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FUSE delayed [Up: Confirmed - Releasing April-June 2013]


I've got to say, the wave of negativity about this game seems suspiciously strong to me.

Do I think FUSE looks great? No, not really.

But I also don't think it looks bad, so the overwhelming negativity just comes off as rather odd. Is this what happens when a developer that was once exclusive decides to go multiplatform?



More polish in this case. We had a solid good game at the end of last year and we got a ton of feedback over the break we are making some great polish changes to the game. It's incredible having the extra time right now to make the game even better
Awesome I be their day one of course.


I agree that everybody is just a little too keen to shit on FUSE.

This game has the same pre-release stigma as John Carter had. It doesn't matter any more how good the actual end product is going to be, so many people have already made up their mind about this game: bomba based on a cover and a name change.

I feel bad for Insomniac ....
More polish in this case. We had a solid good game at the end of last year and we got a ton of feedback over the break we are making some great polish changes to the game. It's incredible having the extra time right now to make the game even better
Sounds good to me.


More polish in this case. We had a solid good game at the end of last year and we got a ton of feedback over the break we are making some great polish changes to the game. It's incredible having the extra time right now to make the game even better

More time, more polish, always a good opportunity when it arises. Delays are barely ever a bad thing in the end.
More polish in this case. We had a solid good game at the end of last year and we got a ton of feedback over the break we are making some great polish changes to the game. It's incredible having the extra time right now to make the game even better

Awesome, man. More polish can only be a good thing. Looking forward to playing it!
That's some bullshit. They haven't compromised anything. They're making the game they want to make.

I wish I knew how to be this optimistic. The scenario where Insomniac turns Overstrike into Fuse and is then happy about it is completely inconceivable to me. In my head the press release saying how awesome the change is required about a dozen people to write, because nobody could write more than a couple words before breaking down crying.
More polish in this case. We had a solid good game at the end of last year and we got a ton of feedback over the break we are making some great polish changes to the game. It's incredible having the extra time right now to make the game even better
A great (and I do mean great) demo would probably do wonders.


I still hold the opinion that insomniac needs the first party safety net to be relevant.

I think you are right, for the next 2 years at least. But it's not like they are, or have ever said, they are 'splitting up' with Sony.

/start wild speculation

They need the regular gigs from Sony to stay profitable for now, developing their own cross platform engine, funding expansion, creating Outernauts which isn't yet doing great numbers (50k weekly users steady) isn't cheap and they can't have that much money saved up in the bank.

I reckon that they are cooking up one next gen game for Sony. There's no way over the last year their North Carolina studio has just been working on R&C Full Frontal Assault. Though It could also be another team within their Burbank studio.

On top of that I'd imagine they have another multi-platform in the works, or making a Fuse sequel come hell or high water. There's no point making a multi-platform engine for one game at this late stage, there has to be plans for something else this gen unless it's a base for building their next gen engine and being multi-platform.

Outernauts team will be full steam ahead improving the game and adding content, with a smaller team working on 'demos' for other fb/mobile games.

Then whichever studio isn't doing next gen will be doing some fresh PSN game.

I would also reckon that Tin Giant, who are porting R&C FFA to Vita, are possibly being prepared to create a R&C Vita game themselves afterwards. Sony won't leave one of their top franchises off the console, and High Impact Games (that did the PSP R&C games) is busy doing smaller projects and regular licence work. But as a wildcard I'd say R&C Vita is Sanzaru Games (The new Sly game) next project.

/end wild speculation


Insomniac 1998

Insomniac 2012


What the hell is going on in this thread. Am I seeing a different game I everyone else?

Fuse looks freakin' cool. All of the gameplay released so far has had me ridiculously hyped for this game.
I wish I knew how to be this optimistic. The scenario where Insomniac turns Overstrike into Fuse and is then happy about it is completely inconceivable to me. In my head the press release saying how awesome the change is required about a dozen people to write, because nobody could write more than a couple words before breaking down crying.

Everyone seems to think EA is this evil publisher that has focused tested Fuse to death. Except there's the fact that Insomniac owns the IP and they themselves have started doing extensive focus testing before Fuse. There's an entire presentation on the internet about Resistance 3 that you can read. If Insomniac didn't want to have any control over the projects they make they wouldn't go through all this trouble to stay independant.
Don't take this thread too seriously.
James has always been a good sport and constant professional. Can't be easy considering the beating Insomniac seem to get in every Insomniac related thread here post-Resistance 2. I remember when Insomniac were GAF's golden child.

I've said this before but, I'm honestly surprised he's stuck around lol. I think GAF has been a bit too harsh on Insomniac the past few years and more specifically now with FUSE.


James has always been a good sport and constant professional. Can't be easy considering the beating Insomniac seem to get in every Insomniac related thread here post-Resistance 2. I remember when Insomniac were GAF's golden child.

