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Formula One: Championship Edition - PSM3 Review



Find F1 just too boring to watch? Don't worry - if this simulation is anything like authentic, then the people taking part aren't having any fun either. Perhaps that's why they all drive so fast - they're just desperate to get it over with. Whatever, this really very attractive game is hand-wringingly dull.

Here's why: the handling is terrible. In fact, it's so flawed there's simply never a time when it's fun, or even satisfying, to drive these cars. Despite being helpless fans of the real sport, even in its current state - we're being generous calling it a 'sport', for instance - playing Formula One Championship Edition quickly becomes a chore. And that's a shame.

It's particularly sad because the earlier editions in Studio Liverpool's long-running F1 series were fantastic, soundly destroying EA's good-looking but poor-handling efforts. Maybe it's karma, maybe feng shui, but for some reason we've come full circle. EA's mistake is now Sony's. Quite why is beyond us. And no, we don't subscribe to the idea that they're hard to drive because they're F1 cars. There are certain basic principles of physics no matter how much money you spend. Tyres slip if you put a lot of force through them, for instance, and steering should react in a linear, predictable way. Formula One gets both these things wrong.

Perhaps in a misguided attempt to replicated the hated traction control, the rear tyres are now glued to the road at all times. You actually have to put one in the dirt to induce a spin. What this basically means is that fantastic mountain of horsepower behind you is as tricky to deal with as the sighs of a dying asthmatic. There's simply no sense that these cars are unleashing 80 horsepower, let alone 800.

Not only is this deeply unexciting, it's not even realistic. In real life F1 cars still slide, and their drivers can still use their throttles to steer, but you can't do any of that here. You just press and go. What's more, very smooth drivers like Jenson Button avoid triggering the traction control and go faster for it - it would have been great to try the same thing. But you can't even hear it working. It's fake. You just press and go.

But even while the back end can be left totally to its own (electronic) devices, the front is all over the place. It's never predictable, and because the back won't slide however much you provoke it, there's little you can do but wait as it ploughs across the track, then panic as it suddenly lunges into the corner. What should have been a smooth arc becomes like the edge of a 50p piece.

Steer pressure
Naturally the fastest turns require the greatest precision, and here the game should deliver its greatest thrills... but no. That sluggish, unresponsive steering makes it hard to take even approximately the line you want. Subsequent corrections are a big soggy mess too, and the whole thing turns into a kind of giant burning pair of trousers pinwheeling through the universe in a silent Y of pain.

Actually, it's like the on-screen driver's taking foreign-language dictation rather than reading your mind. Yes, that's more apt.
We should mention the Career mode, where you work to impress better teams, or the regular Championship mode or the ability to scale right up to a full GP. Yes we should, just as we mentioned them when they appeared in Formula One 05. But if your dinner's so undercooked it's bleeding, it doesn't really matter how ornate the plate is, does it?

Overall The graphics of tomorrow, the content of last year and all the fun of the Dark Ages.

* Next-gen shininess
* Lovely replays
* Tedious handling
* Fatal levels of boredom



It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
They've pretty much pinpointed why I didn't have any fun with the F1 demo. Fantastic sense of speed and graphics, but the handling was just nonexistent. The game had no "feel" and damage was an all or nothing affair (you either hit him hard enough and then it's a yard sale, or you don't and simply bounce off -- in an open wheel car?).


ChrisAllenFiz said:
He is a very smooth driver, of that there is no question. What does that have to do with how many wins he has?

Its just funny how they choose him to mention oppose to the Spaniard and German who have dominated the sport.
"Perhaps in a misguided attempt to replicated the hated traction control, the rear tyres are now glued to the road at all times. You actually have to put one in the dirt to induce a spin. What this basically means is that fantastic mountain of horsepower behind you is as tricky to deal with as the sighs of a dying asthmatic. There's simply no sense that these cars are unleashing 80 horsepower, let alone 800."

GT Preview

Hmmm.... I played the demo, and I see this preview, and I definately see spinning on asphalt, and they definately say that the game is realistic in terms of handling, and I certainly felt it as well playing just the demo.

PSM3, GeoW ad, DMC4 on X360, lots of other BS lately.... makes you wonder....


Karma Kramer said:
well its just strange to have a .8...

Just seems like a weird score to give a game. Why not go by .5's?
What's stranger is that PSM3 usually score their games out of 100. This may have been adjusted when they got amalgamated into C&VG's site. I couldn't find the issue in the shops today to see whether they've changed their scoring system though.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I'm sorry but the damn demo itself gets a 7/10 for me and it's not even a complete game. Give me a full game just like the demo and it would get a 7.


mckmas8808 said:
I'm sorry but the damn demo itself gets a 7/10 for me and it's not even a complete game. Give me a full game just like the demo and it would get a 7.

