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First Gears of War 4 Beta Gameplay


Looks like Gears 3 which was the best mechanically but I'm just not all that hyped about going back to.

I would have gone with 30 FPS too. Gears is not a twitch shooter. It's spectacle as a graphical showcase has always been a big draw and the games played perfectly well at 30 fps competitively.

Campaign will be at 30fps


Looks ok for an early build of the game. not sure what people expected at this point. It's obvious none of the shadows or higher resolution assets have been implemented yet. Super excited to see more.

I hate Gears MP though. Shoot, roll, shoot roll. Ugh. Gears of War has always been a solid SP experience to me.


my hard graphic balls
Just woke up, the link in the OP was made private, and went to page 7 looking for a new link, now glad I skipped the 6 pages based on comments.
Can't wait for the beta!


Man, people really love to negatively judge things as a whole by pictures or small clips here, lol. I can't negatively judge it by the little bits of footage I've seen so far, but I do love the idea of being able to toss bodies at enemies, that's hysterical. Honestly the closer this is getting the more excited I am about it, and that's awesome since I used to really love the Gears series. Well, and I haven't played anything on my XB1 in what feels like forever.

Judgement was THAT bad wasn't it? The stuff that I'm already seeing from this is looking more promising than that at least.
The video makes me want to have a 1080p/60FPS remaster of Gears of War 3 for X1 and PC. Looking forward to Gears 4 though.

Looks ok for an early build of the game. not sure what people expected at this point. It's obvious none of the shadows or higher resolution assets have been implemented yet. Super excited to see more.

I hate Gears MP though. Shoot, roll, shoot roll. Ugh. Gears of War has always been a solid SP experience to me.

I've never been a fan of the multiplayer either, so I share these thoughts.


It doesn't matter if it's the 5th game in the series if there is nothing quite like it out in the market, which is true for Gears as no game plays like it with what it's movement system and power weapon gameplay in third person.

Which is why it's not necessary to "innovate" especially when we are talking about the first game for the new console generation (hence the argument of why not just go play the old game doesn't work here). And no UE doesn't really count since it plays very different to Gears 2/3 which is what Gears 4 is aiming to be like.

New for the sake of attracting people who would move on to the next hot shit in a month is worthless, especially if it alienates the people who want to dedicate their time to the game. As seen with Halo 4 and Gears Judgement. Tons of new people liked "the change" but not enough of them stayed to become the core audience. A smaller more dedicated fanbase is better than a temporarily larger base that alienates the core fanbase.


As I said, I'm not worried about graphics. Many things there looked like placeholder, the video quality didn't help, and in 60fps it will look much different. The final build will for sure look good enough.

My issue is with the gameplay though. By watching it I could say it was Gears 1 Ultimate Edition if I didn't read it was Gears 4. The gameplay looks too much the same... I was expecting something a bit more fluid or inventive.

Not necessarily a bad thing though, cause Gears UE MP is pretty good. But I expected something newer in that regard.
Where's the innovation?
The Disappointing Gears of War 4 Press Release
"We just thought the idea of a new cast, new enemy, and new setting, all of it together, was going to be too much new...At the end of the day, we decided 'well why don't we just advance time and allow ourselves to create a new cast through creating the next generation of heroes by having JD Phoenix being Marcus' son and sort of taking it up 25 years later'."



The Disappointing Gears of War 4 Press Release
"We just thought the idea of a new cast, new enemy, and new setting, all of it together, was going to be too much new...At the end of the day, we decided 'well why don't we just advance time and allow ourselves to create a new cast through creating the next generation of heroes by having JD Phoenix being Marcus' son and sort of taking it up 25 years later'."


What is wrong with that?
There is some innovation with the weather system and how it all works. But how much innovation can you have a third person shooter nowadays and still keep the core also the same?


I'm not worried so much about the graphics. It's still early, and I always expect the visuals to take a hit in multiplayer (Uncharted 4's MP beta wasn't a huge looker either). I'm more worried that it looked so incredibly bland.

What is wrong with that?
There is some innovation with the weather system and how it all works. But how much innovation can you have a third person shooter nowadays and still keep the core also the same?

This whole weather thing has become a punchline. It's not an innovation, it's a flashy buzzword for set pieces. The kind of thing that might be cool to look at, but then you realize it's just a nothing feature (a lot like levolution in Battlefield 4)
The Disappointing Gears of War 4 Press Release
"We just thought the idea of a new cast, new enemy, and new setting, all of it together, was going to be too much new...At the end of the day, we decided 'well why don't we just advance time and allow ourselves to create a new cast through creating the next generation of heroes by having JD Phoenix being Marcus' son and sort of taking it up 25 years later'."


