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Final Fantasy XIII confirmed for Xbox 360

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You guys do realize that Amirox is pretty accurate in what he's saying. If FF XIII is going 360, then what's to stop all these other developers from doing the same thing with their games. FF XIII was really the last bastion of hope for this system outside of a Team ICO game, so I don't see why people think he's talking out of his ass.

Let's make this clear: This is the biggest megaton Microsoft could have announced. It is the most damaging to their HD opponent, the company that went tech-heavy to try and remove Microsoft from the race. Microsoft, in one swift move, just won E3.


Distinguished Air Superiority
Amir0x said:
Hey whatever you think!

Microsoft took the last reason away that anyone would NEED to own a PS3 over a 360 (except BLU-RAY LOL GAMING), and the cavalcade of tiny titles that will be nice but won't stir up any sales is not going to salvage the bloated, overdesigned behemoth that was PS3.

There may be some hardcore gamer's that stick around. Some did it for Gamecube. But the last bell tolled. Maybe next decade.

Really? Team ICO, Sony Santa Monica, Insomniac, and a slew of other Sony exclusive companies disagree with you. Seriously, you mod a gaming forum yet you dis games that aren't on your system of choice. How old are you?

1 game (yes even Final Fantasy) going multiplat does not end a console.


I've owned all generations of PSX, I have never played a single FF , should I now buy 360 and continue to not play it? ;) (its not life or death)

(I dont think this is a hyooooge deal, especially with it being launch in Japan as a timed exclusive...it'll move 'triples' there, which is probably what really matters (most) for this game.)

HD console owners should embrace eachother, if not we'll all be playing Wii sports online and not Madden... :lol
psycho_snake said:
Thats true in my case. I bought a PS3 because of MGS4 and FFXIII. I've finished playing MGS4 and now that Xbox360 is going to have FFXIII, I dont see a reason to keep my PS3.

Thats just me though. I'm sure there are people who will choose a PS3 over the Xbox360, but Xbox360 has the better gaming library imo.

so you dont want to play GOW3,GTA?


only way sony can redeem themselves(to me at least) is to secure ffxiii vs as an exclusive AND announce ffvii remake.

the whole reason i bought a ps3 was to play ffxiii, so if they dont step their game up 2morrow, its time for me to plug in my xbox360 and sell my ps3


I mean, FFXIII will still give Sony a huge boost when it hits Japan, so I'm sure Sony isn't crying themselves to sleep tonight.

That being said, all the japanophiles in NA really have no excuse now, basically every major JRPG franchise is on the 360 now(with the exception of DQ and Suikoden...) not to mention the creation of Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey as exclusive Microsoft franchises...as far as next gen JRPGs go, 360 is now officially the way to go :p


Ajax said:
Aren't mods supposed to give the good example and not go on fanboy drivels? This is the worst fucking post in the thread. Neogaf needs better mods.

As long as Amir0x keeps with the constructive Wii bashing, he'll always be #1 in my heart

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death


Amir0x said:
I was already right BEFORE this announcement based on all reliable sales trends. I will now be even MORE right now! :lol\

Anyone enjoy the party, this is why I wanted to stay away from GAF for E3 :D

What sales trend? As far as im aware, PS3 has been outselling Xbox 360 worldwide for some time now..


Anasui Kishibe said:
well I'm specifically talking about those who haven't yet. If they ignored the console until now, I see a very few reasons left to step into a shop and buy one

FFXIII is still on the console, and theres still a solid list of potential AAA games to come out on the system. There is just as much, if not more incentive (depending on the games you like) to buy a PS3 as there is to buy a 360.


BlacKMaRK said:
only way sony can redeem themselves(to me at least) is to secure ffxiii vs as an exclusive AND announce ffvii remake.

the whole reason i bought a ps3 was to play ffxiii, so if they dont step their game up 2morrow, its time for me to plug in my xbox360 and sell my ps3

Forgive me, I guess I haven't been paying attention, ffxiii isn't going to be released on the PS3?


TheBranca18 said:
The catalyst for everything on the Playstation brand was using CDs and DVDs rather than what Nintendo was doing, IMO.

Correct. Most youngins don't remember the cart days of FFIII (SNES) when it was retailing for more than 89.99 CDN


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Bloodwake said:
Honestly, I'm just pissed that we are talking about MGS4 coming to 360 again. Jesus Christ

Yeah, I think anyone who actually played through the game would be sure that that isn't going to happen.

