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Final Fantasy XV - 50 min video

On comments like this... As somebody who played this demo for 4+ hours I have to say: I feel there's more this situation than just waiting for a day one patch to tighten up frame rate and such. The build was extremely unstable and all over the place. When it was running well it was a dream, but it crashed on me several times, and a boss outright broke making progression impossible twice... on something meant to be a gold master. If all that happens to one guy in the first 4 hours and there's 60 hours of game, how much more was there to fix? It's not just about frame rate, IQ, textures, it's also about stability, and SE obviously isn't going to include hard crashes etc in a PR video. This is why the delay is a really, really good thing.

I loved the game, especially the combat which I feel finally has the agency I've wanted it to, but it needed a lot more work. While I can't peer into Tabata's mind I think to be honest this was less about 'we can't let offline players play without the day one patch' in an age when like 95% of consoles are connected and more about 'a day one patch built in 3 weeks won't be able to fix some of the major issues we have well enough'. The game just needed more time.

Yeah, the delay probably wasn't because of the people who can't download the day one patch. I think they really needed more time to work on the game.
Do you have high hopes for the game?

Did you feel that way for Starcraft 2 or the Mass Effect trilogy? Because that's what Nomura is doing with this game.

Is the Mass Effect trilogy a remake of a game that already exists and is complete? I don't recall Starcraft 2 being $60 for all the parts either. I do recall SE saying that FF7R would be a full priced remake for each part.


Watched the first few minutes, and the battle system looks improved, which is a huge relief.

Is it still basically 'hold square to kill' or has it moved beyond that? I've been in media blackout mode since the Platinum demo.

Sure you could can still do that. But you will die a lot.
I enjoyed it. I don't get why everyone's skipping the first three minutes, isn't it the very first thing you're going to see once you boot up the game anyway?


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
Vanille. And no, that's not just to shit on ff13, it just happens to have an example of this archetype pushed beyond levels of annoying.

Also, here's something dumb for ya




Crystal Bearer
Do you have high hopes for the game?

Did you feel that way for Starcraft 2 or the Mass Effect trilogy? Because that's what Nomura is doing with this game.

The lighting alone in the VII-R video looks so much better.

Of course, it's my most anticipated game right now.


Junior Member
On comments like this... As somebody who played this demo for 4+ hours I have to say: I feel there's more this situation than just waiting for a day one patch to tighten up frame rate and such. The build was extremely unstable and all over the place. When it was running well it was a dream, but it crashed on me several times, and a boss outright broke making progression impossible twice... on something meant to be a gold master. If all that happens to one guy in the first 4 hours and there's 60 hours of game, how much more was there to fix? It's not just about frame rate, IQ, textures, it's also about stability, and SE obviously isn't going to include hard crashes etc in a PR video. This is why the delay is a really, really good thing.

I loved the game, especially the combat which I feel finally has the agency I've wanted it to, but it needed a lot more work. While I can't peer into Tabata's mind I think to be honest this was less about 'we can't let offline players play without the day one patch' in an age when like 95% of consoles are connected and more about 'a day one patch built in 3 weeks won't be able to fix some of the major issues we have well enough'. The game just needed more time.

Damn, exactly what I've been saying in the other thread. I knew this delay happened not because of some noble reason to spare the people without internet a day one patch (because it sure as hell going to have one anyway), but because the game really has a lot of rough patches and needed more time in the oven.
I'm laughing so hard at people celebrating this shitty lighting like it's the second coming of god.

Agni's Philosophy looked better, hell even Duscae looked better.

FF really makes people blind it seems.
Who is praising it as second coming of god? Stop putting words in mouth.

It is better than Witcher 3, which is the point here. It looks great especially during the night time.

Maybe your experience with Witcher 3 on a PC is making you ignore the drawbacks that the game had on a PS4 at launch.


Can't watch the video right now, but it's worth noting that this is the build of the game that apparently was not up to the dev team's standards, hence the delay. I guess we'll see in November whether the delay was worth it.

It's also worth noting that, for all the dickriding that Witcher 3 gets here, the game still runs poorly on consoles to this day. And the combat still sucks. Great game, but I'm just saying that it gets a lot of free passes simply because the writing and art design is strong.


