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Purple Drazi
I'm afraid they won't be simply for the fact you won't have the full party. Ignis might have Gladio and Prompto with him, but other 2 I'd expect to be alone. Prompto is the only one I have any curiosity about because he has the most potential for interesting backstory. Not that I care about him, but I suspect we'll see a lot more information on what happened to the fall of the empire's capital, and I heavily suspect we'll see the fall of Ravus. My money right now is that Ravus will join up with Prompto for part of his DLC.?

Oh, I agree that Prompto's has the greatest potential. They'll have to pepper in quite a bit for Gladio's in particular to seem strong on any real front. As to whether the missions will be fun without the rest of the party... yeah, I don't know. I guess it kind of depends on who else joins the squad temporarily, if indeed anyone does. (And if they do, Prompto/Ravus would certainly be cool.)

I'm hoping Square decides to release even more story-centric DLCs after the character episodes + co-op shindig. (Unless they actually are looking into a full-fledged spinoff. But I still doubt that.)


I have a feeling the DLC's aren't going to be fun, like at all. Story presentation will obviously continue to be cheap as well, I'm sure.

This game really disappointed you huh.

I feel like they have the potential to make the game a lot better through patches. Tabata is very keen on player feedback, and despite a lot of us giving him shit for it, the game definitely needs improvements that are feasible through patches and DLC. It sucks that it ain't like this on day 1 but what can you do.


They showed up at the end, the after life right before Noctis summons the kings of old. Regis and Luna helped as well.

My only problem with the Ifrit fight is that Bahamut, fucking misses all of his damn swords just to nod at Noct as if to say: "You see how cool that shit was! That distracted him, you should totally attack him."

Most of the Astrals had humanoid forms except Leviathan. I kinda wish Bahamut was also more serpentine or dragon-like. Megaflare > Ulti-miss-word.

Tabata did Bahamut so right in Type-0, too:

You gained control of Bahamut ZERO, could fire off charged Mega and Giga flares, but then if you kept charging, it'd go beyond to Tera Flare, triggering a cutscene where he flies up into orbit, split into a thousand Bahamuts and sent down a spirit bomb followed by the other thousand Bahamuts sending down their own, utterly ending a normally unwinnable boss fight.

The only thing I liked about FFXV Bahamut was the kind of creepy human eyes, it felt like Evangelion a bit.
I'm afraid they won't be simply for the fact you won't have the full party. Ignis might have Gladio and Prompto with him, but other 2 I'd expect to be alone. Prompto is the only one I have any curiosity about because he has the most potential for interesting backstory. Not that I care about him, but I suspect we'll see a lot more information on what happened to the fall of the empire's capital, and I heavily suspect we'll see the fall of Ravus. My money right now is that Ravus will join up with Prompto for part of his DLC.

Yeah. I wasn't a fan of Bahamut either. Though what is odd is that in art someone posted Leviathan was in a human form. I think it was in-game art maybe? Had all the astrals surrounding the oracle and maaaybe king of light?


Yeah, Leviathan is in a humanoid form to the left. Arms around Bahamut. Astrals can change form I suppose. Like how Shiva transforms into Gentiana.


oh awesome! If anyone wants to post these directly in here, feel free. I'm just not sure how to resize them to format the page correctly.

I really hope people will call them out for lying to us though and to not just happily eat up the DLC. The first thing they did, when they announced the DLC, was assuring us it was not cut content from the game. Now that we played the game and we find these big, gaping plotholes, where these missions were once meant to be, we can be very sure they were actually cut from the game. Noctis' solo mission in chapter 13 was actually meant to be the concluding fourth mission once.
This needs to be openly addressed. :/


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Ifrit really felt like the final boss to me. It was suitably epic.

The recent trend of FF games is that you have an epic pre-final boss battle, then a kinda weak/lame final battle.

See X's Braska's Final Aeon -> Yu-Yevon, XIII's Orphan -> Final Form of Orphan, XV's Ifrit -> Ardyn.
Tabata did Bahamut so right in Type-0, too:

You gained control of Bahamut ZERO, could fire off charged Mega and Giga flares, but then if you kept charging, it'd go beyond to Tera Flare, triggering a cutscene where he flies up into orbit, split into a thousand Bahamuts and sent down a spirit bomb followed by the other thousand Bahamuts sending down their own, utterly ending a normally unwinnable boss fight.

