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Final Fantasy XIII confirmed for Xbox 360

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Revelations said:
Number of disks dosn't make a version less better or worse. And with the 360 now you have the option to download the entire game to the HDD for better load times.

I wonder how many sandwiches you can make while the 360 downloads the entire game to the hard drive...


Paracelsus said:
Did you miss fw 2.40/2.41 or something?
I somehow doubt that trophies will reach the same level of appreciation in America, for this generation at least. It's kind of late for them to be completely meaningful.
But I've been banned already for criticizing Sony's strategy on them, so I'll keep quiet.

For a game with this big a budget I would have been surprised in SE keeping it exclusive for PS3. I'm surprised that Dead Rising wasn't ported on PS3, for instance.


Revelations said:
And a DS, PSP, PS2 & Wii version as well right? Hell, Why discriminate...
hey, i'm pretty annoyed by this announcement but since its now 360 bound i don't see why they wouldn't be able to do a pc release as well
Not surprised. And no one should be upset. Development cost are skyrocketing and this title does not look cheap at all. They need to secure a profit. SE did the right thing from a business point of view.

Some of you guys are too much though--from both sides.


fortified_concept said:
Yes because that's exactly what I said!

You're definately on a roll today.
You implied that the 360 doesn't have enough exclusives in 09. I just simply replied that the 360 is doomed. I guess I'll just keep on rolling.


Dabanton said:
The company's in the dark even on technical considerations. "The content will be the same on both platforms," said Kitase. "However, we have yet to determine how many discs will be required for the 360 version. We'll have to consider the differences between formats. Currently the game is being built on PC, where it's actually functional. We're still focusing on making it work on PS3, so it's difficult to know how long the process of taking it to 360 will take.

I'll explain a little insider secret. All console engines start being programmed in PC. All.


I'm watching the conference and it kind of sounded like he said "fuck you very much" :lol
I'll explain a little insider secret. All console engines start being programmed in PC. All.
Damn I thought they were using Linux installed on the PS3.
NameIess said:
This announcement is definitely great news for 360 owners and somewhat of a smack in the face to hardcore PS3 owners. When you really consider this news in the bigger scheme of things I don't believe PS3 owners should be angry. FFXIII has been in developement for several years as a PS3 exclusive so the title should be optimized and developed for the PS3. There's a strong possibility the title could be gimped on the 360. If the title is a single disk release on the 360 then I would be worried, because obviously the title was held back to fit on DVD...

I just say people should calm the fuck down and just wait to see how things play out.
If the title is released on the 360 a year later on 4 DVD disk I would still feel I got the better game on the PS3. I do agree that Sony screwed up and should have locked up exclusivity on this title; what the hell was Sony thinking??? *Perhaps Square wanted too much cash to help offset development cost...*

It'd probably be better if it said "childish delusion".


Nolan. said:
I know what Sony can to do to counter this easily... announce shenmue 3 exclusive >_>...It's true sony do it! .

Haha - I wish.

But wow. I was thinking that Microsoft was going to have another lame E3 again. This + the full harddrive installs on all titles is nuts. Even the avatars are peaking my interests. I actually bought the MGS4 PS3 bundle with FFXIII in mind. At least it still has (for now) MGS4, GT5, LBP and the Blu-ray player. So the purchase wasn't a complete waste.

Props to Microsoft for reviving my interest for the 360 this year and beyond. I had previously thought it was going to start going downhill this year. Just hope my 360 doesn't implode like so many others. =p


Revelations said:
Number of disks dosn't make a version less better or worse. And with the 360 now you have the option to download the entire game to the HDD for better load times.
How long will that take? And than you still need to get up and change out the disk lol.:lol

What's more funny than all the bitter tears is all the ms fanboys gloating and making fun of the sony fanboys.

Its a huge fanboy war.
jaaz said:
I wonder how many sandwiches you can make while the 360 downloads the entire game to the hard drive...
Seek times and dvd data transfer is a bit faster on the 360. It would still be a wait though. Guess it would depend on how much of a time saver the HDD gives you.


DonDepre said:
I'll explain a little insider secret. All console engines start being programmed in PC. All.

Yes i know. But the constant talk of the game being somehow gimped because of the 360 was getting silly.

Yes Boss!

h3ro said:
Its offensive. I'm sure the artist doesn't know better. Its ok, already out there now, not like the site is going to change it. I just wish people knew that its offensive to some to have their religion mocked in a videogame comic.

Like he said, you are overreacting.
ari said:
You implied that the 360 doesn't have enough exclusives in 09. I just simply replied that the 360 is doomed. I guess I'll just keep on rolling.

I replied to duk's post who said that 2009 is the year of the 360 by asking for exclusives to support that claim, you genius. Jesus christ...

edit- Exact quote for further ownage:

duk said:
2009 year of the 360 confirmed?

Do you have any X360 exclusives to support this theory?


God's Beard said:
does Amano still work for Squeenix?

I think he does pieces of art for them but he freelances (i'm not sure). I think sakaguchi mentioned wanting to do a project with him or something. So I don't think he's on the square payroll (could be wrong).
I haven't been interested in a Final Fantasy in some time, but the Final Fantasy's on DS have looked interesting lately, and this announcement sort of piqued my interest. FF13 kind of reminds me of a Japanese Star Wars. I'll keep an eye on it.
oneHeero said:
How long will that take? And than you still need to get up and change out the disk lol.:lol

What's more funny than all the bitter tears is all the ms fanboys gloating and making fun of the sony fanboys.

