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Fallout 4 was a big disappointment


You hit a lot of good points. I agree with everything, though, I don't really mind the graphics. Coming off of New Vegas, Fallout 4 was a huge disappointment.


Other than the dialogue system / voice acted main character. I was pretty happy with it. The endless quests suck too.

I'm playing Witcher 3 now, and honestly it doesn't look that much better than fallout 4 and it's been just as buggy for me.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Also severely disappointed with the turnout. Yet several friends with minimal experience in Bethesda games got turned onto the hype of FO4 and are absolutely adoring it, so the casual approach seemed to win them over I suppose. Not as if they would feel differently had the game pushed things forward rather than backward.


I love Fallout 4 and I am disappointed by it. I think that the fans need to send a message that they cut too much of the stuff we loved about the series in this new direction. For me, it is the minimizing of the role-playing elements and the lack of quest variety. I don't like the argument of "wait for the DLC, or wait for the mods", Bethesda should know their audience well enough to know that this wasn't going to fly.

Some people will point to how much FO4 sold and say "Well they will follow the money, and look how much money this game made." I disagree with this point, the biggest reason that the hype for this game was at a fever pitch was because of the pedigree that Fallout 3 and New Vegas established, not because of the marketing or any of the gameplay decisions. The marketing just made sure that it didn't squander the goodwill that the previous games in the series built up. Now that FO4 has been controversial, it is going to be a much harder sell when the next game comes out.

The marketing cycle for this game was incredibly short, and the audience didn't have enough time to really analyze it before making a purchasing decision. Even when information did come out, most of us held hope that Bethesda could pull off streamlining (like the removal of the skills system) the series without sacrificing depth. It is clear now that the right decisions weren't made during development and the wrong things got priority. Bethesda has never lead me wrong before, why wouldn't I trust them?

I don't think I would have bought FO4 day one if I had known all of this. Now that I've been burnt for the first time by Bethesda, I know that if I have the same level of knowledge when the next Bethesda game comes out I will wait to see impressions before I give them my money. Bethesda was one of my last "I buy what they make day-one" studios, and now that is gone :(


Agreed. I can't even bring myself to go back to it and that is the first Bethesda game to ever do that to me. Feels like a huge step back for reasons you already listed.


I loved exploring and I liked the companions but it doesn't feel like anything different from their past games. I wish it blew me away like I expect the next Mass Effect game to do. Fallout 4 was exactly what I was expecting from Bethesda. Now that Bethesda expanded their studio, hopefully, their next game is on a completely new level.

The Memory Den was a great opportunity to have multiple quests, but there were...what...two quests?

I also felt very limited in terms of how my character can react to situations. I have been avoiding beating the game because I do not like any of the options they force on you.


While I do agree on all your points, I don't really understand why are you complaining.
It's the usual bethesda game. What did you expect?

And you'll buy their next game too.

People said this about EA games too about a decade ago, now look at them trying to re-build their powerhouse status after burning too many bridges with the fans.


Say what you will about Fallout 4

The fact there is a thread about F4 being the best thing ever or the worst thing ever every single day since launch, this being the internet where no one can make a point without some hyperbolic nonsense

I'll say at least F4 left a strong impression, more than you can say about most games


Gold Member
I love the crap out of it. I am still playing Borderlands 2, this game gives me the same feeling for some reason. Too bad the wife can't split screen with me though in F4. :)


Say what you will about Fallout 4

The fact there is a thread about F4 being the best thing ever or the worst thing ever every single day since launch, this being the internet where no one can make a point without some hyperbolic nonsense

I'll say at least F4 left a strong impression, more than you can say about most games

People are only talking about it in relation to the previous games in the series, and specifically how much worse it is in key ways than in prior games. If this hadn't been a mistep from a revered development team in a beloved long-running series it wouldn't be this polarizing. It's this games place in the history of the series that makes this a talking point, not the game in and of itself. If this was Ubisoft, we would laugh about it and move on.

Also, it is rarely spoken of as "the best thing ever" or "the worst thing ever". It is spoken of as "Well, I loved/liked it. I don't see what everyone is complaining about!" or "This is not what I expected. This is a really disappointing game".
Yep, it's a massive disappointment.

The game's been perma-shelved unless I can find the willpower to rush through the rest of the boring story. The quest design is just... ugh.

Only Fallout game I haven't beaten. Sad to think about actually.

Fox Mulder

I think if you hated Fallout 3 you'll love Fallout 4. This describes me, anyway.

However, if you loved FO3...

I put 100+ hours into f3, but have maybe 24 in fallout 4 with diminishing desire to play it.

The generated quests suck and the dialog system blows. Wish there was at least a mission to give found music to the radio guy so we have something new to listen to.


Great... I finally get around to buying this game when it was on sale and now i run into this topic and read everything.. Haven't started it yet but now I think I will just buy battlefront and play that when my holidays start.


