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Fallout 4 has gone gold; leaked gameplay vids

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Combat > player leveling system > world building > loot/weapons > story/dialogue > graphics is my personal ranking when it comes to enjoying RPGs. I can't think of a single RPG where the story or the dialog has ever been the majority stake holder of my enjoyment of the game (if anything, the story and dialogue are often barriers I have to overcome to enjoy a really good game. I'm looking at you every JRPG ever.). Yes, some RPG's have really good writing compared to other RPG's and games, but even against a mediocre book, the entire medium is not quiet there yet. Dialog trees and such are about freedom and immersion, imo. Because they can't tell you an amazingly cohesive story like if you were reading a book, player immersion has to trump that. Just making any choice helps do that, no matter how clunky the dialog, player agency gets me into the world. Better dialog helps, but they are all end up having the same pit falls of either the story arc "diamond" or countless lose ends.

My biggest complaint about F3 and Skyrim were the combat. VATS worked well, and I used it 99.9% of the time, but with some battles I wish I could've just shot my gun FPS style, but it felt awful in F3. Skyrim melee is probably one of the least satisfying combat systems I have experienced in a game I would otherwise give top marks. My main take away from the leaked video is the non-VATS combat looks way better, more particle effects, impact and weapon feedback, still optional VATS, and even though the graphics aren't top tier, they are improved enough, and I like the art style and color palette. I played +150 hours of Skyrim on PS3, then eventually fired it up on PC and modded this shit out of it until it looked amazing, but as soon I stopped sight seeing and engaged in combat, the same broken system was there and any motivation to play more Skyrim in pretty-mode ceased to exist. Everyone has their own preferences, so I think to say the game is crap just because it isn't winning any beauty pageants is premature. However, if the systems are broken, and the combat doesn't deliver, then I am right there with you calling it a disappointment. So far of what I've seen, ,my excitement is holding strong,and my expectations are reasonable.

The biggest hurdle for me and F4 is going to the this other RPG I will soon be starting, the Raising a Person Game. My wife's due date is the 5th ;)
Does anyone know if the PC version will have console commands? I just know some NPC is going to run in front of me while I'm shooting something or throwing a grenade and I need to revive them. It also wouldn't be a Bethesda game if I didn't get stuck in the geometry and need to noclip myself out.


That and the way Bethesda Softworks generally screwed them over. The general crappiness that the game shipped in is less damning in that light.

Their publisher arm is to blame for that, not the development side. Unless you know something I don't about any involvement in that drama that Todd Howard had, if any.
Tittle is:
Fallout 4 leaked gameplay vids (20 mins)

then why is Witcher 3 or other games mentioned? :=)

I say, wait for proper review, proper youtube vid's then make a decision :)
How much better is it than the story of Fallout 1/2?
News Vega, Pillar of Eternities, and Fake Fallout12 are some of the worst made rpgs in gaming history. Compared to these garbage Skyrim's story is shakespeare. You may disagree but thats just youropinion. Your opinions cannot change the fact that the writing of obsidian games and the witcher series are hilariously bad.
Does anyone know if the PC version will have console commands? I just know some NPC is going to run in front of me while I'm shooting something or throwing a grenade and I need to revive them. It also wouldn't be a Bethesda game if I didn't get stuck in the geometry and need to noclip myself out.

I've no doubt there'll be a console available at launch, yes.


Their publisher arm is to blame for that, not the development side. Unless you know something I don't about any involvement in that drama that Todd Howard had, if any.

I'm not blaming the game studio for anything. I'm just excusing NV for some of its issues because of those things.
Not complaining. I've always understood that graphics play second fiddle to FO's art style and world building. I love the absence of filters. Really vibrant colors make it a less dreary game, especially when you plan to live in that world for a couple hundred hours.
Glad I'm waiting till I build my new PC to play this. Looks good to me, so even better when it's running on a high end machine.

Wonder how many patches will be put out those first couple of months...


I'm not blaming the game studio for anything. I'm just excusing NV for some of its issues because of those things.

