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Forget about physics - the official Dissidia Final Fantasy thread


Is 'Force your Way' in the game? My favorite song in VIII and one of my faves across all FF games..
I've seen YouTube Videos with the song, but they refer to it as "music hacks"... :/


Since everyone is doing their Dissidia II wish list, I figured it might be fun to give it a shot.


FFI: What else is there? The only other option they have is another WoL, and that's pretty much undefined, anyway. Wild card.
FFII: Haven't played this one.
FFIII: Well, seeing as how Onion Knight isn't even really a character in FF3, I'd sort of like to see Luneth put in his stead, and then maybe throw in Ingus or one of those characters that joins up with your party over the course of the game.
I know Onion Knight has a Luneth skin, but it's not the same thing, you know?
FFIV: I'd say Kain is the most likely bet, here, though I'd like to see Rydia.
FFV: Haven't played.
FFVI: Too many favorites, but if I had to pick, I'd go with Locke, Celes, Shadow, and Sabin (he never gets any love).
FFVII: Tifa, Vincent (He's probably the most likely, given DoC), Zack (Could also see this happening very easily)
FFVIII: I hate to be a downer, but I didn't really connect with many of the characters here, outside of maybe Laguna. So, I'd say Laguna and Irvine.
FFXI: Vivi, and maybe Garnet, just to get some female representation.
FFX: Auron, Lulu, Wakka, Yuna
FFXI: Only played this to around level 30, but I think Aldo wouldn't be a bad choice, here. Just get a representative from each race, that'd be fine.
FFXII: Ashe, Basch, Balthier (and Vaan too, I guess)
FFXIII: Lightning and Snow are probably shoe-ins.
Versus/Agito: Noctis and Stella, as well as whoever the Agito heroes are.


FFI: Hell if I know.
FFII: Didn't play.
FFIII: Xande is really the only option, here, unless they were going to mine the lesser bosses.
FFIV: Zemus/Zeromus
FFV: Haven't played
FFVI: Gesthal?
FFVII: Probably some of the Turks, given their popularity. Genesis, Angeal(?), and maybe even Jenova.
FFVIII: Seifer
FFIX: Garland
FFX: Seymour is the obvious choice, not sure who else there is. Maybe Shuyin? I seem him as more of a Tidus palette swap.
FFXI: Can't remember any of the villains, unfortunately.
FFXII: Vayne needs to be in here, One of the other Judges, Cid
FFXIII: FFXIII villains, idk.
Versus/Agito: Villains.

That should about do it, for me.
BlueWord said:
Since everyone is doing their Dissidia II wish list, I figured it might be fun to give it a shot.


FFI: What else is there? The only other option they have is another WoL, and that's pretty much undefined, anyway. Wild card.
FFII: Haven't played this one.
FFIII: Well, seeing as how Onion Knight isn't even really a character in FF3, I'd sort of like to see Luneth put in his stead, and then maybe throw in Ingus or one of those characters that joins up with your party over the course of the game.
I know Onion Knight has a Luneth skin, but it's not the same thing, you know?
FFIV: I'd say Kain is the most likely bet, here, though I'd like to see Rydia.
FFV: Haven't played.
FFVI: Too many favorites, but if I had to pick, I'd go with Locke, Celes, Shadow, and Sabin (he never gets any love).
FFVII: Tifa, Vincent (He's probably the most likely, given DoC), Zack (Could also see this happening very easily)
FFVIII: I hate to be a downer, but I didn't really connect with many of the characters here, outside of maybe Laguna. So, I'd say Laguna and Irvine.
FFXI: Vivi, and maybe Garnet, just to get some female representation.
FFX: Auron, Lulu, Wakka, Yuna
FFXI: Only played this to around level 30, but I think Aldo wouldn't be a bad choice, here. Just get a representative from each race, that'd be fine.
FFXII: Ashe, Basch, Balthier (and Vaan too, I guess)
FFXIII Lightning and Snow are probably shoe-ins.
Versus/Agito Noctis and Stella, as well as whoever the Agito heroes are.


