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G2A accuses Gearbox of 'defamatory statements' and says it won't change its business


"It all began with a few negative reactions from some YouTubers, and in particular from John 'TotalBiscuit' Bain, to an announcement that ******** is working together with Gearbox Publishing. Our partner, Gearbox Publishing, unfortunately decided to publicly publish a letter with a list of ultimatums, without consulting us about the truth of the allegations made by John Bain," G2A wrote. "This is an excellent example that rash actions, without full knowledge of the facts, can be harmful to both the developer and the marketplace. Especially since all of the requests made of ******** in the ultimatum have in fact long been part of our marketplace."

But the big "no" has to be its response to the call for a free web service or API that will enable certified developers and publishers to search for and flag fraudulent keys in G2A's database. The legality of the keys it sells is "of the utmost importance," it said, because it refunds—at its own cost—game keys that stop working, even long after they're purchased.

The real issue, it claimed, isn't the trade in fraudulent keys, but that games are being sold through the site at all, out of developers' control and at lower prices than they want, "which is why they accuse us using baseless and unproven allegations."

"The problem is that some developers do not want to accept that people resell their games. The developers would like to control the market and all the sales channels within it, imposing higher prices and prohibiting the resale of unused games. ******** does not agree with this—we respect the buyers’ rights, buyers who often unfortunately believe that the rules set forth by developers follow the law," it wrote. "This is why ******** will not give developers with whom we have not signed an agreement unlimited access to and the ability to modify our databases. ******** has to protect every honest seller, and by giving such access to all developers, we would allow for a situation in which a developer could delete every key on our marketplace regardless of its origin. Such an action would be damaging to the industry, to gamers, and illegal."


More through the link.
Lock if old.

I got popcorn at the ready.


Unconfirmed Member
This situation just doesn't stop with the crazy things. Why did this ever start? Now it has started will the crazy just go on forever?
******** ********, ******** me from ******** ******** ******** with ketchup.

Those of you thinking Gearbox is comparably bad to G2A are both hilarious and disheartening.
I don't like Pitchford, I don't like G2A and I don't really like TotalBiscuit either, so I'm happy to sit back and watch and hope this continues to escalate.
This started as a PCF initiative.

So Randy says. Plus, as publishers of the game it was Gearbox's responsibility to oversee deals like this. If something was amiss or their publishing partner was shady as fuck, Gearbox should have been the ones to shut it down and find a better company to partner with regardless of who allegedly started the deal.


Pretty telling that the site url is already auto-blocked here.

Gross that anyone would root for G2A in this case just because Gearbox made a bad game.


Gearbox is hands down the most hated company in gaming, I understand why and disagree personally but it's certainly true.

probably the alien colonial marines tech demo debacle..
it was so blatant to be disgusting, and the whole legal debate (from which,thanks to technicalities, gearbox came out unscathed) only put salt on the wound..especially with the CEO of gearbox pubblicly exulting and calling out the peope who (rightfully) sue him.

also,duke nukem was pretty shitty.


So does this mean you don't need to be a premium member to get protection against purchasing a bad key? Or are they just lying about that?


"Most of the allegations levied against us are based on both a lack of knowledge, and a lack of desire to learn the other side of the story. The best example of this is quoting false and defamatory statements while ignoring the facts."


I hope this isn't the end of it, it's just too amusing.

The Stig

Nope, Konami is as beloved as Blizzard compared to Gearbox

lol no, name one company even close

There are none

I think you'll find Konami has a great deal of ill-will with gamers, as does Capcom.

As for a company that I think suck more than Gearbox? easy, Activision and EA.


When/Why the heck are people turning on TB? Did I miss something?

In regards to this news, I have to say is there really any winner? G2a was not going to change, especially for a small publishing deal with a game that likely won't sell a huge amount.

Gearbox taking this stand , not really a shining example themselves after the whole Aliens: CM fisaco and other things.

Regarding consumers rights, I do see some merit to having digital resale rights once you purchase a game, they just need to have a means to do it reasonably with regards to transferring said right and limits.
G2A are fucking scum and they deserve all the bad publicity they get. Their claims of Gearbox being "uninformed" go against TB providing them with a mountain of evidence of G2A's scummy behaviour.

Gearbox are terrible (and should never have made a deal with G2A in the first place) and TB has his issues, but good on the latter for informing Gearbox comprehensively and good on the former for publicly humiliating G2A like they did.


When/Why the heck are people turning on TB? Did I miss something?
Something something GAMERGATE is about games journalism something

Something somethin "I am a neutral person BUT I will die on the hill named JonTron because he does not deserve all the hate he is receiving from the lamestream media about his pesky little comments about the creation of an ethnostate and the diluting of genepools"

Maybe, idk.
Gross that anyone would root for G2A in this case just because Gearbox made a bad game.

They ripped off the art style that Borderlands uses and gave no acknowledgement of the original authors' work. They used the money that was meant to be used to make Aliens: Colonial Marines and put it towards the Borderlands games. Their CEO is a habitual liar who's so slimy that he promoted the failed Battleborn by talking about porn that he found. And none of their games are remotely good enough to make up for the studio's many shortcomings.

Everyone involved in this sucks.

When/Why the heck are people turning on TB? Did I miss something?

He's a GamerGator who's too much of a coward to admit it.
Gearbox should of just canceled the deal and moved on instead of the whole "G2A needs to change!" thing. Now It's just dumb and awkward.


maybe tomorrow it rains
It's a shame the name is banned, apparently the founder of G2eh won it in a card game with Gabe Newell.
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