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Final Fantasy XV - 50 min video


- Noctis looks so silly in those other outfits.
- I am not playing this in English.
- The sidequests remind me of Lightning Returns. So much busywork. Such bad quest giver dialogue. I mean, such bad dialogue in general.
- I love the dungeons in this game :D Shimomura's music for them does not disappoint (36:45 ftw!).
- I didn't like how they kept cutting during gameplay and jumping forward. It looks like they also did this with Chapter 0 which is probably a lot longer.
- Good that it's confirmed that Iris has a health bar. It means she will be a party member at some point.
- I don't like how the menu has its own music.
- I hope later chapters are less of a slog than these.



Damn this looks awesome!


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Going to do my best to make sure everyone's wearing as little clothes as possible at all times to make this the big gay adventure it's meant to be.


- Opening was too short, bad and pointless. I know what they were trying to do there, but the execution wasn't great
- story stuff VA were ok

other than those I liked what I saw

chainsaw weapon motherfuka.
Voice acting reminds me of a performance found in a Sonic game these days.

I hope the overall gameplay loop can make it tolerable.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Ok, having the cast find out about a tomb via a random little boy is as ridiculous as them finding out about out about the events of Kingsglaive via newspaper.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Everyone blaming Tabata, but you wouldn't even get a game if Nomura was still in charge.

Or is that the better alternative?


It's everything really, can you imagine walking down the street and seeing this from across the street?

What conceivable acting direction was the mocap actress given?

She is like the worst parts of Yuffie, Selphie and Vanille blended into one... and I love those characters.

Ray Down

- Noctis looks so silly in those other outfits.
- I am not playing this in English.
- The sidequests remind me of Lightning Returns. So much busywork. Such bad quest giver dialogue. I mean, such bad dialogue in general.
- I love the dungeons in this game :D Shimomura's music for them does not disappoint (36:45 ftw!).
- I didn't like how they kept cutting during gameplay and jumping forward. It looks like they also did this with Chapter 0 which is probably a lot longer.
- Good that it's confirmed that Iris has a health bar. It means she will be a party member at some point.
- I don't like how the menu has its own music.
- I hope later chapters are less of a slog than these.

one of the 4 chan leaks says she a guest party member at some point.
The lighting is quite poor.

the line readings are dead, characters like cidney have cartoonish accents, there's no positional audio, the text doesn't sound like how english speaking people speak, and the lip synching is off. but yes i suspect if you are a fan of anime stuff these problems are par for the course.


It looks just as good as Witcher 3 on consoles and that's without this added polishing coming.

no it does not lol


Really concerned with the way they are swapping footage. For example, Behemoth fight was presumably PC, then swap to chocobo renting, used PS4 footage, then actually riding chocobos, back to PC. Didn't want to show FPS issues on PS4 ver? Or maybe it was XB1? Don't know, but can't help but being a bit worried.


Somebody remind me, will the english language version also include the original Japanese voice acting? Although it's not essential, I usually prefer to do that if it's available.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Thank god the game will have dual audio, otherwise i wouldn't even bought the game, i'm not listening to this for 40+ hours.

They knew exactly why they gave us the option for JP lol


Just finished watching the entire thing and aside from some atrocous VA & mixing I loved most of what I saw. Honestly can't wait for the game.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Gaf of yesteryear: "If you look past the atrocious IQ and performance, Dragon's Dogma is a brilliant game."

Gaf of 2016: "IQ and performance issues condemn FFXV to be a trash game for stupid people."
Everyone making fun of that girl... You know, I am gonna admit.
That's the character archetype made to appeal to the likes of me. As long as it's not pushed to extremes, I melt for cutesy girls like this .


Animations are a complete disaster. Everything is over-animated and so busy that it becomes confusing, transitions are terrible, clipping all over the place, feedback is most of the time just absent, an awful lot of sliding around. That's what happens when you bite off more than you can chew...
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