I haven't read the article, but that sounds like they're making the right decision (though, perhaps for the wrong reasons).

I'd be shocked if they hadn't reflected hugely on the missteps of Halo 4 and Judgement, and decided that they need to be conservative with the formula, but fresh with the furnishings.


Overcrowding is exactly why true Halo would sell well now. It's unique. No sprint, ads, thrust pack, etc. halo used to be different now it just follows the pack. Halo if continued the same way from Halo 3 could have been the CounterStrike on Xbox. Extremely popular and virtually no competition because no other game plays like it. Halo 4 I know for sure sold the best at launch out of every Halo but completely dropped off after a couple weeks because everyone just left to other games.

Also this won't do anything for gears. Early alpha footage being release won't have anything to do with the masses. This will blow over in a week when the actual beta comes out.

Lol no. Halo 5 plays nothing like the other FPS' on the console market.

TTK, weapons balancing, Arena setup, is all true to Halo. The new mobility mechanics are even balanced in Halo-esque fashion. The reason H5 doesn't sell as well as previous titles is multifaceted. H4 burned a lot of people, MCC burned a lot of people, the H5 campaing sucked, and there is no split screen, and the game lacked (and still lacks) some classic game modes. The mechanics are actuall one of the things people generally are actually enjoying in H5. If H5 played like H3, people would just say it feels dated..

But back to Gears 4. We haven't seen enough of it to really guage whether or not it's shares too many or not enough similarities with Gears 3. I do appreciate that the Gears backbone is still intact. But I do how there are some elements added to keep the experience fresh. Epic always added to elements into the sequels, w/o changing the franchise identity


I'm not worried so much about the graphics. It's still early, and I always expect the visuals to take a hit in multiplayer (Uncharted 4's MP beta wasn't a huge looker either). I'm more worried that it looked so incredibly bland.

This whole weather thing has become a punchline. It's not an innovation, it's a flashy buzzword for set pieces. The kind of thing that might be cool to look at, but then you realize it's just a nothing feature (a lot like levolution in Battlefield 4)

So what innovation should they do then?


60 fps is a must. This one looks better also.
And its a real beta. Halo 5 was also 720p in the beta.


HL2/Garry's Mod has made a come back!


my hard graphic balls
HL2/Garry's Mod has made a come back!

Wow that looks bad, the lack of shadows makes it feel like an original xbox title.

The market was flooded with so many "betas", which were actual demos, and now when people are shown a real beta they complain about graphics because they no longer understand what beta actually means.
"I want innovation!"
"What do you want?"
"I dont know!"

They innovated with Halo 5 and people complained that it doesn't feel like Halo anymore. Now people are complaining that it feels like old Gears too much...
What is wrong with that?
There is some innovation with the weather system and how it all works. But how much innovation can you have a third person shooter nowadays and still keep the core also the same?

It's not that it's wrong, it's just that "too much new" makes me laugh like that famous 1up Ryan Gears of War 2 meme.


Also we just had Quantum Break, so there's interesting things still to be done with thirdperson shooters.


"I want innovation!"
"What do you want?"
"I dont know!"


Again, not for me to decide, and a bullshit argument.

"I want better level design!"
"Well, how would you design the level then, smart guy?"
"Mmm...that's not really how criticism works"

They innovated with Halo 5 and people complained that it doesn't feel like Halo anymore. Now people are complaining that it feels like old Gears too much...
You're inferring that those "people" are one and the same. I got no beef with Halo 5 (aside from the shitty campaign)


The market was flooded with so many "betas", which were actual demos, and now when people are shown a real beta they complain about graphics because they no longer understand what beta actually means.

They innovated with Halo 5 and people complained that it doesn't feel like Halo anymore. Now people are complaining that it feels like old Gears too much...

This feels more like an alpha, hopefully the beta they are doing this summer shows a more impressive build.


my hard graphic balls
You're inferring that those "people" are one and the same. I got no beef with Halo 5 (aside from the shitty campaign)
Not really, I think you're assuming that.
What I was implying is that it's a waste of time for Theorry to engage in that discussion (unless of course you guys have some background).

This feels more like an alpha, hopefully the beta they are doing this summer shows a more impressive build.

Well, in theory, the public would run a few builds older than the most present that's available internally, but we'll see.


Again, not for me to decide, and a bullshit argument.

