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Films That Scared You As A Child

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one of the poltergeist films when i was about 10, i was scared to look in mirrors for some time in case i saw a freaky old man ghost behind me.


Gold Member
I bought it on DVD a year ago or so. Still such a great movie. May have to get the BD version if/when it gets released in Europe, as the Lion King BD release looked mindblowingly good, so I hope this one will look good too on BD. Also, too bad they never made the planned sequel, where it would be revealed that
Ratigan survived the fall from Big Ben.

Which is weird as Disney made sequels to all their other classics, nobody wanted a sequel to Bambi or Cinderella but they gave them to us, actually I think Cinderella had two sequels.



There was a scary beekeeper.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Which is weird as Disney made sequels to all their other classics, nobody wanted a sequel to Bambi or Cinderella but they gave them to us, actually I think Cinderella had two sequels.

The Great Mouse Detective sequel was in the talks, and got scrapped, long before Disney started shitting out straight to video sequels no one asked for or wanted though, from what I can remember.


Also, it wasn't a film, but this episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark?, called "The Tale of the Ghastly Grinner."


This I remember much more vividly. It was the most scared I've ever been. I was watching it with my dad, and when this guy appeared, I screamed for him to turn it off. I was silly with fear. I remember he was confused, just thought it was funny, but he turned it off.

Edit: A few years ago, I revisited it and watched the whole episode on YouTube. So I'm over it.

Dead Man

Gremlins. Fuck that shit.

Kate: Now I have another reason to hate Christmas.
Billy Peltzer: What are you talking about?
Kate: The worst thing that ever happened to me was on Christmas. Oh, God. It was so horrible. It was Christmas Eve. I was 9 years old. Me and Mom were decorating the tree, waiting for Dad to come home from work. A couple hours went by. Dad wasn't home. So Mom called the office. No answer. Christmas Day came and went, and still nothing. So the police began a search. Four or five days went by. Neither one of us could eat or sleep. Everything was falling apart. It was snowing outside. The house was freezing, so I went to try to light up the fire. That's when I noticed the smell. The firemen came and broke through the chimney top. And me and Mom were expecting them to pull out a dead cat or a bird. And instead they pulled out my father. He was dressed in a Santa Claus suit. He'd been climbing down the chimney... his arms loaded with presents. He was gonna surprise us. He slipped and broke his neck. He died instantly. And that's how I found out there was no Santa Claus.

Just fuck you.


Not a movie per se:
But this scene scared the shit out of me age 6, caused me to sleep with curtains and windows closed for years.
Nightmare on Elm street - Dude getting sucked into bed scene in particular fucked me right up.
Thriller music video
The Hulk - tv show
V - TV show, just the parts where they had a baby? And when their skin could come off.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Fire in the Sky. I remember seeing it in the theaters and being freaked out of my mind. I don't really even remember anything about the movie, though.


Neo Member
Also, it wasn't a film, but this episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark?, called "The Tale of the Ghastly Grinner."


Oh f a whole bunch of that guy! I had that completely blocked out of my memory.
Wasn't he killed with a giant eraser that said 'big eraser for big mistakes'?
Man flood of memories coming back to me. Good post.



So much so that I ripped the tape out of the VHS so that I'd never have to watch it again.

The parents were not pleased.

I was also terrified of E.T. I believe I was 5 years old when it came out. Although part of the reason I was scared was because my two older sisters had the E.T. doll and would hide it in my room, under my blanket, in the closet, at the end of the hallway staring at my door, you get the idea.




that specifically, friends and I use to play near sewers and sometimes went in them to get out balls and stuff...

Fucking IT! Clowns don't creep me out just IT in general. Also this movie...


Watched it as a kid and freaked me out. Watch it now and I find it funny.
Return to Oz!

Unlike a lot of scary movies in this thread, this was supposed to be for all ages, but damn.

-starts out with Dorothy getting hooked up to some freaky electricity machine.
-The room full of heads, and the headless queen
Also, it wasn't a film, but this episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark?, called "The Tale of the Ghastly Grinner."

This I remember much more vividly. It was the most scared I've ever been. I was watching it with my dad, and when this guy appeared, I screamed for him to turn it off. I was silly with fear. I remember he was confused, just thought it was funny, but he turned it off.

Edit: A few years ago, I revisited it and watched the whole episode on YouTube. So I'm over it.
LOL holy crap I remember this shit, scared me so much. Another episode that I vaguely remember was one that took place in some sort of factory(?) but it was kinda futuristic and with robots. I remember the main character being stuck there at the end of the episode.

Also this:



The Large Marge scene from Pee Wee's Big Adventure scared the shit out of me as a little kid. I loved the rest of the movie so I would constantly watch it only to run out of the room whenever that scene would approach.

Even watching it now it kind of creeps me out.
another.... odd.... choice that was considered acceptable for kids (at least in my elementary school) back in the mid-80s:


Again, not a 'kid' movie, but they had all of us kids watch it due to the possibility of a nuclear threat from Russia.
Ahhh... the good ole' days.

Movie fucked me up.


Stephen King's Misery

I've only watched it once as a kid. I'm 32 this year, and only 2 days ago I was recalling the entire plot to my mother. When we used to watch supernatural themed movies my parents would drill the fact that the ghosts and stuff were fake so I didn't have to be afraid. But this movie, this goddamned movie, completely changed my perception of what horror means. Till this day, I still think that humans are infinitely more terrifying than anything else in the world.


The Witches, hahaha... I'm in love with angelica houston.. while its a little scary, Its somehow overridden by my passion for her, even as a kid.

Legend had nothing but terrifying creatures.

And Troll was terrifying. With Julia Lewis Dryfus.


Gold Member
The Witches, hahaha... I'm in love with angelica houston.. while its a little scary, Its somehow overridden by my passion for her, even as a kid.

Legend had nothing but terrifying creatures.

And Troll was terrifying. With Julia Lewis Dryfus.

Doesn't she have some weird naked dance in that film?


Venerable Member
I saw the War of the Worlds movie from 1953 on TV when I was a very young kid, and it was pretty scary to me at the time....


And also when I was really little, the Wizard of Oz scared me, I hated those flying monkeys....
"In case you kids don't know how supremely fucked you would be in the event of nuclear war, watch this."

Haha, pretty much this.

Also the school drills, i.e. get under your desk and wrap your arms over your head, because, you know, that will protect you from the apocalyptic blast.


IT made me piss my pants in kindergarten because I was too afraid to go to the bathroom and piss.

Got to go home though, so that was sweet.

Movie haunted me through my childhood, I often had dreams that my brother and I had captured Pennywise and hung him up in my closet...and sometimes I'd go into my closet and let him out and he'd terrorize me again.

In the 8th grade, I finally watched it again and it healed my problem because it was stupider than I had remembered.

This begs the question, what the fuck were my parents doing letting me watch it at 4/5?


Ghostbusters 2 (dude in painting, his minion and also the slime)

My defence, I was something like under 10 and was told ghosts, god and shit was real. What I was not told was stuff on TV was not real. I believed humans did live in space and shit.

After Aliens I lived in literal fear for 2 month. Had to be in a room with an adult.

Shits scary yo. Anyhow watched prometheus shit is STILL SCARY!
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