Watched the first few minutes, and the battle system looks improved, which is a huge relief.

Is it still basically 'hold square to kill' or has it moved beyond that? I've been in media blackout mode since the Platinum demo.

I doubt the battle system has changed since the that demo. Improved upon, but the fundamentals of it are probably still in there.


Sat down with a nice cuppa and a few choccy biccies and watched the whole hour.

In my opinion I am more hyped now than I was an hour ago.

The lighting and graphics look amazing, they have improved a lot since they lasted showed it.

I love the voice acting, especially from the NPCs, all the different accents from Cidney's country accent to the guy looking for the minerals. Its definitely one of the better Japanese games with English VA.

I like the fishing minigame, it's like the one from Okami. Chocobo racing with customisable Chocobo's makes me happy.

November can't come soon enough.

Ran rp

The game remains a firm purchase. Glad I didn't read the plot outline stuff. Hoping the performance issues get ironed out and traveling/side quests aren't dreadful.

Old Noctis is a gross.

Shimomura - WEW

edit: post 666 game is cursed now


Whoops, turns out I watched the wrond video. The one I watched looked good!

Seriously though, there is some ridiculous stuff going on in this thread. Someone even claimed Witcher 3 NPCs looked way better than the NPCs in this game, which is just comical! I'm afraid those people have made up their mind already.

I thought the game looked decent graphically, the voice acting was satisfactory (not wonderful, but has it ever been in Final Fantasy? A lot of open worlds don't have it, probably due to the fact that there is just so much banter), gameplay looked fun AND fluid, with enough tricks to encourage further examination, and CHOCOBO RIDING! Also the side quests seem very good, and the fact that the Behemoth side quest was a hunt tells me we are probably up for more memorable side quests, which was what I have been hoping for. I am happy with what I've seen, so that's good enough for me. The two months' polish might bring the graphics up a bit, which is nice, so let's wait and see what the game brings!


People sure like shitting on this game.

Performance issues aside it feels like it evokes an adventure feel and the cammarderie between the characters seems to come through.

It isnt as doom and gloom as gaf tells me.
Ah fuck 'em.

Ni No Kuni did it beautifully.


Trust me, if it was me, bring it back Secret of Mana style where you're flying a huge dragon.. OR FF6 where airship becomes your base (would be cool to make your airship Suikoden style castle to scale.. HAH!)

Like I said it's all about implementation and I'll add RIGHT MARKETING. I want the next FFXVI to return to fantasy roots of some sort.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
The Platinum Demo kinda soured me but this looks really good. And comfy. Graphically it's pretty bad outside character models and animations. The music is superb, as expected.

Hopefully there is higher difficulty available, otherwise the combat will probably get old.
The Platinum Demo kinda soured me but this looks really good. And comfy. Graphically it's pretty bad outside character models and animations. The music is superb, as expected.

Hopefully there is higher difficulty available, otherwise the combat will probably get old.

I don't know about that. Usually Final Fantasy has some serious spikes of difficult when you progress in the game. I doubt it will be different in this one.


I think it looks great. The voice acting is not great, but then again, it's a Final Fantasy game. I like my voice acting off kilter.

The battle systems seems to be getting better and better and the animations are on point. This was my biggest worry about the game. The battle system is a big part of this game and if they don't nail it, then it will be for naught. But since the two demos, I've dug the system, so it's not really a big complaint from me.

The music, again, on point. I cannot wait to get the OST in my hands.

I'm not sure why everyone here is nitpicking this game so much. Especially since the development time has really been around 3-4 years (for XV, not counting the years wasted on Versus XIII). And those leaks says there's not many towns around, yet in the demo it seemed like they have a bunch of various places you can go. Which I'm completely fine with.

The extra time added will let them polish up the game. I can't wait for the release.

I assume the people that think this looks good also just woke up from their 10 years slumber.

Or people don't really care so much about IQ and the best looking graphics. Just a thought.


Though it actually looked really good. Absolutely can't wait.

Main complaints is the sometimes awkward voice acting/directing and the seemingly odd pacing of the story which is one of the things that plagued Type-0.


I don't really have time to go through a whole 53 minute video of the game, nor am I super interested to since most of it is just stuff that's in the early parts of the game anyway. I'll say that they have some balls putting out a video like that because for better or for worse, they're showing people what to expect from the game as it is.