"I want better level design!"
"Well, how would you design the level then, smart guy?"
"Mmm...that's not really how criticism works"

You're inferring that those "people" are one and the same. I got no beef with Halo 5 (aside from the shitty campaign)

Or you do the middle step and just say what you didnt like about the level design without going technical right away.


60fps was always gonna take a hit on graphics on xbox one but I have no doubt the campaign will look really good graphically

Zeta Oni

Again, not for me to decide, and a bullshit argument.

"I want better level design!"
"Well, how would you design the level then, smart guy?"
"Mmm...that's not really how criticism works"

Except in your example, better level design is a positive for everybody, so there is no reason to argue against it, nor is there anything that needs to be explained.

In the other example, your basically asking for change for changes sake. No idea what you actually want changed, but something apparently has to be different, for....reasons?
Took a look at the video...I mean it's clear that you are looking at a clearly unfinished game. So many things are missing from that video, it doesn't even look like a beta build...people just need to calm down.


Or you do the middle step and just say what you didnt like about the level design without going technical right away.

Okay. I don't like that the one innovation their touting (and correct me if I'm wrong, but it does seem to be the only one) sounds a lot like a flashy name for a dynamic cover system.

Except in your example, better level design is a positive for everybody, so there is no reason to argue against it, nor is there anything that needs to be explained.

In the other example, your basically asking for change for changes sake. No idea what you actually want changed, but something apparently has to be different, for....reasons?

Well look at Halo 5, that's about as good an example as you'll find of a series that innovated as much as possible while still retaining the core of the series. The gameplay straight up didn't feel like traditional Halo. The multiplayer was overhauled in a number of different ways, new to both the series as console FPS in general.

Going from that, to this, which seems incredibly iterative, just seems a bit disappointing to me. Especially since it's been so long, and it's coming form a new developer who are looking to make their mark.


Junior Member
Bless you :)

I thought that looked awsome and it was everything I wanted it to be. It looked like it ran smooth as hell and that's incredible after coming from the jankyness of gears UE (which I still loved and stayed true to gears 1).

You know some days I really hate how bias gaf is towards Sony. On any Xbox thread you always get people saying this looks boring, omg the graphics suck, omg it's not locked 60FPS pshh Xbox one sucks.

Like come on Poeople this is a actually beta for got sake. This game doesn't come out for another 6 months. The graphics look fine to wasn't expecting to be blown away and am glad they decided to go with locked 60FPS. But we really need to stop this Xbox hate guys it's a fucking console lets just be gamers we all love games here


The market was flooded with so many "betas", which were actual demos, and now when people are shown a real beta they complain about graphics because they no longer understand what beta actually means.

They innovated with Halo 5 and people complained that it doesn't feel like Halo anymore. Now people are complaining that it feels like old Gears too much...

Nope. I've only seen this clip and I liked it. My comment was about the gun (gravity/physics gun in HL2/Garry's Mod).
Caution! Annoying Spanish Commentary in the Video^^[/QUOTE]

Hey, as a Spanish speaking person, I thought the commentary was actually funny.

"Solo tengo una maldita Bala"


"I want innovation!"
"What do you want?"
"I dont know!"


Something exciting or new perhaps. Because by and large, this looks to be the same game, if I may extrapolate a bit from the shown footage.

And it's honestly not the audience that needs to figure out what needs to happen with a game. That's a task entrusted solely to the developer. I'd like to think that the Coalition is filled with some very ambitious people with great ideas to bring forth. So it's rather baffling to see them showing off something so conservative and safe.


Hopefully the beta looks better but lol at the comparison to og Xbox game tho.

Also lol @ how fast this thread got to 8 pages compared to the other gears threads 👀

Just saying
Bless you :)

I thought that looked awsome and it was everything I wanted it to be. It looked like it ran smooth as hell and that's incredible after coming from the jankyness of gears UE (which I still loved and stayed true to gears 1).

You know some days I really hate how bias gaf is towards Sony. On any Xbox thread you always get people saying this looks boring, omg the graphics suck, omg it's not locked 60FPS pshh Xbox one sucks.

Like come on Poeople this is a actually beta for got sake. This game doesn't come out for another 6 months. The graphics look fine to wasn't expecting to be blown away and am glad they decided to go with locked 60FPS. But we really need to stop this Xbox hate guys it's a fucking console lets just be gamers we all love games here

There's a catch though...it's clear indication we are looking at something pre-beta. No shadows, barely any lighting, unfinished/missing textures, place holders, etc, etc. It's going to look better.

should the thread title be updated to Alpha gameplay?

I think so.

I really wouldn't be surprised if what we see in the beta build we get to play will further be refined and improved upon the release client.
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