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G1 Climax XXV |OT| New Japan Pro-Wrestling

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Enjoyed AJ/Yano a whole lot, Tenzan/Tanahashi was a good main event as well, but match of the night was probably Shibata/Naito. Good stuff, looking forward to tomorrow's show for Honma/Okada (although it's a single-cam, no commentary show unfortunately).

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Honma's last date...that's when he's gonna get his win, dammit. He's gonna do it. And it's gonna be Yujiro's shitty ass that gives it to him.
Finally got through night 1's matches.

Tenzan looks banged up already. He was moving slowly in that match against Gallows.

I'm not sure what the character motivation for disinterested Naito is. Is he a no good burnout now? Then why is he wrestling in the G1? Is he just a dick? Why is he still pulling out his face offense then?

Yano vs. Makabe was okay. Yano's entrances and mannerisms are more entertaining than his matches.

Shibata vs. Styles did not live up to expectations. It was a more basic match than I thought the two would have, and I wonder if Shibata's injury is going to really limit him through the rest of the G1.

Tanahashi vs. Ibushi did live up to expectations.
I'm not sure what the character motivation for disinterested Naito is. Is he a no good burnout now? Then why is he wrestling in the G1? Is he just a dick? Why is he still pulling out his face offense then?

He's pretty much just an asshole who doesn't really care what others think of him, but he's still a face - the Los Ingobernables stable in CMLL are a group of technicos who often display rudo tendencies, but they aren't bad, per se, despite being despised. They're just assholes who only look out for each other.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
He's pretty much just an asshole who doesn't really care what others think of him, but he's still a face - the Los Ingobernables stable in CMLL are a group of technicos who often display rudo tendencies, but they aren't bad, per se, despite being despised. They're just assholes who only look out for each other.

I was ready for an attire change, but no. Just the entrance attire. :|
He's pretty much just an asshole who doesn't really care what others think of him, but he's still a face - the Los Ingobernables stable in CMLL are a group of technicos who often display rudo tendencies, but they aren't bad, per se, despite being despised. They're just assholes who only look out for each other.

If it works for Los Ingobernables in CMLL, I can't disparage it. But in NJPW's context, at least with Naito, I'm not seeing what the end game is. Then again, Tanahashi will display heelish tendencies every now and then, and it doesn't affect him.

I was ready for an attire change, but no. Just the entrance attire. :|

That's the other thing. Same music, same costume, same moves. It doesn't feel that different for Naito.
AJ/MY BOY Yano was a lot of fun. I love how Yano tried to pull his usual shit on AJ and he's just like "WTF are you doing?"

Shibata/Naito was as advertised. Good to see Shibata get a win over a relatively top star (even though Naito has fallen pretty far). If he finishes near the top I'll be happy, although I see the block going AJ, Tanahashi, Ibushi, Shibata, Naito, and the rest.

Tonight's matches should be a lot of fun. Honma will definitely have the fans behind him against Okada and it might be a surprisingly good matchup, Nakamura vs. Nagata is always good times as long as Nak is motivated, Goto vs. Anderson becomes very interesting after Anderson's big upset, and Kojima vs. Elgin might be a good match which really showcases Elgin's skills. Oh, and Ishii dropping Yujiro on his head repeatedly should be very satisfying.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yano's always fun. Except when he's around Suzuki-gun
Enjoyed AJ/Yano a whole lot, Tenzan/Tanahashi was a good main event as well, but match of the night was probably Shibata/Naito. Good stuff, looking forward to tomorrow's show for Honma/Okada (although it's a single-cam, no commentary show unfortunately).

My thoughts exactly, Boots. Not digging Naito's skeletor mask and suit though. Despite being a great worker, it really doesn't matter what his gimmick is, he just generates a permanent sense of indifference to me. Like an asian Dolph Ziggler.

I do like Ibushi, and thought he got a reasonable match out of Gallows, botchy finish and all. Fale/Makabe was serviceable. I'm also enjoying Yano's cowardly rope break spot.

