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Final Fantasy XV |OT2| For Jared!


I feel like I'm missing something.

Just went back to Galdin Quay to take a photo for a quest, and decided to do some hunts while here. Level 11 hunt to kill 3 crabs should be easy at level 23 right?
Fucking hell they kill me in 3 hits. I warp strike them and am immediately attacked, haven't even finished my attack animation to be able to dodge.

Feel like I'm just spamming potions on myself as I constantly hit danger status while my teammates fight for me.

Hunt monsters are much stronger than their level suggests. I usually eat attack food before I do them and rough them up with a magic spell before I start. It is definitely the portion of the game where your friends' techniques shine and the difficulty ramps up.

Good tip for daemon hunts: Prompto's Starshell is extremely useful.



What the hell Gladio.

what the fuuuuudge


Since the most recent patch the game isn't fullscreen anymore. Has a frame of black bars all around. There's no way to adjust the display either apparently unless you do so manually via the PS4 which means you'll have to make changes to the console settings before and after booting the game up each time. Odd that you can't change the display in the options even though there is a display tab there. Is there really no way to change this via the game itself? I have to switch back to the console and tweak settings before and after playing every time to get the correct aspect ratio?


Neo Member
Since the most recent patch the game isn't fullscreen anymore. Has a frame of black bars all around. There's no way to adjust the display either apparently unless you do so manually via the PS4 which means you'll have to make changes to the console settings before and after booting the game up each time. Odd that you can't change the display in the options even though there is a display tab there. Is there really no way to change this via the game itself? I have to switch back to the console and tweak settings before and after playing every time to get the correct aspect ratio?

PS4 display settings should only need changing once, maybe you need to confirm before exiting?


The displays of other games would be zoomed in, wouldn't they?
Make sure you set your TV to "Just Scan" so that you can get to see everything on the screen. Most often people leave the TV to 16:9 and it cuts a few parts of the original image. Thats why you see black bars when taking screenshots because they are actually there but your TV is cutting them.


Neo Member
The displays of other games would be zoomed in, wouldn't they?

No, you don't need to zoom in, it just needs to be the right size.

Issue is kind of weird as most games don't use the PS4s settings, so you won't have noticed this in any other games.

For me I was actually playing FFXV with a bit of the HUD cut off until the patch reset the display (doh.) and I just had to correct the display setting once after noticing.
So, a friend of mine discovered something mindblowing. I gave him the controller to play around with the car and the radio. He was listing through the songs and he came upon Calling the Rain. He recognized the song but... Well, take a listen.

Calling the Rain
The song he heard

I mean... It's pretty damn undeniable.


So, a friend of mine discovered something mindblowing. I gave him the controller to play around with the car and the radio. He was listing through the songs and he came upon Calling the Rain. He recognized the song but... Well, take a listen.

Calling the Rain
The song he heard

I mean... It's pretty damn undeniable.

Damn, I've been listening to Calling For Rain a lot since watching Kingsglaive. The opening melody is identical, just sped up slightly.

Surprised there's no credit for sampling the other song.


How much longer to the end once I clear Ch. 13?

I want to make sure I budget enough time to beat it when I sit down for my next session.

Once chapter 14 starts.. hmm, I dunno, something like 2 hours maybe? Been awhile since I completed the game so I could be off.
Just listening to the music for Cape Caem....and it brings back so many feels from 90's-2000 Square. Totally reminds me of Chrono Cross in the best way :) This OST is fantastic


Pitioss ruins are the best dungeon in the game. I would have liked the other dungeons to be a mix of the platforming and fighting with some adjustments to Noctis's movement animations. I felt very satisfied when I finally got to the exit, and exploring this place was a treat. It's all very ethereal, a stark contrast to the usual cave tunnels and corridors you have to run through most of the game. Square Enix, whoever the level designers were for this dungeon, promote them and have them design every dungeon for your games going forward.


Just finished the game. I loved it. Best Final Fantasy in a real, real long time.

I'm gonna need a while to recover after that ending, though.


Man, even more than FFXII, this one obviously was getting towards the end of the narrative and I kept thinking "wait what the fuck the game's barely begun to dive into the story, this feels half baked again."

Just finished the game. I loved it. Best Final Fantasy in a real, real long time.