So... the good? I think that coming off FFXIII being a divisive disaster, especially with two sequels which performed subsequently worse and worse, and FFXIV being a MMORPG which doesn't fill the needs of single player FF fans, FFXV feels about as inoffensive as it can get in the modern gaming climate. I think this is an important point in recapturing good will from the mainstream market, especially internationally, but it also makes the game feel really boring. By inoffensive I mean it seems to check the bare minimum in every checkbox for what people expect from a modern AAA console RPG these days. But that also makes it feel like it lacks a unique aura of being a major new FF title rather than a FF title trying to be everything else which is already popular. Oh well.

The art design is top notch though. I think visually the game looks interesting, the monsters look great, and while the world looks kinda plain, there are FF elements which give it a unique flair. The same can't be said about the graphics, which well... honestly... look like a prettied up PS3 game. I don't think that's an exaggerated statement either. The animations, the textures, the lighting, the open world-ness, etc, there's nothing there which really screams like it's a leap from GTAV for example, which was a PS3 game. Compared with other native PS4 titles, there really isn't a comparison at all. In particular the animations look janky as fuck. Probably the most disappointing part.

Story-wise the video makes it very clear that the game is going for a straightforward and traditional tale which puts its cards on the table early and you're following a fixed collect em all journey which links you from point to point. I don't think that's bad as long as each location is interesting and has smaller stories of their own. We'll see. But overall, what the video really reminds me of is that FFXV really seems to want to be... a brand new generation's FF1. It's an odd feeling but that's what I see. Noctis and his three friends are the four Warriors of Light. They go on a journey to seek out macguffins, to defeat some great evil being and save the land, and the mission motivation is driven by a single princess. FF has attempted many different stories since FF1, but since the first game there hasn't been one with such a simple set up. Ever since they have started telling large scale stories, FF has been about unwilling heroes or quests driven by deception. This seems to reset everything right back to a group of adventures with a common purpose who know and trust each other before the game even began, going on a quest with specific objectives. We'll see how that pans out.


I think there is a hard mode. What's the point of putting a difficulty setting otherwise.

The opening screen only gave the options normal and easy, though. Would have expected it to show up there if it were there (perhaps you have to unlock it? That'd suck imo).


Some of the voice acting isn't the greatest, but surprisingly it didn't detract from the total package for me. Still hyped, still preordered.


I miss the days when developers worked within the constraints of the hardware to make something that consistently looks good and performs well.


I assume the people that think this looks good also just woke up from their 10 years slumber.

Nah, I'm calibrated. I was just playing W3 today on my high-end PC and then watched the video, still looked good for an open world console game.

It's not perfect, but it will do the job for now, and upcoming Neo / PC versions will do it better.

PSY・S;213836430 said:
My only issue with the video is it's severely chopped up so I can't get a good feel for the average play session.

I agree but there's a reason I guess. The press impressions are coming out soon, and they're about the same 3 chapters.
I think the video was released this way so we can see what they're talking about without feeling spoiled by the articles.


Junior Member
Ni No Kuni was open world in the classic FF sense. But I was just saying that one of the complaint for FFXV is that the world is barren and doesn't have much things going in it. A classic FF map wouldn't have solved this issue.

Except the complaint of world being flat and barren has never been associated with classic world maps in the past, and you know why? Because 1) Players don't spend a lot of time in world map, but rather more in towns, dungeons and other points of interest. 2) The way the world is presented felt like it gives a good sense of place from one location to another, no long, tedious trek across terrains that keeps repeating itself minute after minute.


Tears in the rain
Really enjoyed what I've seen. The exploration, combat and music all look great to me. The art design is pretty phenomenal.


New game plus.

The difficulty settings is the wait and active combat modes. I believe Gooch advice Tabata against the difficulty settings since FF games don't have it.

Are you saying the normal and easy settings at the start of the video just meant active or wait mode? Would seem strange to me tbh.
It's both. They need the game on disc to not be broken as fuck, and they need more time.

Yes, they need the game on disc with the day one patch, but not only because of the people who can't download it but because of the people who will be reviewing the game. I think reviewers don't usually have access to the day one patch since they get the game early on.
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