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Final Fantasy 7 Remake: all parts will have the size of a full game


I just clicked on this and heard the first couple of seconds of the battle theme and thought "whoa, what are they gonna do with this?" The melody and everything is great but damn they really need to re-record all of that.

Oh ya, the costs of this project can certainly be massive if they wanna do it perfectly.


Am I the only one hoping this game won't have any open-world elements at all? Open worlds are all we get in games nowadays, and the original game wasn't really like that in any real sense.
There are many ways they can do this. I'm just curious which one they are going to choose. It's pretty interesting, imo. Will they treat each chapter as it's own game, like the XIII series or will they treat it all as one. Only they know what they'll do. Actually they're probably still figuring it out as we speak.

Even if those where connected they had different stories, different time in the universe and even different characters. I find it really hard to think that there will not be a save transfer system. But like you said they are probably working on these questions now


Am I the only one hoping this game won't have any open-world elements at all? Open worlds are all we get in games nowadays, and the original game wasn't really like that in any real sense.

For the past 18 years I've always wondered what FFVII would look like in an seamless open world. If they can make it similar to The Witcher 3 (more steampunk/modern) I'd be very happy.


The thing about being in one city for a full game, heck even if people manage 200 hours, it'll feel claustrophobic. No open fields, no change of scenery (not counting sections of the city that may have grass and flowers). It seems like it'll be a big prison, it felt so good to be out of that thing from what I remember.

Honestly, Midgar feeling cramped and claustrophobic seems to me like it would add to the atmosphere. The poor literally live under giant plates and can't even see the sky. It could really add something if they do it right.

Ploid 3.0

Haha I love that though. Definitely understand why others may not, of course. Just me personally I could also enjoy an entire game in just Deus Ex's Hengsha, Dragon Age's Deep Roads, or Forgotten Realms' Menzoberranzan. An entire game in the Midgar slums is kinda cool to me.

I loved Deep Roads. Ok I can see living in a huge underground city if it had a endless Deep Roads, but I'd still want to go above ground. I wouldn't want to be a Dwarf that fear falling into the sky. (Talking about the Dragon Age underground city Orzammar not Midgar here)

Honestly, Midgar feeling cramped and claustrophobic seems to me like it would add to the atmosphere. The poor literally live under giant plates and can't even see the sky. It could really add something if they do it right.

I want it to feel cramped too, but like a long car ride, I would want the game to let me go outside the city to stretch my legs. Maybe the remake will have the player go outside the city for a side quest or a alternate main mission that was added.
Honestly, Midgar feeling cramped and claustrophobic seems to me like it would add to the atmosphere. The poor literally live under giant plates and can't even see the sky. It could really add something if they do it right.

Yar, they sure talk about it in the original game, but the only time we could actually see it for ourselves was during FMVs because otherwise we were forced with the fixed top-down camera angle.

I loved Deep Roads. Ok I can see living in a huge underground city if it had a endless Deep Roads, but I'd still want to go above ground. I wouldn't want to be a Dwarf that fear falling into the sky. (Talking about the Dragon Age underground city Orzammar not Midgar here)

I want it to feel cramped too, but like a long car ride, I would want the game to let me go outside the city to stretch my legs. Maybe the remake will have the player go outside the city for a side quest or a alternate main mission that was added.
If they'd actually make the first Volume only having the entire Midgar section, they should at least add the outside world section to goof around with post-game. The only bad thing I could really say about Breath of Fire V is
when we finally get over ground, it ends
. I prefer not to have the ability to get out of the city before that highway chase sequence, though, as I think "seeing the outside world" is a moment that should be feel special.
I honestly don't mind that the game is going to be split up if it means parts of the story and world are going to be more fleshed out. I just hope that after all parts are released, we'll only need to have one disc in the system to play and revisit the entire world. Sure, it's going to take a hell of a large chunk of our hard drive space, but who's going to complain if this lives up to what's been shown in the PSX trailer?

Episodic content kind of makes sense for what they're going for here. In addition to being a completely new experience game-wise, it's basically Advent Children with a story that people actually care about. If they are successful in making this an episodic, cinematic experience, as well as an enjoyable game, it could end up being just as important an event as the original game was in '97. And they seem determined to get it right, judging by how much care was obviously put into faithfully recreating the opening segments of the game in the trailer. Part of me is skeptical, sure, but I'm also really happy that they're not just doing this to please the fans. They're really trying to break the mold and bring something new to the table with this. If nothing else, that's definitely true to the spirit of the original game.

I'm reminded of the symbolic, tongue-in-cheek screen from the original game. Where scenes from the game were shown on a film reel with the word's "game over." Final Fantasy VII was a bold attempt at blending videogames with movies. In recent years, Netflix and high profile TV shows have proved a real challenge to movies. It seems fitting somehow that 20 years later Final Fantasy VII has returned to challenge the serial TV series.

Two Words

How does this game manage continuity of your character between games? Let's give them an easier time and assume the parts release a year apart. You'll have a year of grinding that you could do to max out your characters/materia. Do they just put a ceiling to the level for each part? That would suck. What about gil and items collected? Materia?