Its a huge fanboy war.
Shouldnt be no longer than what it took for MGS4 to download to the PS3's HDD.
what is it 8.5gigs? Shouldnt be no longer than MGS4's initial download. That was what 7 minutes? :D


You know how people are going all ape shit about this, but just think about FFXIV. Will Sony jump on it and slap some money down to secure console exclusivity? Will the reduced development cost lead to a PS3 only release? Timed exclusive? Same day both consoles? MGS2 was multiplat, but 3 was exclusive. I can't wait to go through this all over again in five seven fifteen years... did I say PS3?


I'm stunned. What an absolutely massive megaton. Sony and PS3 just got slaughtered with that announcement... my goodness. Final Fantasy Fucking 13?! Glorious.


I wonder how much money S-E wasted on this game. I mean, this game was supposed to be running on the obscure "white engine", now its been developed on PC using this "crystal engine". Did they scratch a whole engine and went back to the drawing boards, Splinter Cell style?


shooting blanks
Revelations said:
Number of disks dosn't make a version less better or worse. And with the 360 now you have the option to download the entire game to the HDD for better load times.

Hell I rather swap out disks than wait for that 3 minute install on mgs4 every time I go to a new act (there's 5)
guina said:
I wonder how much money S-E wasted on this game. I mean, this game was supposed to be running on the obscure "white engine", now its been developed on PC using this "crystal engine". Did they scratch a whole engine and went back to the drawing boards, Splinter Cell style?
Probably the same engine just a new name...
guina said:
I wonder how much money S-E wasted on this game. I mean, this game was supposed to be running on the obscure "white engine", now its been developed on PC using this "crystal engine". Did they scratch a whole engine and went back to the drawing boards, Splinter Cell style?

I believe white engine was renamed crystal engine. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here....


Anasui Kishibe said:
yes, Amano's working for SE

No? Amano has always been a freelance artist and always will be. He was never at any point under the employment of Squaresoft. He still works with them though. All the FFXIII logos are his work, and that's a lot of logos. :lol
duckroll said:
No? Amano has always been a freelance artist and always will be. He was never at any point under the employment of Squaresoft. He still works with them though. All the FFXIII logos are his work, and that's a lot of logos. :lol
oh ok, that makes me feel better.


Dali said:
You know how people are going all ape shit about this, but just think about FFXIV. Will Sony jump on it and slap some money down to secure console exclusivity? Will the reduced development cost lead to a PS3 only release? Timed exclusive? Same day both consoles? MGS2 was multiplat, but 3 was exclusive. I can't wait to go through this all over again in five seven fifteen years... did I say PS3?

MGS3 was a no brainer becaue by then, Sony had already destroyed the competition towards its release.

Quite the opposite here.
Dali said:
You know how people are going all ape shit about this, but just think about FFXIV. Will Sony jump on it and slap some money down to secure console exclusivity? Will the reduced development cost lead to a PS3 only release? Timed exclusive? Same day both consoles? MGS2 was multiplat, but 3 was exclusive. I can't wait to go through this all over again in five seven fifteen years... did I say PS3?

Don't even start the FFXIV bullshit. It doesn't even exist yet, and already the console speculation is running rampant. Christ.


biggkidd32 said:
Not surprised. And no one should be upset. Development cost are skyrocketing and this title does not look cheap at all. They need to secure a profit. SE did the right thing from a business point of view.

Some of you guys are too much though--from both sides.
The funniest part is that I don't see a 360 release helping Square Enix enough to offset development.
Square Enix gambled the Final Fantasy franchise this generation, and it's still up in the air whether or not they have ultimately jeopardized it completely.


ChrisGoldstein said:
Hell I rather swap out disks than wait for that 3 minute install on mgs4 every time I go to a new act (there's 5)

We might just be able to leave one disc in there and play off the install with the announcement today... :D


Dabanton said:
Yes i know. But the constant talk of the game being somehow gimped because of the 360 was getting silly.

Well, they said that when the PS3 games will be finished, they'll start localization and the 360 port. And it's difficult to believe that they will make the 360 port faster than the localization (for the hardware and disc differences). So it's possible that the game will be posposed in PS3 to launch the same day.

Relaxed Muscle said:
But this console engine started being programmed at least 2 years ago... :lol

Yep. It's funny, but some months ago, Square said that the game was 5% finished. 5%!! I really don't know what has been doing the FF team since FFXII (i even checked mobygames looking for references in Lost Oddysey or Blue Dragon, but nothing).


My whole day has been ruined man, and an hour ago i came up with one solution that will make my day's better!!!!

FFVII remake for PS3 only tomorrow!, If SE does not announce this. This will be fucked up lol

EDIT: i love how every one is regretting their purchase of the PS3 because it lost exclusivity on FF13.

I imagine this PS3 hating phase will go away quickly.


Terrell said:
The funniest part is that I don't see a 360 release helping Square Enix enough to offset development.
Square Enix gambled the Final Fantasy franchise this generation, and it's still up in the air whether or not they have ultimately jeopardized it completely.

It won't be jeopadized i'm almost certain of that now. I thought this might have been the biggest FF bomb by quite a margin. Though I get the feeling they might have just re-vitalised the series by just doing that alone.
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