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G2A accuses Gearbox of 'defamatory statements' and says it won't change its business


False, misleading and defamatory statements huh? Sounds like G2A ought to file a lawsuit then.

Oh man, I'd love it if they were stupid enough to do that, cause then they'd have to prove that it's not true. It would be worth a laugh to see them spin their shady behavior in court.

Same as Jim...

If we're talking about Jim Sterling, he doesn't take pleasure in harassing others nor does he harass people. He made it clear many times that he hates harassment (he's a victim of constant harassment himself) and always tells his audience to not do that shit.


Unconfirmed Member
Wasn't a month or two ago there a grey CD key thread on here where everyone was defending cdkeys.com and G2A with an employee even speaking out about both saying the keys were legit or something?

Did I miss something, what happend to prove G2A have stolen illegal keys?


Wasn't a month or two ago there a grey CD key thread on here where everyone was defending cdkeys.com and G2A with an employee even speaking out about both saying the keys were legit or something?

Did I miss something, what happend to prove G2A have stolen illegal keys?

cdkeys.com exploits region pricing. They are much different than G2A. G2A is a marketplace where anyone can just dump tons of keys to make a quick buck, whether or not they're legit.

a harpy

My dislike of him which has been mildly bubbling for a while mainly comes from his 'defense' of JonTron's racism.

I know he came off like a gigantic ass every time he talked about gamergate, but I still haven't ever been able to see him talk about jontron's racism. I keep seeing people talk about it but no one has ever posted what he actually said. Googling it turns up nothing (or I googly weakly.)

She chews popcorn weird. Lol
I don't know if I was uninformed when I was younger in the 90s era of Vidja, but did this type of shit happen back then?

It seems like the video game industry is a lot more fucking shady than it was back then.




G2A is saying they refund fraudulent keys at their own cost? This is the company that sells you insurance for your purchase. Without it I don't think you get a refund at all.


In regards to TB, I think a lot of people confuse advocating freedom of speech, with supporting the contents of that speech.
Everyone has a right to their own opinions, but that does not mean that their opinions are correct.
Supporting freedom of speech applies universally, whether the content of that speech is the truth, or just hate speech drivel.
People seem to (wilfully?) confuse the issue.
This entire saga is BY FAR more entertaining than ANY game that Gearbox has ever released!

As much as I hate to say it, Gearbox could personally slap me and kick my dog, and I would still be there day 1 for Borderlands 3.

Still, they knew what they were getting into. It's like ordering a hot dog then getting mad at the vendor when he gives you a weenie. Kinda silly.


In regards to TB, I think a lot of people confuse advocating freedom of speech, with supporting the contents of that speech.
Everyone has a right to their own opinions, but that does not mean that their opinions are correct.
Supporting freedom of speech applies universally, whether the content of that speech is the truth, or just hate speech drivel.
People seem to (wilfully?) confuse the issue.

Opinions by their very nature are never right nor wrong, they simply are thoughts personal to a person, whether you agree with them or not do not make them right or wrong.

OT: Two terrible companies are fighting and nothing of value is gained from it, besides a tiny bit of entertainment.
Gearbox deserves their bad reputation tbh, from Randy Pitchford's shameless lying and constant bullshitting, to the laughable marketing for Battleborn, to their insistence on charging $60 % for a remaster of a game which has been available for $5 in bargain bins since months after release, to the whole Aliens: Colonial Marines debacle, the stolen artstyle for Borderlands, the 'girlfriend mode' crap, etc. etc. They just do a lot of scummy, underhanded, or just plain stupid shit constantly, and the games they make aren't nearly good enough to justify it. Not that making good games justifies shitty behavior, but some people would be willing to forgive them for that.


I think they have a point. The secondary market for game keys isn't inherently wrong at all, even if some aspects of how G2A run their business are distateful.

I don't really understand why people don't like the existence of a secondary market for game keys, but are fine with eBay, Amazon marketplace etc.


I think they have a point. The secondary market for game keys isn't inherently wrong at all, even if some aspects of how G2A run their business are distateful.

I don't really understand why people don't like the existence of a secondary market for game keys, but are fine with eBay, Amazon marketplace etc.

