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Forza Motorsport 4 - The Floodgates Have Opened...

LeBoef said:
i was curios if i should get the new fanatec wheel and replace my GT2. fm4 had the "cheap" version. i didnt like it. the GT2 wheel is far better by quality standards. the rim is just plastic with some rubber like stuff at its side.

aaah, fm4 force feedback felt stronger too. driving over curbs was very different to fm3.

That's good to hear! I have the GT2 and will be getting the CSP's before the launch of Forza 4 and was wondering if I had made a mistake. The "nice" one is out of my budget for what I want to spend, the rumored $700 is just too much, even if it is the CS edition. My only regret would have been that the "cheap" version was better than the GT2.

I love the GT2, feels so great and I'm glad the FFB is better, I hope they add customization ala' GT5 for the wheels where you can actually select certain ones. It shouldn't be hard to put in, I mean ... there really aren't that many wheels out there for the 360.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Mascot said:
We do know. But the game will still be awesome.

i agree...

...and yet i'm still disapointed with the lack of tracks. it is NOT amazing at what has been accomplished in 2 years. many games have done far more. thats all.

still there day 1. still the best racer out there IMO. just disapointed in the (apparent) lack of new content.


Damn that track is really bumpy/random nice!

Also noticed the smoke populating nicely after the rewinded powerslide at another spot ahead during hard braking in a turn.


brotkasten said:
What I want to say: This game needs more tracks. Most of the included tracks are awful and boring and they just won't add enough tracks and it makes me mad, because I don't get it. It's not like they aim for accuracy when the build those tracks (Nordschleife, anyone?). I don't want to race on New York again, I don't want to see Sebring ever again, all those small shitty variations can burn in hell and Motegi can kiss my ass, but I know that I'll see them again and probably to the same extend, because there's nothing new. Rage. (

I don't think they should ever take tracks out, cause as much of a grind as forza career usually is, they should just keep adding tracks, never removing them.

I know is been mentioned by some of us multiple times already, 500+ cars is great, racing them on the same handful of tracks over and over, not so much.

If they cannot get the rights, then keep all the fictional tracks from past games too.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Slayer-33 said:
The council has spoken. T10, add more tracks.

Are we all in agreement?

*raises hand*

give facelifts to all the missing Forza 1 tracks and i'd be content. no planning, no design, no testing, just some artists working to update a look. hell, outsource it.
op_ivy said:
give facelifts to all the missing Forza 1 tracks and i'd be content. no planning, no design, no testing, just some artists working to update a look. hell, outsource it.
You have my (not X360 compatible) wheel!


That alps track is a perfect example of what they can do with fictional tracks.

It looks fun as hell to race in it so make some mode! :)

I always wanted a flexible track editor, can you imagine all the time you would spend on that?

T10 "borrow" the PGR 4 tracks lol.. Can they do that?



Woman: "I don't know where's the engine..."



op_ivy said:
give facelifts to all the missing Forza 1 tracks and i'd be content. no planning, no design, no testing, just some artists working to update a look. hell, outsource it.

Seriously, this!


It's too late to suggest anything at this point. The final track list is set in stone. Just prepare for Spa and Bathurst for DLC...
Akira said:
It's too late to suggest anything at this point. The final track list is set in stone. Just prepare for Spa and Bathurst for DLC...

Have I missed anything? Do we actually have a final track list now or is there still that one glimmer of hope left?
shinnn said:

Woman: "I don't know where's the engine..."


Anyone know if the 'race' model of these auto vista cars will bust apart more than the standard vehicles during accidents? As in, do the hoods and doors open if you bust it up enough?


brotkasten said:
It will be awesome enough to make me buy a new Xbox with a Gold subscription for a year, but I still feel a bit disappointed about the content of the game. More cars don't impress me, because that's the way this franchise goes and I expect nothing less from them and while I favor the inclusion of classics, it sucks that most of them are muscle cars (or at least it feels like that). Same goes for the lighting and other fixes. It's just what I expect from Turn 10, to fix those problems, because it would be awful if the permanent steering assist wasn't fixed or the lighting was still as bad as in the previous games. The other additions are neat, but again, nothing that blows my mind. Not that I expect them to blow my mind, because a 2 year dev cycle is not enough for that.