Bahamut needs to be blowing shit up. Not throwing swords.

He is so dangerous he basically killed the original Final Fantasy XIV.

FFXV's real crime, making Bahamut kinda lame. Which seems pretty difficult. How do you mess up cool dragon that blows stuff up man.
I'm still sour about the last fight just having Ardyn knock your your friends in the most cheesy manner possible and having it turn into a 1v1.

There were a few cool teamwork moments in the Ifrit fight, but they got completely overshadowed by the use of summons. I just think if the main theme of your game is brotherhood you really need to reflect that in the ending a bit more. Your bros should have gotten the power of the Kingsglaive finally and showed up to help.

According to the leak they did have a monster Ardyn in consideration, presumably fought with your party.

I agree it was kind of lame how he just knocks them all out like that. Especially when you worked together the whole time to get there.

I still liked the ending but I would have enjoyed it more if by the time you beat Ardyn in the one on one your team makes it to the ground floor outside then you fight Bizarro/Safer Ardyn or something.
I really hope people will call them out for lying to us though and to not just happily eat up the DLC. The first thing they did, when they announced the DLC, was assuring us it was not cut content from the game. Now that we played the game and we find these big, gaping plotholes, where these missions were once meant to be, we can be very sure they were actually cut from the game. Noctis' solo mission in chapter 13 was actually meant to be the concluding fourth mission once.
This needs to be openly addressed. :/
This isn't much of a defense, but I genuinely feel like they didn't cut content. Kind of. Like they didn't finish content then cut it. I think after all the delays and issues, they needed to get the game out. And this DLC will cover content they couldn't complete. I suppose that could still be considered cut in a way, but it isn't as terrible. Still sucks, but not blatant money fishing.


Is it only kings that are able to ascend into their god forms or w/e they are? I swear one of them looks very female in the movie.

Noctis' solo mission in chapter 13 was actually meant to be the concluding fourth mission once.

Got any source for that? Curious about it


Is it only kings that are able to ascend into their god forms or w/e they are? I swear one of them looks very female in the movie.
The Royal Arms descriptions mention at least 2 queens on top of my head. All tombs being copy-pasted with a dude's statue you take the weapon from bummed me out.


According to the leak they did have a monster Ardyn in consideration, presumably fought with your party.

I agree it was kind of lame how he just knocks them all out like that. Especially when you worked together the whole time to get there.

I still liked the ending but I would have enjoyed it more if by the time you beat Ardyn in the one on one your team makes it to the ground floor outside then you fight Bizarro/Safer Ardyn or something.
I liked that the fight didn't fall into the "this isn't even my final form" trope. It's way overused and so predictable for final boss fights in JRPGs that I just roll my eyes when I see it.


This isn't much of a defense, but I genuinely feel like they didn't cut content. Kind of. Like they didn't finish content then cut it. I think after all the delays and issues, they needed to get the game out. And this DLC will cover content they couldn't complete. I suppose that could still be considered cut in a way, but it isn't as terrible. Still sucks, but not blatant money fishing.

I can agree to an extent with that. It is cut content for sure, that's imo clear after the gaping plotholes it left behind...but we will never know why it was cut. Due to time constraints or greed or both...

Got any source for that? Curious about it

Isn't that the very obvious conclusion? ;)
According to the leak they did have a monster Ardyn in consideration, presumably fought with your party.

I agree it was kind of lame how he just knocks them all out like that. Especially when you worked together the whole time to get there.

I still liked the ending but I would have enjoyed it more if by the time you beat Ardyn in the one on one your team makes it to the ground floor outside then you fight Bizarro/Safer Ardyn or something.

Or better yet, you fight the monster Ardyn in the afterlife with the bros before the final QTE. I like the idea of all four of them making one last stand as dead spirits to finally kill off the plague.


Or better yet, you fight the monster Ardyn in the afterlife with the bros before the final QTE. I like the idea of all four of them making one last stand as dead spirits to finally kill off the plague.

