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GAF Votes FOTY 2011 Thread Fail Of The Year

Rolf NB


PSN outage
Duke Nukem Forever
Weekend Confirmed
Killzone 3 multiplayer
Wii U reveal ... and how it finally exposed the massive cognitive dissonance among Wii supporters.
("SD graphics are fine, we don't need more to have fun" <=> "Wii U will be super awesome because its graphics will be ahead of PS360")

Don't see 3DS price drop as a failure, because it was addressed swiftly and correctly, and for all intents and purposes, the problem is now solved.
One could make a similar argument for the PSN outage, except for the "swiftly" part. At least the 3DS still worked while it was overpriced.


Looking for meaning in GAF
PSN outage.

I want to say DNF but we got what we asked for. We didn't care about the product anymore and just wanted it to see the light of day. We got that, so we can't really complain.
My vote: PS3 Skyrim

PSN hack is a close second but I feel like Sony did deal with that well at the end of the day. Slow to get rolling though.

DA might have been a dissapointment but at least it was playable.

DNF was bad but it was also expectedly so.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I nominate GameStop's "announcement" of the cancellation of The Last Guardian.



- NO Miles Edgeworth 2
- Megaman Debacle
- More boxed updates to their fighting games.
- horrible way of handling theier western games

I am sure I am forgetting others, but Capcom have been horrible this year.


PS3 Skyrim. never heard of such a huge game actually releasing completely broken and unplayable before. Not for every single copy anyway.
PSN outage.

I won't deny I enjoyed getting free games at the end of it, but that doesn't make it any less of a fail. And Sony's handling of the situation, particularly early on, was just gobsmackingly bad.


i barely remember the psn hack,but we got like 10 free games

fail of the year for me : elena's face in uncharted 3 : (


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
PSN, definitely. Really shitty games (DA2) or buggy filled games are bad (Skyrim pS3), but they don't quite compare to getting your credit card data compromised :p


PSN outage easily.

Sure DA2 and DNF were god-awful, and the 3DS was overpriced and undersupported, but that doesn't come close to peoples personal data get compromised.


LA Noire

I'm sure there's worse, but that's the most fail I've experienced all year. Wasn't affected by the PSN hack because I don't play online much: didn't care (expired credit card listed too).


The PSN outage/hacking was the biggest for me.

Not a top 3 of mine, but I remember Activision blaming the PS3 jailbreak for the COD hacking that was going on. Despite evidence of an exploit that allowed people to cheat, it was easier to say it was Sony's fault.
Dragon age 2 isn't a bad game. It might not be to everyone's taste, but it isn't outright broken out of the box like skyrim is.


Oh yes it was! DA2 had a game breaking bug out of the box where if you used Isabella in your party, Hawke's stats would slowly degenerate until, by the third act or so, he was unusable. As in, speed would drop so low, he couldn't even attack. Since Hawke was the main character, that meant the game was pretty much unplayable until they finally got around to patching it, six weeks after launch. And, as a final "fuck you", the patch didn't fix existing game saves, it would just prevent the problem from happening in new playthroughs.

Pretty similar to Skyrim, really. Which makes me very leery of buying any console games from Western PC devs, to be honest. Fuck 'em all. Bethesda, BioWare and just for good measure Obisidian, too.


Within PS3.

Wholesale robbery and a blow to the credibility of the medium. Millions of people pay $60,£40,65&#8364;..whatever for a game that stops working when played the way it is supposed to be played. Could you imagine what would happen if a major movie studio released a movie that was supposed to be the blockbuster of the year only to find out the editing was shit, the acting was terrible and the movie would just stop playing half way through in one third of the theatres? People would flip the fuck out, demand their money back and the press would have a heyday. In crazy videogame real world, Bethesda has said next to nothing, is showered with awards, the gaming press has their thumbs up their asses, and millions of gamers are screwed all in the name of hitting a release date.

I get it. Its all about money. Yeah, but at what expense?


I was going to say the PSN outage, but the reality of it is that yes part was Sony's fault but they also had outside sources working against them.

Game developers do not, and they can test shit all they need to before dumping it on the public.
So Dragon Age 2 it is.
Though if I was having the Skyrim issues that many others do it would be my #1.
But I am not and am still loving the game.


Games not being localized, no Miles Edgeworth 2, Valkyria Chronicles 3, and it wasn't until recently that Xenoblade got announced for a stateside release.
I'll throw out Game Republic closing as a fail of the year.

It may not be as big as the PSN hack or something else but the fact that the company who made Folklore and Majin and the Foresaken Kingdom can go under is depressing. Certainly not surprising, but depressing. Two excellent games. I also bought Brave Story before it was taken off PSN. I plan to try that one out when the Vita comes. Plus I'm still waiting on Dark Mist! Curse you SCEA!

RIP Game Republic. Anyone know if a majority of the team went on to a different studio?


Shit Mountain for the PS3. No auto-attack, crap plot, recycled locations despite everything happening in and around a single 'city', and beam down that mob now Scotty.

Diablo III always-Internet-on requirement. Goodbye, Blizzard, hardly knew ye.
The PS3 version of Skyrim. I platinumed that game as well so I saw all the atrocities it was capable of. I think the absolute nadir was storming the forts during those civil war missions, where frames per second ceased to exist and the game turned into an unplayable slideshow. It's such a fail that I refuse to purchase a Bethesda game ever again - why should they be able to get away with shit like that?
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