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GAF Photography 2010 - Q1

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Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Forsete said:
Bored (sick actually), going through my old library which I just imported to LightRoom 3, some 10k pics (damn, I hope that transfers over to the retail version), mostly shit but I dont have the heart to delete anything. :D

I dont usually do black and white but I thought I'd give it a shot, not 100% black&white though. :p


I was very happy with it untill I saw some annoying reflections. :( FFFFUUUU
Nice watch.
this shot is awesome, that is a crazy tree.

Working on some pictures. I think the ground is too dark, but if i raise it too much it gets noisy. I had switched lenses and took the damn GND off.
What do you guys think?


Menelaus said:
Only photo I've taken this year so far...was on the way home with my new 135L attached to my 5D.

Maybe crop out the bridge bottom? It seems to dominate the picture. I really like the muted colors though!


Menelaus said:
only reason i left it was because it, along with the shadows at the bottom, create a pseudo-letterbox effect.

Hmm, I guess it does! I didn't pay as much attention to the bottom when I looked, as I was drawn to the top. Nice effect!


Here are some shots from lately.








Sorry if some of these have been posted before.
Shots taken with my Lumix TZ-7 pocket cam. I am shocked at the great work it does. Super small so I always have it with me. Thats the best part.

Full sizes can be seen at my blog.



there is joy in sucking dick
God, can't wait for Spring to come so I can trove the area. But for now, here's some new sheeeeeit...

*Click for Larger

*This is a multiframe stitch photograph (missed a frame on the lower left corner, had to photoshop it in. It looks ugly but I had to make do).

*This is a multiframe stitch photograph

*This is a multiframe stitch photograph

mrnorush said:
sold some of my lens to get sigma dp2 to use as a carry around camera

Really love the natural blues coming out here


Bored, nothing to watch on TV. Decided to play around with my flash.

It didn't come out really how I wanted. Next time I'll do it without the background which absorbed the flash way too much. Too bad the DOF was not sharp all the way to the front.
Taken with a wireless flash set to 1/32 power. The smoke is post processed reused photos I took a while back. Removed some of the annoying reflections and logos.


900 has a serious profile. ;)
Menelaus said:
Only photo I've taken this year so far...was on the way home with my new 135L attached to my 5D.


You wouldn't happen to live in the downtown Dallas/ Highland Park area would you? I know exactly where you took that shot because I drive down that exact highway. :lol :lol


The_Inquisitor said:
You wouldn't happen to live in the downtown Dallas/ Highland Park area would you? I know exactly where you took that shot because I drive down that exact highway. :lol :lol
Nope, I live in north Dallas, but work downtown.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
taken from the old and recently bumped Q4 thread.
mr_nothing said:
This is my biggest problem. :(
Not having an IPS monitor probably contributes to that alot. I can never get my color reproduction the way I want it. Well I can do it on my monitor but then when I look on other monitors then it gets out of wack.
Have you had anything printed? I've basically matched my monitors color wise, ive deduced that my problem is the monitors darkest dark is like a half stop to a full stop brighter than what comes from the printer. Daylight pictures are just fine and color is great, its just trying to get darker images just right where i'm having problems.

Lighting was amazing yesterday evening. All but last two were taken with E30 150mm F2.0 + EC 20 teleconverter.

Sorry for larger pictures Flickr doesnt give a 800px long edge option.



Egret in dusklight

huge gators in golden light

sunset & dusk


as always more at my flickr


I haven't shot anything since New Years, and even then it was film that I still haven't processed.
Had a quick shoot with some friends on the weekend:

^^My mate with his favourite toy


^^My girlfriend's new haircut, she hasn't had a fringe in 15 years :)

was loads of fun, a few more at my flickr (which is basically a monument to my failed 365 project haha):


I'd love for someone to look at the pics I posted a few posts above and critique them. Sometimes it feels like this thread is just pics, no discussion about them, good or bad.