During the last part, I was pretty sure we were going to see the final form trope. In my mind I assumed since he absorbed so many Daemons we'd probably go through a cycle of him morphing into a series of unique bosses or high level type foes as they all try to gain total dominance over him.

But eh, O to KotR is fine too i guess.
I liked that the fight didn't fall into the "this isn't even my final form" trope. It's way overused and so predictable for final boss fights in JRPGs that I just roll my eyes when I see it.

I understand that, but I just wanted a way to have the whole party fighting the actual final boss.

Because I wanted to use my party to beat the final boss in a hopefully challenging/cool encounter.


Doing the Legendary weapons quest chain and fighting them ultimate bosses really solidified to me how much I dislike this combat system. These fights are a mess and (instead of being entertaining and challenging) showcase everything wrong with the game's system, especially Naglfar. Post game fights are supposed to be fun...

Or I am just bad at this game? Can someone please show me how to fight Naglfar? Or even Sir Tonberry because I'm not supposed to keep parrying him and Armigering when I can, right?


Crystal Bearer
Bahamut needs to be blowing shit up. Not throwing swords.

He is so dangerous he basically killed the original Final Fantasy XIV.

FFXV's real crime, making Bahamut kinda lame. Which seems pretty difficult. How do you mess up cool dragon that blows stuff up man.
It's pretty hard to top XIV Bahamut. His story is quite good.


I can agree to an extent with that. It is cut content for sure, that's imo clear after the gaping plotholes it left behind...but we will never know why it was cut. Due to time constraints or greed or both...

I don't see how Gladio running off is cut content. Is it a moment that feels like it perfectly leads into his DLC, yea, but that section wouldn't be in the main game cause we only play as Noct cause it's his story.

I'm in the minority where I never minded Gladio/Prompto missing. I like the fact that Gladio didn't stay with Noctis the entire time and had to go deal with his own personal issues. Or that Prompto learns stuff on his own for once.

The only one I'll have a issue with is Ignis and that is if his DLC is focused on when he gets blinded. That scene should have been in the main game. His DLC should be focused on something else.

What feels like cut content is scenes that straight up lack Ravus/Verstael/Ideolas/Cor/Luna etc.


Im surprised Youtube isn't flooded with story or ending analyses. I'm a sucker for that kinda longform video content, but sadly all I found was a single short video.
I really hope people will call them out for lying to us though and to not just happily eat up the DLC. The first thing they did, when they announced the DLC, was assuring us it was not cut content from the game. Now that we played the game and we find these big, gaping plotholes, where these missions were once meant to be, we can be very sure they were actually cut from the game.
This needs to be openly addressed. :/

I've got to disagree that the missions were obviously cut. Maybe there would have been cutscenes, but I doubt they would have had anything playable of those sections in the game even planned. If anything where they are placed in the game makes it even less likely that they were cut.

We'll see what they eventually entail, but if each episode is even a couple of hours long each I think it throws a spanner in the 'they are selling cut content on top of the full game'. Otherwise it's suggesting that while you are travelling off to get Mythril/ meet Ardyn/ explore a dungeon with Arenea they meant to have you cut to a couple of hours of whatever with Gladio, or in the middle of the battle with Leviathan you are going to spend a couple of hours as Ignis, evacuating Altissia.


Junior Member
I'm afraid they won't be simply for the fact you won't have the full party. Ignis might have Gladio and Prompto with him, but other 2 I'd expect to be alone. Prompto is the only one I have any curiosity about because he has the most potential for interesting backstory. Not that I care about him, but I suspect we'll see a lot more information on what happened to the fall of the empire's capital, and I heavily suspect we'll see the fall of Ravus. My money right now is that Ravus will join up with Prompto for part of his DLC.

Yeah. I wasn't a fan of Bahamut either. Though what is odd is that in art someone posted Leviathan was in a human form. I think it was in-game art maybe? Had all the astrals surrounding the oracle and maaaybe king of light?

I really don't think the DLC will be that extensive. I'm sure all of them will last less than an hour, some gimmicks will be thrown in, lazy explanation as to what happened, done. Easy $$ for SE, to recoup the costs of Kingsglaive, the food, and Lucis/Duscae/Cleigne.

