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Female Game Dev Harrassed by IndieStatik founder Josh Mattingly Speaks Up (Kotaku)

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Kotaku, of course, not above kicking someone when they're down. The guy has apologized and his career more or less ruined but Kotaku has got more articles to write.


King of Gaslighting
"You're being a bit creepy. . ."

Not really sure how the above doesn't end the conversation, and place the guys comments in context for him. The guy is obviously weird and boundary crossing, but have we really evolved to this kind of society where they "best" thing to do is air every bit of dirty laundry/inappropriate behavior instead of you know - dealing with it.


... So why didn't she said anything? The guy does come off as a comply sexist idiot but a think She should of told him to stop those comments if she decided to go public or else it really comes off as a one side story.

the article linked in the OP goes into great depth on this very subject


Unconfirmed Member
Pretty cringe-worthy chat log. I agree that his drunk excuse just sounds like bs considering his harassment spanned over 8 hours.
That level of thirst is something i'd expect from a stream monster trolling on twitch.tv
This is a pretty apt comparison.
Kotaku, of course, not above kicking someone when they're down. The guy has apologized and his career more or less ruined but Kotaku has got more articles to write.

It's not really about kicking him while he's down. The article is citing this incident only to spur on a broader conversation on what women in the industry have to deal with and if it can change.

E92 M3

What I'm confused about - taking away the barbaric and low class nature of the convo - is how he thought that what was said would turn her on. Does not even have a simple understanding of the female brain? Seems like a grown ass man.


Tagged as I see fit
She addresses this in the new article. She was dumbfounded and continued to answer his original query hoping he would just drop it. She was also struggling as to whether or not her outright rebuffing would burn a bridge with a potential press contact.

Apologies for my ignorance here, but why would you want somebody like that as a press contact? No thank you.


I can't understand how the conversation continued after the guy said some very unfortunate stuff.

That's a weird conversation if I ever saw one.

The guy has deep problems, I don't even know what he was trying to achieve.


the piano man
can someone point me to the other thread about this topic?

I remember Jaffe was on a roll there, I want to know how it all ended.

If I had to guess, I'd say there must've been several bans out of that thread.


Kotaku, of course, not above kicking someone when they're down. The guy has apologized and his career more or less ruined but Kotaku has got more articles to write.

The poor guy, lucky for him the article is a very concise explanation of why its so easy for situations like this to escalate or being forgotten and not about that isolated incident.
The guys problem is that he has a disease I like to call, "I see women as nothing but fleshy holes for me to stick my dick in-itis"

He is the definition of a misogynist.

He may have other deep seeded psychological issues, but his problem first and foremost appears to be treating women as objects.

How the fuck else do you open a business related convo with someone you barely know with "I'll kiss your vagina"?


It's not really about kicking him while he's down. The article is citing this incident only to spur on a broader conversation on what women in the industry have to deal with and if it can change.
I don't see how this story says anything about the industry judging by the chat log. Is it because she is a developer or because he happen to know who she is and wanted to pull down her pants? Otherwise this is just a story of what women have to deal with from guys who don't know any better and are sexually frustrated.


I am mortified by my behavior as it was not only completely inappropriate, but it was fueled by alcohol and depression. My younger brother committed suicide last year and ever since then I haven’t been myself.

Look, I don't drink. Someone I love was nearly killed by a drunk driver. I've been hit by a drunk driver myself. As such, and for other reasons, I have no intention of supporting the behavior... but, like, I don't see myself turning into the kind of person this guy demonstrated he was even if I did drink.

Likewise, I constantly deal with chronic pain and depression--not the average melancholy, but really harrowing stuff based on some severe medical issues (my body doesn't produce healthy levels of multiple neurotransmitters). At one point, I was told organs in my body would fail, and I would die. At another point,

Again, I don't see myself acting like this guy. I say stupid stuff, sure. Misplacing words, saying things that aren't totally clear, stuff like that. I've even displayed mild dementia-like symptoms. But I've never, ever come close to approaching his level of action. I literally do not understand how anyone could.

There's this guy I'd followed for quite a while on Twitter who would blame a lot of his actions on alcohol or depression. Y'know what? I'm tired of people like this. Shape up, guys. Seriously. Stop blaming your stupid behavior on miniscule problems (ooh, suicide, so scary; well, guess what, I've been there and dealt with that too, and it's scarring and devastating and horrible, but if you let it turn you into a jackass, that's on you); start treating people with dignity, and y'know what? If you're feeling like crap, then do everyone a favor and wait to engage until you feel better able.

God knows I've said some really stupid things on my worst days, even displayed some supreme ignorance in my time, but I've never been that gross, even if I do have it worse than literally every other human being I know.

Being a good person should be your default state. You don't get to excuse being a dick just because your life sucks.

Kotaku, of course, not above kicking someone when they're down. The guy has apologized and his career more or less ruined but Kotaku has got more articles to write.

Kotaku's doing its due diligence. It's good journalism to get both sides of the story.


Sidhe / PikPok
I don't understand why game devs seem to be so backed up. They really don't have to be desperate and creep on women, especially the ones that they work with. Is there something wrong with going out and meeting women and not dropping creeper lines. If dudes are backed up that bad there are hook up apps available. No need to hold in until the point where you give off "I'm gonna hump you and you'll like it," vibes and saying stupid shit because you're awkward and backed up to your eye balls with semen.

You'll find that men (and women) engage in sexual harassment and blunt sexual propositions in all industries.

