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FUSE delayed [Up: Confirmed - Releasing April-June 2013]

8Byte better be getting some kind of kickbacks for the single-handed Fuse Defense Force he's been doing in these threads. Probably thinks that cover art looks good, too.

Nullpointer, our co-op playthough has been delayed, but not forgotten!


Which version of the game did you play that told you that Fuse is in the same state as NBA Live 13?
I haven't played it. Despite what EA claimed, games are not canceled so close to release because they're not good, they canceled because they won't sell.

I'm not saying cancel Fuse, I'm saying they might as well if they want to release it at that time. Publishers are rushing to get everything they have out before June, as if just seeing the new consoles is going to mean no one buys a game till they're out, and that's obviously not the case. Put it out in August, give them longer with it, get it out on it's own, a couple of months after the next-gen buzz has hit, to let it die down, but before people actually start thinking about buying the new systems. It's like the industry has given up on four months this year. Consumers certainly won't.
8Byte is sort of like Bruce Banner. Each negative FUSE post makes him unleash the beast within.

I feel the same way he does. Every Insomniac thread devolves into this endless negativity about their games and studio as a whole. I'm all for constructive criticism but most posts never really go beyond this game is gonna bomb, why does this game exist?, it's so generic. It's frustrating because I'd really like to talk about Fuse with people without having to sift through the trash.


I like most people preferred the vibe & visuals of Overstrike over Fuse, but if it's good, I'll still buy it.
More polish in this case. We had a solid good game at the end of last year and we got a ton of feedback over the break we are making some great polish changes to the game. It's incredible having the extra time right now to make the game even better

Good to hear! At least the EA relationship is getting off to a good start with them being supportive with delays rather than push the game out too early.
Even though it's been delayed is EA actually going to market it ? They never seem to market games that are part of they're partners program or at least it seems that way


Junior Member
This isn't just Insomniac, but the god damn industry.
Nope. There are plenty of games out there that are not generic shooters. If you look for them you will find them.



It was going to get butchered with how busy Q1 is. Army of Two as well. That isn't to say people will be scrambling for it in the spring. This seems like the type of game that gets most of it sales from 360, and people wanting a four player co-op shooter will have a new Gears game there.


Insomniac 1998

Insomniac 2012

State of the industry for the most part. There's not a lot of big budget games that don't involve humans and guns. Bring back fictional creatures!

I'm probably one of the few people looking forward to Fuse, but I really wish more studios (Insomniac, Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Rare, etc.) would go back to the basics and make a less serious game without human characters. People predicted that as CG got more complex there would be less Toy Story's and more FF: Spirit Within's in the movie industry but that clearly hasn't happened. I still think that there is an audience for this in videogames as not all customers want dudebro shooters or cinematic experiences.


Was it adolescent of EA to cancel NBA Live 13 last minute? After they'd already invest money in it, and they were actually complete?

What exactly leads you to believe that these two games are even remotely comparable in terms of completion and quality? Do you have inside information we don't? In fact, I clearly remember EA stating that the title simply wasn't up to par in terms of quality and standards. Since it wasn't going to meet the season, they decided to not release THAT product. They didn't simply cancel their entire NBA franchise, they simply decided that delaying it until the following year was a fruitless endeavor, and instead opted to continue to work on the title for the following season. Did you not read that part of the delay news, or are you simply cherry picking things to suit your absolutely absurd argument? Really curious here.

8Byte better be getting some kind of kickbacks for the single-handed Fuse Defense Force he's been doing in these threads. Probably thinks that cover art looks good, too.

Nullpointer, our co-op playthough has been delayed, but not forgotten!

No "kickbacks". Honestly I'm just too passionate for my own good. I think I've become jaded, much like everyone here. The only difference is, I'm jaded toward communities at this point, not the software. Meaningful and good discussion is becoming more and more rare, where as "lulz and bombas" are becoming the mainstay of GAF. Outside of OTs, there is nothing really constructive or meaningful being said. "Generic" is just as awful as "epic" or "visceral". They are words with empty meanings, and no one will articulate their points beyond that. Simply popping in every thread for every game they "don't care about" to incite reaction is not a good thing for discussion or constructive criticism. Neither is "Borderlands sold well! Shoulda learned from them!". Exceptions are not the norm.

I haven't played it. Despite what EA claimed, games are not canceled so close to release because they're not good, they canceled because they won't sell.

I'm not saying cancel Fuse, I'm saying they might as well if they want to release it at that time. Publishers are rushing to get everything they have out before June, as if just seeing the new consoles is going to mean no one buys a game till they're out, and that's obviously not the case. Put it out in August, give them longer with it, get it out on it's own, a couple of months after the next-gen buzz has hit, to let it die down, but before people actually start thinking about buying the new systems. It's like the industry has given up on four months this year. Consumers certainly won't.

Oh, right...I'm sure that the project was pushed back because it wouldn't sell, and not because it didn't meet the standard of quality EA wanted. I'm more inclined to believe them for saying "hey, the game just wasn't good" than you saying "oh man, it wasn't gonna sell!" Especially since you seemingly forgot half of that announcement.

I just feel like you're pretending you're an industry savant, and that what you think would be best...is best. I don't believe that to be the case. If you release in the summer (August) you're releasing at the beginning of the school year, and I doubt anyone wants to put out a big game at that point in time. Where it is now is a suit spot. I don't really think that FUSE and GTA have large amounts of overlap. GTA is going to sell no matter what, but a GREAT deal of those customers will not finish the game, and probably won't engage in the MP. They'll take it back to the store, trade it in, and move on to something else. I don't expect FUSE to do gangbusters, but I certainly don't think it'll do any worse releasing along side ONE big game, as opposed to 4 or 5 big games. Pushing out to release in a desert of releases doesn't mean it will sell any better than it otherwise would. By that time, more CoD DLC will release, and people will be biting on that instead. There will ALWAYS be "something".

I want this game to be good like Binary Domain but everything about it looks very average. Also why is there no PC release?

The games aren't really comparable. The co-op in Fuse is much more "focused" in that it isn't simply people shooting together, but it facilitates "true" team work (rather, necessary team work).


No respawn in SP (if a player dies, game over for the team, restart check point). No respawn in MP (if you don't revive a player, he's out for the round, making it harder on the remaining players). AI is brutal (not brilliant, but it doesn't hold back, you have to work as a team). If it were "mass market focus tested" gameplay, then it would have blood spatters on the screen, enemies would die easily, respawning would be extremely popular, and the game would hold your hand from point a to point b. It does none of that.
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