Ray Down

Oh, I agree that Prompto's has the greatest potential. They'll have to pepper in quite a bit for Gladio's in particular to seem strong on any real front. As to whether the missions will be fun without the rest of the party... yeah, I don't know. I guess it kind of depends on who else joins the squad temporarily, if indeed anyone does. (And if they do, Prompto/Ravus would certainly be cool.)

I'm hoping Square decides to release even more story-centric DLCs after the character episodes + co-op shindig. (Unless they actually are looking into a full-fledged spinoff. But I still doubt that.)

Tabata said there will be more DLC outside of the season pass.


DLC main producer said so as well and heard people wanting Luna DLC:



The camera stopped working. I can't turn it at all. This shit happened while I'm in the level 55 dungeon maze. I'm literlly trapped because I can't directly face the proceed icon on the cube. :/


I liked that the fight didn't fall into the "this isn't even my final form" trope. It's way overused and so predictable for final boss fights in JRPGs that I just roll my eyes when I see it.

this... i would go as far as saying that they didn't need that shitty 2nd phase with it's ass controls, i'll let it slide for leviathan because it was novel at the time and it makes more contextual sense. the 3rd phase was was annoying as hell because i couldn't tell if i was supposed to be taking damage for dramatic effect or not.


Nomura's Noctis definitely felt more hot-blooded at times.

Mhm, 2006-8 Is basically just him silently slaughtering people and brooding. While 2011-13 is him slaughtering people while talking to Ignis about how to slaughter more people and being really blase and cocky about his home being invaded and his capacity to deal with it.

And sandwiched in between all that is 2009 when we got the party scene and him behaving like an ever so slightly normal guy around a pretty girl.

Kagari, I know you really liked the OG party scene, I imagine that's why? Cause it actually showed more of the other side to his personality he was supposed to have in Versus? And did a great job setting up and teasing what his dynamic with Stella was gonna be like?


Worse than making Bahamut lame and whiff all his attacks is not adding him to the list of summonables for the open world. It doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense in the story because I can still go back to Lucis and have Leviathan and Shiva help me out and turn in a quest for a photo from a different continent. Yeah, he whiffed on Ifrit but what if you could then summon him and he's just kill all the fools? That would've been cool but it was just "nah, we have 6 godly thing but you only get 4 because of I don't know".


Junior Member
This game really disappointed you huh.

I feel like they have the potential to make the game a lot better through patches. Tabata is very keen on player feedback, and despite a lot of us giving him shit for it, the game definitely needs improvements that are feasible through patches and DLC. It sucks that it ain't like this on day 1 but what can you do.

I don't think there's a way to fix how horribly disjointed the main story is, plus the complete lack of quality presentation expected from a mainline title. They're not going to patch in the fancy CGI or well-directed cutscenes I expect throughout a mainline title, and outside of when the bros leave they aren't going to offer clarity on anything that happens. Like the wonderful jump from Ch 4 to 5.

I guess I should have expected this when they first showed Noctis finding out about the fall of Insomnia and Regis through a newspaper.

I enjoy the game when I'm playing it but when I look back at it I'm just like... well... the main story is completely devoid of substance and quality presentation, so what am I playing the game for, really? The quests where I have to find wax in a cave or retrieve tags or plants or frogs? I guess perhaps the good dungeons? idk


I've got to disagree that the missions were obviously cut. Maybe there would have been cutscenes, but I doubt they would have had anything playable of those sections in the game even planned. If anything where they are placed in the game makes it even less likely that they were cut.

We'll see what they eventually entail, but if each episode is even a couple of hours long each I think it throws a spanner in the 'they are selling cut content on top of the full game'. Otherwise it's suggesting that while you are travelling off to get Mythril/ meet Ardyn/ explore a dungeon with Arenea they meant to have you cut to a couple of hours of whatever with Gladio, or in the middle of the battle with Leviathan you are going to spend a couple of hours as Ignis, evacuating Altissia.

I've been a big critic of the game but I've got to agree with this.

The DLC wasn't cut from the main story - it would have majorly screwed with the flow for little purpose. The problem was that where they placed the 'hook' for the DLC only added to the amount of stuff happening off-screen, and as such was really poorly judged.