I'll happily acknowledge that the games industry skews male and has its fair share of socially awkward people, but this example is not typical enough nor limited to the games industry for you to be making such broad generalizations.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
If I've learned anything from the internet, don't ever read the comments.
I've learned this too. Yet somehow I always scroll down and peek. I don't even realize that I do it until it's too late. I think I need help. ;_;

... So why didn't she said anything? The guy does come off as a complete sexist idiot but I think She should of told him to stop those comments if she decided to go public or else it really comes off as a one sided story.
"You're being a bit creepy. . ."

Not really sure how the above doesn't end the conversation, and place the guys comments in context for him. The guy is obviously weird and boundary crossing, but have we really evolved to this kind of society where they "best" thing to do is air every bit of dirty laundry/inappropriate behavior instead of you know - dealing with it.
Aaaaaand here we go. Nevermind that the article addresses this already huh, we gotta think of the poor harasser. Stupid wench couldn't just "deal with it" and had to ruin a man's career, dammit!

Kotaku, of course, not above kicking someone when they're down. The guy has apologized and his career more or less ruined but Kotaku has got more articles to write.
How many times are they going to run this story?
Based on some of the posts and comments I've seen, not nearly often enough.


I don't see how this story says anything about the industry judging by the chat log. Is it because she is a developer or because he happen to know who she is and wanted to pull down her pants? Otherwise this is just a story of what women have to deal with from guys who don't know any better and are sexually frustrated.

the chat log is background and not even posted in the new story. read the OP link, it addresses the wider industry implications: http://kotaku.com/she-was-harassed-by-a-games-reporter-now-shes-speakin-1510714971
"You're being a bit creepy. . ."

Not really sure how the above doesn't end the conversation, and place the guys comments in context for him. The guy is obviously weird and boundary crossing, but have we really evolved to this kind of society where they "best" thing to do is air every bit of dirty laundry/inappropriate behavior instead of you know - dealing with it.

You have it backwards. This is part of an attempt to evolve into a society where women are not harassed in this manner. Something they have been "dealing with" for centuries/millenia.
I am surprised at Kotaku's restrain to not include the perspective of David "The signal" Jaffe, but then again the story is about a woman being harassed.

Oh God. I was aware of Jaffe's stance on this issue, but was unaware of that particular comment. By not telling him to fuck off she was signalling that it was okay?! Come on, man. Jesus, why does anyone think it's okay to talk to someone like this unless they specifically say it's not wanted?


Jeebus. That guy needs to see a shrink, yesterday. In a way, I pity him and want to defend him because he's clearly unhinged. Nonetheless, that's completely unacceptable. Cripes.

Word of the day: Fremdscham.


That convo. No tact. Cunnilingus in dirty talk? Gross.

Also, that guy is a disgrace. He needed the public humiliation.
Sad, sad situation. When will someone just man up and say "I just f@cked up and I didn't think I was going to get caught."
Nothing more nothing less.
Oh God. I was aware of Jaffe's stance on this issue, but was unaware of that particular comment. By not telling him to fuck off she was signalling that it was okay?! Come on, man. Jesus, why does anyone think it's okay to talk to someone like this unless they specifically say it's not wanted?

I think he means that since she is getting divorced her vagina is open for business and she was hinting at it by bringing it up.


King of Gaslighting
Morrigan Targaryen said:
Aaaaaand here we go. Nevermind that the article addresses this already huh, we gotta think of the poor harasser. Stupid wench couldn't just "deal with it" and had to ruin a man's career, dammit!

Yup, recognizing that there were other ways of addressing this situation, whether at the moment or in followup, is absolutely victim shaming.

Get out of here.
Should all failed attempts at subduction be publicized? Or does this guy have leverage over this woman and thus makes this more then just embarrassing?
It's disgusting but I'm glad this was brought out into the open. I love the fact that she had the courage to put this out in the open and I wish I could see the look on his face as his once cocky self has to live with this embarrassment he has caused himself. It would be interesting if the repercussions of this got leaked. I wanna see what kind of punishment dude is in for.
She addresses this in the new article. She was dumbfounded and continued to answer his original query hoping he would just drop it. She was also struggling as to whether or not her outright rebuffing would burn a bridge with a potential press contact.

Why do I even bother to ninja edit, anyway I did read the article linked and I definitely understand her state of mind but I still can't take this kind of one sided story at face value.
Now people can stop with the bullshit victim blaming "oh why didn't she just tell him to stop?!".

Her responses to his awkward advances should've been enough for him to sit back and say "Maybe I went too far" but Dude kept on pushing. Hope he gets what he deserves.
Why do I even bother to ninja edit, anyway I did read the article linked and I definitely understand her state of mind but I still can't take this kind of one sided story at face value.

What's there to take... The convo they had says it all.... sounds like you're defending da perv bro...
I've learned this too. Yet somehow I always scroll down and peek. I don't even realize that I do it until it's too late. I think I need help. ;_;

Aaaaaand here we go. Nevermind that the article addresses this already huh, we gotta think of the poor harasser. Stupid wench couldn't just "deal with it" and had to ruin a man's career, dammit!

Based on some of the posts and comments I've seen, not nearly often enough.
Solely based on what posted I think the guy is a sexist pig I'm not defending is comments but I will hold further judgment faced with what I've read.


harassment occurs, dude cops to it 100% and apologizes, people don't want to "take the story at face value"

i don't understand what else anyone thinks there could be to this


Kotaku, of course, not above kicking someone when they're down. The guy has apologized and his career more or less ruined but Kotaku has got more articles to write.

I've been critical of Kotaku in the past, but they're clearly just following up on and investigating further into the story while also trying to get a better idea of the treatment of women in the industry. None of it comes across like mean spirited 'kicking someone when they're down'.

I think it's good they gave her a chance to be able to tell her side of the story, especially since there were people were previously speculating on the nature of their friendship and the motivation behind her responses.

I hope that guy seeks does seek therapy.
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