Okay but I don't. Obsidian made a great game that I enjoyed, but if they felt that the game would be somehow compromised beyond hope because the visuals are poor, as people are assuming will be the case for Fallout 4, then they wouldn't have made it.

I honestly believe criticism of Bethesda's writing in particular has just snowballed into a tsunami of group think and internet hate about everything that they do. I'm open to criticizing the game for what it is, AFTER I play it.


I have never played Fallout before but I have been keeping my eye on it ever since CDPR said their missions/sidemissions were inspired from one of the FO games.

If the missions and story are half as good as Witcher 3 then I am in.


what? he was stating a fact. game looks shit.

It's shit like this that grinds my gears. People (who seem to be the ones hating on the graphics) are so dense and thick like this guy here that they can't accept that someone may possibly have a different opinion to themselves.



Solo Sniper Ninja Crit.

I think I will start at:
Strength [1]
Nothing of relevance to me here. I don't plan on using Power Armor and only use a single weapon, maybe two, so carry weight is moot. Since I play without companion and get the OP solo-perk, I have increased carry weight anyway. No melee-weapons either.

Perception [4] (later 10)
Perception also increases VATS hit chance, which is essential to a sniper build.
-Rifleman: It's the most important perk in existence to my build. Will max that with priority. Might also affect shot gun damage.
-Locksmith: Always nice to have, since standing before a locked locker is always disheartening. 3/4 might be enough, since the last rank only makes lockpicks indestructible, which is "nice to have" but not "must have".
Later 10:
The following perks are not essential, so I will level Perception when I see fit
-Sniper: Increases Hit chance both in- and outside of VATS.
-Penetration: Holy damn. Depending how much cover is in the game, this might be ultra awesome to have.
-Concentrated Fire: Low priority, but having +20% accuracy and damage, when I aim twice on the head, seems pretty neat.

Endurance [3]
Endurance gives HP, but seeing Life Giver, it's not worth it to level just for that (5 per level vs 20 per perk). Late game "bonus" stuff imo. Having extra limb protection and all is great, but not essential. Will be leveled when nothing else of worth is left.
-Toughness: Combined with Lone Wanderer, you are practically a demi-god.
-Life Giver: Easy way to increase HP and the 3rd level yields Health Regeneration, a thing I'm very fond of in games that feature none otherwise.

Charisma [3] (later 6)
For speech checks so maybe you want to level it sooner or later just for that. Since the beginning is pretty point starved, I wouldn't go all the way right away:
-Lone Wanderer: Holy moly. 50% damage resistance and +200 carry weight? Lmao yes please.
Later 6:
-Local Leader: Having access to vendors in your home base sounds neat. Since I will probably only have a single settlement, the first perk is rather pointless to me. But I will see, maybe you need 3-4 so each settlement can focus on a different thing (Food, Water etc).
(-Intimidation:) Might be worth it to see if I can use it to solve some quests, but it's a heavy point investment.

Intelligence [4]
Int gives additional EXP, which I HATE. I hate leveling too fast. Being forced to take up int means I have to skill something that is absolutely a negative in my book. Means I won't play a genius, that's clear.
-Medic: Efficiency is key. Stimpacks now heal over time. Combining Lone Wanderer and Toughness, means you can probably face tank any kind of damage, while regenerating life.
-Gun Nut: High priority skill to make my sniper rifle even better.
-Hacker: Less important than lockpicking, but it's just as much infuriating.
Later 5?
Depending how rare materials come buy, Scrapper might be something to look into.

Agility [7]
Agility passively increases AP in VATS, so it's probably among the most useful stats to skill, sadly the actual skills are somewhat lackluster, so why 7? That's why:
-Ninja: If F4 is anything like F3 / NV, you will have the first hit quite often. 250% damage right away up to 350%. Don't mind if I do! I say Pew and I say Pew.
(-Sneak): Neat to have to make Ninja even better in close quarters, but totally optional since with a sniper I will always be undetected due to sheer range most of the time.
(-Action Boy:) Better on consoles than on PC imo. On PC I always shoot manually and use VATS once they are up close, so I don't actually need it to recharge that fast, but it's still nice to have.
(Later 8):
-Quick Hands: Faster reloading is always nice, in particular for slow-ass reloading Shot Guns and Snipers. If I have spare points, they will go there eventually.