FFI: Hell if I know.
FFII: Didn't play.
FFIII: Xande is really the only option, here, unless they were going to mine the lesser bosses.
FFIV: Zemus/Zeromus
FFV: Haven't played
FFVI: Gesthal?
FFVII: Probably some of the Turks, given their popularity. Genesis, Angeal(?), and maybe even Jenova.
FFVIII: Seifer
FFIX: Garland
FFX: Seymour is the obvious choice, not sure who else there is. Maybe Shuyin? I seem him as more of a Tidus palette swap.
FFXI: Can't remember any of the villains, unfortunately.
FFXII: Vayne needs to be in here, One of the other Judges, Cid
FFXIII FFXIII villains, idk.
Versus/Agito Villains.

That should about do it, for me.

TheChillyAcademic said:

FFI: One of the other WOL, maybe a female.
FFII: This one is a bit tough since the other characters were all meh. Maria, Leon, Mindu.
FFIII: Hmmmm. Ingus maybe?
FFIV: Edge, Kain, Rydia, Polom and Porom (maybe controlled at the same time?) and Tellah.
FFV: Galuf, Faris, Xezat.
FFVI: Celes, Locke, Shadow, Mog.
FFVII: Tifa, Cait Sith, Aerith.
FFVIII: Rhinoa, Quistis, Zell, Laguna.
FFXI: Beatrix, Vivi, Dagger.
FFX: Lulu, Wakka, Riku, Auron.
FFXI: ???
FFXII: Balthier, Basch, Fran.


The antagonists are a bit tougher since there only tends to be one major villain in each game, any others added would be mostly "minor".

FFI: Maybe one of the Four Fiends?
FFII: The Light Emperor, Emperor (Demonic), Dark Knight
FFIII: Xande
FFIV: Zemus, Zeromus.
FFVI: Gesthal, Ultros
FFVII: Rufus, Hojo, Genesis, Jenova.
FFVIII: Edea, Adel.
FFIX: Garland, Necron.
FFX:Sin, Seymour.
FFXI: ???
FFXII: Vayne, Cid, Other Judges.


Dissidia II - Can't wait!!!

Eh, I'm not a fan of including FFXIII characters in the game, partly due to the fact that they don't have the same staunch nostalgia most of the other characters have.

MAtgS said:
Oh, & story mode needs actual monsters to battle, not the fighting polygon team.

THIS X 912873725310823


TheChillyAcademic said:
Eh, I'm not a fan of including FFXIII characters in the game, partly due to the fact that they don't have the same staunch nostalgia most of the other characters have.

On the other hand, I'm almost willing to bet that, if a sequel comes out, it'll be soon after the launch of the other FNC games. It'd be a great way to capitalize on the new characters.

I see where you're coming from, though. Maybe just as secret characters?


Regulus Tera said:
If Versus and Agito characters are in Dissidia II I demand some Tactics and Crystal Chronicles fodder.

How could I forget this? Playing as Ramza/Delita would be glorious.

FFCC... well, I guess we have the characters from the upcoming Crystal Bearers game. That might be cool. :D
BlueWord said:
On the other hand, I'm almost willing to bet that, if a sequel comes out, it'll be soon after the launch of the other FNC games. It'd be a great way to capitalize on the new characters.

I see where you're coming from, though. Maybe just as secret characters?

Yeah, would like to see FXII get characters that have their own Destiny's. I do like the idea of the FFXIII crew being secret characters though. I agree with Regulaus though, Tactics characters need some major love.

Oh and FUCK FFCC -.-


How about create-a-hero? Say Cosmos is creating a new world & with it a brand new champion. The player gets to design the appearance & moveset of said hero.
TheChillyAcademic said:
Yeah, would like to see FXII get characters that have their own Destiny's. I do like the idea of the FFXIII crew being secret characters though. I agree with Regulaus though, Tactics characters need some major love.

Oh and FUCK FFCC -.-

You need more Layle in your life. :|


Regulus Tera said:
Oh also we should get some Mystic Quest characters. They'd be rad.

You know whats odd? Gilgamesh not being in the game.

Teknoman said:
It is when you think about who they picked from FFXI.

1. XI's is a Secret Character.

2. Gilgy isn't a major villain or hero, he's comic freaking relief(albeit the most badass comic relief ever).

Plywood said:
Oh trust me that is absolute justice. Especially after the travesty of KH2.

