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GAF plays: Final Fantasy 8

On the way to timber!

I was an idiot and i spent all my money so im running around carding everything i can find until i get paid again so i can afford a ticket.
Started today, drew some magic but pretty much plan on getting ENC-None as quick as I can I suppose. Might need to get some STR junctioning going on before I have the SEED mission, or I might not be able to breeze through it and get perfect rank while whipping ATMOS 3 times.

Red Scarlet

RK wanted these posted..he sounds really cheerful! Do your image tags right next time, you schmuck!


Milking these beauties for what it's worth. I really have no problems with drawing. A little bit of effort at the start gives a lot of payoff not much later.


Such as when I toasted Ifrit's ass real fast.


Seifer is such a goddamned tool.


Glad to be rid of the fuck.


Hate this guy so much.

Red Scarlet

Oh, a weird story about that..a friend of mine had some 3rd party memory card, like Mad Catz or something, and US FF8 said it was a pocketstation..it let us go into it and read some stuff in-game said but that was it..couldn't play it/save it. Was weird.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
pancakesandsex said:
Oh man, did anyone else COMPLETELY forget about laguna?

The battle theme is SO ridiculously awesome.
the man with the machine gun!

Chris R

nevermind, m33-2 didn't work, m33-4 does. Now I just hope there is no issue when I get to the end of the disc :lol


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
pancakesandsex said:
The battle theme is SO ridiculously awesome.
It is. And the way Kiros moves in battle is so cool.

Damn, I'm almost stopping playing the games I'm playing right now to join the fun. I'll decide until friday.


ruh roh GAF, im having a problem here with my emulator...

this happens during all the conversations....


everything else is fine except this, ive tried messing around with the settings, but no luck...does anyone know whats wrong here?


Gold Member
Roxas said:
ruh roh GAF, im having a problem here with my emulator...

this happens during all the conversations....


everything else is fine except this, ive tried messing around with the settings, but no luck...does anyone know whats wrong here?

change graphics plugin


Alright guys I never finished VIII back in the day, cause my memory card lost my save and I couldn't make myself replay the first 12 hours. Two questions:

-What's better visually, PS3 with smoothing, or emulation? It's not a huge deal right? I have a nice big TV and comfy chair but I will play at my computer to be a graphics whore... anything to make the game look a little less old.

-So the bosses scale to your level also then? Probably a stupid question but I just want clarification.

To stay where the game will be most fun, what levels should one be around at certain checkpoints (lets say, the end of discs 1, 2, and 3)?

STG! said:
Sweet. Setting battle speed to SLOW really helped.

And to stay on the slow topic...

Yeah, drove me nuts, practically fell asleep the first time, then the times after that I just surfed the web and kept tapping X. :)




The Amiga Brotherhood
I wish I didn't even know about the scaling in this game :(. Whenever I think of the junction system (which I like in some ways and despise in others), I get all sad and think that I can't see how this can be fun now. But then I remember that I didn't know about the system back when I played it for the first time, and I got all the way to the end, without spamming the stupid Draw command throughout the game.

The "how to play the game correctly" guide didn't really make me want to play the game either. It all comes down to this: magic is useless, GF is useless, and you'll have to spam the DRAW command for a few hours at first. Which makes it the slowest starting FF game in history, it sounds really really boring.

I gotta check my official guide, to see what that says about the game. There must be a fun way to use the system.
Welp, hit a roadblock in FFVII.
Demon Gate at the Temple Of Ancients. Motherflucker absolutely curb stomps my party with the 1000+ damage attacks, considering all my characters around level 26-28 I just can't beat him

Guess I'll be starting FFVIII up tonight, gonna play it right this time.

The intro movie is awesome. Here's a video link: YouTube or better yet, Stage6 (much better quality)

Emulators really make this game look great.

Quistis is one of my favourite FF chicks.

Orgasm face!

A little bit of awkward flirting/getting ot know each other. Too bad their romance is DOOMED DOOMED.

The way the game seamlessly turned into a FMV was pretty cool.