Luck [3] (later 10)
I'm not sure how fast crit regenerates or how it is calculated outside of VATS, but it'll play a crucial role in my build, so the passive effect is really important.
Bloody Mess: +5 - 20% damage is always welcomed. Best point dumb skill there is.
Later 7:
-Better Criticals: More crit damage is awesome. Combined with the high damage from Sniper Rifles means insta gib.
-Critical Banker: Combine the +crit damage AND the +ninja damage for a whooping instant execution against probably most enemies in the game. It will be glorious. Later you can make that 3 times in a row!
Later 10:
Manly for the increased crit chance.
(-Grim Reaper's Sprint:) Nice to have, but not essential.
(-Four Leaf Clover:) I don't use VATS too often and Sniper Rifles aren't really known for their rate of fire, so it yields a pretty minuscule advantage.
-Ricochet: Might as well take it if I have 10 Luck. Not really a priority tho.

That equals 18/21 points, meaning I can use 3 points on perks right away, which will probably be Rifleman, Ninja and Locksmith.
edit: If you have to spend all 21 points on SPECIAL, I will get luck up to 6.

Core skills (8):
-Gun Nut
-Lone Wanderer
-Better Criticals
-Critical Banker

Secondary skills (4):
-Bloody Mess
-Life Giver

Auxiliary skills (4):
-Concentrated Fire
-Local Leader

Optional skills (8):
-Quick Hands
-Grim Reaper's Sprint
-Four Leaf Clover
-Action Boy

That means I will focus on 8 skills and level them whenever I can. Secondary skills are not as important and will be leveled when I have points to spend and nothing else to skill right away. Auxiliary skills will be leveled eventually, but never with priority. Optional skills are just that, optional. If I feel I need one of them I will grab it, but they are very low on the list where my points go into. Something like Grim Reaper's Spring and Action Boy are among the better ones listed there, since I can skill them right away without any additional points and they seem to yield the most benefit to my build.

That's where I am so far. How was your day?


The biggest hurdle for me and F4 is going to the this other RPG I will soon be starting, the Raising a Person Game. My wife's due date is the 5th ;)

Just had my little one on October 1st, the first week is a hell of an acclimation period. You will find times where you can't sleep and the baby is asleep where you might be able to eeek in afew hours. Though I have not returned to MGSV yet since my little one came out so i dunno...

Best of luck and congrats!


Also why aren't a lot of people doing Endurance builds? Endurance seems crazy OP.

It sounds boring lol

No limb damage and HP regeneration would be awesome, though. Guess I'll just gotta avoid getting hit!

That equals 18/21 points, meaning I can use 3 points on perks right away, which will probably be Rifleman, Ninja and Locksmith.

Sounds like you have to use the initial 21 points in SPECIAL stats


Witcher 3's writing is shit. I fall asleep playing this shitty game with terrible story and ballet dancing sword fights. Fallout 3's story is about 5 billion times better than this Assassin's Creed wannabe where you spend the whole game connecting dots on your map and talking with single dimensional characters that have no personalities whatsoever.



Its going to be very interesting to see the reception of this fallout. Especially off of the heels of The Witcher 3 and MGS5.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
News Vega, Pillar of Eternities, and Fake Fallout12 are some of the worst made rpgs in gaming history. Compared to these garbage Skyrim's story is shakespeare. You may disagree but thats just youropinion. Your opinions cannot change the fact that the writing of obsidian games and the witcher series are hilariously bad.

Ladies and Gentlemen, a textbook case of Poe's Law.


How quickly can we see what these perks are when we're creating our characters? Is it safe to go ahead and build my character based on the leak? Or am I ruining surprises that I would stumble upon when I have 20 to 40 hours invested?