Same here, if i didn't LOVE the demo these reviews would be scaring me off. Games getting kicked in the nuts pretty hard by the gaming media so far.
Ynos Yrros said:
PSM3, GeoW ad, DMC4 on X360, lots of other BS lately.... makes you wonder....

Not really, the only positive review of the game we have so far is threespeech. The other two say its a stinker. My guess, its a stinker
ChrisAllenFiz said:
Not really, the only positive review of the game we have so far is threespeech. The other two say its a stinker. My guess, its a stinker
Maybe you should watch that GT preview? Just read that review, it doesn't go into detail on ANYTHING. They didn't mention that you can turn traction control off, and it seems they didn't know it themselves, since they said that you can't spind the car.

GameTrailers is way more credible than PSM3, which lately has been acting pretty suspicious.


ChrisAllenFiz said:
Not really, the only positive review of the game we have so far is threespeech. The other two say its a stinker. My guess, its a stinker

The F1 thread here seemed pretty favorable from people who own the Japanese release.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
wow, that's so similar to the EDGE review. Not jus the score, but the points made in the article. Even their order of exposition is the same. hmm


TTP said:
wow, that's so similar to the EDGE review. Not jus the score, but the points made in the article. Even their order of exposition is the same. hmm
Maybe they hired the same disgruntled freelancer? Both are Future publications after all.


TTP said:
wow, that's so similar to the EDGE review. Not jus the score, but the points made in the article. Even their order of exposition is the same. hmm

Ya I noticed that too. I just don't see how they are able to publish stuff like this.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
TTP said:
wow, that's so similar to the EDGE review. Not jus the score, but the points made in the article. Even their order of exposition is the same. hmm

methinks something is foul

I have turned the aids off and had my wheels lose traction in the middle of a turn.

And to add to the conspiracy theory, shortly after Luke blogged about the Killzone story, CVG claimed sources they have were reporting Kilzone 2 was going to be at GDC.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
DenogginizerOS said:
methinks something is foul

I have turned the aids off and had my wheels lose traction in the middle of a turn.

I really dont get the hate this game is getting from some of the press. It's almost de-pressing (lolz).

All this talking about losing traction control on the real wheels in order to slide just goes over my head. I mean, it's like they expected this to control like Mario Kart or something. F1 cars DO STAY "glued" to the asphalt, they dont drift or whatever at corners.


:lol Buttons crap though :lol 100 races and he hadnt got anywhere in a decent car and finally got a win this year in Hungary thats it, one of worst records about in modern times as a driver for a good team. I remember him gobbing off to his pet boss Brundle (as they always have him on UK telly as the big hope) back in 2003 when he was replaced at Renault with Alonso and look where Alonso is now. I cant stick the bloke, he wont stick to contracts and trys to shaft a team whats helped him whenever he can, if Dave Richards had been in charge still he would have had more than one win but Button had to cause so much crap with his contract with BAR/Honda he got kicked (and then shafted Willliams when they wanted him back). Button is a terrible starter as well off the grid and is prone to making stupid mistakes behind the pace car and isnt smooth at all he falls of the track or drives so slow to get many points. Rubeno was out qualifying him loads of times in 2006 although his races where not as good.

Basically all Im saying is the reviewers know nowt on F1, its a great game, not all of us support Button in UK (Schummy enjoy your retirement!). Dunno what their whittering about with the traction control anyway thats got nothing to do with smooth driving, all cars use it and you can hear the engines popping like mad on corners as the engine cuts out with the TC, remember the tifosi going nuts about it when it got implemented as they said a Ferrari should never sound like that. Sounds to me though like the reviewer should have done his job and turned all the aids off if he wanted the cars to slide! Really is stupid to say its F1 and its boring, why bother reviewing it then, you might as well give a RPG to someone that hates em


PSM - UK has gone to shit, i used to buy and read their mags but they're always completely wrong about everything nowadays.

For example once they had a Lost planet video in one of their DVD's and proclaiming it's coming out on the PS3, heck they even blatantly passed off Xbox 360 footage of FNR3 as PS3 footage (and you can see the X and A buttons in the menu select.

It's shenanigans like that that pisses me of and makes me see them as credible as a TeamXbox website.


ChrisAllenFiz said:
Just to pour more water on the conspiracy theory, don`t forget 1UP also hates the game.

But carry on. most amusing

If I remember correctly, John and Garnett's complaints were the lack of rumble and that it was punishingly hard.
I love the demo too much to pass it up.