I think it's one of the few moments when blaming Nomura for what went wrong actually makes sense.

I want my techs, puzzles, and platforming back KH team!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
fernoca said:
Is 'Force your Way' in the game? My favorite song in VIII and one of my faves across all FF games..
I've seen YouTube Videos with the song, but they refer to it as "music hacks"... :/


The FFVIII songs are
Don't Be Afraid, The Extreme, and The Man With the Machine Gun
. The latter two are the original versions.

BlueWord said:
FFIV: I'd say Kain is the most likely bet, here, though I'd like to see Rydia.

Kain was originally one of the five candidates for secret characters. Nomura says he will surely be in Dissidia II, if it ever gets made.


Regulus Tera said:
It was her or Prishe.

P.S. Fuck Prishe.

They could've picked Aldo...but if it had to be a woman, Ayame or Lion would've been nice. Or Salaheem from Salaheems Sentinel's merc co.


Regulus Tera said:

The FFVIII songs are
Don't Be Afraid, The Extreme, and The Man With the Machine Gun
. The latter two are the original versions.
:(..oh well..great game is great anyway. :p

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
TheChillyAcademic said:

Dissidia Ultimania (spoilers natch):

Dissidia Ultimania said:
Nomura: If we stick exactly to final bosses, we’d get characters such as FFX’s Yu Yevon. Characters who it would be difficult to give much personality to, or whose design doesn’t fit in with a fighting game. So I thought that it would be better to take characters with a rivalry, or with strong connections. Also, I personally really wanted to have Kain in the game. Originally we planned to have about 5 hidden characters, and even as that number started to shrink, Kain remained a candidate right to the end. When it was finally decided to cut him I said, “for FFIV’s Chaos character wouldn’t Kain and not Golbez be fine?” But we had to think of the balance with the other titles, and he was cut.


Nomura: Well, if we did a sequel I think Kain is definitely in (laughs). I’ve got a lot of interesting ideas, but as far as the situation goes actually going ahead with the project would be tricky… If there were enough demand for a Dissidia II, the situation might change, so I think I’d like to rethink it at that time.


This game is so impressive. I'm about half way through story mode. Messing around with the accessory combos is a blast. Had a few that saved me at the last sec. And Tidus is ridiculous. Haven't lost with him yet. Sadly no HA HA HA homage in his story, but the scream was a nice touch. I kid, I kid. Love Tidus. And Cloud in his AC gear? Smooooth.

This game reminds me how godly the battle themes for V, VI, and VII are, though I would have preferred Let the Battles Begin instead of Fight On. Lunar Subterranean is beautiful. The story...not so much. CHEEZEE, but for fighting/fan service who cares?? Not I!

I'm biting at the Dissidia II dream lineup bait, one each:
I: White Mage (crazy status effects, plus holy/ultima, or sneak in Yuna X-2 style)
II: Guy, lovable lunkhead
III: Ingus, I guess
IV: Kain, PLEASE don't let me down Nomura. I defend you!
V: Faris Arrr!
VI: Edgar (chainsaws!)
VII: Tifa, or Yuffie. No, Cid. Crap can't decide. Reno. Ok, Tifa.
VIII: Hm, well, I liked Laguna
IX: Amarant. Ha, no, Vivi!
X: Auron. This is YOUR story.
XI: don't play
XII: Basch, oh yes, Basch

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Wow, they did not lie about the difficulty in WoL's Destiny Odyssey. The AI jumped quite a notch from the first to the second chapter. I'm actually having to use Cures!

Or I suck as WoL. That's another possibility.
Regulus Tera said:
Wow, they did not lie about the difficulty in WoL's Destiny Odyssey. The AI jumped quite a notch from the first to the second chapter. I'm actually having to use Cures!

Or I suck as WoL. That's another possibility.

Well nor surprising really.
The OG is considered to be the main protagonists of Dissidia. I sort of assumed this with the import and the guide fault out said it in his character page.

I think my top 3 heroes are O.K, Tidus and.... I want to say Frion but man that straight arrow make it hard to level using HP attacks. Complete O.K's story so far up next....good old Zidane.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
This game is brutal!

