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Final Fantasy 7 Remake - Combat Analysis


episodes? We aren't getting the whole game? If not, thats stupid.

Yep, it sucks.
When they originally announced the game they said it was going to be divided into 3 full games and they just announced that it's still planned as a multi-part release

That, more than anything else, is what killed my hype for it. Can't imagine how they can turn a 40-ish hours RPG into 3 full games unless they completely kill the pacing and add a crapton of bloat. Which probably also includes a ton of new scenes which are in the hands of the king of terrible cringy videogame writing: Nomura.

I really don't get turn based fans, at this point it just feels like turn based fans used to be kids who thought turn based was "cool" because you were picking attacks from a menu instead of actually directly playing, so you all felt super smart and all, just because it was less of a "game" and more of a tactical thing, while in reality, there was no strategy involved, you were just doing the same things over and over, but at a way slower pace and with no skills involved compared to an action game.

As opposed to all the Skill needed in modern Square Action RPG's like FFXV where it's pretty much imposible to lose?
FFVII had a basic turn based system which would obviously need an upgrade and new ideas, but even in it's basic original form I did at least see a game over screen every now and then
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The original FFVII has a very simple turn based system, but this isn't a problem of turn based games per se. IMO, the ideal FFVII remake would not discart the ATB system, it would build from it.

Something akin to Battle Chasers: Nighwar would be great:


Would not sell enough to break even but I would be a very happy gamer!

Also, I miss Barret Mr.T looks.


The nicest person on this forum
I’m sad it’s not going turn based but from looks of it it’s not even going to be proper action RPG.

Thankfully I still have SMTV for proper turn based and Grandblue Fantasy for action RPG.
Turn-based combat is not a gameplay style, it's damn near a GENRE. If they changed the genre of one of your favourite games, perhaps you'd have a right to be upset. Changing a turn-based, party-driven JRPG to a hack 'n slash button masher isn't a remake, it's slapping the story and aesthetic onto an entirely different game.

Do people tell fans of Football Manager to try FIFA because it gets rid of all those silly menus?
The entire FF series has been about re-evaluating what the battle system is, each game. They moved from turn based to active time battle way back in FFVI.

Final Fantasy is the only old JRPG left that is trying to compete with modern RPGs like Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Mass Effect, Dark Souls, Skyrim. Modern JRPGs are moving towards more action gameplay.

The only time that a turn based system is necessary is when there is enough tactical depth to require you to actually stop the game so you can look around in detail before acting. Basically, it only really makes sense for SRPGs to be turn based in my opinion. You have to look at the environment and terrain, the spacing between units, the distances you can attack with your various moves, etc. SRPGs are closer to something like chess. And hell, even chess is timed and played quickly if you really do it right.

Basically, you should be asking for a FFT2. The main FF series is a AAA series designed to compete with modern western RPGs. Those 10 million casual sales that FFVII got are the same people that play Skyrim now instead. It's made for a larger casual audience.
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Gold Member
Knights of the Round/Reflect trick or bust.

I am still a little pissed about the Crisis Core slot machine mechanic, honestly.
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I personally wish they went all in with the action gameplay, instead of once again creating some weird hybrid.
Old school turn based fans are going to be pissed no matter what if it's not exactly like the original, so trying to create some "hybrids" between "strategy" and action is really unnecessary in my opinion.

It's always like this in all FF games that try to be a bit more action-ish, there are always weird systems to make it hybrid and not fully action, but why? Because it's called Final Fantasy? It's a bit dumb in my opinion, because by doing that you don't really please either old school turn based fans or action fans, everyone is just like "hm, this is a bit weird, could have been better".

Everyone praised Kingdom Hearts 3 for its spectacular and fun combats (even if way too easy), I don't get why they don't make something similar for FF, they really are scared to make a decision.

This trailer scares me a bit because it looks extremely similar to Crisis Core, meaning that it's "action" but very limited, your character seems to be stuck to the ground with very little movement and room for improvisation.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
So you dont like ANY classic rpgs then? Because thats basically how the all worked.
I loved all of those classic JRPGs back in the day but I can’t play them anymore.

Turn based JRPGs just bore me to tears now. You get pulled out of the exploration every few seconds, watch the same intro animations, fight some piss-easy enemies that you’ve already fought dozens of times, watch your party stand there one at a time attacking until everything dies, view the same results screen, then go back to exploring for like 8 seconds to the next battle.

It sucks. I’m so glad that style of game has almost disappeared. Games like Final Fantasy 12/13/14 and the Xenoblade series have totally spoiled me. They take all the best aspects of the old JRPG battle systems and dump the rest.


The entire FF series has been about re-evaluating what the battle system is, each game. They moved from turn based to active time battle way back in FFVI.

Final Fantasy is the only old JRPG left that is trying to compete with modern RPGs like Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Mass Effect, Dark Souls, Skyrim. Modern JRPGs are moving towards more action gameplay.

The only time that a turn based system is necessary is when there is enough tactical depth to require you to actually stop the game so you can look around in detail before acting. Basically, it only really makes sense for SRPGs to be turn based in my opinion. You have to look at the environment and terrain, the spacing between units, the distances you can attack with your various moves, etc. SRPGs are closer to something like chess. And hell, even chess is timed and played quickly if you really do it right.