I saw there was an Okami review there that got a 7/10, so that tells you how much faith I have on the site.
ChrisAllenFiz said:
Just to pour more water on the conspiracy theory, don`t forget 1UP also hates the game.

But carry on. most amusing
Yup, 1up seals the deal. What with their amazing reviews and podcasts.

I already played the game, and I think most people who were interested in this game read impressions of people who actually bought it already in Japan, and then we have reliable site like GT saying that it feels as realistic as it looks, then we get IN-DEPTH threespeech review, and then we get Edge and PSM3 reviews, that concentrate on bashing, without even scratching the surface of this game. Who to believe? Myself, gaffers, GT, threespeech, or Edge and PSM3 that just so happen to be published by the same group....


Mana Knight said:
I love the demo too much to pass it up.

I saw there was an Okami review there that got a 7/10, so that tells you how much faith I have on the site.
PSM3 gave Okami 95%.
Ynos Yrros said:
Yup, 1up seals the deal. What with their amazing reviews and podcasts.

I already played the game, and I think most people who were interested in this game read impressions of people who actually bought it already in Japan, and then we have reliable site like GT saying that it feels as realistic as it looks, then we get IN-DEPTH threespeech review, and then we get Edge and PSM3 reviews, that concentrate on bashing, without even scratching the surface of this game. Who to believe? Myself, gaffers, GT, threespeech, or Edge and PSM3 that just so happen to be published by the same group....

I forgot, there is no point arguing with you. Sorry


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
At Bahrain, the first GP of the season, you learn what the drill is for a Grand Prix weekend. It starts off by fettling the car (dubbed Race Car Evolution by the game) in the two sessions (if required) of Friday practice. This setup session is pretty crucial, as it allows you to familiarise yourself with the circuit and also lets you improve the car quite dramatically. At first, you run with new tyres, worn tyres and different fuel loads – effectively to set a benchmark lap time (at any point of the process, if you drop all four wheels off the road, you will lose that lap). Then you are given the chance to see what effect tinkering around with aerodynamic downforce, suspension settings and toe-in/out have on lap times. The aerodynamic evolution of the car is particularly important.

from threespeech



Have a fun! Enjoy!
You know what, the moment you start F1CE you are playing the "F1 for dummies" edition of it. Every aid is set to the max and car setup is pre-setted with the casual gamer in mind. But try playing on Medium or Hard and u'll be handed 2 or 3 secs from the best time scorer no metter how good you drive. That's because u got to adjust the car setup, reduce downforce to get speed, pomp some more air in those wheels and basically make the car an almost untamable beast. You do this, you risk, but you get a chance to actually end up first of the grid and maybe win a race. You let everything as is, you get the "for dummies" version and wont score above the 10th place on Medium even if u manage to do 40 perfect laps in succession.

**** I'm making some more youtube videos.

Mr Mike

1 million Canadian dollars
Knowing the 'single reviewer writing multiple reviews of the same game for various publications' rule at the owners of PSM3 and Edge (didn't they famously let one person review a high-profile game six times or something?), it's highly likely the same person wrote both reviews. Pretty shoddy.


Have a fun! Enjoy!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Ynos Yrros said:
Yup, 1up seals the deal. What with their amazing reviews and podcasts.

I already played the game, and I think most people who were interested in this game read impressions of people who actually bought it already in Japan, and then we have reliable site like GT saying that it feels as realistic as it looks, then we get IN-DEPTH threespeech review, and then we get Edge and PSM3 reviews, that concentrate on bashing, without even scratching the surface of this game. Who to believe? Myself, gaffers, GT, threespeech, or Edge and PSM3 that just so happen to be published by the same group....

Lol. Dude it is OK for the PS3 to have bad games. Every console has 'em. We were all waiting for Motorstorm anyway, not this.


Give up with em as Motorstorm is a weak beta game at best with a poor arcade mode and thats about it and the sense of speed behind camera view is nearly as slow as Button qualifying :D

I really like to see the muppest with every aid off and penaltys on say its easy. The only complaint Ive got about it since I bought it was the wing mirrors on Ferrari are too far back so you cannot see them in cockpit view, thats the harshest I could be with it. I was expecting it to be a watered down arcade game coming from years of PC racing sims but it isnt, its closest we have come to a descent F1 sim on a console, but yet again we get stupid media reviewers saying F1 is boring, well if thats the case dont review it and give it to one of the millions what watch the sport then!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Dazzyman said:
Give up with em as Motorstorm is a weak beta game at best with a poor arcade mode and thats about it and the sense of speed behind camera view is nearly as slow as Button qualifying :D

I really like to see the muppest with every aid off and penaltys on say its easy.

Oh gawd. This thread is eating itself. I'm outta here. I am gonna go bag on Che for no modeled rims.
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