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Figure GAF |OT2| NSFWallet

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Don't phone them, tweet at them. Their twitter account is very responsive and will get you sorted more quickly and less stressfully than being on the phone.

Of course it might be that their social media team can't help and tell you to phone anyway, but it's definitely worth a shot.

In other news, my Snow Miku arrived today after I paid the swingeingly high admin fees and customs fees yesterday. Here are some unboxing pictures.

I phoned them up this afternoon and she said she'd ring the company that deals with payments to get the confirmation code then send it out to me. I was only on the phone for about a minute o_O

Terrible company with terrible charges, but amazing customer service it seems.
What kills me is people think he's trying to scam N-Y over a nendo. I mean really.

and the supposed scam they thought of is so shitty.

Hey let me plan this scam that would take several hours to setup and atleast a few weeks to setup (more like a month with sal register consider you have to wait for NY response)

for only 40-50 bucks (because you have to buy a bootleg from ebay for this "scam" to work) ... that works only one time

All for getting 2 legit snow miku nendos (why the fuck would you need two and if you are reselling then I guess you make about 60-80) and would only save you about 40-50 bucks.

Only fucking kids don't understand that this is a super shitty scam that nobody smart enough would do. Not only does it only work once, the amount of time and effort used can be used on something like...making more than 40 bucks in a day.
....I sprung for the A/B Alter Houmei that showed up today on amiami. :D

She's beautiful. I was looking at her last night, but she was a bit pricey, and I'm not really familiar with the source.

Both of you shut your vile whore mouths!

Muramasa got delayed, so I'm happy I'll be getting a cheaper order this month. I was tempted to replace her, but I know that if I did, Amazon would ship on time... But I didn't so she's definitely getting delayed. :D

Only fucking kids don't understand that this is a super shitty scam that nobody smart enough would do. Not only does it only work once, the amount of time and effort used can be used on something like...making more than 40 bucks in a day.

Is MFC the GameFAQs of the figure world?


Woo look what just came in the mail. <3 Mandarake

Finally can get back into GAF, don't get why lol wasn't that many GamesCom bombs dropped...

Was trying to read up on Phoenix's situation and that MFC thread went to hell lol, saw Ragingnight being argued at (terribly may I add, Magic 8 ball my ass is a retort).

So off to reading the thread and edit back/post some some thoughts.


Happy to see that it turned out well. Although it is clearly an attempt to save face. The extra Nendo offer, when their initial response was not helpful at all, thinking they would get away with it.

I still think they don't believe they sold a bootleg, but are just trying to fight the shitstorm that has risen above them. Not worth it for the 50$. Mamitan being so easily accessible also helped.

I was not really worried, it seems like a reasonably small shop, and you can some noise by going to MFC with the Neogaf and Reddit folks.

I'll somewhat excuse their shit attitude for the engrish, as said prior by others, at the same time even with poor English, no attempt to excuse themselves for the inconvenience caused towards the buyer was ever made. So that person just does not seem really nice either.

At the end of the day I've learned about their support service which is nothing to be excited about. I avoid them whenever I can.
Oh it was resolved, good. They should have really contacted their higher ups the first time, shame it needed a mini-shitstorm before they tried to make good or do anything. Gotta save thank god Mamitan was also around to help, who knows how protracted this would have been without an official GSC staff to help as well.

And gonna avoid that MFC thread now (such a crazy mess)...can't believe anyone can logically think Phoenix was trying to scam a figure =/
Is MFC the GameFAQs of the figure world?

I think its worse honestly. I mean theres a large portion of gamefaqs that are helpful (and make faqs and guides)

I can't say I gotten much from the users of MFC outside a few special ones (ohnoes, mami, and some other nice people0. Some are good, some just need to "grow up" in the sense of learning how the world works and just pure logic (like that one guy who thought it was okay to bring a loli figure to his work, which was a bible belt walmart).


^^ That happened? I miss good stuff, lol.. (Loli figure to work).

I like MFC because they sometimes link towards good deals. But as for buying from other users, shipping within Europe is usually complete shit, I'd probably get a better deal buying from Japan.
What are the good proxy services? I want to get those World Trigger Banpresto prize figures in a couple months. They weren't helpful with ghe Haikyuu ones.....


As excuses go.... that's not a bad one.

Well, and that Houmei figure is lovely. And source material doesn't tend to stop me
unless we're talking about Sword Art Online and then I refuse to buy merchandise to support that train wreck

Plus the Subaru was like more than 3k off list price so it evens out in the end, right?


Thanks for the links! That's odd about the paper quality, though. Usually I hear that Japan uses really high quality paper for their artbooks. Those listed books look great. I'm tempted to pick them up. Does the New Wave book feature a lot of characters that aren't exclusively SK? Like the separate New Wave group? I'd rather have one devoted to the SK cast.

New wave is pretty much all SK I believe. Will double check when I get home.

I feel much better about my order now after looking at sone of your orders lol.

Glad we could help >.>
Nippon-Yasan said:
Thank you for your message

Unfortunately it is not possible to give you a prepaid label

You will have to ship the product and we will refund you upon receiving it

I'm really sorry that is the only solution i can offer you

Picture of the product will be send out to you before shipping your order

Kind Regards


No shipping label. I don't like it but I don't have much choice if I want a refund or the replacement figures. :\


Not on topic per se, but I'm just throwing out there that Akiba's Trip came out today for PS3/Vita (and PS4...next year?), and it is relevant, since the main character is a figure collector, so you know... This is meaningful stuff.


Not on topic per se, but I'm just throwing out there that Akiba's Trip came out today for PS3/Vita (and PS4...next year?), and it is relevant, since the main character is a figure collector, so you know... This is meaningful stuff.

I might get it for the ps4 if it's good.


Not gonna lie; we bought that game for the manservice.

As a straight male I must say... A mod totally needs to fix the OT and replace fanservice with manservice.

Anywho, haven't have much chance to play it yet, but it seems pretty neat so far (though framerate is a bit iffy). Don't want to go too much into it due to on-topic concerns, but I will say seeing Akihabara recreated in this game, after I was there literally two weeks ago... So nice.

Also first email in the game: Being outbid on a 1/8th scale figure.
So... Yeah.


Santa May Claus
Also first email in the game: Being outbid on a 1/8th scale figure.
So... Yeah.

Doesn't the main character take on jobs to get paid in rare figures?

Just looked, New Wave does have a good amount of stuff that is not SK. If you want a really nice on that is all pretty much SK I would get this one


Really nice sized book and has tons of illustration pages.

Cooool, I think I will. Is that the best place to buy it?
Cooool, I think I will. Is that the best place to buy it?

I snagged mine from AmiAmi when it was listed. I buy books from CDjapan sometimes so I would think they are fine unless you find it cheaper. You will love it though, I was surprised by how thick it is and the sheer amount of illustrations in it.
I snagged mine from AmiAmi when it was listed. I buy books from CDjapan sometimes so I would think they are fine unless you find it cheaper. You will love it though, I was surprised by how thick it is and the sheer amount of illustrations in it.

I've bought a few artbooks from cdJapan. No complaints.

well, I was gonna get a bedroom set, but I feel like thats less important than Selvaria

AmiAmi uses lots and lots of packing material. It's like a free bed if you think about it.
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