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Films That Scared You As A Child

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Gold Member
Was thinking the other day about films I watched when I was younger and haven't seen since. Film like Flight of the Navigator or Battle For Endor, but I also realised that a lot of those films scared the shit out of me.

I dont mean the time I watch Alien when I was 8 and the chest buster scene scared me so much that a few weeks later when I had a stomach ache i told my mom that an alien was gonna burst out of me.

I mean films like Return to Oz or Watership Down. These films that parents thought were for kids but actually scared me senseless.

So I was wondering, what films from your childhood scared you the most and have you watched any of then recently?

Edit: Nvm then.
Jurassic Park when I was 10. Other horror movies like Halloween and Friday the 13th I just thought were "awesome," of course now I respect the original Halloween more now that I'm older and can understand the filmmaking power that went into it and I do think it's really atmospheric and effective, but Jurassic Park actually scared the shit out of me in theaters.


I think I realized that Flight of the Navigator was fucked up as soon as I started telling my parents about it.

You see there's this kid who gets lost in the forest and when he's taken home his parents send him to a hospital where he gets kidnapped by a robot.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.


that specifically, friends and I use to play near sewers and sometimes went in them to get out balls and stuff...


April in TMNT turning into a cat person scared the shit out of me when I was like 6, same with T-Rex scene in Jurassic Park.



Fuck this movie. And my dad for scaring the shit out of me when we got home-- tons of trees in our yard, lived across the lake from a church/graveyard.


Goonies for some reason. Willey gave me the willies


Also Michael Jackson's Thriller video terrified me LOL


we didn't have cable as a kid and I remember once staying over at my aunt and uncle's house for the night. I must have been like 9 or something. I snuck out and watched HBO or some movie station. Firestarter was on. I watched the whole thing in the middle of the night by myself and don't think I ever got over the trauma it caused me.



The Witches.


Jim Henson's farewell piece of work. Nicolas Roeg's direction. Dahl's genius.

Godlike film. Even if the ending is a cheap alteration.

Fuck this movie. And my dad for scaring the shit out of me when we got home-- tons of trees in our yard, lived across the lake from a church/graveyard.

If I remember correctly, Poltergeist was the film that directly led to the creation of the PG-13 rating.

Before that, there was no classification between PG and R. Kinda hard to believe, in retrospect.


Arachnophobia, Fire in the Sky and Poltergeist for sure...I was really disturbed by a lot of movies when I was a younger but I have grown up to love horror movies and dark/sinister undertones in storytelling in general.
Scared the shit out of me since I lived across the street from a grave yard...but the punk chick dance scene, that gave me a wierd feeling in my under-roo's
After I saw the movie I went through like a year of drawing "zombie proof shelters"



Yes I was a child during these two and my Dad had me watch them with him. I still remember grabbing a blanket and hiding under it when the closet scene started happening in Poltergeist, geezus.


I don't remember the movie name, but it was some movie where a bunch of spiders came out of a barn and went to go kill people. Scared the hell out of me and spiders still freak me out.


Gold Member
Oh The Never Ending Story freaked me out too,
when the horse dies in the quicksand
or the statues that shoots lasers out if their eyes and kill a random knight


Yeah, people just read thread titles and start posting.

My dad told me to watch Enemy Mine with him when I was about 6 or so and Louis Gossett Jr's alien character scared the shit out of me.
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