Well, maybe because I still don't think I have any idea of what I'm doing, but I'm playing Warrior of Light and I can't come close to beating Ultimacia!

Is there a specific order to doing these chapcters? maybe I shouldn't have started with, you know, Odyssey I!

Is there a mode that I can level up my character outside of story mode? I killed all the baddies before her so I can't really grind up a few, I'm only level 4
John Harker said:
This game is brutal!

Well, maybe because I still don't think I have any idea of what I'm doing, but I'm playing Warrior of Light and I can't come close to beating Ultimacia!

Is there a specific order to doing these chapcters? maybe I shouldn't have started with, you know, Odyssey I!

Is there a mode that I can level up my character outside of story mode? I killed all the baddies before her so I can't really grind up a few, I'm only level 4

best to go by the difficulty stars of the journeys. If you don't want to do it that way then you have many options. Main one being is leveling up, to quote a moggle in the game when the going gets tough the tough gain levels, :lol . Build PP playing arcade and buy calendar and system stuff for EXP bonus and buy more CPU level cap. I have it at CPU level being 60 levels higher than me. Remember you gain EXP with HP attacks. So even if you lose over and over as along as you land an HP attack you gain exp and will level.

Specifically you can do the Exdeath leveling help thing. Buy him, raise his cap to the highest and you'll be leveling in no time. I got O.K to 30 and the others heroes post 10 so far.

Also you can make it your special day whenever you want> *hint, hint, wink wink*:D
The difficulty stars beneath each character chapter slipped past you then? :lol

Cloud is one of the easy starter characters as is Cecil I think.

Does Arcade mode ever end? I played like 25 battles and it didn't seem to be showing any sign of stopping? Great way of facing loads of opponents and getting treasure.

Really hating the maps that are 'rooms' with corners and bullshit. As soon as someone initiates a chase sequence you're fucked as you can't see shit. Dissidia 2 will need a much better selection of maps.

Tried Inward Chaos briefly and got my ass annhilated. I will return when I'm some overbearing Lvl 100 Super-Squall.

Urban Scholar said:
Also you can make it your special day whenever you want> *hint, hint, wink wink*:D

Game makes you wait another 6 days if you change the day. So it'll work when you first start, but not really after that.
SecretBonusPoint said:
The difficulty stars beneath each character chapter slipped past you then? :lol

Cloud is one of the easy starter characters as is Cecil I think.

Does Arcade mode ever end? I played like 25 battles and it didn't seem to be showing any sign of stopping? Great way of facing loads of opponents and getting treasure.

Really hating the maps that are 'rooms' with corners and bullshit. As soon as someone initiates a chase sequence you're fucked as you can't see shit. Dissidia 2 will need a much better selection of maps.

Tried Inward Chaos briefly and got my ass annhilated. I will return when I'm some overbearing Lvl 100 Super-Squall.

Game makes you wait another 6 days if you change the day. So it'll work when you first start, but not really after that.

I guess you unlocked a higher difficulty arcade level. With the jumps in difficulty you face more foes which means more PP for winning. Not bad if you ask me, I'm so glad they added it.

I meant on the PSP system, not really that. Manipulation its a fun thing :D

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
SecretBonusPoint said:
The difficulty stars beneath each character chapter slipped past you then? :lol

Well, I saw them but figured it couldn't be that much harder :D
I'll have to tinker around with it more, I suppose. Didn't realzie you could do anything like increase level caps or grind for PP outside of story mode. Is that specific to the character you're using or is there a set 'pool' you draw from and can spread out per character?
Also, can you start a story mode but then start a new one and keep that level progression, or once you pick it you're in it till you complete?
Not sure if you guys knew or if someone posted this. If you launch a HP attack and if its still attacking you can enter EX mode during it. Interesting!
Urban Scholar said:
Not sure if you guys knew or if someone posted this. If you launch a HP attack and if its still attacking you can enter EX mode during it. Interesting!

Plus you can break out of enemy attacks by activating EX-Mode.
Finished the overarching story mode first time yesterday. Annoying final boss, what with having to
kill him three times contiguously
and being the spam artist it is. Character used was Firion.

The unlocked Duel mode is excellent.
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