I personally think this thread ironically shows more 360 fanboyism than PS3 fanboyism. Mods are even getting in on that action.

el Diablo

So the question i'm left asking myself now is why the hell don't they just make it multi-plat in Japan as well? Sony should just have told Squeenix you know what f*ck it just make it mult-plat everywhere, exclusivity in JP isn't going to make a sh*t of difference it was EVERY OTHER TERRITORY we needed it in :lol.


FFObsessed said:
Just came online a few minutes ago and saw this. So here's another meltdown for you guys to enjoy :lol

FFXIII is still on PS3 so PS3 owners still get to play it day 1, but this is as big a "megaton" announcement as there could be. Sony have just been devastated. This was their second biggest exclusive and the fact they didn't bother to secure it long ago is a huge mistake, one that they will regret. With FFXIII on 360, no other Japanese company is going to hesitate to port their games. MGS4 will follow next year as well. The system is effectively done. Sony are completely finished this generation and they have no one but to blame but themselves.

Sony are fucked and they deserve it.

*looks at my screen name*

*burns with hate*

Thats the big deal right there. It's big enough that this will be Square's first multiplat main entry FF. Though the fact that square changed their original vision has to mean something. Dev costs, broken relations I don't know what but pffft i'm kind of loosing hope with sony. All ms needs to do now is convince everyone their hardware is reliable and second place won't be as far as I thought for them. Ms already has Tov coming this year as well as IU with other rpg projects rumoured.


How do you guys think the sales will break down? Obviously this is more of a morale blow than anything, but I think software will be really interesting. Will there be a DMC4 repeat?

My guess:

2.5M Japan
1.4M North America
0.8M Europe

0.6M North America
0.3M Europe


Worships the porcelain goddess
reilo said:
360 development won't start until Japanese PS3 version is finished.

Well, shit. By the time this game comes out, it won't even matter either way. 2010-2011?

They will announce FF14 for Wii after that.


TONX said:
Really? Team ICO, Sony Santa Monica, Insomniac, and a slew of other Sony exclusive companies disagree with you. Seriously, you mod a gaming forum yet you dis games that aren't on your system of choice. How old are you?

1 game (yes even Final Fantasy) going multiplat does not end a console.


There may be some hardcore gamer's that stick around.

So, how well did the Team Ico games do compared to the FF series? I'm a fan of ICO and loved Shadow of Colossus but lets not fool ourselves. This was indeed a big fucking megaton. Sony better having something big to fall back on tomorrow and it better not be just God of War 3. They better be begging for Kingdom Hearts 3.

I'm still laughing at the fallout going on at the PS3 boards at GameFAQs. Thank you MS for actually giving the "interwebs" what it wanted...a real megaton. But I mean, with the high ass cost of making games like this, can't I would call this "impossible", but damn, never expected FF XIII to be the one to cross the fence. Thought it would be MGS4 or something. But with all those S-E RPGs going 360 (SO, IU, TLR), I was getting suspect. So when do FF 1-12 hit 360?


Amir0x said:
Hey whatever you think!

Microsoft took the last reason away that anyone would NEED to own a PS3 over a 360 (except BLU-RAY LOL GAMING), and the cavalcade of tiny titles that will be nice but won't stir up any sales is not going to salvage the bloated, overdesigned behemoth that was PS3.

There may be some hardcore gamer's that stick around. Some did it for Gamecube. But the last bell tolled. Maybe next decade.

I feel the exact same way. I cannot think of a single reason, personally, to invest even $300 into a PS3. There's just no point. Also, the 2 big games are supposed to be Killzone 2 and Resistance 2, right? I'm pretty sure the 360 has the FPS titles to compete against that. 'Afrika', 'Flower' and Little Big Planet seem too niche to really matter.

I don't think a FFVII remake, sequel, or anything could counteract this. Just, wow.

And thank you, S-E for saving me $400.


SRG01 said:
But that's the problem: there aren't may haymakers that Sony can make at this point since there aren't many 360-exclusives that can feasibly come Sony's way.

The only way Sony can get out of this is if they blow everyone away with their software tomorrow. God of War 3 is a possibility, but everyone knows that this is coming.

I think Sony has alot more then what we believe they have, hence why there " we do not buy exclusives"

Yes we all know GOW3 is coming, we have an idea TM is coming. I think there is some more we just dont know about.


Vinci said:
what's to stop all these other developers from doing the same thing with their games.