I'm still really amature and I'd be thrilled for people to just rip them apart, praise what I did right and point out what I did wrong, and tips for the future. If it helps, EXIF data and such are on the original pics at Flickr.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Chorazin said:
I'd love for someone to look at the pics I posted a few posts above and critique them. Sometimes it feels like this thread is just pics, no discussion about them, good or bad.
I agree completely. I've mentioned the same previously in past Quarterly threads.
However, there are a ton of pics posted here with a wide variety of styles. And each person has their own tastes of what styles they like. For instance street photography and weird portraits arent my type of thing. Conversely i know the nature/wildlife stuff I do isn't going to be everyone else's thing.

That said I would be happy to critique them. Just give me a few minutes.


Some pictures I took during this past snowstorm that pounded the east coast. Taken with a D90, me still being relatively new to photography.






Chorazin said:
I'd love for someone to look at the pics I posted a few posts above and critique them. Sometimes it feels like this thread is just pics, no discussion about them, good or bad.

I'm still really amature and I'd be thrilled for people to just rip them apart, praise what I did right and point out what I did wrong, and tips for the future. If it helps, EXIF data and such are on the original pics at Flickr.
Start here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_thirds

My first reaction to that set is that nothing stands out at me. Cropping is too tight for the most part, and you don't get a larger sense of scale. Composition needs a lot of work (see the link above). In your second to last shot, I don't even know what I'm looking at.

A successful photographer manages to make the viewer see what the photographer wants him/her to see IMO. In this set, again, I'm not sure what you want me to see.
Love seeing all the different styles, love some of the cross processing looks to some of the shots. Makes me wish I had a good camera. Here are a couple of my random shots. Nothing great.






Menelaus said:
Start here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_thirds

My first reaction to that set is that nothing stands out at me. Cropping is too tight for the most part, and you don't get a larger sense of scale. Composition needs a lot of work (see the link above). In your second to last shot, I don't even know what I'm looking at.

A successful photographer manages to make the viewer see what the photographer wants him/her to see IMO. In this set, again, I'm not sure what you want me to see.

Thanks for the critiques man, I appreciate it. :)

I guess for the second to last one I just wanted the waterfall-made gash in the snow to be seen. I'm not sure how I could have framed it better.

I feel like I need a coach out in the field with me! :lol


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
First i'll say check out these tutorials i cant pimp them enough.

1st picture - seems kind of like a documentation style of picture. like hey there was a lot of snow/ice type of thing.

2nd picture - I like the sky but im not quite sure what your trying to show us, the tree or whats behind it or how tall it is.
I think I would like it better if you had the whole tree in with the sky surrounding it.

3rd picture - seems underexposed. Not as bright as it should be with all the snow.

4th picture - I think you're too close to the drain. I think it would be better if you further away and placed the running water to the left or right of the frame with all the snow around it.

Shooting in snow is tough because often all you have to work with is overcast skies. However if you get "magic light" or "golden hour" (i generally think hour before AND after sunrise and sunset) with snow it can look really good.
SleazyC's pictures are an example of that. You get nice purples and reds and oranges to contrast and bounce off of white snow.


captive said:
First i'll say check out these tutorials i cant pimp them enough.

1st picture - seems kind of like a documentation style of picture. like hey there was a lot of snow/ice type of thing.

2nd picture - I like the sky but im not quite sure what your trying to show us, the tree or whats behind it or how tall it is.
I think I would like it better if you had the whole tree in with the sky surrounding it.

3rd picture - seems underexposed. Not as bright as it should be with all the snow.

4th picture - I think you're too close to the drain. I think it would be better if you further away and placed the running water to the left or right of the frame with all the snow around it.

Shooting in snow is tough because often all you have to work with is overcast skies. However if you get "magic light" or "golden hour" (i generally think hour before AND after sunrise and sunset) with snow it can look really good.
SleazyC's pictures are an example of that. You get nice purples and reds and oranges to contrast and bounce off of white snow.

They man, thanks for all the effort, and I appreciate the help. I'm reading that website you linked now, it seems pretty excellent so far! :)

1. This shows me how off I can me with what I see vs what the viewer will see. I thought the ice dripping off the grill of the truck was the most interesting part, but that's not even was drew your eye. Yikes!