Balamb Garden is a cool place, and I love the music.

NeoGAF, Balamb Garden style! "Almasy" is Seifer and "Z.D" is Zell.

In the FF8 world, hot dogs are apparently super popular.

Right here in the beginning, the idea of GF's causing memory loss is already mentioned. It didn't come from out of nowhere, but the idea should have been planted a little more strongly, with some people refusing to use GF's because they were afraid to lose their memories and stuff like that.


Alright, here we go. Go to the Trainign Center in the Garden and draw 100 Sleeps. Don't do it in one fight. First just draw once, then junction the Sleep spells to your Magic stat. That way you will draw progressively more spells everytime you draw, since your magic stat is getting stronger every time. Do not attack the enemies. Run away when you're done, or when you're about to die. Either run back to the dorm room to sleep and restore HP, or use some items. Either way, get 100 Sleeps and junction them to your Magic stat. That's all for now.

AS long as you didn't attack even once, when you run away, you won't get any experience, thus you wont' gain any levels, thus your enemies won't get any stronger.

Go outside and into a forest. There you will face huge caterpillars. Draw a 150 or so Cures, and Junction a 100 of them to Quistis's Spirit stat. Use the rest for healing, and restock every now and then.

Now you just need a bunch of Blizzards to kill Ifrit with (much quicker than casting Shiva nonstop.) So go to the beach, and draw 50 or so Blizzards from the fishes. Then run away.

You're now ready to kill Ifrit!


ok, got my emulator all set up ready..i love these pictures that are in the credits at the beginning...




I think this is the presedential train..






Selphie rocking out!




Raijin & Fujin



Time to start playing now!


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Phoenix 2.0 said:

Quistis is one of my favourite FF chicks.
Mine too. Squall is such a fucktard to her, I can't stand it. :lol

A question Phoenix, how long approximately did you take to draw 100 spells in those situations you explained? I'll most likely follow some tips you guys are putting here, so I'm curious.

Also, the emulation has any problems? Like the music slowing down when loading new areas, etc.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
SantaC said:
jesus drawing 100 doesnt take very long at all. This is all so overblown.
Don't be mean, I didn't imply it would take very long, I just asked how long. :(

I only payed the game once and it's been a long time, I really don't tremember much of the gameplay at all.
Alaluef said:
Mine too. Squall is such a fucktard to her, I can't stand it. :lol

A question Phoenix, how long approximately did you take to draw 100 spells in those situations you explained? I'll most likely follow some tips you guys are putting here, so I'm curious.

Also, the emulation has any problems? Like the music slowing down when loading new areas, etc.
My emulation is completely flawless so far. No music errors or anything.

Hard to say exactly how long the drawing took, since I usually turn off the FPS limiter when I draw, so the game runs 2-5x faster, but I've done a playthrough like this on the PlayStation (PAL at that, so even slower than NTSC) and it didn't bother me too much (unless I fucked up and had to do it over a gain). I would on the PlayStation say it takes a few minutes, like 2 or 3 to fill up your stock of any given spell in the beginning, and it goes faster when you can draw 9 spells every time.

Some times you try to draw higher level spells (Demi from Diablos) comes to mind, and that will take a lot longer since your magic stat is too weak to draw that many per time.

The beauty of the emulators is that you can speed the drudgery up an insane amount by turning off the FPS limiter.


Gold Member
Alaluef said:
Don't be mean, I didn't imply it would take very long, I just asked how long. :(

I only payed the game once and it's been a long time, I really don't tremember much of the gameplay at all.

mean? I was speaking generally. People complain at the drawing a lot. But it's not so bad.


The Amiga Brotherhood
SantaC said:
mean? I was speaking generally. People complain at the drawing a lot. But it's not so bad.

Yeah, well, if you find something boring I think you should be allowed to complain about it. And I remember drawing as boring, and if I have to spend an hour at the beginning to enjoy the game, I call that bad design - it's called exploiting the system, and if I have to exploit the system to enjoy the game, then the game's system is simply broken.

