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First direct feed screenshots of Dragon Quest 7 3DS


I really hope you can control the level of zoom. The point of view in this screenshot would be much better for gameplay purposes and not making me feel like I need to vomit.

In the original you could press a button (Square maybe?) to zoom the camera out momentarily, I'd imagine that's what we're seeing in the zoomed out shot, that, or an overview of the town upon entry.
Also, if anybody is interested, there's shots without the crappy JPG compression artifacts here: http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20121115_571151.html?ref=rss
Thanks. Yeah, these definitely look crisper and honestly, I really like the graphical style. The models are quite true to the art even if they're not celshaded. Plus like the DS remakes, this will look much better in motion, I'm sure.

what are the odds of this coming over? greater than DQX?
Well I'm still waiting for Terry's Wonderland 3D and Rocket Slime 3 to be localised :\


Looks really good. This is what should be expected from a full remake of a major DQ game on the 3DS. If it were anything less, it would probably sell sell millions because lolDQlol, but then I would be sad. DQ7 is the best, so I'm glad they didn't drop the ball here.

I like these screens:





Gold Member


I was chatting with a friend and I came to a realization. None of the dungeon shots shown have visible enemies. I wonder if they're only visible on the field?


Looks good to me. There's some heavy aliasing going on in some of the screens which will be far less apparent on the actual 3DS display.


Looks like I'll finally give DQ7 a second playthrough, assuming it comes out over here. I still haven't forgiven Enix for cancelling the western release of DQ4 so I never assume.


The screenshots with the camera far away make the game look closer to DQIX on the ds while the close up shots look great. Maybe its just hard for the quality of the graphics to come across with the camera high up but I hope its just a perception thing.


I was chatting with a friend and I came to a realization. None of the dungeon shots shown have visible enemies. I wonder if they're only visible on the field?

Well, the way I see it, there's no point having visible encounters unless you can actually avoid them. Otherwise it's just stupid. In the wide open fields, it looks like you can actually avoid visible enemy symbols. The way DQ7 is designed though, the dungeons are mostly narrow paths and mazes which would mean it is impossible to avoid enemy encounters even if they're visible. DQ9 was kinda like that too, and the system really sucked. So leaving random encounters in dungeons would be a great idea.


Well, the way I see it, there's no point having visible encounters unless you can actually avoid them. Otherwise it's just stupid. In the wide open fields, it looks like you can actually avoid visible enemy symbols. The way DQ7 is designed though, the dungeons are mostly narrow paths and mazes which would mean it is impossible to avoid enemy encounters even if they're visible. DQ9 was kinda like that too, and the system really sucked. So leaving random encounters in dungeons would be a great idea.
Yes, and they don't seem to have actually redesigned the dungeons at all, which is a strange thing I think I commented on in a different thread. I expected them to make them bigger or something at least.


To make matters worse, the falcon sword comes from preordering at SE's own estore. It's by far the best one.
Yes, and they don't seem to have actually redesigned the dungeons at all, which is a strange thing I think I commented on in a different thread. I expected them to make them bigger or something at least.

It does look a little silly when the "walls" preventing you from climbing over the maze are about shoulder height. On the other hand, backtracking in DQ7 can be tedious enough without travel time significantly expanding to accommodate plausible 3D scales.

I'm not sure how I feel about this remake. I'm not opposed to graphical changes, but I am really disliking how zoomed in a lot of the screenshots are. I can't play games that are too zoomed in or have a narrow FOV because they can make me feel uncomfortable or ill.

The original game is much further zoomed out and gives you much more visual information about your surroundings.

I really hope you can control the level of zoom.

I think this is a valid concern. DQ7 demands--and rewards--a lot of systematic exploration from the player (talking to every NPC, opening every dresser), which is much easier with a zoomed out camera that lets you orient yourself in the town. The constant presence of the map on the lower screen should help, but I can see where a close camera angle could be annoying.

fart town usa

Gold Member
I find it funny how people are torn over the graphics.