I've said this before but, I'm honestly surprised he's stuck around lol. I think GAF has been a bit too harsh on Insomniac the past few years and more specifically now with FUSE.

He has a lot of patience that's for damned sure.
More polish in this case. We had a solid good game at the end of last year and we got a ton of feedback over the break we are making some great polish changes to the game. It's incredible having the extra time right now to make the game even better

So your telling us it had nothing to do with ridiculously crowded Feb/March time frame?


I'm with them too....just not for this game. This is mass market focus tested shooter #371 and I can't get behind that.

Except it plays nothing like a mass market focus tested shooter.

Why not a RPG / Noir / horror, those possible could sell better. But its another shooter, hope to be wrong.

Those games typically do not sell well, that's just as much of a crap shoot, possibly even more high risk.

I'm still on the fence about the game. I wish I could play a demo for it

There will be a demo. I've played two builds (two story sections, on MP section) and it was very fun to play, and challenging.

Well the vast mayority of people who play videogames, buy games without even playing it. Trailers and reviews help a lot in the decision and from what IG showed us is not doing any good.

All of the previews and impressions have been almost glowing with enthusiasm. Granted, with press the way it is now, that's hard to take at face value, but it was the busiest game at EA's new years party, outpacing all the other shooters there for activity and wait time. People enjoyed it.

Fuse reminds me of Haze way too much.

They couldn't be further apart. Silly comparison.
All of the previews and impressions have been almost glowing with enthusiasm. Granted, with press the way it is now, that's hard to take at face value, but it was the busiest game at EA's new years party, outpacing all the other shooters there for activity and wait time. People enjoyed it.

Seriously I've only heard great things about this game from people who have played it, in the press and not. People on here that were posting separate from some websites and what not who have played it.

People need to fucking stop the extreme negativity. At the very least just be calm, and "nicer" about your doubts and complaints. Show some civility for once when it comes to Insomniac! You guys don't realize your affecting the success of this game! The extreme negativity on the internet about this game is created by GAF, its like a virus affecting the interwebs. Yes GAF you are powerful. Now stop.

(i.e. plz don't kill one of my favorite devs, insomniac. :( )


Junior Member
Seriously I've only heard great things about this game from people who have played it, in the press and not. People on here that were posting separate from some websites and what not who have played it.

People need to fucking stop the extreme negativity. At the very least just be calm, and "nicer" about your doubts and complaints. Show some civility for once when it comes to Insomniac! You guys don't realize your affecting the success of this game! The extreme negativity on the internet about this game is created by GAF, its like a virus affecting the interwebs. Yes GAF you are powerful. Now stop.

(i.e. plz don't kill one of my favorite devs, insomniac. :( )

I agree the reception on this forum is terrible. GAF is out for blood it seems. It doesn't help that Insomniac has been heavily blasted too. I feel much of the criticism is unwarranted. Insomniac have a pretty good track record of making good games. Heck, I even enjoyed Resistance 2.
I would put money down on this game right now if there were a pc version, but I can't be bothered to plug my ps3 back in until The Last of Us comes out. I don't think I'll even pick this up on the cheap.


Unconfirmed Member
Insomniac 1998 [/IMG]

Insomniac 2012

I'd rather play the latter based on aesthetics.

To me Fuse seems like a good middle ground between Resistance and Ratchet aesthetic styles.(Hyper realism vs Saturday Morning Cartoon) Which seems more my speed than anything else they've ever made strictly based on that alone.

I did feel that way towards the initial trailer as well, and I am sad that the game is no longer in that style, but I don't think what it is currently is that bad.

Pretty relieved at the delay. Now I may consider picking it up at launch. (Unless another summer title I'm interested in comes through, like Wonderful 101)


What is with the stupid "why not cancel it" mentality?
Because releasing and marketing a game costs money, and you have to sell into retail, and you have to deal with returns, and this is going to bomb. EA have canceled games last minute before.


Because releasing and marketing a game costs money, and you have to sell into retail, and you have to deal with returns, and this is going to bomb. EA have canceled games last minute before.

I guess I'm missing the part where you tell me why this mentality isn't stupid?

They've already invested money in it, they're near completion, and it'll possibly be releasing during a time where the market isn't as crowded. Releasing next to a big seller isn't any worse than releasing near 4 or 5 decent sellers as it was previously going to be released.

Saying "cancel it" at this point is nothing short of adolescent, at best.
Because releasing and marketing a game costs money, and you have to sell into retail, and you have to deal with returns, and this is going to bomb. EA have canceled games last minute before.

Why would it matter?

You're not going to play it anyways. Let those that want to buy the game have their day.


Its like an RTS. If you cancel a structure before its finished its construction, you get all your resources back.



