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Fire Emblem Heroes |OT|Natural Selection Simulator

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140k in tempest trial is around rank 2500. I shouldn't need to do much more to stay in the 8000 feather tier.

The Chapter 11 & 12 chain challenge is even more bullshit than the 9 & 10 challenge.

I'm holding off on that until my flier team's ready for that dumb mountain level. 9 and 10 just sounds annoying with the turn limits but I'm sure I can do it.


I don't know if anyone can even do Map 5 of the Time Limit maps without horses or fliers.
I beat it with Xander, Camus, Cecilia, and a dancer. I don't think I needed Cecilia as any decent mage would do the job she did. So, a half horse team will do it. Just Xander tanked 3 attacks in one turn making him the MVP like in map 3.


After the vortex of madness that was Valter's map, Time Limit 5 Hard wasn't too bad for me. Flyers really help, yes.
Ended up using Summer Corrin, Spring Camilla, Azura and Sanaki.

Best part of that map is that they actually gave Faye this build.



I got Tana, just got Amelia, I don't know if I'll get Innes though.

I don't know if anyone can even do Map 5 of the Time Limit maps without horses or fliers.

Me. (I used the same team for all the time limit maps.)




Looking for meaning in GAF
With Lucina, Sharena, Fae, and M!Robin starting off I've gotten my Arena Assault up to 4802. Not bad seeing as Fae only has Fury 2. I might replace Robin with Jeorge and his legendary bow, but he's not kitted out yet, and since he's -Spd not sure how effective he'll be. Though it's the same as Robin's speed, so it should be fine.

Does anyone remember to use items? I forget they exist most of the time, and most of my mistakes come with someone dying right then and there, so items won't save the run.
I keep forgetting to use items too. Hell, I didn't even learn how to pack them until yesterday.


Def Up/Spd Down Amelia. It's like the one Armoured unit you want to have speed. Throw in Home Armour and she gets as fast as most units in the game.
Damn the AI keep screwing me, I really dunno how to deal with this. I have a 4 stars -atk Klein wtih a Brave Bow (so 36 attack when level 40 with his a skill) can he manages to one round KO the pegasus on Infernal ?

Also when Valter start moving ?


Beat Infernal Valter with horse emblem (Reinhardt/Cecilia/Xander/Olivia), as I don't have any good archers. Took a bit of messing with skills to ensure one-shots on various things, but I got there in the end.
Xander is a beast. Turn limit map with armour of defence tiles, he sits there and even tanks Effie while chipping down the rest. Just needed cavalry buffs and a healer to keep him healthy.


75k points in Tempest. Used 5-6 potions and auto battled my way from 60k to 75k. That's 15k more points than I wanted to do today. And 35k more than I had expected. xD

Also, I wanted to start a new game for the lulz and want to see how far I can actually get with only 1* and 2* units. If I get stuck I will probably use Skill Inheritance before merging.

I like that the game just unlocks friggin Squad Assault after you beat Chapter 1 though. "Here, have one of the hardest parts of the game after beating the first chapter. You can do it!"

May as well post it again. Here is my Valter Infernal clear. It's a total clusterfuck but it worked.



130,901 on tt. rank 5579. think it'd be too much of a pain to get and maintain <5k so i'll just take the 6k feathers.


never used celica or lachesis outside of tt, both managed to get to 3k hero merit. now i just need to hold strong and not spend orbs.


I don't know how you guys can beat Infernal without 40+10 units. I wish Genny would be 4* so I can get Wrathful Staff so that healers won't be gimped offensively and can actually take out AI units on steroids.


Junior Member
I don't know how you guys can beat Infernal without 40+10 units. I wish Genny would be 4* so I can get Wrathful Staff so that healers won't be gimped offensively and can actually take out AI units on steroids.

Firemind, pls. You don't need 40+10 units.

Infernal Valter
[Fire Emblem Heroes] Grand Hero Battle - Valter - Infernal / 4* No Inheritance (2017-8-21)

Infernal Valter gets shamed!
[FEH] Bride Cordelia Destroys Valter GHB [INFERNAL Grand Hero Battle]

Lunatic Valter
&#12304;Fire Emblem Heroes&#12305;F2P Valter Lunatic Grand Hero Battle (Full 4* No Seals No SI)


Junior Member
I don't have Donnel and Gordin,

Also that video is insane.

lol at bridal cordelia soloing that map

I'd highly recommend getting your mitts onto units from the Daily Hero Battles, if you already don't have some of them. The majority of them have great uses. Just keep them at 4* +whatever and have fun with them....
..and yeah. Bride Cordelia is sensational!
Now did you manage to kill the 50 def axe knight with that team lol.

TBH, I have no clue either lol. By some miracle Bridelia tanked a hit and survived at 1 hp and Eirika tanked a hit and survived 1 hp. Those hits was all I needed to clean things up. I just know it was 2 turns of bridelia + 2 dancers blasting away at the knight. I literally thought my experiment team was dead.


What's the verdict so far on valture? I'm still leveling him up. Likely, my flier team won't be ready for next week's arena. I'm deciding how good he is in different team setup. So far, he's no Xander, but pretty powerful.
What's the verdict so far on valture? I'm still leveling him up. Likely, my flier team won't be ready for next week's arena. I'm deciding how good he is in different team setup. So far, he's no Xander, but pretty powerful.

I think his initial kit is really good. Was running some numbers earlier and keeping his darting blow doesn't really hurt his player phase much at all. Get him in range of even a single Goad flier and he kills a lot of units. Hone fliers and he does even better.

Question becomes like all the high defense Killer weapon types do you go Bonfire to kill more units on an encounter or Ignis to have it charged and ready to go for the next attack?