I'm gonna need a while to recover after that ending, though.

And then just now the ending washed away all those ill feelings. Incredible.


Pitioss ruins are the best dungeon in the game. I would have liked the other dungeons to be a mix of the platforming and fighting with some adjustments to Noctis's movement animations. I felt very satisfied when I finally got to the exit, and exploring this place was a treat. It's all very ethereal, a stark contrast to the usual cave tunnels and corridors you have to run through most of the game. Square Enix, whoever the level designers were for this dungeon, promote them and have them design every dungeon for your games going forward.
That dungeon is a pain in the ass. That would have worked better if Noctis knew how to grab a ledge instead of just walking off the damn ledge info the abyss. The dungeon went for too long, no save points in the dungeon was stupid and the checkpoint system was flawed. Nice idea, not the best execution imo.

And I don't believe such platforming to that extent belong in Final Fantasy games. That shit had Tomb Raider written all over it.


So we're half way through January and still no word on the 'upto 60fps' patch for PS4 Pro's Lite / 1080p mode, huh.
Pitioss could have easily been more than one dungeon, I could tell they had some ideas that they threw in that ended up making the level too long.

In particular
the caverns where you're climbing/descending tilted slopes could have worked as its own dungeon with its own theme, and they could've just looped back around to the beginning level after the large skull fortress room.
The crossbow was the last royal weapon I got. Is there a quest or something that points to the mines early in the game? Because I completely missed it.
Then again, there's that level 50+ samurai in there with the level 8 goblins, what a weird dungeon.
So I'm like 90 minutes into schlepping back and forth down the never-ending corridor that is Chapter 13. I just reunited with my dudes, so I imagine there's still more of this shit to go. Maybe I'll fight some more axe guys soon; won't that be a treat.

I honestly have no idea what people see in this game. I tried to like it. Hell, I wanted to like it; I don't buy games for myself if I don't think I'm going to enjoy them. But all I found here was an open world full of MMO quests, a few paper thin characters, and a story where everything happens off-screen and I just have to deal with the aftermath. I've just found out I've basically missed out on half the story because I didn't know it was all in newspaper articles I was supposed to find and read. I do so love it when a game hides its story away from me; nothing compares to sheer exhilaration of pressing X on a glowing blue spot and reading a dry paragraph of text. Truly a fantasy based on reality.

(And I watched both Kingsglaive and Brotherhood! I can't imagine how lost I'd be if I hadn't done the assigned reading before the lesson.)

You know what I've learnt about my band of friends in the last twenty hours? Nothing. The intro established Prompto as the funny one, Gladio as the strong and gruff one, Ignis as the prim and proper one, and the game hasn't expanded on those stereotypes at all. With no option to talk to them (like one might expect to find in a character-based RPG), I feel absolutely no connection to these dudes at all. At one point Gladio asked if I'd let him go off on his own for a while, then he came back and never explained what he was doing, and I had no ability to ask him, so that was the end of that. Now Ignis is
blind, and I can't ask him how it happened (because it happened off-screen, like everything else in the game) or even how he's managing. Luckily it's the kind of blindness that inexplicably doesn't actually have any effect on the way you live your daily life, huh?
You know how games like Mass Effect end up with casts of characters people remember for years afterwards? They let you talk to them. They write stories for them. They make them actual characters. Prompto, Ignis and Gladio might as well just be magic spells that occasionally block me when I try to walk through doorways.

So, I'm closing in on the end of the game.
I guess Ardyn is using his stitches in time to build himself an army of zambies for reasons, and I'm supposed to be really sore at him for killing Luna but honestly I couldn't really care less. I'm pretty sure there are NPCs with more lines of dialogue than she had; they fridged her before they even bothered to establish her as a character. Now it seems like they're trying to backfill in some development for her with some flashbacks where she does the generic anime "I just wanted to stand by his side and show him the courage in my heart ~uguu" routine. Just such a load of tosh. Cutscenes are seemingly only there for the characters to say a bunch of obtuse shit that doesn't go anywhere, after which the actual meat of the game has to explained through flavourless tooltips and loading screen lore updates.