Most people claiming not to like the game have put atleast 20+ hours into it though..


I'm more likely to listen to an opinion from someone who didn't dismiss a game after 30 minutes.

It's called giving a game to a chance to form a well rounded opinion. I could see how that would be perplexing.


85 hours in and it's one of the most fun games I had all year, with some of the best open world game design in history. Top-notch worldbuilding and some really great quests made it a fun game. Not sure why a fallout game would feature fantasy magic, op. Was pretty happy to go exploring Dunwich Borers, though.

Main Story's dumb, but so was New Vegas and Fallout 3, so that's nothing new.

I put 100+ hours into f3, but have maybe 24 in fallout 4 with diminishing desire to play it.

The generated quests suck and the dialog system blows. Wish there was at least a mission to give found music to the radio guy so we have something new to listen to.

yo, there are like 10 generated quests in the game, and 140 quests overall, which is more than either New Vegas or Fallout 3.
I don't agree with you at all, It is defintely a fallout game.
Why? Why is it a Fallout game? Have you played any other Fallout game besides 3? It's just a game that happens to have the setting and elements of a Fallout game. The game is as shallow as it can get. It doesn't respects Fallout's lore, nor what a Fallout game should be, it's an insult to it.


Oh, here I just thought of another example of what I mean in regards to having "no payoff".

Sidequest spoilers
Remember the quest Curtain Call? You basically have to rescue this guy from this tower that's filled with Super Mutants. Yeah, that one. At the end of it you get Strong as a companion and you meet someone named Rex Goodman. Rex Goodman is a some eccentric thesbian who loves Shakespearwe and is kind of hilarious. Surely, we'll see more of him in the game later, right? They wouldn't have invented such a character to be thrown away, right? Right? Yeah, that's the last time you see him. And thus ends the quest. What went from rescuing some eccentric dude from the top of a tower became a quest where you get a boring companion and the dude you rescued is never heard from again.
Oh, here I just thought of another example of what I mean in regards to having "no payoff".

Sidequest spoilers
Remember the quest Curtain Call? You basically have to rescue this guy from this tower that's filled with Super Mutants. Yeah, that one. At the end of it you get Strong as a companion and you meet someone named Rex Goodman. Rex Goodman is a some eccentric thesbian who loves Shakespearwe and is kind of hilarious. Surely, we'll see more of him in the game later, right? They wouldn't have invented such a character to be thrown away, right? Right? Yeah, that's the last time you see him. And thus ends the quest. What went from rescuing some eccentric dude from the top of a tower became a quest where you get a boring companion and the dude you rescued is never heard from again.
Nah. He is actually in some radio in front of a super mutant stronghold! (Bethesda worldbuilding is top notch, amirite?) But, that's it.


I enjoy the game. Hell I like it better than New Vegas personally, but thats largely because the environment the game takes place in is more important than writing to me, and I didn't particularly like roaming the Mojave (even though it had some great quests. Independent of quests it feels good to roam around and shoot stuff in the game.


Great... I finally get around to buying this game when it was on sale and now i run into this topic and read everything.. Haven't started it yet but now I think I will just buy battlefront and play that when my holidays start.

Listen, if you have been craving a Fallout game and you keep your expectations in check, you could have a good time. I play it each night, and look forward to mods to make it a better experience. I just can't shake the disappointment I feel each time I wish it was more. I really don't think anyone is using the language that it is a bad game, for the most part people call it disappointing or if they call it bad, they call it a "Bad Fallout game".

It is a good game, it is just not what it should have been. Instead of taking the benchmarks set by the previous games in the series and improving from there, it goes backwards in some ways while going forwards in others. It really feels like two steps forward, two steps back and the result is that the series didn't go anywhere. We are all STILL left waiting for the next game to fix the things the last one didn't get right and that is a bummer feeling.


This is my very first Fallout entry and I love every part of it. This is also the first game I have platinumed ever on PS4. I just bought Fallout classics collection on Steam to get to know about the lore even more. Next stop is Fallout 3 and New Vegas :)

Edit: wow, this is also my very first post on Neogaf after years of Waiting!! Lol


Gold Member
Haha, that seems impossible. It allows less role-playing than most RPGs, for sure. I don't know how on earth you'd do a stealth or minimal killing run of the game.

What it ended up being was a limit on what perks I did and didn't want to take, and that was about it. I ended up ignoring more and more of the side quests to just finish the main quest so that I could start again with a second save.
I'm having an amazing time with Fallout 4, but agree it could be better.

IMO DLC and potential Obsidian sequel (PLEASE!) will fill that gap.


Voiced PC's and voiced NPC's in general have killed RPG dialog systems.

It can be done with silent protagonists. New Vegas is a testament to that.

I'm not convinced that voiced protagonists completely kill it, either. FO4 has four dialog options for every situation. They simply chose to make a joke of it. SPECIAL or Perk checks could have been included in there.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Good game, but most of the side quests were repetitive trash. Go here, clear it. Over and over. In the end I just powered through the story so I could finish it.