Basically, you should be asking for a FFT2. The main FF series is a AAA series designed to compete with modern western RPGs. Those 10 million casual sales that FFVII got are the same people that play Skyrim now instead. It's made for a larger casual audience.

It doesn't need to be a SRPG to justify turn-based. Many DRPGs like Wizardry and Elminage have deep battle systems which involves a lot of planning and resource management.

The battlefield is more allegorical, with enemies and characters organized in rows. How do you organize your party is key to the strategy since weapons and skills have range and will be affected by your positioning. Enemy attacks are the same, so the player needs to think about defense too.

Darkest Dungeon is a good modern example of how tactical a non-SRPG turn based system can be. Wizardry 8 got even farther than the rows concept. In it, the player has 5 positions to place the characters: center, front, back, right side, left side. And this affects the strategy:


And there are so many other mechanics who can add deep to a traditional turn-based RPG. Like Shin Megami Tensei's Press Turn System, Bravely Default's stack commands, the many differences between each skill in Battle Chasers: Nightwar.

Another benefit from this kind of battle system is its brevity: Since the movement is abbreviated, encounters are resolved quickly, resulting in a different tempo than SRPGs.
I just can't get excited for this with an ARPG battle system. They didn't need to stick with pure ATB 1.0, but I would have at least liked it to be in the same genre as the original game.

You want a high budget ARPG, you got MANY to choose from, even within the same company. You want the same for turn-based, you got zero and it's been like that since Lost Odyssey.


Thats fine, but I wish they stuck to the original combat system. This updated combat reminds me of FF15. Yikes.
I wouldn’t as much if they actually would go fully action RPG instead something in between. It feels they trying make both turn base and ARPG fan happy but end up making no one happy.

I know a lot of people don't action-RPG, but I think going back to the normal turn-based would be boring honestly. I think it's more exciting breaking away from it. As long as it has a traditional progression system. Levels, EXP, AP for Materia and Materia slots I'll be happy.

Don't get me wrong, I love some turn-based combat (I still feel FFX-2's was the best ATB turn-based system ever [FIGHT ME!]). But I think going to a new Action-Oriented system progresses the game more than going back to ATB 2.0 (it's 2.0 btw, 1.0 I believe was FFIV).


I know a lot of people don't action-RPG, but I think going back to the normal turn-based would be boring honestly. I think it's more exciting breaking away from it. As long as it has a traditional progression system. Levels, EXP, AP for Materia and Materia slots I'll be happy.

Don't get me wrong, I love some turn-based combat (I still feel FFX-2's was the best ATB turn-based system ever [FIGHT ME!]). But I think going to a new Action-Oriented system progresses the game more than going back to ATB 2.0 (it's 2.0 btw, 1.0 I believe was FFIV).
But turn based sticks to its original roots that made it special imo. That’s like remaking goldeneye for n64, and making it a third person shooter. Also, I hope SE makes a FF6 remake.🙃


The nicest person on this forum
I know a lot of people don't action-RPG, but I think going back to the normal turn-based would be boring honestly. I think it's more exciting breaking away from it. As long as it has a traditional progression system. Levels, EXP, AP for Materia and Materia slots I'll be happy.

Don't get me wrong, I love some turn-based combat (I still feel FFX-2's was the best ATB turn-based system ever [FIGHT ME!]). But I think going to a new Action-Oriented system progresses the game more than going back to ATB 2.0 (it's 2.0 btw, 1.0 I believe was FFIV).
I post this before but I will post it again, if they are planning to give me half ass action RPG then there are much better choice for me out there for proper action RPG combat.

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I post this before but I will post it again, if they are planning to give me half ass action RPG then there are much better choice for me out there for proper action RPG combat.


Um, excuse me, but what is this gorgeous game? I want to play it regardless.


I post this before but I will post it again, if they are planning to give me half ass action RPG then there are much better choice for me out there for proper action RPG combat.


I feel like Gran blue has the advantage of having zero expectations so people are more open to it. The only reason I was hyped for this game was because of platinum the makers of this game have made nothing of note and got success from gatcha games.
I post this before but I will post it again, if they are planning to give me half ass action RPG then there are much better choice for me out there for proper action RPG combat.


The game looks good but I was exited only for platinum working on it. Cygames has made its success with gatcha mobile games. Platinum leaving mid project is not a good sign no matter how people want to spin it. I hope things turn out good but I'm keeping my expectation in check for this one.


The nicest person on this forum
I feel like Gran blue has the advantage of having zero expectations so people are more open to it. The only reason I was hyped for this game was because of platinum the makers of this game have made nothing of note and got success from gatcha games.

The game looks good but I was exited only for platinum working on it. Cygames has made its success with gatcha mobile games. Platinum leaving mid project is not a good sign no matter how people want to spin it. I hope things turn out good but I'm keeping my expectation in check for this one.

While Platinum Games left the project earlier in 2019, the bulk of what it built remains, including the level layout, character animation, and fighting systems.
I personally not really worried, and based on footage I have seen for I'm faaaar more excited for Granblue Fantasy: Relink than FF7 Remake, because it looks they actually going to deliver proper action RPG combat.


The nicest person on this forum
Why did they move off of this project?
Nobody really knows but if they are keeping their works then I would say their contract must have ended also my personal guess is Platinum Games were already very busy developing both Astral Chain and Bayonetta 3 and they couldn’t effort put more people on Grandblue Fantasy.
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