Holy shit. I was looking at FF peasant stream of the ending and the campfire scene at the end plays out differently. When I played it the line "Well...what can I say, you guys are the best" was shown in black cause the camera panned up, but in his version Noctis stands up and tell them that line. That's fucking weird. Makes me wonder what other little changes they did.


Junior Member
Holy shit. I was looking at FF peasant stream of the ending and the campfire scene at the end plays out differently. When I played it the line "Well...what can I say, you guys are the best" was shown in black cause the camera panned up, but in his version Noctis stands up and tell them that line. That's fucking weird. Makes me wonder what other little changes they did.

Did you play the game before the Crown patch?

If so.... I cannot believe they were making changes to the ending a week before release.


Did you play the game before the Crown patch?

If so.... I cannot believe they were making changes to the ending a week before release.

Wow, that's incredible if true and should be easily tested by deleting the patch for anyone with the disc version. Just deleted the patch and beat the game again.

God damn, this was like leaving your homework for the last 5 minutes of the school bus ride...


Did you play the game before the Crown patch?

If so.... I cannot believe they were making changes to the ending a week before release.

I got the game two weeks ago. Yea it's very obvious how they didn't have a clue how to fit everything in cohesively. But that's what gives me a little bit of hope that they'll try to fix the game more. That scene played out good before but I like the new cutscene a lot better.

The way I saw it.

Skip to the 25 minute mark

The new version

Skip to the 46 minute mark


I can't decide what is the worst travesty: That the story is fucking terrible or that it could have been fucking awesome based on what's there.

Despite any flaws the story has, I really appreciate that we had a strong, central villain in Ardyn. I also really enjoyed that he didn't have a bunch of different forms, and the entire final fight was just King vs King.

I'm going to freak out when he gets announced for Dissidia.

Ardyn is easily the best part of the game and he still got shafted.

He would have been even better, though, if the Emperor had any kind of on-screen presence/relationship with him. Kingsglaive set up the Emperor to be a very compelling bastard of a villian, too, and I was stoked to see him in the game.

He isn't even in the game at all outside his daemon form and then it presents him like we are supposed to be shocked.



You can tell they were totally rushed for time just based on the leviathan fight. It legit starts with the boss just completely clipping through you and the street fragment you're standing on.

Happens in every video I see haha.


I can't decide what is the worst travesty: That the story is fucking terrible or that it could have been fucking awesome based on what's there.

every time i think about how awesome it could have been, i go through the 5 stages of grief.

I'm really holding out for a director's cut here.


Is there a wikia on this game?

I'm on story level 3, with all lev 5 bounties and below completed, lev 10 fishing and chocobo, lev 7 on other skills.

Overall character levels are 43 with 130k in the bank. I'll probably level up soon, but would like to progress in the story for 3x xp. Unfortunately I read that the game will auto rest for you in the story, so it's probably better to rest in the hotel for 2x xp.

I want to complete as much as the side stories as possible before venturing off in the story. I'm looking for a fishing guide, because it gets tiring trying the 20+ different baits in every lake....

Also looking for a quest guide so I don't have to keep stopping by every diner to see which quests I might have missed after leveling up my bounty skills.

I've tried to complete some dungeons, but it looks like it won't let me progress any further. Looks like I need a double jump or a teleporting skill to bridge the gaps.


I don't see how Gladio running off is cut content. Is it a moment that feels like it perfectly leads into his DLC, yea, but that section wouldn't be in the main game cause we only play as Noct cause it's his story.

I'm in the minority where I never minded Gladio/Prompto missing. I like the fact that Gladio didn't stay with Noctis the entire time and had to go deal with his own personal issues. Or that Prompto learns stuff on his own for once.

The only one I'll have a issue with is Ignis and that is if his DLC is focused on when he gets blinded. That scene should have been in the main game. His DLC should be focused on something else.

What feels like cut content is scenes that straight up lack Ravus/Verstael/Ideolas/Cor/Luna etc.

I've got to disagree that the missions were obviously cut. Maybe there would have been cutscenes, but I doubt they would have had anything playable of those sections in the game even planned. If anything where they are placed in the game makes it even less likely that they were cut.