I completely agree with OP's criticisms; practically all of the traditional RPG mechanics that made the originals great have been reduced to background noise, and the plot is pretty linear for a Fallout game. These are going to be deal-breakers for many, and that's totally understandable.

The game's focus is exploration, dungeon crawling, combat, and base-building. For me, that hasn't been an issue. I'm 96 hours in and still jonesing to start it up when I get home from work. I'm happy with the VA, I enjoy the stories told in logs via terminals throughout the city, I love stumbling upon places I haven't yet discovered, and I love blasting fools to bits. Heck, I'm even fairly engaged in the storyline, but my expectations were very low. So, while I'm disappointed with some of the decisions Bethesda made here, I'm still happy with the game overall.

The game's biggest flaw for me is the dialog being fairly meaningless. Also, I thought them gifting Power Armor right from the start was shitty. You could get PA early on in the original games, but there was a very low chance a fresh player would stumble into it by chance.

I expect some fantastic user-created content when the GECK releases. Someone HAS to make Bill Burr a companion. Oh my god, that would be so amazing.


I agree. Radiant quests are ass. I kinda like the simplified presentation of the dialog, BUT they are extremely limiting. You can't be an asshole.

But this is my goty! So far...

I just feel like this dialogue system goes completely against what Fallout is as a series. And it stings more since it comes directly after NV which had brilliant dialogue and writing. If Bethesda could at least ape Mass Effect well, but they butchered the execution anyway. Plus the quest design is mostly very rote, standing in extremely sharp contrast to NV and particularly Witcher 3 this year.

Yep. As I've posted in another "Fallout 4 is a disappointment" thread, if you take it for what it is and re-label some of the entries accordingly, it all makes sense:


That picture sadly sums it up. NV is F3, Beth games are basically spinoffs.


I've loved playing it (about 60 hours) but the shine is off the apple at this point. The world doesn't grab me as much as Oblivion games and now that my guns are almost at max, encounters aren't super exciting. I'm still enjoying, but I'm not really wowed anymore.
It's really my first Fallout game (though I did play a few hours of Fallout 3) and I thought it was decent to good, and honestly probably a bit disappointing. It just felt sort of bland and soulless in a lot of ways. i haven't finished it, and just sort of stopped playing it a few weeks ago.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
It can be done with silent protagonists. New Vegas is a testament to that.

I'm not convinced that voiced protagonists completely kill it, either. FO4 has four dialog options for every situation. They simply chose to make a joke of it. SPECIAL or Perk checks could have been included in there.

It kills it because it kills how easily you can adjust a characters dialogue. And more voiced dialogue is also more money. Mass Effect has a 6 selection wheel and it also cut down on the number of responses from other Bioware games. And Mass Effect doesnt even use all 6 slots all the time.
I have to say, I just built a new PC and got a new monitor, and exploring this open world on a 27" Gsync/980 Ti system is quite an amazing experience.


Gotta have a daily Fallout disappointment thread. Also, OPs opinion is too important for the OT, let him have his soapbox.

Yeah because the OT will surely agree on his points right? Its a discussion board, if you dont like the topic dont click on the thread matey.

Op makes very good points youd have to be a blind defender to go against it.

Also just because the game is enjoyable, doesnt mean it cant also dissapoint. Not sure why ppl dont understand that
This has been my problem since Fallout 3. I could enjoy the detached perspective of 2, but once things went full first person with 3 I realized that I just really really really don't feel any interest in exploring this ugly, run down, "look its a modern city but its all gone to shit" drab landscape. I get why the post apocalypse fantasy works for some people but goddamn I cannot give less of a shit about it

Thats probably my first and last post on the issue

I like post-apocalyptic settings but my problem is that F4 is all so samey. So far, there's the BOS thing and a certain house that look different. Everything else is the same drab textures.
It's been 200 years and there are brooms other cleaning items everywhere. Has no-one thought that maybe they shouldn't still be living in a garbage tip?

I thought New Vegas did it well, with the desert wasteland, decrepit rural shacks, rusted abandoned factories and the cleaner bright-lights of New Vegas itself.

I just don't enjoy exploring in F4 because every area looks the same.

Likewise, very few of the quests are interesting, and they all seem to involve fetch quests in some area that's been taken over by a random type of enemy.

The game's alright, but it's a disappointing step backwards.
After that first quest at the factory place which was basically 'go here and slaughter 50 dudes with no real meaning or context' I knew what kind of fallout I was in for and turned it off. Previous fallouts would let you chat with the gangs leader, maybe cut a deal. Maybe avoid just slaughtering everybody meaninglessly like every other soulless big budget game. I liked fallout 3 and loveeees me some new Vegas. I can see fallout 4 is well made in some ways and probably appeals to a lot of people. It's not for me though. I wish I could trade it in for wasteland 2 :(
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