Just speaking hypothetically, it's been a while since I played the game - but I remember the last time I decided to spend some time drawing, and I remember being bored to death.
Thanks to the Ifrit Card I got after beating Ifrit, I could now go ahead and challenge the little kid in the blue shirt running around Balamb Garden. It may take you a couple of tries (make sure you save first, so you don't lose your Ifrit card!) but you can win MiniMog from him! He might take a few tries before he plays it, too.

With MiniMog and Ifrit, go to the cafeteria and challenge the guy to the far right to a game of cards. HE has some higher level cards that you can get with some practice. Eventually he will play the Quistis card. With Ifrit, MiniMog and some other cards you'v picked up, you can beat him, although it will be a challenge. Always save first.

Now with these three cards you should be able to beat pretty much everyone in Balamb Garden. So far, you don't have the abilities to actually DO something with the cards, (you need Card Mod and different RF abilities for that), but the card game is really fun, so run around playing people and grab cards. Some cards to look out for that gives you great magic in the future are (taken from ABrea's Power-Up Guide and Sister's Card FAQ on GameFAQs:

10 Ruby Dragon -> Inferno Fang -> 20 Flares (F Mag-RF, Ifrit)
Abyss Worm -> Windmill -> 20 Tornados (I Mag-RF, Shiva)
Tri-Face -> Curse Spike -> 10 Pains (ST Mag-RF, Diablos)
Armadodo -> Dino Bone -> 20 Quakes (Time Mag-RF, Diablos)
2 T-Rexaur -> Dino Bone -> 20 Quakes (Time Mag-RF, Diablos)
Gayla -> Mystery Fluid -> 10 Meltdowns (ST Mag-RF, Diablos)
10 Chimera -> Regen Ring -> 20 Full-Lifes (L Mag-RF, Siren)
Cockatrice -> Cockatrice Pinion -> 20 Breaks (ST Mag-RF, Diablos)
Belhelmel -> Saw Blade -> 10 Deaths (L Mag-RF, Siren)
Tonberry/King -> Chef's Knife -> 30 Deaths (L Mag-RF, Siren)
Forbidden -> Betrayal Sword -> 20 Confuses (ST Mag-RF, Diablos)
Elastioid -> Steel Pipe -> 20 Berserks (ST Mag-RF, Diablos)
5 Turtapod -> Healing Mail -> 20 Curagas (L Mag-RF, Siren)
5 Torama -> Life Ring -> 20 Lifes (L Mag-RF, Siren)
T-Rex/Armadodo = Dino Bone = Quake
Blood Soul = Zombie Powder = Zombie
Gesper = Black Hole = Demi
Wendigo = Steel Orb = Demi
Blitz = Dynamo Stone = Thundaga
Snow Lion = North Wind = Blizzaga
Mesmerize = Mesmerize Blade = Regen
Abyss Worm = Windmill = Tornado
Tri-Face = Curse Spike = Pain
Funguar/Bite Bug = Magic Piece = Esuna/Cure/Fire, etc.
Buel/Jelleye = Magic Stone = Haste, Slow, Cura, Fira, etc.
Vysage/Imp = Wizard Stone = Curaga, Firaga, etc.

When you have L-Mag-RF, buy stuff and refine:
Tent -> 10 Curagas (L Mag-RF, Siren)
Cottage -> 20 Curagas (L Mag-RF, Siren)

A lot of the items you can get from Card Mod is also usable on Quistis to give her different Limit Breaks.

I'm gonna go crazy on playing Triple Triad now.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I got pretty addicted to Triple Triad when I played 8, but I've never got into the FF9 card game much. I also need to finish 9 one day, maybe when GAF plays. :D

How does this Card Mod works?

SantaC said:
mean? I was speaking generally. People complain at the drawing a lot. But it's not so bad.
Well, you did say "jesus drawing 100 doesnt take very long at all" and that's exactly what I asked about on the post above yours, so it seemed your comment about overblowing was directed at me.

