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G2A accuses Gearbox of 'defamatory statements' and says it won't change its business


Weren't there two sides to Gamergate, though? The side who were actually concerned about the whole "ethics in game journalism" thing (even if in the end if the reason turned out to be incorrect), and the other side that just used it as an excuse to attack others?
Given how quickly the "ethics in journalism" shit was proven wrong, if you were aligning yourself with gamergate and claiming it was about ethics in journalism, you were either an oblivious idiot or you were just trying to hide the fact that you were in it for shitty reasons.


I love that people are giving TotalBiscuit a pass because he's super anal about custom resolutions and some adjustable graphics sliders in PC games.

Yeah, passively supporting a hate group pales in comparison to being such an entitled clown that he won't play console games.

Fuck TB and anyone that supports him.


Reading some of the responses, I get the feeling I do not have the full picture of TB's activities.
As a note, I don't use twitter, facebook, or any other sort of social media, the only exposure I have to TB is his youtube channel, in which he always outwardly expresses his desire for equality and honesty, and i've never noticed his cohosts cringe about anything gamergatey or anything.
If I am missing a whole bunch of stuff that would give me further insight and may change my views, I apologise for defending someone that doesn't deserve it.


TotalBiscuit, Gearbox and G2A. Literally the Triforce of Shame. G2A will never change as they make profits from scamming people and selling them stolen keys.
"As you can see on the example of Rami Ismail, keys are legitimate, because they come from the developers," Maciej Kuc, head of PR at G2A, tells me via email. "No one else is able to generate game keys."

That's not to say they're excusing the behaviour, however. They just don't see it as their responsibility.

"We are sorry that there are people who are swindling keys and pretend to be YouTubers, but this is totally different situation than someone who buys keys with stolen credit cards," Kuc explains.

"And in this situation most marketplaces would do nothing, but G2A offers G2A Direct - a developer support program from which Rami Ismail can get up to a 10% fee from the sale of his products by any third-party sellers, not to mention a great number of other interesting features."
Rami Ismail's response.

From G2A Direct Buyer FAQ, which one can't link to.
What are the criteria for a game to have a developer fee applied?
We tried to make it as simple as possible:

the developer has to set up an ‘official store’ in the G2A Marketplace;
the developer has to offer their games directly to our customers as a seller; and
the developer must have sufficient stock in their account to meet any demand.

Says this as well.
Hasn’t the developer already sold the code?
Yes. The codes on G2A have already been purchased legitimately by the seller.
Are you strong-arming developers into working with G2A?
Absolutely not. Inviting developers to offer their games to our customers is part of our ‘open-door’ policy.


Reading some of the responses, I get the feeling I do not have the full picture of TB's activities.
As a note, I don't use twitter, facebook, or any other sort of social media, the only exposure I have to TB is his youtube channel, in which he always outwardly expresses his desire for equality and honesty, and i've never noticed his cohosts cringe about anything gamergatey or anything.
If I am missing a whole bunch of stuff that would give me further insight and may change my views, I apologise for defending someone that doesn't deserve it.

The whole gamergate issue with TB was that he still thought it was about ethics in games journalism when it was abundantly clear that it had to turned into a harassment campaign.

Don't get me wrong it was fucking dumb beyond belief that he could ignore the very obvious scum that was sticking to the movement. And as a result he never denounced the movement which many people feel was the equivalent of him endorsing the harassment.

Personally I felt he was just some that was so self blinded to what he felt the issue should have been that he completely and totally ignored everything else that was happening, but not out of malicious intent.

The second reason is that a lot of neogaf members hate him is because he is a big advocate for 60fps gaming. He generally will refuse to play games under 60fps and frequently mentions he would rather sacrifice visual fidelity to get a proper framerate.

He also started a steam curator group called "the framerate police" which warns steam buyers if games are locked to certain framerates and if workarounds exist. A few people took the name literally and were offended over it.

TLDR: Dude is super invested in both framerate and journalism behaviour (frequently criticises it) but to the point he will literally ignore much bigger issues (like the recent Jontron is a racist affair) which can rightly piss people off as he has a lot of influence which at best is going to waste and at worst (unintentionally or not legitimised a hate movement).

Bringing this back on topic, screw G2A and their incredibly shady practices. Gearbox were either incredibly incompetent or arrogant in trying to partner with them.
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