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Films That Scared You As A Child

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The roaches in Creepshow had me traumatized for awhile.

Watch that segment.
Then watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.

Cringe every time Beverly DeAngelo's dad is on screen. :D


Ghost used to terrify me because of the howling shadow demons that drag the two guys down to hell.

Does anyone remember that scene in Hook where they throw the pirate into the Boo Box? Ruined the whole movie for me as a child.


Robocop: When Ed209 guns down that guy at the presentation.
Jaws: The 'shock' moment when the head pops out of the sunken boat hull.


Mars Attacks freaked my brother and I out real bad.

Even at 23 years old alien invader movies (War of the Worlds) still disturb my brother.


Junior Member
A lot of the ones that have been mentioned. Legend, Poltergeist, The Dark Crystal, and the Secret of Nimh.

Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2: The library scene and the refrigerator scene from the original. The second made me afraid of paintings in my house.

A Nightmare on Elm Street: I had not seen it at the time, but I knew Freddy came out while you slept in your bed and I knew what he looked like.

Childs Play: Same deal. I just knew what Chucky looked like and that he was an evil doll and that was enough to freak me out.

Gremlins: The bad Gremlins scared the crap out of me.

Cat's Eye: That little green fucker that sucks out your breath.


Fantasia in general fucked my world when I was about 4ish.


This shit killed me for some reason. Absolutely terrified me to the point where I wouldn't even look at the case for it. The rest of the movie weirded me out too, but those brooms, man.

As I'm watching that scene again, it was probably Mickey going ax crazy and hacking the broom after he made it a zombie slave because he didn't want to do work. Then all the pieces come back to life and create a never ending army that try to flood the castle and drown Mickey. Including brooms that are dumping buckets of water UNDER WATER, which creates a whirlpool, I guess. Then the creepy wizard dude comes back and looks scary as fuck. No wonder this scared the shit out of me. It makes me feel uneasy as an adult.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
This is basically a stealth Watership Down thread...

Not suprising to see IT or AYAotD episodes or other intentially scary/freaky things ... that's natural. Everyone remembers their first scary as shit movie. Getting your mental frightening cherry popped so to speak.

But they showed that godamned bunny massacre AT MY SCHOOL...

"OH bunnies!!"
"They talk! That's great!"
"OoooOOoOohhh that's like a bunny General! I guess... that means... do bunnies fight?"
"why..... bu... why does he look so angry?"

Shit fucked me up beyond beleif.


This movie got to me when I first saw it in my 20's. It's not the scary imagery but the absolute inescapable horrible fate normal human beings face when a total nuclear war breaks out. I still have to watch The Day After,

Not seen The Day After myself, but first saw Threads when I was about 10 and it absolutely terrified me.


Pretty much every single one. I got scared in Aladdin, in the Neverending Story.... you name it.

I cried because of the giant turtle.


Regarding Fantasia, a lot of people seem to feel that the Devil was the scariest thing from the film. BS.


This guy was a thousand times worse. I'm not sure if it's his expression or the wanton death from the air, but this scene made me achingly frightened of thunderstorms for years as a kid.


The only ones I remember are The Frighteners, the Great Mouse Detective and All Dogs Go to Heaven.

The latter two had some pretty scary scenes for a children's animation film, and the Frighteners isn't really kids material at all. They didn't scare me into crying or something, but I remember an uneasy feeling watching them. Last time I watched the Frighteners I liked it a lot.

I also remember seeing Carpenters the Thing for the first time, I started around the crawling crab-head scene. I remember saying: holy. shit. This is AWESOME. That movie started my affinity with horror movies. Sadly only a handful horror films surpassed the quality of this masterpiece though.



Fuck this movie; scared the shit out of me when I was younger

and fuck this movie again when they re-release again with new footage, it scared me more that I couldn't sleep


Cats Eye scared me when I was a kid. The last story in it about the little gremlin coming out of the wall scared me.

Legend scared me also. Tim Curry is a pretty awesome Devil. Really surprised when I watched it again not too long ago.


This Sherlock Holmes story:

The Hound

A real Irish Wolfhound

It freaked me out cause it seemed so plausible being a Sherlock Holmes story. In the beginning this old guy is tricked into meeting someone. You can see his fear grow as he waits and waits and waits. Finally he decides he needs to go home, but this means going through the moors (english swamp) between properties. Then you hear a howl, and the guy starts booking it as much as you can in a stuffy wool 3 piece suit on a night foggy night. After a few cuts of him running for his life you start hearing growls behind him get louder and louder. You see him turn around and scream and the camera cuts to Holmes and Watson in a buggy making small talk that leads to their current case - why is "The Hound of the Baskervilles" killing just the Baskervilles.

Watching Holmes solve this mystery just made things worse as it made things seem even more plausible and like some people wouldn't go swimming in the ocean after watching jaws I was afraid of large dogs and wandering outside at night on my own.

Now that I'm older, I understand these dogs are big pushovers even thought they were bread to make wolves extinct in Ireland. Back then though, I sometimes couldn't fall asleep just thinking about it.


The Blob. The later version. I only got petrified at one part, and it was the part where the Blob pulls some dude through the sink drain, and all that's left behind is his sneakers.

I was afraid to go by sinks for a week.

But I was really young, like six or something.



When it came to that scene, I'd immediately duck under my covers, especially when the guy gets his head eaten by the T-rex while on the toilet. I'm cool with it now, though.
This would also scare the crap out of me. One time I told my dad to tell me when the scary part was over so I hid behind the couch. He tells me its over and JUST AS I TURN AROUND I see Luke gets his hand cut off. My dad thought it was funny but I was traumatized little boy for a few days.

The three witches. Don't even know why. As I remember it was actually childish and not meant to be horror centric at all.

Edit: I'm sorry, the name of the movie is actually Hocus Pocus.
I was 5 when The Mask came out and that scared me for some reason. Probably the creepy/exaggerated special effects.

Not one of my prouder moments in life.
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