How is the Skill/Perk system working? You have the initial 21 points. What do you get with a level up? A point to distribute on perks or on the SPECIAL stats?


I've come to accept Bethesda's baffling take on the hero's journey where no one's actions or motivations make sense, but I hope they decided to at least make an actually post-apocalyptic Fallout this time. Fallout 3 really was just Oblivion with guns, as tired a meme as that was even all those years ago. Everything was fantasy with the numbers filed off. There were bandits (raiders) and orcs (mutants) and peasants (Megaton, Rivet City, etc.) and the undead (ghouls) and a valiant order of knights (Brotherhood of Steel) and the only cannibals in the supposed world of post-nuclear scarcity were crazy people doing it just for fun and none of the groups of humans living exclusively among themselves were fighting with any of the other ones, except for the one faction that was Evil.


How is the Skill/Perk system working? You have the initial 21 points. What do you get with a level up? A point to distribute on perks or on the SPECIAL stats?
Yep. You can pick a perk or use that point to increase one of your SPECIAL stats.
It's shit like this that grinds my gears. People (who seem to be the ones hating on the graphics) are so dense and thick like this guy here that they can't accept that someone may possibly have a different opinion to themselves.

The original post he quoted was doing the same. It's a nasty cycle sadly.


Dude had the audacity to shit on Mario too. Goodness.

Yeah, he went too far with that one.
Witcher 3's writing is shit. I fall asleep playing this shitty game with terrible story and ballet dancing sword fights. Fallout 3's story is about 5 billion times better than this Assassin's Creed wannabe where you spend the whole game connecting dots on your map and talking with single dimensional characters that have no personalities whatsoever.

It shows that even a 50 years old game has more map interactivity than Witcher 3. I have to say I laughed because its so true.

Ballet dancing 3 with batman has about as much immersion as the plumber who jumps on mushrooms with eyes and shoots fireballs out of his hands.

News Vega, Pillar of Eternities, and Fake Fallout12 are some of the worst made rpgs in gaming history. Compared to these garbage Skyrim's story is shakespeare. You may disagree but thats just youropinion. Your opinions cannot change the fact that the writing of obsidian games and the witcher series are hilariously bad.

Exactly, Witcher 3 looks like shit. Simply a fact.

Yeah funny how people get so mad when someone merely states facts about a game amirit


Dude had the audacity to shit on Mario too. Goodness.


You sure?

In that case I will dumb them into luck.

Well, that's what Santiako said on the last page anyway

I wish we knew exactly how likely it is to get 3x EXP with Idiot Savant on different INT levels. If it's something like, INT 1 - 20% chance, INT 10 - 5% chance, high INT would probably be more advisable than low + Idiot Savant. I'm raising INT to at least 4 anyway because of hacking, probably 6 cause of the weapon modding, so I was wondering if Idiot Savant is useful at all.
It sounds boring lol

No limb damage and HP regeneration would be awesome, though. Guess I'll just gotta avoid getting hit!

Sounds like you have to use the initial 21 points in SPECIAL stats

The underwater breathing and completely being stealth while doing so sounds amazing, and no radiation also sounds good. Sounds like you can do a true lone survival build, no allies, no power armor needed.


I have never played Fallout before but I have been keeping my eye on it ever since CDPR said their missions/sidemissions were inspired from one of the FO games.

If the missions and story are half as good as Witcher 3 then I am in.

If the missions and story end up half as good as Witcher 3, then they've improved things a metric ton since Fallout 3. I'm not personally holding my breath. I think CDPR got inspiration in a pretty loose sense of the word.

Really, I'm just hoping there are a few memorable characters. The fact that the only memorable person in Fallout 3 that comes to mind is just "some radio dude" is kind of pathetic. I can't think of another RPG or even many games that leave so little of an impression as far as characters are concerned. Hell, the story itself doesn't even have to be that good if the characters are memorable. It's the fact that Bethesda manages to be bland in both areas that astounds me sometimes.
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