What I want to say: This game needs more tracks. Most of the included tracks are awful and boring and they just won't add enough tracks and it makes me mad, because I don't get it. It's not like they aim for accuracy when the build those tracks (Nordschleife, anyone?). I don't want to race on New York again, I don't want to see Sebring ever again, all those small shitty variations can burn in hell and Motegi can kiss my ass, but I know that I'll see them again and probably to the same extend, because there's nothing new. Rage.

Now that I'm done, I realize how horrible I must sound, like a spoiled brat, and you'll probably not believe it, but I'm genuinely looking forward to FM4. :lol Sorry for that and even though i act like I enjoy your reactions, I am disappointed about the lack of megatons. :(

Dude...I agree with you 100%. I could really care a rats ass for even more cars, we have enough cars. I want more tracks and more variety in the tracks. Looking at the list of included tracks, while not confirmed, it looks like it will be a bit boring and my enthusiasm for the game has gone down just a bit.

What I want is some of the original tracks like Blue Mountain, Tokyo, Rio etc. I do like that they added the Alps, but they need some more. For me, I have all 3 Forza games and playing some of those old tired tracks will seem a but old being that I am buying a new game.

Let's just hope that there are some unannounced tracks that we are not aware of. But I am not banking on it.

BTW...Any word on how they are handling Pit Stops? It has progressively gotten worse with each version of the game.


evil_as_skeletor said:
Anyone know if the 'race' model of these auto vista cars will bust apart more than the standard vehicles during accidents? As in, do the hoods and doors open if you bust it up enough?

Oh god, I hope not. You just don't see that happening.


Seanspeed said:
No point in wasting time and resources on updating existing tracks when they could be doing other things. This isn't GT where the devs get years and years and years to work on it.

Like spending a ton of time and resources on another fictional mountain track instead of other real world tracks?

I understand not updating RA, and I really wasn't expecting it, but the new Silverstone layout has been use for 2 racing seasons already. It's been in the MotoGP games for 2 years now, and in F1 and Shift 2. Yeah, I expected it in Forza. They've had time.

But no new tracks are needed, right, just more cars?

G Rom

Jamesways said:
Like spending a ton of time and resources on another fictional mountain track instead of other real world tracks?

I understand not updating RA, and I really wasn't expecting it, but the new Silverstone layout has been use for 2 racing seasons already. It's been in the MotoGP games for 2 years now, and in F1 and Shift 2. Yeah, I expected it in Forza. They've had time.

But no new tracks are needed, right, just more cars?
If there's one track I don't want them to update, it's Silverstone. Fuck the new layout. I'll take my bridge corner and my copse start over the new pit wing , thanks.

Disclaimer, crazy morning thought :
So there's been hints at old open wheels earlier in this thread, saladine suggested some old Lotus while I thought about even older cars. What if we went back too much in time ? Here's my crazy theory :
Turn 10 modeled Ayrton Senna's Suzuka lap in the NSX
TGS is supposed to be very good this year for Forza with SuperGT, drift and more, Honda, the engine supplier, is Japanese
We know that Microsoft has strong ties with McLaren due to their agreement in their simulator
Late 80's F1 cars could qualifie as old compared to modern ones
There's one chassis permanently on display at Woking so modeling wouldn't be a problem

I'm sure evryone already guessed that my crazy morning theory was about the legendary MP4/4 of the 1988 F1 season.

It goes without saying that no one should take this for some sort of confirmation or anything. :D


Lot's of talk about tracks (and the lack thereof) overnight. But Slayer nailed it:

Slayer-33 said:
I always wanted a flexible track editor, can you imagine all the time you would spend on that?

THIS would be the Dan-bomb to flatten our cities.

Imagine giving the Forza community - a proven gene pool of incredible talent and creativity - the tools to create original fantasy tracks and accurate recreations of existing real-world circuits?

Imagine if those tracks could be uploaded to the storefront and traded like tunes and liveries?

Imagine being able to pick from a dozen different lovingly-crafted fan recreations of Spa, Bathurst, or any other famous racing circuit from anywhere on the planet?

Imagine if Turn 10 left a back door ajar for their personal picks to be integrated into the career mode, or into multiplayer hoppers?

Remember the (Gamespot?) E3 video where Dan almost selected 'Storefront' by mistake, and said something like "Oh, Storefront... We don't want to show you that just yet".

