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Fox News reporter: Hillary Clinton left 9/11 ceremony with 'medical episode'

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You can certainly have heat exhaustion at 80 degrees.

Obamas smoking was a larger concern to be honest considering the havoc it reeks on every system in your body


Why would you not go to the hospital even if it was a heat stroke/exhaustion? Fainting isn't healthy no matter what the cause and should be checked out even if you think it was because of being hot.
The couple times I've passed out I did go see a doctor, but only because I landed on the floor or hit my head on a wall and wanted to get checked for a concussion. I don't think fainting in and of itself really necessitates hospitalization, but what do I know.
You know, we may as well genetically engineer enhanced humans to run for president, or better yet, elect robots. Christ almighty people. She fainted. "But It doesn't look good". What doesn't look good? Why doesn't it look good? What do you expect exactly, from a human being? Do we only elect the strongest healthiest candidates and fainting exposes the humanity in them and makes them weak? Maybe we should have a wrestling match or battle to the death to elect presidents. You can only run for president if you can win American Gladiator. Make it like battle bots, why don't we.

That explains the president from Idiocracy.

....oh god. We're really going there.
I'm a Hillary supporter and a Trump presidency is my worst nightmare come to life, but this looks bad.

The extreme defensiveness and dismissive tone here is worrying too, in a "this is fine!" sort of way.
it's hilarious how close people ride the line between "This isn't a good look and just gives ammo to those crazy, irrational conspiracy theorists" to "I am one of those crazy irrational conspiracy theorists"
Actual Concern

*Hillary faints. Blames it on the heat and is fine and walking around 2 hours later* -- "Oh geez. Campaigning sure is grueling. Glad she's ok. She needs to wear cooler clothes"

Concern Trolling

*Hillary faints. Blames it on the heat and is fine and walking around 2 hours later* -- "OMG Hillary might be dying! How could she risk our country like this!? I can't vote for a person who faints! Fainting is clearly unusual and oh so unpresidential! Trump is sooooo gonna win now. We need full heath records. Oh, she already released her health records? We need FULLER health records."

Calling something "concern trolling" has to be the laziest way to dismiss an argument. People are allowed to question things. Why would anyone do it to get a rise out of anyone? If you truly think they are just trolling, then don't respond. Take your buzzwords somewhere else.


I'm a Hillary supporter and a Drumpf presidency is my worst nightmare come to life, but this looks bad.

The extreme defensiveness and dismissive tone here is worrying too, in a "this is fine!" sort of way.

I'm not saying this is fine. It does look make things look bad, I agree.
I am however refuting this weird belief that heat exhaustion can't be possible/that 80 isn't a high temperature.
Is it really necessary to imply that people who are concerned about this are Trump supporters? It's entirely possible to be critical of Hillary and Trump at the same time.

The attacks on those concerned about Hillary as a candidate resemble Soviet tactics. It's really beneath what this board attempts to convey in terms of discussion.
You haven't spent much time in the OT, have you? Political discussion can get nasty here regardless of left or right.
They need to come out with some good explanations and medical records because this is a lot of ammunition for the other side to raise "questions".

The questions may not be fair or accurate but they need to be answered and dismissed.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Calling something "concern trolling" has to be the laziest way to dismiss an argument. People are allowed to question things. Why would anyone do it to get a rise out of anyone? If you truly think they are just trolling, then don't respond. Take your buzzwords somewhere else.

Agreed, but that's just absurd. Haha.

What do you consider room temperature? What is your home kept at?

Isn't room temperature 68?
Damage control at an all time high.

Would it be better if everyone in the thread immediately jumped to the worst possible conclusion?

Plenty of otherwise healthy people have fainted and gone on with their lives. That includes many prominent political figures in public settings. It's not a great thing, it's cause for concern, but there's no reason to immediately jump to "she has a chronic illness!".
They need to come out with some good explanations and medical records because this is a lot of ammunition for the other side to raise "questions".

The questions may not be fair or accurate but they need to be answered and dismissed.

The "other side" doesn't deserve to be placated. They are nutjobs. They will just claim the medical records are falsified. In short, fuck them. The best thing Hillary can do is ignore them and not give them an ounce of legitimacy.


Calling something "concern trolling" has to be the laziest way to dismiss an argument. People are allowed to question things. Why would anyone do it to get a rise out of anyone? If you truly think they are just trolling, then don't respond. Take your buzzwords somewhere else.

you seem concerned
It's quite astounding how many people even here on GAF have the belief you lay out in the second paragraph. I'd like to think they're joke posts when they show up, but people getting way too certain of something isn't at all a far-fetched notion.

It's probably because I live in Maryland where we just lived through this a couple of years ago in our Gubernatorial election . Not that Larry Hogan has been an awful governor or is in any way comparable to Trump but I can assure you that the cry of "WTF, WHO???" could be heard all across the state that night when the results were announced.

I personally didn't even know who was running against Anthony Brown, I just assumed that he was going to win and went to work like every normal day not bothering to vote. Never again.
The "other side" doesn't deserve to be placated. They are nutjobs. They will just claim the medical records are falsified. In short, fuck them. The best thing Hillary can do is ignore them and not give them an ounce of legitimacy.

That's a great way to win the presidency. Fuck anyone who doesn't agree with your or doesn't already support you. Isn't that what Trump's strategy has been?