They're not booking Tanadough to win the tournament, are they? He's looked very strong so far. I know it's early days but...
They don't usually put Jr's in until they're ready to move them up to heavyweight - Omega will move up at some point, but they're not quite ready for it yet.

I'd argue that Tama Tonga or YOSHI-HASHI deserved the spot more than Yujiro, he's easily one of my least favourite NJPW guys to watch.

They're not booking Tanadough to win the tournament, are they? He's looked very strong so far. I know it's early days but...

It's between Tanahashi & Nakamura, I'd say - if Tana doesn't win it this year, he'll likely win it next year as they need to set it up so Okada defeats him at the Tokyo Dome. I could perhaps see Styles winning it this year, which would be cool, and Ibushi & Shibata I'd file under 'unlikely', but either would be awesome.
They don't usually put Jr's in until they're ready to move them up to heavyweight - Omega will move up at some point, but they're not quite ready for it yet.

I'd argue that Tama Tonga or YOSHI-HASHI deserved the spot more than Yujiro, he's easily one of my least favourite NJPW guys to watch.

It's between Tanahashi & Nakamura, I'd say - if Tana doesn't win it this year, he'll likely win it next year as they need to set it up so Okada defeats him at the Tokyo Dome. I could perhaps see Styles winning it this year, which would be cool, and Ibushi & Shibata I'd file under 'unlikely', but either would be awesome.

I'd like Nakamura to win, but Styles would be a great choice too - either way, i'd like to see a Nak/Styles final.

What happens if Okada wins? How is the title shot at WK decided then?
I don't think the champ's won the G1 before, but if Okada won I'd assume he'd just challenge Tanahashi to face him at Wrestle Kingdom. He needs that big win over Tana in the Tokyo Dome main event, especially after Tana embarassed his last year.
I don't think the champ's won the G1 before, but if Okada won I'd assume he'd just challenge Tanahashi to face him at Wrestle Kingdom. He needs that big win over Tana in the Tokyo Dome main event, especially after Tana embarassed his last year.

That suddenly seems like a very possible outcome.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This was supposed to be YOSHI-HASHI's year.
I'd like Nakamura to win, but Styles would be a great choice too - either way, i'd like to see a Nak/Styles final.

What happens if Okada wins? How is the title shot at WK decided then?

He won't, but I'd guess they'd go back to doing "guy challenges for shot after winning big match" thing they used to do. Remember, getting the title shot at WK is a new thing, Okada started it when he won 3 years ago, and NJPW just went along with it. And along with obviously ripping off the Royal Rumble, the winner receives a briefcase with the contract in it (which they have to defend as a championship until WK) so it rips off MITB as well.

So while NJPW is awesome with their wrestling, they do regularly steal stuff from WWE.

And Boots, two men have won the G1 while reigning as IWGP champ, Keiji Mutoh in 1995 and Kensuke Sasaki in 2000.
He won't, but I'd guess they'd go back to doing "guy challenges for shot after winning big match" thing they used to do. Remember, getting the title shot at WK is a new thing, Okada started it when he won 3 years ago, and NJPW just went along with it. And along with obviously ripping off the Royal Rumble, the winner receives a briefcase with the contract in it (which they have to defend as a championship until WK) so it rips off MITB as well.

So while NJPW is awesome with their wrestling, they do regularly steal stuff from WWE.

And Boots, two men have won the G1 while reigning as IWGP champ, Keiji Mutoh in 1995 and Kensuke Sasaki in 2000.

I think the G1 is much more interesting concept than what the Rumble has sadly become, and WWE should rip it off as next year's King of the Ring and have it play out over a month or so of Raws/network coverage/smackdowns. Won't happen but the potential is there.
I'd argue that Tama Tonga or YOSHI-HASHI deserved the spot more than Yujiro, he's easily one of my least favourite NJPW guys to watch.

The problem is that Yujiro is a bit higher profile than Tonga and YOSHI, who are both the Buddy Roberts/Vincent/guy that usually jobs in their respective factions. Personally I would have given somebody like Sakuraba the spot, but he's apparently taking a break right now, or maybe bring in a CMLL guy like El Terrible.