We'll see what they eventually entail, but if each episode is even a couple of hours long each I think it throws a spanner in the 'they are selling cut content on top of the full game'. Otherwise it's suggesting that while you are travelling off to get Mythril/ meet Ardyn/ explore a dungeon with Arenea they meant to have you cut to a couple of hours of whatever with Gladio, or in the middle of the battle with Leviathan you are going to spend a couple of hours as Ignis, evacuating Altissia.

I first gave them the benefit of a doubt, that they really didn't cut this stuff, when they first announced the DLC. But in my opinion (and it is of course only my opinion!) there is much more indicating that the missions are actually cut content.

1) First there are huge plotholes left behind. Okay, the game is full of plotholes. But there's more... ;)
2) The second half of the game feels very short and unfinished. There is something missing. Everyone must have felt that. I think it was these episodes. And Noctis' solo mission in chapter 13 feels like the perfect conclusion to three other solo missions before.
3) Tabata claimed the pure story was 40-50 hours long in interviews. That is 10-20 hours off the mark. We all were surprised how short the game actually was when we got to play it, right? I think that too is an indication that there was once more and that the pure story length was indeed once 40-50 hours, including these three missions.
4) They pulled the same stunt with Kingsglaive. They told us we wouldn't need to worry it was cut story from the game and everyone would be perfectly fine without seeing Kingsglaive. Which wasn't the case. Last minute they had to put some scenes back into the game after all.

Who knows how long ago they decided to leave this stuff out of the main game. Years ago, a year ago, just some months ago?

But again, this is just my opinion. ;)
Holy shit. I was looking at FF peasant stream of the ending and the campfire scene at the end plays out differently. When I played it the line "Well...what can I say, you guys are the best" was shown in black cause the camera panned up, but in his version Noctis stands up and tell them that line. That's fucking weird. Makes me wonder what other little changes they did.

Speaking of FF Peasant. I'm kinda sad that a lot of his theories about the game didn't turn out to be true. Maybe not some of the crazier ones, but stuff like the idea that the Lucis crystal power was Chaos and was actually responsible for the Daemons. Maybe it's buried in there somewhere, which would explain why Noctis has to die and the ring of the Lucii dissolves after he kills Ardyn.


I've been a big critic of the game but I've got to agree with this.

The DLC wasn't cut from the main story - it would have majorly screwed with the flow for little purpose. The problem was that where they placed the 'hook' for the DLC only added to the amount of stuff happening off-screen, and as such was really poorly judged.

Right, but they decided that to be the flow of the game. The entire premise that, of all people, your proud bodyguard needs to ditch you without telling you where he's going is like the most ludicrous thing ever.

So best case scenario they purposefully wrote themselves into a corner, but worst case scenario they purposefully intended to always use these story omissions as DLC.


Mustered the will to get back to it and start post-game. It's pretty sweet that you get to keep your endgame attire!

What isn't sweet is that you don't get to keep being Hot Noctis. His older, gruff design is way better and I wish it had been his only design.


Junior Member
You can tell they were totally rushed for time just based on the leviathan fight. It legit starts with the boss just completely clipping through you and the street fragment you're standing on.

Happens in every video I see haha.

Oh yeah, definitely, considering the Crown patch outright states they made changes to the Leviathan fight.


Tabata said there will be more DLC outside of the season pass.


DLC main producer said so as well and heard people wanting Luna DLC:


I could see a Luna and/or Regis episode following. The entire Dawn (1+2) trailer was absent from the game -> thus they still have some (already finished!) scenes to use.


I could see a Luna and/or Regis episode following. The entire Dawn (1+2) trailer was absent from the game -> thus they still have some (already finished!) scenes to use.

Meh, fuck a Luna episode. She is garbage in the game, her Kingsglaive character is much better.

Just thinking about a Luna episode has me falling asleep with boredom.
What isn't sweet is that you don't get to keep being Hot Noctis. His older, gruff design is way better and I wish it had been his only design.

The change in Noctis after the time skip makes me wonder if Tabata had to keep the 4 bros designs as they were from Versus XIII (or near enough to them), he seems to have tweaked and changed just about everyone else that we knew of from before and then does a time skip which he uses to rather significantly overhaul the character.
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