A-Tiki continues to be awesome on these PvE challenges. Beat Turn Limit 5 by repositioning her over the mountain onto a defensive tile, and she almost took care of everything by herself.
Wow. What a complete waste of resources. I leveled up another 4* Zephiel for nothing. At least Hinoka has Lancebreaker 2 now even though she didn't even need it.

I used Cherche (Brave Axe, Drag Back), Hinoka (Reposition, Hone Fliers), Sanaki (Axebreaker kills Arthur and the Armor, Glacies to weaken the blue infantry), and Olivia.

Turn 1:
Atk+ Cherche with Hone Fliers gets repositioned then blows Faye up.
Sanaki murders Arthur and then gets danced to the left side of Olivia outside the danger zone.

Gaius tries his best to hurt Cherche. And the armor pivots into Sanaki's kill zone.

Turn 2:
Sanaki murders the armor and now has Glacies up. Cherche smacks Gaius. If I had a special on her, it might have killed him. Dance Cherche to smack Gaius again to pop his Miracle.

Gaius really wants to stay on the defense tiles and smacks Cherche again instead of Olivia or Snacks.

Turn 3:
Gaius finally dies to Cherche. Hinoka and Sanaki sit right outside the danger zone. Olivia sits next to them for buffs next turn.

Turn 4:
Snacks hits the blue infantry with Glacies. Hinoka moves one space, gets danced, and finishes it off.

Red mage decides to move onto the defense tile to hit Hinoka.

Turn 5:
Hinoka finishes off the red mage. Done


Neo Member
Thanks to the magic of auto-battle, it looks like I should be able to stay in the top 5000 for Tempest Trials. This is the first time I've gone past the cutoff for the Sacred Seal so it'll be nice to get some extra feathers.

What's the verdict so far on valture? I'm still leveling him up. Likely, my flier team won't be ready for next week's arena. I'm deciding how good he is in different team setup. So far, he's no Xander, but pretty powerful.

He seems pretty solid, I'd definitely use him if I didn't already have Hinoka or Cordelia competing for a lance spot. Panic Ploy and his high defense will probably see me switching him in for Summer Corrin in some niche scenarios.


Finally, deathless run in AA with 4802. Definite highlight was beating a tier 20 team with +5 to +10 5* units at 696 point, the highest I've fought. I think I've fought Hector in all but one match. People should realize Hector can be easily countered by numerous red swords. I've got 6 of them, so I guess I need another one to have all 7 matches covered, haha.

I don't feel like playing any more today. With 142k score in TT, I'll call it a day early. It'll feel weird tomorrow not having to play 3 TT matches.


Just returned from a week-long business trip, during which Heroes playtime was only kept at the bare minimum. TT auto-battle is simply a godsend, without which I could never have reached 100k. Valter was tough, but not something my trusted Reinhardt + Olivia combo cannot manage. And after being through the hell that is lunatic CC 11&12, those turn-limited special maps are just the easiest 12 orbs to get.

Arena-wise, after bringing my Olivia to 5*+5 (it's not like my abysmal pulling luck has granted my anything worthy of promotion), it finally seems like I can reliably stay in T20 without cherry-picking high-score opponents now, which is great. AA on the other hand is at 4860 only though, which should still hold for top 5k for a few more weeks I suppose. The AA top 5k cutoff rose from about 4794 in the 1st week to about 4810 in the 2nd week, which is worrying. I hope IS change the tiering system from absolute rank based to percentile based, just like the regular arena. Otherwise I don't know how much longer I can hold on to top 5k.

Pulling luck is still abysmal as ever though ofc. Seeing how BS Guidance can be, I caved in to pulling in the SS banner, and what a terrible mistake that was. Pity rate is now at 4 + 4, with no Tanas or Amelias in sight, just more Oboros and Arthurs. There goes my hard-earned login, TT, arena, and special maps orbs. Thanks game.


This is insane, he even took weapons off the dancers so they won't counterattack.

Yep. I think this is the uploader's style/gimmick. The way he timed the specials and aligned the tough/blue enemies to take AOE damage before engaging is really incredible.

His channel has quite a few other Cain Solo Infernal GHB/BHB clears. Pretty fun to check out.


Managed to grind my way to 100k to get more orbs.

And still no Tana or Amelia...pity rate at 4% now too.

I've had worse.

Any banner that has Celica in it will not give me Celica.

The first Celica banner gave me Roy and Male Corrin.

The TT banner gave me Lucina and Karel.

It's so ridiculous how I can't even get Celica once.


I spent 300 orbs on Celica banner I (SoV), got no Celica, just a -ATK Lucina and a Neutral Matrh.
I spent 200 orbs on Celica banner II (Tempest), got no Celica, just a -SPD Delthea.
I spent 200 orbs on Heroes Fest, got no Ike or Julia, just a -DEF +RES Lukas.
I spent 90ish orbs on the SS banner, got neither 5*s nor useful fodders as of now.


I spent 300 orbs on Celica banner I (SoV), got no Celica, just a -ATK Lucina and a Neutral Matrh.
I spent 200 orbs on Celica banner II (Tempest), got no Celica, just a -SPD Delthea.
I spent 200 orbs on Heroes Fest, got no Ike or Julia, just a -DEF +RES Lukas.
I spent 90ish orbs on the SS banner, got neither 5*s nor useful fodders as of now.

i'm going to bookmark this post for whenever i want to buy orbs thanks
Did some math and figured why not, burned a few more stamina potions to get up to 80k. I was watching TV anyway so it didn't take any effort.

Cecilia hit max HM. I feel like she deserves to be 5 starred. Feels like a waste though since she's at 40+2.
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