;sCoool! SeHa Girls

Okay, I knew this was going to be bad but I wasn't expecting awful chibi models and awful GCI. Fuck this, this isn't SEGAGAGA, THIS is SEGAGAGA and it was glorious.

To be fair, NOTHING is as creative as Segagaga

Hi&#9734;sCoool! Seha Girls 01

Sega history layered over seiyuu being transported into old Sega games. A++, will watch again.



Chaika: Avenging Battle - Episode 1

Good start to the new season. The episode acts as both a sort of refresher on the premise and a direct continuation of the first season. There's some pretty good action here, mostly owing to the storyboarding (Ando did this episode), like the first season the animation itself isn't the highlight but it shows that with good choreography and framing in the storyboard things can be pretty exciting and visually attractive even without extremely strong animators.


Parasyte Episde 1:

On a gathering storm comes a tall handsome man in a dusty black coat with a red right hand. I must say I liked how the first 30 seconds were basically a fuck you to the censors we have had to endure this year. I want to assume that Madhouse does what Pierrot don't and has adapted the manga well but I have no backing in that direction right now. Still, this seemed like a solid outing, i like the design of the monsters, very creative, very unique. Also, can we somehow ban the boob grab joke from anime? It made sense in context but still this shit is beyond trite, it is older then fucking dirt at this point.
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