G1 26 better bring in some of the younger talent - it's time.

And though I love Naito's new lazy give-no-shits gimmick, he is one of the worst at selling. His facial expressions especially.


Does red shoes hate Bullet Club? Totally not biased at al in that AJ / Yano match haha

Yujiro can't win a match to save his life but I can appreciate the eye candy he usually brings with him
no not Cody Hall

In the Tanahashi / Tenzan match were all the guys chanting Tenzan and the girls chanting Tanahashi? lol
That Yujiro entrance was more... than usual...

Good show today, nothing really amazing although Nagata vs Nakamura was fun and better than their IC title match from earlier in the year. I enjoyed Kojima vs Elgin, but Anderson vs Goto felt a little off - the main event of Okada vs Honma was good, but not as heated as their awesome Korakuen main event from 2013, which the crowd were crazy for.

NJPW does only one Tokyo Dome show per year?

Yeah, yearly on January 4th - they used to sometimes run two or three Tokyo Dome shows a year, as well as other dome arenas around Japan in the mid-90's, but the last time they tried multiple Tokyo Dome shows was 2005.


Not long back from tonight's show. Thought it was fun overall with the last three matches being great fun to watch, especially Okada/Honma. The crowd were about 95% in favour of Honma throughout the match (him signing autographs near the merch booth probably helped). Was surprised by how fun Anderson/Goto was and Nakamara/Nagata was unsurprisingly entertaining.

Crowd were a little dead for Bullet Club's entrances minus AJ Styles who was pretty over with the audience. Naito's "I really can't be arsed" gimmick went down well with myself and everyone around me. He was most amusing, as was the fact that quite a few people mistook me for AJ when I was wondering around looking at merch (white guy+side parting+beard = AJ lookalike it seems).

Took some photos, albeit crappy iPhone photos, as usual.

Good show today, despite the one camera angle throughout.

With his wins over both Nakamura and Goto, are they setting Anderson up for an IC run?
I'm a little saddened that Elgin got beat by Kojima, as his star had fallen enough that I thought Elgin might be able to get a win. Looks like it'll just be Yujiro and Honma as wins for Mr. Unbreakable.

Of course, the bigger news is another upset by Anderson with a sweet, dare I say Orton-esque Gun Stun counter out of the Shouten Kai. Looks like they're serious about giving Anderson a singles push again?

Nakamura vs. Nagata was a much better match than New Beginning, and Okada vs. Honma went as expected, Honma getting in a few hope spots to pop the crowd, but Okada winning in the end. Reminded me of the famous HHH vs. TAKA match, although the thought never crossed my mind that Honma might win.

Anyway, it's interesting to see Anderson getting a big push early. His next match is against the also thus-far undefeated Ishii, which is now very intriguing.
Great shots, Nisa!

I wouldn't be surprised to see Elgin defeat Goto and get an IC title shot, they seem pretty high on him and the crowd are reacting well to his matches (and him shouting "EL-GIN!" after beating people up).
I concur, great stuff, Nisa. Although I'm tempted to ask you for pics to see how much you look like AJ. if at all.

Looking at tonight's matches....

Gallows vs. Fale: It's our first inter-faction match, and it's going to suck. Both of these guys are fine when protected in tag matches, but this one is going to be slow, plodding, and boring as fuck. Fale is good when he has a good opponent. Doc is not that opponent.

Tenzan vs. Yano: Yano comedy hardcore bullshit vs. Tenzan no-nonsense headbutt bullshit (pun not intended), who wins? MY BOY hasn't won a match yet so I think he steals one here.

Makabe vs. Shibata: These two had a really good match at Wrestle Kingdom 7 a few years back, the one that really showed me that Shibata was a capable singles star. Makabe is coming off a tough loss to Fale, but I think Shibata takes it here setting up his match with Ibushi next.

Styles vs. Ibushi: These guys had a great match at Invasion Attack, so this one has me really excited. I'm actually picking Ibushi to pick up the upset here and add a little intrigue to the proceedings.