Ploid 3.0

How does this game manage continuity of your character between games? Let's give them an easier time and assume the parts release a year apart. You'll have a year of grinding that you could do to max out your characters/materia. Do they just put a ceiling to the level for each part? That would suck. What about gil and items collected? Materia?

I'm pretty much banking on clean slates each episode. No continuation other than story. Start at level 1 or a set base level. No equipment/weapons, unlocked skins or something cosmetic for doing awesome stuff in episode 1 (trophy level thing, maybe unlock all achievements).
How does this game manage continuity of your character between games? Let's give them an easier time and assume the parts release a year apart. You'll have a year of grinding that you could do to max out your characters/materia. Do they just put a ceiling to the level for each part? That would suck. What about gil and items collected? Materia?

This is one of the few legit concerns I have. Ideally all the games would have to be played, but if they cater to having separate full releases (like a trilogy), they would probably have to work out a way into the narrative where the character has to start fresh for some reason.


I'm pretty much banking on clean slates each episode. No continuation other than story. Start at level 1 or a set base level. No equipment/weapons, unlocked skins or something cosmetic for doing awesome stuff in episode 1 (trophy level thing, maybe unlock all achievements).

Or, more likely, they'll have a system in place that abandons the traditional level and equipment structure. Something easier to carry over between games, like centering everything around materia?
you could easily remake VII in the style of the original and add a bunch of content like oh say, the best remake ever: Resident Evil

Resident Evil is tiny.

It's not that ffvii is so large that it requires multiple parts. It's that it's varied and requires a lot of assets.
I'm pretty much banking on clean slates each episode. No continuation other than story. Start at level 1 or a set base level. No equipment/weapons, unlocked skins or something cosmetic for doing awesome stuff in episode 1 (trophy level thing, maybe unlock all achievements).

That would be legit terrible.


Doesn't make sense to me still. At best it means you're getting full length satisfying RPGs, which means FF7s plot is about to get 3-5 times more convoluted and padded out, which sounds awful.

At worst it means a bunch of 'game' length 10 hour bits.


They could just leave it at a level 99 cap, and you can ruin the rest of the games for yourself if you really want to grind for 40 hours on low level monsters.

They'll probably just hand you a level cap, and raise the cap each game. If not they'll reset you. It's really not a big deal.

Either way you can bet your materia, weapons, and items will remain. That's all that really matters. There is no reason not to carry save data over. It's not hard. It's not new.
How does this game manage continuity of your character between games? Let's give them an easier time and assume the parts release a year apart. You'll have a year of grinding that you could do to max out your characters/materia. Do they just put a ceiling to the level for each part? That would suck. What about gil and items collected? Materia?

Well, there is that word that some people hate that starts with "s" and ends with "caling".
Doesn't make sense to me still. At best it means you're getting full length satisfying RPGs, which means FF7s plot is about to get 3-5 times more convoluted and padded out, which sounds awful.

At worst it means a bunch of 'game' length 10 hour bits.

Yeah it depends how they approach it.
Fleshing it out doesn't necessarily mean it will get more convoluted, but even if that did happen, spreading it over 3 games or something would at least make it easy to digest (unless it has KH levels of absurdity lol)
nah best case scenario will be

Disc 1 - Midgar stuff, expanded obviously
Disc 2 - from kalm all the way to forgotten capital
it basically covers, junon, fort condor, the boat, costa del sol, corel, gold saucer, gongaga, cosmo canyon, nibelheim, rocket town, temple of the ancients, and maybe wutai
Disc 3 - Icicle Inn all the way to the end
is northern crater, junon again, mideel, huge materia stuff, rocket towns rocket, the weapons, return to midgar and last battle

but more likely, at least for me
- Disc 1 - will go all the way until leaving midgar
- Disc 2 - from kalm to temple of the ancients
- Disc 3 - forgotten capital to huge materia stuff
- Disc 4 - diamond weapon, return to midgar and all the way to finish

it provides great stopping points in the story, while having good chunks of content

Good split.
Am I the only one hoping this game won't have any open-world elements at all? Open worlds are all we get in games nowadays, and the original game wasn't really like that in any real sense.

Yea open world would suck.

Overworld only.

No open world/collect stuff BS.


I would hate for the first part to end just before you leave Midgar.

The seminal moment of the game for me was stepping out into the world for the very first time after spending hours confined to this grim, industrial city as you start to realise how massive the game is. The impact of that will be totally lost if that only happens at the start of what will essentially be an entire second instalment.
Yea don't end after Midgar actually for the first part. That is really too much cliffhanger almost.

I still hope for 50:50 split on a 2-part thing.

Could end the first part at the end of Disc 1, and just have the latter half be Disc 2/3 (which is pretty much all the same content except Disc 3 includes some bosses and the Northern Crater).


Another thing I hope they do... Make the games rated M.

Some might disagree, but the original FFVII had profanity, death by gun/stabbing, use of alcohol and tobacco, and more. The griddy world of FFVII should NOT be toned down in order to meet lower ESRB ratings.
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