As good as DQ8 looks, I never really got excited for the graphics in any of the games.

DQ is all about the journey.
I gotta be truthful here. That's one ugly game. I'm sure it'll be good and play well but, damn is it not easy on the eyes.

Heard that before Dragon Warrior 7 came out. Didnt care then, dont care now about how it looks. 100 hours in the bank sucker
Looks great! I'm not sure why people are making comparisons to VIII, but whatevs!

Damn Aeana, your Xenoblade clear time hurts me deep. Took me 57ish hours to clear without touching side quests. Gah. Hahaha.
I don't get it, so are you guys saying that in the original PS1 version the game had NON randomized dungeons then? And now they want to make them randomized like in DQ9? Why would they do that? Isn't that reserved for games that might not be extremely long in the first place to give players an incentive for replaying afterwards since "things will look different" or something?



I don't get it, so are you guys saying that in the original PS1 version the game had NON randomized dungeons then? And now they want to make them randomized like in DQ9? Why would they do that? Isn't that reserved for games that might not be extremely long in the first place to give players an incentive for replaying afterwards since "things will look different" or something?


The random dungeons are from the added streetpass connectivity. http://www.polygon.com/2012/11/14/3...es-network-support-user-shared-dungeons-maybe

A few screenshots in this preview, however, divulge a bit more about the new game's StreetPass support. Series fans might remember Dragon Quest 9 on the regular DS, where you could earn randomly-generated treasure maps in-game that led to treasure and boss-laden grottoes and could be shared with friends. The "special tablets" in DQ7 appear to offer much the same functionality. In addition the the regular tablets you find and piece together as part of the game's main plot, you also find special tablets that can whisk you away to new places and treasure, assuming you find where these spots are located. The tablets have names like "deep, isolated cave," "slime-laden forest" and "wide coast with good view," and presumably if the random-number generator is kind to you, they'll lead to killer loot and give you massive real-life popularity when you bust out StreetPass.


Not an asshole.
Yeah, I would play the crap out of this. SE has done us right with all the DQ in the states in recent years, so I hope this comes over.
Man, I really need to give the DQ games another chance. I bought VIII day one, but got fed up with it 30 hours in. I really wanted to like it. Years later I bought IV on DS, but I stopped playing that one early on for some reason. I think the weird way the villagers spoke got to me. I still want to get V and VI eventually, for whatever reason.

The series is an anomaly to me. I should like it, but it just hasn't clicked.
Man, I really need to give the DQ games another chance. I bought VIII day one, but got fed up with it 30 hours in. I really wanted to like it. Years later I bought IV on DS, but I stopped playing that one early on for some reason. I think the weird way the villagers spoke got to me. I still want to get V and VI eventually, for whatever reason.

The series is an anomaly to me. I should like it, but it just hasn't clicked.

Pretty much me. Tried IV, V, VI, VIII, and IX (which is the first one I've tried and only one I've managed to really enjoy).


Darn preorder bonuses. And as usual nothing too special for Amazon japan orders. Oh well I don't mind so much, I just want the game.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
so the character's costumes will change depending on the job they currently have? that'll be a nice touch if so.
I can't wait to play this. I rented it when I was younger but didn't have the patience for it at the time--now I'm quite a big fan of the DQs they've put out on DS, so this should be right up my alley.

Let's hope DQVIII gets ported to something handheld, as I can't imagine myself playing it anywhere else.


Definitely going to be all over this as soon as it's released (well, assuming it does hopefully get an English release. If not I'll import it eventually, but, if there is an English release, definitely getting on this Day 1).
I mean, I have the PS1 version already (along with all of the other main-series Dragon Warrior/Quest games that have gotten English releases), but, this would be great to have on the go as well.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Looks great! I'm not sure why people are making comparisons to VIII, but whatevs!

Damn Aeana, your Xenoblade clear time hurts me deep. Took me 57ish hours to clear without touching side quests. Gah. Hahaha.

For myself, Xenoblade is the only videogame that took me longer to beat than DQ7.
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