Maybe, just maybe, a Forza-branded B-29 Superfortress is already circling above the clouds, it's cargo of Dan-bombs neatly stacked and awaiting sweet, sweet release.



op_ivy said:
i agree...

...and yet i'm still disapointed with the lack of tracks. it is NOT amazing at what has been accomplished in 2 years. many games have done far more. thats all.

far more? like what ? you're just seeing things in terms of tracks and while i can understand that, we don't even know the full track list yet. The game appears to have at least 7 new tracks with several variations each. Possibly, more variations for old tracks.
Not amazing (as far as new tracks are concerned, but the whole package IS an amazing improvement for a 2 years dev cycle) but enough.


Stop it guys! That's the kind of thinking that leaves you VERY disappointed when the game is finally released.

That would be amazing though but I don't think we'll see it happen.


derFeef said:
I really don't think there are any more megaton surprises. Why would they want to hold that back? It's out in two months.

because as you can see by the turn the thread took..you have to keep up with the megatons until release or people will forget their initial excitement :)


yepp. be realistic. fm4 news is "just": autovista, top gear, reverse engineered sun.

they arent holding up any new amazing game changing information. by saying "no comment" on this and that, it doesnt mean they ve implemented it or they re holding it up for any events. its more likely that they wont comment it, because people will start to rage again in their forums and other sites. keep those people away until the reviews are released and the majority of consumers will not be affected by raging hardcore fans.

thats how i'm seeing it.
eek5 said:
Stop it guys! That's the kind of thinking that leaves you VERY disappointed when the game is finally released.

That would be amazing though but I don't think we'll see it happen.

I think some of you just have crazy expectation and what can be done in given time and budgets. This game is coming after Forza 3 (which is huge improvement over 2) in two years span, add in new big track that look gorgeous and many of the fixes people were asking for.

They put in better lighting, 12 cars, improve cockpit views, brand new tires modeling and still keep 60 fps. They also put in head tracking for hardcore better three screen support, give the mass auto-vista and improve casual mode.

I am sure you guys notice that racing cars genre hasn't exatly been topping the chart in recent yeas. I am surprise that Microsoft still supporting Turn 10 as much as they are doing. (Not that I don't feel, they could do more, such as allowing export of video, photo a la Halo, exclusive design consoles etc.).


Jamesways said:
Like spending a ton of time and resources on another fictional mountain track instead of other real world tracks?

I understand not updating RA, and I really wasn't expecting it, but the new Silverstone layout has been use for 2 racing seasons already. It's been in the MotoGP games for 2 years now, and in F1 and Shift 2. Yeah, I expected it in Forza. They've had time.

But no new tracks are needed, right, just more cars?
Is that what I said?


And a fictional new track is still a new track. People seem to be bothered by the tedium of driving the same tracks, so I'd think that people would be happy with any new track, real-life or not.

Turn 10 may have had time to update to the new Silverstone layout, but it would have been at the expense of something else. Again - limited time and resources. You cant have it all, I'm afraid.

I love Forza, but it still lacks in many areas, and I dont think 'not updating to current layouts of tracks' is really one of the more important things to work on. You have your opinion, I know, but I'm very glad people like you aren't in charge of development.
My little chime back in again.

I’m amazed with the improvements they have made with Forza 4, don’t get me wrong. And I’m really pumped for Autovista and the ‘dynamic’ career, everything, except two things:

Driving around too many of the same locals again, 1 more, or even a previous local (sidewinder or whatever) into the career and I’d be happy. Even if they just added the full track to New York, I’d be happy, but god damn am I tired of driving round the shitty New York track in 3. If it’s the same in 4, then I don’t think I’ll bother driving that track at all.

Photomode: All previous complaints, mainly the shitty compression and available slots to upload.

Anyways, I'm keeping my hopes up a little for one more locale that we don't already know about.


Could anyone that's played the demo (preferably someone that owns a wheel) comment on the force feedback in F4. I'd love to know if there have been improvements on that front.


Seanspeed said:
Is that what I said?

I love Forza, but it still lacks in many areas, and I dont think 'not updating to current layouts of tracks' is really one of the more important things to work on. You have your opinion, I know, but I'm very glad people like you aren't in charge of development.