Tanahashi vs. Naito: This is probably one of the most intriguing matches of the entire tournament. Naito was picked by many to be the heir apparent to Tanahashi, and despite defeating him to win the G1 two years ago, has found his career on the downward slump, leading to his new gimmick of not giving a shit. Of course, nothing pisses off Tanadough more than disloyalty to the Lion mark, so expect a really high-spirited, possibly quite stiff match here as a contrast to their hyper-competitive encounters. Like with Ibushi earlier, I can see Naito picking up the upset here, but it's Cenahashi in the main event so I think he wins so he can send the crowd home happy with some air guitar.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
VERY cool photos, Nisa. I'm glad Naito's character has begun to evolve.


I concur, great stuff, Nisa. Although I'm tempted to ask you for pics to see how much you look like AJ. if at all.

Looking at tonight's matches....

Gallows vs. Fale: It's our first inter-faction match, and it's going to suck. Both of these guys are fine when protected in tag matches, but this one is going to be slow, plodding, and boring as fuck. Fale is good when he has a good opponent. Doc is not that opponent.

Tenzan vs. Yano: Yano comedy hardcore bullshit vs. Tenzan no-nonsense headbutt bullshit (pun not intended), who wins? MY BOY hasn't won a match yet so I think he steals one here.

Makabe vs. Shibata: These two had a really good match at Wrestle Kingdom 7 a few years back, the one that really showed me that Shibata was a capable singles star. Makabe is coming off a tough loss to Fale, but I think Shibata takes it here setting up his match with Ibushi next.

Styles vs. Ibushi: These guys had a great match at Invasion Attack, so this one has me really excited. I'm actually picking Ibushi to pick up the upset here and add a little intrigue to the proceedings.

Tanahashi vs. Naito: This is probably one of the most intriguing matches of the entire tournament. Naito was picked by many to be the heir apparent to Tanahashi, and despite defeating him to win the G1 two years ago, has found his career on the downward slump, leading to his new gimmick of not giving a shit. Of course, nothing pisses off Tanadough more than disloyalty to the Lion mark, so expect a really high-spirited, possibly quite stiff match here as a contrast to their hyper-competitive encounters. Like with Ibushi earlier, I can see Naito picking up the upset here, but it's Cenahashi in the main event so I think he wins so he can send the crowd home happy with some air guitar.

Pretty sure that played a big role in the match they had...:p
Best day so far. AJ/Ibushi is my current match of the tournament.

Good to see Tanadough take a loss, but what was the final move supposed to be? Is that Naito's finisher? If so he needs a new one, it looked rubbish. I am starting to warm to Naito finally though. The indifference is beginning to fade.

Gallows and Fale was fine for a big man brawl, better than i thought it would be. Makabe/Shibata was entertaining enough too. Can't comment on the tag matches, i've skipped them all from the start.

Edit: Forgot about Yano's bleeding! I rewound to see if he bladed, the elbow drop didn't seem to make contact but not sure. There wasn't any reason to blade, given the moves used, so seemed like a legitimate botch? I'm not squeemish but the blood gushing out of that wound made me feel a bit sick. Glad Yano won anyway, he's more enjoyable to watch than mullet king Tenzan.
Edit: Forgot about Yano's bleeding! I rewound to see if he bladed, the elbow drop didn't seem to make contact but not sure. There wasn't any reason to blade, given the moves used, so seemed like a legitimate botch? I'm not squeemish but the blood gushing out of that wound made me feel a bit sick. Glad Yano won anyway, he's more enjoyable to watch than mullet king Tenzan.

Seemed to be the headbutt that busted them both open:


Caught up with all of the G1 action... some thoughts.

Night 3 was a marked improvement from Night 2 - better crowd and better presentation. All four tag matches were pretty good, and both Honma and YOSHI-HASHI got pinfalls!