Unfortunately this is how most of the gaming community thinks. I feel like they're so deeply invested in the "industry" and its inner-workings, yet somehow are amazingly detached from reality.

"OMG this PR is so insulting, it is lying right to my face!"
"The PR really isn't meant for you as the end consumer."
"WHAT?! Bull, why would they release it if it wasn't a statement directly intended for me?"

It can get absurd, for sure. We all get caught up in the moment though, and I suppose with a new generation on the cusp of announcement, the "whimsy" will only escalate from here. Be ready for some crazy, ladies and gents.


Apparently it was in danger of gaining some personality. The delays are to correct this abnormality with extra focus testing.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Forgive the text, I rambled a bit.

Posts like these make me lose hope that GAF will improve in quality of posts next generation.

I could theoretically say the same thing about people who repeatedly call out those who are perceived as attacking the game in question.

Yeah, the hivemind is vicious sometimes, yes, but like as not, one random voice on the internet that's played and enjoyed the game isn't going to change anyone else's opinion.

If word of mouth/the demo is good, I'll look more into Fuse, but even though the hype may be negative (at least, based on this and past FUSE threads), aren't people allowed to express that on a message board to devoted to discussing their opinions on video games? Sure, some of it gets vitriolic/hyperbolic, but this isn't a "can only be positive opinions" board.

Without a demo for the rest of us who haven't played to judge, people can only rely on what they've seen/read, and most on the internet are skeptical enough not to rely on the words of CMs or whomever as gospel on how good a game is (though Jay is an awesome guy).

If the game is good, perception will change and word will get out for those who haven't written the game or Insomniac off. Haters are gonna hate and trolls will troll, but from what I've read of past FUSE threads, a good number of people appear to be honestly disappointed in the direction the game's taken.

I guess I just don't get what coming into every FUSE thread and attacking/harping on people who express negative opinions is good for. You discussing your experiences is fine (and I enjoyed reading about it in one of the other threads) but honorable though your intentions may be in defending the game, it's not likely to change a whole lot of opinions and just leads to the perception of your being just as biased in the opposite direction.

On topic, looking forward to the demo when it hits, the weapons tech and combinations appeal to the strategy/weapon combo fan in me.


I guess I'm missing the part where you tell me why this mentality isn't stupid?

They've already invested money in it, they're near completion, and it'll possibly be releasing during a time where the market isn't as crowded. Releasing next to a big seller isn't any worse than releasing near 4 or 5 decent sellers as it was previously going to be released.

Saying "cancel it" at this point is nothing short of adolescent, at best.
Was it adolescent of EA to cancel NBA Live 13 last minute? After they'd already invest money in it, and they were actually complete?
Forgive the text, I rambled a bit.

I could theoretically say the same thing about people who repeatedly call out those who are perceived as attacking the game in question.

Yeah, the hivemind is vicious sometimes, yes, but like as not, one random voice on the internet that's played and enjoyed the game isn't going to change anyone else's opinion.

If word of mouth/the demo is good, I'll look more into Fuse, but even though the hype may be negative (at least, based on this and past FUSE threads), aren't people allowed to express that on a message board to devoted to discussing their opinions on video games? Sure, some of it gets vitriolic/hyperbolic, but this isn't a "can only be positive opinions" board.

Without a demo for the rest of us who haven't played to judge, people can only rely on what they've seen/read, and most on the internet are skeptical enough not to rely on the words of CMs or whomever as gospel on how good a game is (though Jay is an awesome guy).

If the game is good, perception will change and word will get out for those who haven't written the game or Insomniac off. Haters are gonna hate and trolls will troll, but from what I've read of past FUSE threads, a good number of people appear to be honestly disappointed in the direction the game's taken.

I guess I just don't get what coming into every FUSE thread and attacking/harping on people who express negative opinions is good for. You discussing your experiences is fine (and I enjoyed reading about it in one of the other threads) but honorable though your intentions may be in defending the game, it's not likely to change a whole lot of opinions and just leads to the perception of your being just as biased in the opposite direction.

On topic, looking forward to the demo when it hits, the weapons tech and combinations appeal to the strategy/weapon combo fan in me.

Posting negative opinions/impressions about the game is not bad. Is the vitriolic sense in which they are conveyed. I assume the Insomniac appreciates feedback, but Posting "Why they don't just cancel the game" helps no one and does little to contribute to the discussion.

At this point the game is what it is. I would presume people would have made peace with that. I would rather wait for the full product before passing judgement and how much it sucks and how badly will it play. But, that is just me.

Was it adolescent of EA to cancel NBA Live 13 last minute? After they'd already invest money in it, and they were actually complete?

Which version of the game did you play that told you that Fuse is in the same state as NBA Live 13?
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