Like, straight up, I can't think of anything this game does well. Most of it is barely even competent. I spend most of the combat encounters fighting the camera, healing my braindead partners, or holding Square and having Noctis not dodge, and the only other form of gameplay there is to offer is running towards waypoints to press X on things. And even then, I end up pressing X three times because the first two times Noctis just jumps. Oh, and there's a fishing minigame, too, I guess.
I agree with a lot of the above post in a way. I will not remember a thing about Ignis and Gladio in 7 years time from now.

Prompto though has some very emotional optional scenes, I will remember him for ages to come.


I just beat Naglfar, and what a piece of shit :lol I mean, I love this game, 93 hours and counting but these battles of attrition where all you ever do is micromanage the potion supply are so boring. Took forever even with magic weapons, one summon and 2-3 armigers at lvl 99 for 3/4 guys.


Played a little Justice Monsters Five at the Crow's Nest and met Dino and the stranger at Galdin Quay.

Justice Monsters Five seems like an odd pinball game, couldn't really get the hang of it, but the fishing mini game is decent. Do you get any worthwhile bonuses for beating the stages/catching more fish, or is it just an optional down-time kinda thing?

I know FFXV is mixing modern aspects with traditional fantasy, but I really wasn't expecting Dino to have a thick Italian/American accent! Bit wary of what his intentions are though considering the first interaction with him is literal blackmail, and especially putting the party in danger near the massive gryphon creature.


If you unlock getting AP and EXP through fishing in the Ascension menu, it both becomes a pasttime and a nice way to grind. Plus, some fish can be used in Ignis' recipehs. :)
If you unlock getting AP and EXP through fishing in the Ascension menu, it both becomes a pasttime and a nice way to grind. Plus, some fish can be used in Ignis' recipehs. :)
Whatever you do DONT neglect reading what the actual recipe does out of excitement...Stupid vespar gar recipe


If you unlock getting AP and EXP through fishing in the Ascension menu, it both becomes a pasttime and a nice way to grind. Plus, some fish can be used in Ignis' recipehs. :)

Ah, in that case I'll make sure we've unlocked that through Ascension before we do any more non-quest fishing. Also, is it true you can play Justice Monsters Five on your phone and transfer the bonuses to your game?

Whatever you do DONT neglect reading what the actual recipe does out of excitement...Stupid vespar gar recipe

Are there recipes that have negative effects? Unless the positive effect is something huge I don't think we'll ever use them.
Ah, in that case I'll make sure we've unlocked that through Ascension before we do any more non-quest fishing. Also, is it true you can play Justice Monsters Five on your phone and transfer the bonuses to your game?

Are there recipes that have negative effects? Unless the positive effect is something huge I don't think we'll ever use them.
The vespar gar dish makes your Magic stat 0. As I'm someone with a pretty magical build...This fucked me mad hard when I went to take on a particular lvl 120 boss
Then fuuuuuuuuck that - Pimmsy loves warp-striking too much to give up MP!
No no not mp your mp is fine. When you use a spell no matter what powerful spell you crafted with some of the best items that are really really really hard to get and used ALL your magic points into it as well the spell will still do 0 dmg..

I need to lie down triggered again


No no not mp your mp is fine. When you use a spell no matter what powerful spell you crafted with some of the best items that are really really really hard to get and used ALL your magic points into it as well the spell will still do 0 dmg..

I need to lie down triggered again

Ah - not quite as bad, but I can see how that's still annoying, especially if you were trying to fight e.g. flans or something.


I'm coming up on chapter 8 soon and right now I'm pretty overpowered that I could easily finish the game off because nothing is even challenging but I'm also working on the platinum. I've heard that the game becomes linear near the end and I know that after
completing the game you are able to go back and do exploration
so I guess my question is if I just go ahead and finish the game will I be locked out of any quests or hunts? I'd kind of like to finish the story off and just do cleanup after.
I'm coming up on chapter 8 soon and right now I'm pretty overpowered that I could easily finish the game off because nothing is even challenging but I'm also working on the platinum. I've heard that the game becomes linear near the end and I know that after
completing the game you are able to go back and do exploration
so I guess my question is if I just go ahead and finish the game will I be locked out of any quests or hunts? I'd kind of like to finish the story off and just do cleanup after.
You can finish and come back
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