What T10 did 'wrong' (but you have to keep in mind they work under time and budget constraints) was not working on a solid base which would stay the same throughout the entire gen, so that only new content would be needed.
Unfortunately they can't take their time and release a single game when they're satisfied with it. Every other year they need some money to keep working on their games and they have to release what they have been working on so far.
And it has to be a full game, not a demo/beta.
As a result, no aspect of their game was finalized and ready to use for the next chapter; physics, graphics, the engine itself..a lot of resources have to be spent tweaking or rewriting those.

While OtherGame5 basically only needs more content at this point (they can't make the game much better in its structure or appearance, not this gen, that's why people agree a GT6 on ps3 is pointless) Forza always had things to fix.
But they are working towards that; T10 is making significant investments (450k poly models and dashboards for 500/600 cars is an impressive job) to make sure their assets and game engine is future proof, so that they don't have to rewrite/remodel/redo the basis each time.

Plus, some of you guys are making it sound like there's no new track at all; we know there's at least 8 location that were not used in fm3's career (should be 7 new ones and nurburgring gp) and there might be new tracks in existing locations, which would make tons of sense.
Why spend resources in entirely new environments when you could, for example, enlarge New York track with the old layout from fm1 or carve some more tracks out of Fujimi Kaido. We don't know that yet.


eso76 said:
While OtherGame5 basically only needs more content at this point (they can't make the game much better in its structure or appearance, not this gen, that's why people agree a GT6 on ps3 is pointless) Forza always had things to fix.
But they are working towards that; T10 is making significant investments (450k poly models and dashboards for 500/600 cars is an impressive job) to make sure their assets and game engine is future proof, so that they don't have to rewrite/remodel/redo the basis each time.

I don't agree, I think both games (and I actually think T10 will suffer less) have the same issues.. There is plenty missing from both games that it's never just a content thing, ever..


80 euros? no forcefeedback then, waste of time, werent madcatz coming out with 2 new wheels? one basic, one premium? cant find the info atm


i like the fact each car and manufacturer now has a presentation.
On fmnet at least, i sure hope those infos will be in the game aswell.


Mascot said:
Lot's of talk about tracks (and the lack thereof) overnight. But Slayer nailed it:

THIS would be the Dan-bomb to flatten our cities.

Imagine giving the Forza community - a proven gene pool of incredible talent and creativity - the tools to create original fantasy tracks and accurate recreations of existing real-world circuits?

Imagine if those tracks could be uploaded to the storefront and traded like tunes and liveries?

Imagine being able to pick from a dozen different lovingly-crafted fan recreations of Spa, Bathurst, or any other famous racing circuit from anywhere on the planet?

Imagine if Turn 10 left a back door ajar for their personal picks to be integrated into the career mode, or into multiplayer hoppers?

Remember the (Gamespot?) E3 video where Dan almost selected 'Storefront' by mistake, and said something like "Oh, Storefront... We don't want to show you that just yet".

Maybe, just maybe, a Forza-branded B-29 Superfortress is already circling above the clouds, it's cargo of Dan-bombs neatly stacked and awaiting sweet, sweet release.

That would be a DREAM! But this could ruin the DLC plans for Turn 10. So this is why I don't see that happening, which is sad. :(


It's compatible with PC


- The world's first wheel with official licenses from Ferrari® and Microsoft Xbox 360®.
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- 28 cm XXL size (7/10ths of the original) with rubber texture cladding for optimal handling on Xbox 360®.
- Wheel-mounted sequential gearbox: 2 Ferrari GT-style metal paddle shifters.
- Genuine “Manettino®” dial:
- 2-position switch lets users directly change game settings while they race (example: changing views in Forza Motorsport® 4)
- Automatically returns to neutral position
- 8 easy-access action buttons + one 8-direction D-pad in the form of an “Engine Start” button.
- Xbox Guide button with illuminated ring indicating the player number.
- 270° steering radius.
- Pedal set featuring pedals with long range of travel, plus realistic resistance and angle.
- Super-stable, practical V-shaped clamping system can be attached to any table or desk.
- Xbox 360 USB 2.0 Full Speed cable with InLine Quick Release connector (3 meter length), for a totally safe connection.
- Compatible with XBOX 360® & PC




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