The G1 matches were solid, with Styles/Yano giving me what I wanted. Even Ibushi/Gallows was decent - though Ibushi can raise the bar of matches he is in. I found the Tenzan/Tanahashi match rather dull though. Tenzan - you proved the doubters wrong last year, but its time to let someone else take your spot man.

Day 3 Top Matches
Shibata vs Naito
Styles vs Yano


Night 4

Well the tag matches are starting to wear a bit thin, and I'm left wondering if the format change from last year was a mistake. A couple of the tag matches were decent, and YOSHI-HASHI is on a winning streak, so it ain't all bad. So sick of Taguchi though... go home!

THE G1 matches however, were very good, though not as good at Night 3 I think (with one exception). Elgin again showed that he is a great choice for this tournament, though I was disappointed he didn't get the win. Anderson dominated Goto in some strange new direction where Anderson is unbeatable. Wonder if this will continue throughout the tournament, or whether it will be another Shelton X Benjamin situation. Nagata vs Nakamura was good, but again I would rather see Nagata give a younger wrestler his spot next year. I'm also not sure where they are going with Nak at the moment.

Apparently Nak suffered an arm injury for this match, and will miss Day 5. Hopefully he can recover quickly.

Finally, the Honmamaniac in me wanted him to get the win over Okada, but the realist in me knew that was not likely going to happen. Nonetheless, this was an awesome match, with some moments where it looked like Honma might pull it off.

Day 4 Top Matches
Okada vs Honma
Kojima vs Elgin
Nakamura vs Nagata


Night 5 - AKA the Night it got REAL

Off the top, this is the now the night to beat, as the intensity and match quality were excellent throughout. I missed the tag matches, because of NJPW technical issues, but maybe that is for the best. The G1 matches were great - yes, even the Fale/Gallows match, which was short but sweet. The Yano/Tenzan match was decent but then Tenzan did that headbutt off the top rope and things got bloody, which certainly got my attention, given how much both guys were gushing blood from their foreheads. Thankfully they ended the match quickly, so they could get some medical attention.

Shibata elevated Makabe to one of his best matches in recent memory, but that was just setting the table for two of the best matches of the entire tournament so far.

First - Ibushi vs Styles. I knew this was going to be special, based on their previous encounter, but I think this one sets a new bar for them. Just stellar wrestling that was so fluid and impossible to look away. Jushin Liger was losing his mind at how good this match was.

Second - Naito vs Tanahashi. This match felt like the rebirth of Naito. I have been enjoying the new I-could-care-less asshole Naito, but we were just getting tastes of this new persona until this match. Naito went full heel, disrespecting Tanahashi at every chance, including constantly spitting on him, in a deliberate demonstration of his disdain for "Mr. 1 in 100 Years". Naito even went for a rare (in Japan) post-bell attack on his opponent, as well as the ref and one of the young lions.

Fuck - I think I really like Naito now.

Day 5 Top Matches
Ibushi vs Styles
Naito vs Tanahashi
Shibata vs Makabe


So not worth it
Did Ibushi miss the Pele kick on AJ? That spot looked odd to me, but the camera angle made it hard to tell.
He probably whiffed it a bit, Ibushi's pele kick is always a bit haphazard - AJ's looks much better. Great match nonetheless, probably the most exciting from the tournament so far.


So not worth it
Definitely. Ibushi winning the G1 would be nice, I'm gonna champion him from now on if Nakamura's injury is too severe.
Last show was probably overall the best. My favorite match of the tournament so far is still probably Tanahashi vs Ibushi night one, although Tana vs Naito and Styles vs Ibushi are very close. Tanahashi has been insane this whole tournament though, really glad to see him back in top form. Also, although Elgin isn't doing too well I still think he is giving really solid work in the wring. I wouldn't mind him sticking around for something after the tournament.

I just hope Nakamura's injury isn't too severe I would hate to see him miss the rest of the tournament.
Well, shit. Nakamura's match with Elgin today is off, as he hasn't recovered from his elbow injury - Elgin will therefore get points as Shinsuke's forfeited the match, but New Japan haven't ruled Nakamura out of the entire tournament, so let's hope it's only for one match.
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