I don't think people necessarily have an opposition to the existence of a secondary market for unusued keys. I mean, that's a chunk of what the B/S/T thread in GAF is. What people are opposed to is the exploitation of such a market to abuse careless consumers. If you are reselling keys, it helps to know where it comes from and whether it is in danger of being revoked. Amazon and eBay don't encourage and facilitate the sale of stolen or fraudulent goods. They have buyer protection as part of the base service. G2A allows an "open" market for keys knowing that there is an inherent danger, and puts the burden on the consumer to pay them MORE money to gain protection in a market which G2A deliberately chooses not to police. So no, they don't really have a point. It's all deflection.


The demands that TB came up with wasn't even realistic, quite disappointed with him as I thought him smarter than that.
I know he came off like a gigantic ass every time he talked about gamergate, but I still haven't ever been able to see him talk about jontron's racism. I keep seeing people talk about it but no one has ever posted what he actually said. Googling it turns up nothing (or I googly weakly.)

He talked about it in two Soundcloud recordings maybe a week after the JonTron stuff happened. I'll see if I can find the links.


The demands that TB came up with wasn't even realistic, quite disappointed with him as I thought him smarter than that.

He expected them not to and therefore show they have no intention at all to clean up there act. This all also should put off any other major publisher or studio from partnering with G2A in the future, after the shit show the 1st one caused.


"The problem is that some developers do not want to accept that people resell their games. The developers would like to control the market and all the sales channels within it, imposing higher prices and prohibiting the resale of unused games. ******** does not agree with this—we respect the buyers’ rights, buyers who often unfortunately believe that the rules set forth by developers follow the law," it wrote. "This is why ******** will not give developers with whom we have not signed an agreement unlimited access to and the ability to modify our databases. ******** has to protect every honest seller, and by giving such access to all developers, we would allow for a situation in which a developer could delete every key on our marketplace regardless of its origin. Such an action would be damaging to the industry, to gamers, and illegal."

They certainly do have a point here. But how can they ensure that developers with whom they have signed a deal will not employ such tactics?
I'm a bit surprised G2A even bothered to reply to this, but there was no way they were actually going to do anything other than deny it all anyway.

People need to stop treating TB as anything other than a disgusting manchild that delights in harassing others. It's revolting that some people on this forum still think he's anything other than scum.

"harassing others"? I've not seen anything about that before, can you explain?



In general, he was an asshole during Gamergate. 100% with them while refusing to just come out and say it. Dog piling on their harassment targets while giving GG figureheads uncritical interviews and promotion. Attacking any media companies (e.g. his competitors) that stood up against gamergate.
Yup. Fuck this guy.


I'm a bit surprised G2A even bothered to reply to this, but there was no way they were actually going to do anything other than deny it all anyway.

"harassing others"? I've not seen anything about that before, can you explain?

TotalBiscuit was a prominent figure of the Gamergate, a well known harassment and attack campaign against women and minorities in the games industry under the guise of "ethics in game journalism". Even after the evidence grew more and more what the whole thing was really about, he kept his foot on the ground and defended the group, even going as far as to say their most targeted victim, Anita Sarkeesian, is lying about her harassment and death threats because, and I quote, "Anita is still breathing."
I do not understand why people hate Anita Sarkeesian so much. I guess there's an enormous contingent of immature pricks who don't like the truths she says? I mean, it's perfectly possible to enjoy games while acknowledging that they contain plenty of poor depictions of women (as well as race and minorities in general).


I do not understand why people hate Anita Sarkeesian so much. I guess there's an enormous contingent of immature pricks who don't like the truths she says? I mean, it's perfectly possible to enjoy games while acknowledging that they contain plenty of poor depictions of women (as well as race and minorities in general).

It's because they're too attached to their products that any criticism of their toys is seen as an attack of their person, just look at how emotionally invested a lot of gamers when it comes to console wars.

When Anita says that X thing is an overused sexist troupe in Y game, they think that Anita is saying they are sexists because they like Y game and feel personally attacked by her. Then they fall into the Alt-Right's indoctrination of the "SJW".

"It's not you, it's her." they say, "She's a radical feminist who won't stop at nothing to take your favorite games and censoring it completely." Then when something like a very titillating Japanese volleyball game doesn't get localized in the west or a bit of cleavage gets covered up, they feel vindicated in their hate believing it was her and others like her that did this.
In regards to TB, I think a lot of people confuse advocating freedom of speech, with supporting the contents of that speech.
Everyone has a right to their own opinions, but that does not mean that their opinions are correct.
Supporting freedom of speech applies universally, whether the content of that speech is the truth, or just hate speech drivel.