2. Yeah, I agree. At first I thought it was about the tree, and as I was taking shots I realized the sky was more interesting, and I guess I figued they would look good together. Apparently not! There was another tree to the left, which wouldn't have let me frame it with the sky. :(

3. I dunno what the hell my D40 did with this image. It was well lit when I saw it with my eye, but apparently it didn't agree. I jacked up the exposure by +1.0 in Aperture, but I guess that wasn't enough. At least I kept the house in the top line in the Rule of thirds, unconciously.

4. Well, I think this one was pretty unsalvagable all around based on what you and Menelaus said. There were hideous stick trees all around it, so I think I should have just skipped it, or just kept it as a b-roll pic.

5. You didn't mention this one, but yeah, it was just a fun pic. I don't think it looks horrible, but it isn't art either.
So a friend of mine did a photo-shoot of a new young but professional orchestra. He is my partner in crime when talking dig photography, and we had a ton of fun taking these pictures. I think they all came out pretty well and you have fun looking at them as we had fun taking them and posing hahaha



So many fantastic photos in this thread. You guys are really talented.
I haven't been taking a lot of photos myself this year but this thread really inspired me to go out there and take some.

Its just that I hate the winter.. when I get home from school it's already pretty dark and it's always cloudy with cold, gray lighting here during the winter. =/
I guess I could take some night time pictures though.


@xtheEnemy the one with sun rays going through the cloud is amazing!

Went to vancouver over the weekend. The city is rehearsing and prepping for olympics everywhere. (police everywhere too)

I was a little hesitant with the dp2, but after trying it out over the weekend I think i'll keep it.



Sunset on Big Island, Hawaii. Kinda has a Hakunu Matata feeling ;) Unprocessed, and i still had my polarizing filter on with took it down two F-Stops :/


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
quoting last three sets

Phoenix4 said:

Sunset on Big Island, Hawaii. Kinda has a Hakunu Matata feeling ;) Unprocessed, and i still had my polarizing filter on with took it down two F-Stops :/
Neat sunset, I like it.

Human_Shield said:
A few pics I did for a friend:



Whole set is HERE

Spayro said:
So umm.. yeah..
pretty cool macro, though i'd like to see a little closer up of the bugs.

and a lone coot because thats what it feels like sometimes posting on the last post and no one sees your pictures.
The Wispy Scoundrel said:
Seeing as the search function is disabled, I decided to post a short film I shot last week here instead of hunting down the film thread. Thematically it goes hand in hand with my photography work so I hope you guys will give it a chance! :D



"Dino Girl"

Amazing. Captivating and charming. Great use of lens flare with the lighting. The soundtrack honestly makes it feel like a music video.

Here are some panorama's I took recently -



I need some help/advice. I have recently purchased Lr and really enjoy the program, but am having issues with appearant compression artifact when exporting photos. I use windows picture gallery to view photos and there seems to be a severe loss of image quality after the images are exported. This issue occurs whether I shoot RAW or high quality JPEG, or export in TIFF or JPEG. When I trialed Lr for a month last summer I had no problems. Has anyone had similar issues? Any suggestions? Thanks.


Scythian Empire said:
Amazing. Captivating and charming. Great use of lens flare with the lighting. The soundtrack honestly makes it feel like a music video.

Here are some panorama's I took recently -



I always wondered how you get those colors.


szwishenshiba said:
I need some help/advice. I have recently purchased Lr and really enjoy the program, but am having issues with appearant compression artifact when exporting photos. I use windows picture gallery to view photos and there seems to be a severe loss of image quality after the images are exported. This issue occurs whether I shoot RAW or high quality JPEG, or export in TIFF or JPEG. When I trialed Lr for a month last summer I had no problems. Has anyone had similar issues? Any suggestions? Thanks.
Lightroom 2 defaults to "60" on the quality slider for JPEG export. Have you moved that to the far right end, or "100" value?
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