Gold Member
Wow, this combined with my dream last night of a muscle bound Ronald Reagan wining American Ninja Warrior really makes it a bad day for Hillary.
The "other side" doesn't deserve to be placated. They are nutjobs. They will just claim the medical records are falsified. In short, fuck them. The best thing Hillary can do is ignore them and not give them an ounce of legitimacy.

Exactly. This stuff is being parroted by the same people who wouldn't accept any birth certificate Obama put forth.

Is Hillary chronically ill? "Oh, yeah! As all hell"
That's a great way to win the presidency. Fuck anyone who doesn't agree with your or doesn't already support you. Isn't that what Trump's strategy has been?

Fuck anyone who is an irrational, unreasonable nutjob, yes. Anyone demanding Hillary's medical info, while at the same time accepting Trump's medical record and giving him a pass on not releasing his tax records, can fuck off.




Hah, that's great.
The "other side" doesn't deserve to be placated. They are nutjobs. They will just claim the medical records are falsified. In short, fuck them. The best thing Hillary can do is ignore them and not give them an ounce of legitimacy.

Not to mention the huge double standard here. Look at the medical letters released, look at the tax return issue, transparency, pay to play, etc.

Trump gets to continually hide behind he isn't a politician, he is being audited, w/e.

We are under two months from the end of this campaign and Trump isn't going to release his tax returns. He isn't going to have anything even close to a medical letter released. He won't explain his foreign policy plan, cause that is what losers do. It is horribly comical.


76? Why would you torture yourself with such a high temp.? < . >

Edited my last post, but will put it here as well: now you can see why I was posting what I was. But I can also see why you're confused at my claims if 68 is the average of things. We're both mutually confused with one another, lol.

And it's because it feels great. I can sleep to it comfortably. :p
The "other side" doesn't deserve to be placated. They are nutjobs. They will just claim the medical records are falsified. In short, fuck them. The best thing Hillary can do is ignore them and not give them an ounce of legitimacy.

Kind of like Bill Nye shouldn't have debated a creationist. Giving into them emboldened them.


I'm a Hillary supporter and a Trump presidency is my worst nightmare come to life, but this looks bad.

The extreme defensiveness and dismissive tone here is worrying too, in a "this is fine!" sort of way.

I think it's possible to argue this from two sides.

There's the optics of it, The Game of Politics: yeah, this isn't a good look. Depending on how the media approaches this it can be a big deal or not. Hillary needs to tackle this head on, do a few press events to show that she's fine and absolutely savage Trump in the first debate.

Then there's question of whether or not this is cause for real concern regarding Hillary's health, or the claim I've seen pop up a few times in this thread that this leads to real concern that Hillary might not be able to finish her first term: No. That's freaking ridiculous, unfounded, and should be called out for the trolling it is. There are dozens of reasons a person in fine health could have a dizzying spell that aren't Impending Death Syndrome. For some reason, people seem to be forgetting this in an election year.

fart town usa

Gold Member
You haven't spent much time in the OT, have you? Political discussion can get nasty here regardless of left or right.

Ha, trust me. I'm well aware, I was going back and forth for a few hours last night with some gaffers.

I just don't like ad hominem attacks. It shuts down credible debate and devolves the conversation.


If you think someone is trolling. Just ignore them.

(That isn't directed at you SolarPowered, just a general statement.)
Lets be real though. I agree that this isn't a big deal but if Trump did this people would try to capitalize on it too. Any perceived weakness is going to come under attack in a presidential campaign.


Excuse me for finding it hard to believe when 80 is for a fact very warm and you aren't her or in her situation.
You seem like you're concern trolling here tbh. Who walks around in business clothes casually? Pretty much no one. >_>

Can you stop making the faces? They serve no purpose.

Also, I wear those other for work and yes, I worked through the summer wearing long slacks, shoes and dress shirts. Lots of people do. You find that hard to believe?

Lay off the concern troll bullshit accusations. I'm a registered Democrat voting for Hill. The petty accusations from the diehards on this forum are fucking annoying.
I nearly fainted during recess at around age seven, and spent the rest of the period inside, in the dark, with my head on a desk.

I nearly fainted while demolishing a kitchen with a sledgehammer at age thirty, and spent fifteen minutes on the porch, drinking water, until I felt well enough to get back to it.

Guess I'm at death's door.


I think it's possible to argue this from two sides.

There's the optics of it, The Game of Politics: yeah, this isn't a good look. Depending on how the media approaches this it can be a big deal or not. Hillary needs to tackle this head on, do a few press events to show that she's fine and absolutely savage Trump in the first debate.

Then there's question of whether or not this is cause for real concern regarding Hillary's health, or the claim I've seen pop up a few times in this thread that this leads to real concern that Hillary might not be able to finish her first term: No. That's freaking ridiculous, unfounded, and should be called out for the trolling it is. There are dozens of reasons a person in fine health could have a dizzying spell that aren't Impending Death Syndrome. For some reason, people seem to be forgetting this in an election year.

and the media reasonse to this has honestly been fine.


is a goddamn bear
The "other side" doesn't deserve to be placated. They are nutjobs. They will just claim the medical records are falsified. In short, fuck them. The best thing Hillary can do is ignore them and not give them an ounce of legitimacy.

Exactly! No matter what happens, they are going to be skeptical. Hell where's that poll of Trump supporters who still believe Obama wasn't born in the US?
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