People seem to (wilfully?) confuse the issue.

People don't seem to understand that TotalBiscuit doesn't do the bolded and never has.

Attacking media outlets for doing their jobs by reporting on PewDiePie and JonTron is not advocating free speech. Saying that people should moderate their language when talking about people who are running a harassment campaign to kick women out of the games industry is not advocating free speech. Saying that it's fine to avoid biased interviews and then being snide when someone refuses to be in a round-table discussion with someone who harassed them is not advocating free speech.

Just because he says that he does something doesn't mean you have to be stupid enough to take him at face value.

a harpy

TotalBiscuit was a prominent figure of the Gamergate"

Was he a prominent figure? I've heard him speak about it crudely and long-windedly, but never as a figurehead for it. Actually, until the Jontron thing happened, I'd never even seen people say this stuff about him. I've never been a huge fan of his but I keep seeing him associated with stuff that I can't find via google/reddit/whatever (like his comments on Jontron.) I try to make a habit of not believing stuff without seeing it since the internet can be a big game of telephone sometimes.


So gearbox, a trash company who makes mostly trash, teams up with a known shady website on purpose

I'm sure there was no ulterior motive intitially besides "sweet, sweet G2A money"

And now gearbox is suddenly taking a stand against them? Lolok. At least own how shady the decision was and follow through.

"Wow G2A does some shady shit with money! Here are my demands, I don't life in a glass house"
TotalBiscuit was a prominent figure of the Gamergate, a well known harassment and attack campaign against women and minorities in the games industry under the guise of "ethics in game journalism". Even after the evidence grew more and more what the whole thing was really about, he kept his foot on the ground and defended the group, even going as far as to say their most targeted victim, Anita Sarkeesian, is lying about her harassment and death threats because, and I quote, "Anita is still breathing."

Weren't there two sides to Gamergate, though? The side who were actually concerned about the whole "ethics in game journalism" thing (even if in the end if the reason turned out to be incorrect), and the other side that just used it as an excuse to attack others? From what i've seen TotalBiscuit was part of the first group, not one of the ones that attacked others. I don't really understand how that's automatically a bad unless he was actually outright defending the ones who harassed others rather than just the ethics side of it. With that quote though i was under the impression he meant "credible" in the sense of "they were empty threats", not that she was lying about receiving them. He said some of the ones he'd received before were "credible" because they included his address and stuff like that, but i can see how he worded it very poorly. Maybe I've missed something but that's how what he said came across to me. Obviously it doesn't make that she received them any better either way, it's still a terrible thing that no-one deserves.

Regardless of that, even if he has said some bad things before, that doesn't mean his efforts to do something beneficial to the industry in this G2A/Gearbox situation suddenly don't matter and aren't a good thing. Even if you don't like him, there isn't anything he's said in this circumstance that comes across as a negative thing and it's not like what he's said in the past makes any difference to what he's said about G2A/Gearbox.
Weren't there two sides to Gamergate, though? The side who were actually concerned about the whole "ethics in game journalism" thing (even if in the end if the reason turned out to be incorrect), and the other side that just used it as an excuse to attack others? From what i've seen TotalBiscuit was part of the first group, not one of the ones that attacked others. I don't really understand how that's automatically bad unless he was actually outright defending the ones who harassed others rather than just the ethics side of it.

No, the two sides to GamerGate were the people who wanted to harass others and the people who thought the ends justified the means. It's bad in the same sense that someone who cares about road cleanliness joining the KKK because they adopt highways is bad.

TotalBiscuit downplayed the fact that GamerGate was mostly about harassing women every chance he got while doing as little as possible to address the fact that he latched on to a fledgling hate group. At best, he's a slimeball who can't take any responsibility for his stupidity.

Even if you don't like him, there isn't anything he's said in this circumstance that comes across as a negative thing and it's not like what he's said in the past makes any difference to what he's said about G2A/Gearbox.

On the contrary, it does make a difference. Being an unethical, hypocritical shithead while saying that an unethical, hypocritical company should reform just poisons the well and makes the people who actually care look worse by association.
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