Drawing never bothered me when I played.
Card mod is a menu ability, like the RF skills. Only instead of refining items to magic, you refine cards to items. Quezacotl has the ability, but you have to get "Card" first. Once oyu have it, go in to "Ability" on the menu, and choose Card Mod. There, find the card you want, and just mod it. You will get some item. The go and use the corresponding RF ability on the item, and ipso-presto! Magic spells!


Gold Member
Alaluef said:
Well, you did say "jesus drawing 100 doesnt take very long at all" and that's exactly what I asked about on the post above yours, so it seemed your comment about overblowing was directed at me.

if you think that was "mean" then you haven't seen gaf when they really are.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
SantaC said:
if you think that was "mean" then you haven't seen gaf when they really are.
Chill dude, I said it mostly joking. I even used a ":(" face and all.
Quick note: Sometimes the saves on FF8 on emulator don't work, so make sure you use savestates as well.

Going to Dollet now. Have lots of cards already!


Fired up the game yesterday and started my play through. The cinemas hold up fairly well considering they're 10 years old, but the in-game visuals are very grainy, jaggy and pixelated on my 42" HD screen. Guess I shouldn't complain. :p

Now I'm about to head to Timber, but I'm still doing a little light grinding to up my magic/stats before heading out. I forgot how much I love this game. So much room for customization, even from the very beginning. And Triple Triad is the greatest in-game game... EVER. Thank you GAF!
Forgot to mention this:

If you don't fight battles, how are you going to get AP for your GFs?
Carding! When your enemy las a low % HP, you can use the Card ability on him, which will give you full AP but no Exp!
But Phoenix, how am I going to get enough AP for the Card ability when all I do is run away from battles?
By killing Ifrit, you're halfway there. he gives you 20 of 40 AP needed. The rest of the AP, you can either say "fuck it" and battle normally to get the remaining 20 AP. You won't gain that many levels, so you'll still be powerful compared to the monsters.
Either that, or you keep running from every battle until you get into another boss fight. Bosses always give you AP but no Exp.
But my favourite way is to use Seifer on the Dollet mission to level up your GFs and their abilities (both Exp and AP). Just kill off Squall and Zell when the mission starts, and the nrun around killing enemies with Seifer only. Squall and Zell won't gain any experience, but the GF's will. AP, too. You can stop leveling up after you've got Card, or you can continue on to power up your GFs a bit. No need to go overboard, though,
One of the best places to get that EXP I've found is the beach right outside of Balamb Garden. The fish that attack you there give you 6AP when you kill two of them, but only give out about 110 xp - a far better EXP/AP ration than you'll get anywhere else in the game at that point from what I remember.


Powerslave said:


No problem, I'll take some more tomorrow when I get back home. :)

I'm hoping to finish this game by the end of the week as I want to start Dragon Warrior VII next, although I need to figure out how I'm going to get past that one boss the game crashes at while running on the PSP... Hmm.


STG! said:
No problem, I'll take some more tomorrow when I get back home. :)

I'm hoping to finish this game by the end of the week as I want to start Dragon Warrior VII next, although I need to figure out how I'm going to get past that one boss the game crashes at while running on the PSP... Hmm.

Mejilan said it doesn't crash there with 3.71-M33.
When/How do you get the Card ability? Also if you don't want to use magic when you attack then what do you do? Just spam Attack and GF summons?
pancakesandsex said:
Whats the best way to soften guys up for carding? Gravity spells? Diablos?
That's the safest way, yeah. Quistis's Limit Break Micro Missiles is good too (works the same way as Gravity spells).

But since you can control if Squall critical hits or not (pressing R1 or not), and you can control how much damage he does (by junctioning different magic to his Str) you can play it semi-safe by attacking with Squall. Scan enemies to see their HP if you're getting nervous.

Remember humans can never be carded.

Cronox: Hard to say. I suppose playing the game "normally", not ignoring levelups, no staying in one place for grinding AP, not spending too much time card-playing and refining, etc, etc. That should have a decent challenge throughout the game, I suppose.
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