The fact that games/series/genres strongly dependent on JP sales still need the PS3?

So far, people are really underestimating the lack of a 360 JP release and the influence it will have on the JRPG market.


HAHAH concentrated cross board meltdown coverage here.


A very confused poster on GAF begins the thread on this topic with

Gamespots E3 page for the Microsoft conference shows some images titled “Final Fantasy XIII (X360)” in the bottom right corner under “E308 images”. Can’t find a thread about it anywhere, and just started watching the conference so maybe I missed it.

people reply

Some idiot somehow confused Fallout 3, with FFXIII…

and then you get this along with 500 Errors on the server from all the F5s



Amir0x said:
It's over, period. Sony lost their last ace, and that's the end of their PS3 hopes and dreams.

It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for PS3. Sony has nothing left, nothing they can reveal tomorrow would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively invest in a PS3. Except if they want to play MGS4. Which will also come to 360 at some point.

The age of Sony is done.

Man, im sorry I said that I wouldnt wish you well if your leg got broken like sp0rk's. You've just shot up to favorite mod status :lol :lol :lol


I'd like everyone for a moment of silence.

Go back to e3 2005. FF 13 was shown. Sony was God with it's close to real time but actually CG videos.

2008: Microsoft nabs FF 13.

Would you back in 2005 ever imagine it? lol.

Now think to yourself....

Is this the biggest announcement this generation?

Yes. Nod with me.


hauton said:
How do you guys think the sales will break down? Obviously this is more of a morale blow than anything, but I think software will be really interesting. Will there be a DMC4 repeat?

My guess:

2.5M Japan
1.4M North America
0.8M Europe

0.6M North America
0.3M Europe

I'd expect a split down the middle more than anything. If it was lopsided to the PS3, then there'd be no reason to port it (as in multi-plat it) so I think they're assuming that the 360 version will sell just as well as the PS3 version so they can make real money.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
TheBranca18 said:
If you're saying that third parties went to the PS1 solely because of Square, well I'm going to disagree with you.
Then I guess we'll have to agree to disagree because I think that's exactly what happened.

TheBranca18 said:
Sure did, even though only two mainline entries in the FF series were released for it.
I'm NOT saying that PlayStation's success is all due to FF fans buying FF games. I'm saying that FF being PS1 exclusive was the catalyst for other third parties to start putting exclusive titles on PS. Square's bold move helped solidify the PS1 as the true successor to the NES and SNES as far as Japanese developer support goes.

And PS2 basically rode the wave of popularity set by PS1. It was sold on a promise: awesome tech, a continuation of the PS1's greatness. Many a Dreamcast fan will lament that it actually had more games at launch, but PS1 was too strong a platform not to wait for PS2.

TheBranca18 said:
The Playstation brand has always been about variety rather than a bunch of a certain type of genre.

Agreed. Again, I'm not saying FF sold the PS1 to most people (for example, in the west, Skateboarding, snowboarding and various mature titles were a big selling point), but that SE's support of PS1 let every developer (and gamer) know that it was okay to leave Nintendo and support this new platform on the block instead.

TheBranca18 said:
Whether or not other people agree with you is really irrelevant. Arguing from popularity is not the way to go.

I'm simply pointing out that my opinion does not exactly warrant a "What the fuck FF fanboy??" kind of response. It's a pretty common sentiment and much has been written about it.

TheBranca18 said:
The catalyst for everything on the Playstation brand was using CDs and DVDs rather than what Nintendo was doing, IMO.

So why not Saturn?

I agree that CDs were a huge knock against Nintendo, but it was Square that was the first company to actualy take advantage of that. It's a chicken and egg kind of deal. Square was unhappy with the type of medium Nintendo was using, and they were the first to support someone else because of it... but they could have supported anyone else. It was in their choice of Playstation that many followed. Japanese third party developers still called the shots, and where Final Fantasy went, they went.


The way they constructed that announcement was total class, even though you could see it a mile away.

"One more thing".......*explosion*


Thank you, S-E. I now know which of the HD systems gets my money. There is no doubt in my mind that Konami will port MGS4 so there is really no question which system to get.

el Diablo

dreamer3kx said:
so you dont want to play GOW3,GTA?

I'm in the exact same boat and i can play GTA (unless you mean Gran Turismo) on the 360 (as for GT i'm not overly interested) and no i'd rather have my $599 back than to play GOW3. I'll be happy to play GOW3 for say $199 though.
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